How to treat a tooth cyst at home: treatment and removal methods

Date of publication: 09.24.2018

A dental cyst is a sac in the bone tissue filled with pus. At the early stage of its appearance, a person experiences only pain when pressed. Lack of treatment aggravates the situation and after some time the symptoms change:

  • - Constant pain appears;
  • - Swelling around the tooth;
  • — Increased temperature;
  • — Flux;
  • - Active formation of pus.

In this case, you urgently need to consult a doctor.

Online consultation with a doctor

If you are worried about pain, it is constant or periodic, there is swelling around the tooth, pus is released when pressing, gumboil has formed, then it is best to undergo an examination and consultation with a dentist. Because the symptoms described may not just be a sign of a tooth root cyst, but diseases of a deeper nature. If you do not act in time, complications may occur: inflammation of soft and hard tissues, bone destruction, infection of healthy organs, sepsis. Inaction or late seeking help will result in more expensive and lengthy treatment needed. When the doctor tries not only to save the affected tooth and the affected neighboring ones, but also to restore the jaw bone.


A cyst on the root of a tooth manifests itself with various symptoms. The first signs of its formation are a sharp pain that occurs when eating food, namely during chewing, since the pressure on the teeth at this moment increases. Then the painful sensations become aching and constant.

Upon visual examination of the oral cavity, one can note swelling of the gums in the projection of the cyst and its redness. Often the maxillary sinuses are involved in the infectious process, which leads to headaches.

In the later stages of cyst development, a fistula is formed. It can be of different sizes (from a small dot to a hole with a volume of 0.5 cm). When the formation is large, the location of the teeth changes and they begin to fall out.

Home methods for treating cysts

Folk remedies (ointments, decoctions and lotions) will help with this diagnosis only in the early stages. This treatment can be used during pregnancy. Therapeutic measures cannot be the main ones, but they can be used for preventive purposes or when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Traditional medicine recipes are simple. Rinse your mouth with alcohol-containing solutions, vodka tinctures of calendula and aloe. You can buy such products at a pharmacy or make your own. Chamomile, sage, yarrow and calendula disinfect the oral cavity and help eliminate acute pain. A concentrated decoction is prepared from them - two tablespoons of herbs per cup of water. Warm decoctions (not hot) can be prepared with the addition of salt. These remedies will help eliminate swelling.

You should know that home treatment will not get rid of the problem completely. Folk remedies can be a useful addition, in combination with basic methods to improve the condition, reduce symptoms and speed up recovery.

If a cyst causes a fistula, home measures are necessary.

Purpose of using home measures:

  • reduce pain;
  • reduce or eliminate inflammation;
  • get rid of infection;
  • disinfect the oral cavity to prevent the development of an inflammatory process.

Traditional methods of treatment include ointments, compresses and lotions.

The choice of treatment method is determined by the type of formation and its symptoms.

  • Healing herbs

Chamomile, mint, eucalyptus and horsetail are used to prepare decoctions.

Rinsing can be done many times; there are no restrictions on this issue. They act as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent and can reduce discomfort and pain.

  • Sesame

Sesame oil has the ability to draw out inflammation and reduce the number of harmful bacteria. If you keep a small amount of it in your mouth (without swallowing), further development of the infection will stop.

  • Garlic

This plant is famous for its antimicrobial properties, ability to heal wounds and improve gum health by reducing the number of germs.

Rubbing the affected areas, chewing, or even including garlic in the daily menu has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums.

  • Horseradish and alcohol

The rinse composition is prepared from half a glass of chopped horseradish, supplemented with alcohol. Insist for 3 days.

  • Clove oil

Pharmaceutical clove oil is applied to the problem area, soaking gauze swabs. You need to keep this lotion for about half an hour.

  • Salty water

Saline solution relieves inflammation. To rinse, dilute a tablespoon of table salt in a glass of water. You need to rinse frequently.

  • Lemon water

A tablespoon (or more) of lemon juice is added to a glass of boiled water. When rinsing, the product is retained in the mouth.

  • Honey with rust

A hot nail is dipped into honey. A special substance forms around it, resembling rust in appearance. It is applied to the affected area.

When choosing a remedy, you need to remember that they are more suitable as preventive measures. The cyst cannot be completely removed in this way. If a cyst develops, it is important to eliminate any risks and seek help from a professional dentist.

Special offers!

Simple tooth extraction - 3,500 rubles. Complex tooth extraction - 4,500 rubles. Complex treatment of flux (with or without removal) - 6,500 rubles.

Development mechanism

A cyst is a tumor-like disease and is found quite often in dentistry. It appears in the form of a small ball with a dense connective tissue membrane. It occurs as a result of an infection, the development of which leads to the destruction of the dental or bone tissue of the jaw. The infection spreads very quickly and the body, in order to protect itself and prevent further destruction, surrounds the lesion with a capsule, thus protecting healthy tissues from infection. As a result, a cavity with purulent contents is formed.

All of the above processes take a very long time to occur, and therefore the disease does not manifest itself immediately. The main symptoms usually appear when the cyst becomes inflamed or filled with pus. And to get rid of it, a fistula tract is formed. It can appear both on the gum and on the cheek. It is through this passage that the pus comes out.

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If you do not know how to treat a cyst and do not take any measures to eliminate it, this can lead to serious consequences. The most common of them are:

  • Tooth loss.
  • Jaw deformation.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Abscess.
  • Sepsis.
  • Jaw fracture.
  • Decreased quality of hearing or its complete disappearance (the occurrence of this complication is caused by the spread of purulent processes to the hearing aid).

Considering the high risks of developing all these complications, it is necessary to treat this disease as soon as the first signs of its occurrence appear.

Horsetail tincture

This plant is endowed with a lot of beneficial properties, one of the main ones being its anti-inflammatory effect. The herb also helps reduce swelling.

To prepare, you need dry horsetail - a couple of tablespoons and two glasses of water. The horsetail is placed in a container and filled with water. Then put on the fire, where the mixture is brought to a boil and kept on the stove for several minutes. Then the resulting liquid is filtered and cooled.

Thyme infusion

Products even with a minimal content of this plant have an antimicrobial effect.

To prepare a miracle remedy, you will need dried thyme - ⅓ of a glass and a liter of boiled water. The liquid must be put on fire and boiled, and then pour it over the thyme, allowing the plant to brew for 60 minutes. Next, strain and use the decoction warm.


  • How does a dental cyst form?
  • Symptoms
  • Types of cysts
  • Is it possible to cure a cyst?

A cyst is the most common pathology of all possible dental formations. It is a kind of benign tumor that consists of mature cells. Such a nuisance can occur for a number of reasons on healthy and damaged teeth. Cysts must be removed. Often the cyst can be treated or removed while saving the tooth. In some cases, the tooth cannot be saved and must be removed along with the formation.


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Sage decoction

Thanks to its components, the plant kills all microbes. Also, the effect of sage is aimed at strengthening tissues and eliminating inflammation.

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For the decoction you need to take a glass of water and a tablespoon of sage powder. Then fill it with water and heat it in a water bath - this should be done for 20 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and boiling water is poured into it so that you end up with a glass of liquid. The product should be used when it has cooled to body temperature.

Effective oil compresses

Oils are one of the best remedies for eliminating pain and redness. They are used not only for treatment, but also for removing bad breath. The most effective oils are:

  • Sesame.
  • Lemon.
  • Clove.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Almond.

It is very important for treatment purposes to use oils purchased at a pharmacy, and in no case should you use those purchased in cosmetic departments.

To make a compress, you need to choose any of the oils and apply a small amount to a cotton pad. Then apply it to the area of ​​pain for 15 minutes, and after the time has elapsed, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Clove oil also has medicinal properties. It relieves swelling well and significantly reduces the area of ​​inflammation. Tea tree and bergamot oils have similar properties. To make a compress, you need to make a tampon from gauze, which you then moisten with oil and apply to the problem part for half an hour.

A compress of clove and sesame oils is an excellent remedy for cysts. Sesame oil contains many minerals and vitamins. In combination with clove, they act much faster and more reliably. For a compress you will need to take one tablespoon of each of these oils. Then, one by one, starting with sesame, take the substance into your mouth and hold for 10 minutes.

General information

Without exception, all home and folk methods for treating cysts are aimed at getting rid of the cause of this disease.

. Therefore, we are not talking about tooth extraction or loss here. Almost always it is either rinsing with various solutions or decoctions, or various lotions.

The most popular remedies for treating dental cysts are lemon juice, sesame oil, some essential oils, myrrh, chamomile, sage, soda, salt.

and others. Tinctures and solutions are prepared according to different principles, and, in addition, the time is not the same in each case.

To create rinse solutions, the concentration of active ingredients is very important, so you need to strictly follow the recipe.

Another reason to turn to folk remedies is their reasonable cost. After all, a fairly large proportion of people who do not seek specialized dental care simply consider these services and activities to be unreasonably expensive. And in many cases this is true.

We will tell you what the symptoms of a dental cyst are in general in a separate review.

This article talks about the most effective ways to treat flux at home.

Here: - the names of antibiotics taken for toothache are listed.

One more feature of self-treatment at home should be discussed. It almost always stretches out over a fairly long period of time.

. This is due to the lack of direct access to the site of the disease. Here, the effect of drugs is carried out through the penetration of small doses of active substances through the tissues.

Therefore, if the patient expects the fastest possible result (within a few days), he should contact a specialist at the dental clinic. Moreover, the procedure for getting rid of a cyst is quite simple - watch the following video:

Tincture of calendula

The plant has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Calendula contains substances that help tissues recover. In addition, it relieves pain well.

To prepare the tincture you will need water and a tablespoon of dried flowers. The water must be boiled and poured into the inflorescences. Then let it brew for at least 60 minutes. Then the future tincture needs to be filtered and cooled. Rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid until the pain subsides.

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