To the very tonsils. Strange organs of the human body and why they are needed

Why does a man need nipples and an Adam’s apple, and why did Alexander Blok’s tonsils not cut out in childhood doom him to death?

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Why does a man need nipples and an Adam’s apple, and why did Alexander Blok’s tonsils not cut out in childhood doom him to death?

The news, which went unnoticed by most ordinary people, relaxed by the New Year's fun, had an inspiring effect on specialists. Professor of surgery from the University of Limerick (Ireland) Kelvin COFFEY identified a new organ in the human body. Its study, experts believe, will make it possible to prevent diseases of the digestive system or treat them faster.

This unknown thing in our body is called the “mesentery”. It helps attach the elements of the abdominal cavity to the posterior wall of the abdomen. Previously, the mesentery was considered an integral part of the digestive system. Leonardo da Vinci also wrote about the mysterious “detail” as an independent element and turned out to be closer to the truth than many of his followers.

— The anatomical description that was created more than 100 years ago was incorrect. When we look at the mesentery like any other organ, we will be able to more accurately classify abdominal diseases, says Calvin Coffey .

The identification of the mesentery once again confirms the idea that our internal structure is mysterious. Not only do we not know everything that is hidden within us, but we also do not fully imagine the purpose of some well-known organs. We decided to delve into ourselves under the guidance of therapist Dmitry Terekhov .

— It is well known that the appendix, tailbone, wisdom teeth and others were inherited from our distant ancestors. Everyone seems to know them, but why they are needed is unclear. A century ago there were more such rudiments: scientists, unable to clearly explain the function of, for example, the knee menisci, put them on the list of obsolete ones. The number of such “trinkets” in the body reached 140. Today, many experts are inclined to believe that a person does not have a single unnecessary organ. Even those that have lost their main function are not useless.

Appendix: kill the worm

A vermiform appendage in the cecum helped ancient vegetarian people

digest fiber. We no longer need it in this capacity - it only causes trouble, so in the USA and Germany in the middle of the last century they decided to remove the appendix prophylactically for all babies. But after that, the guys began to get sick more often, lag behind in development, and they abandoned this idea. And they did the right thing. After all, a lot of lymphatic tissue, important for immune defense, and a lot of beneficial bacteria were found in the appendix. However, if the appendix is ​​inflamed - and this can occur due to poor nutrition, frequent constipation, etc. - the appendix is ​​removed without hesitation in order to avoid complications. By the way, four out of a thousand people have two appendixes.

Tonsils: hidden danger

The tonsils are a collection of lymphoid tissue on the sides of the throat and are also part of the immune system - they serve as a barrier to germs and viruses. But when they fail to cope with the attack, they themselves become a source of infection. In this case, it is better to part with them. Alexander Blok suffered all his life . Tonsillitis provoked the development of endocarditis, a heart disease that killed the poet at the age of 40. If Blok had had his tonsils removed in time, he would have had a better chance of overcoming his illness.

Experts call tonsillitis one of the reasons for the death of Alexander BLOK

Types of tonsillectomy

Classic surgical method

The tonsils are removed using a scalpel, surgical scissors and a special loop. The procedure is quite painful. The disadvantages of this method also include the possibility of bleeding and a long healing period. In some clinics, postoperative bleeding is stopped using electrocoagulation. An advantage of the technique is the ability to remove the entire tonsil, including the capsule, and send it for histological examination.

Laser removal

Under the influence of laser radiation, liquid is evaporated from the tonsil tissue, and the vessels are coagulated, which avoids bleeding. The carbon dioxide laser is most often used; the technique is also called vaporization. The advantages of surgical treatment of tonsillitis with a laser include minimal operating time, painlessness and a quick recovery period. The disadvantages are the possibility of burning surrounding tissues. In addition, using classical laser vaporization, the size of the tonsils is often reduced (partial resection), since a fairly large tonsil is difficult to completely remove by evaporating the tissue.

Thermal welding

A type of laser tonsillectomy. The tonsil tissue is dissected using an infrared laser. The name of the method contains the word “welding”, since the infrared laser is capable of not only cutting tissue, but also connecting them. The thermal welding method allows you to perform virtually bloodless operations, very accurately remove the selected area without affecting the surrounding tissue.


High-frequency electric current with pre-selected parameters is used to excise the tonsils. The advantage of the method is the low probability of bleeding due to vascular coagulation. The disadvantage is the possibility of thermal damage to surrounding tissues.

Radiofrequency ablation

The method is not used for total removal of tonsils, but is indicated for reducing their volume. The tissue of the tonsils is damaged by radio waves and subsequently scars, thereby reducing the volume of the tonsils. In this way, it is possible to preserve the immune function of the organ. Radio wave treatment is used for pathological growths of the tonsils (with full confidence in the absence of a malignant process), but is not suitable for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis.

Ultrasonic excision

Removal of tonsils is carried out using an ultrasonic scalpel. The advantages of this method of tonsillectomy are minimal damage to surrounding tissues and blood loss.


The method is also called cold plasma scalpel. For tonsillectomy using this method, a device is used that converts electric current into low-temperature plasma. Using coblation, you can remove the tonsils completely or partially; the risk of bleeding during surgery is minimal, since the damaged vessels are immediately coagulated.


For tonsillectomy surgery, a device with rapidly rotating blades is used. The tonsil tissue is cut away and immediately removed using suction. The method is used for partial removal of the tonsils, without excision of the capsule.


This is all that is left of our tail. The ancients needed it to maintain balance and signaling, and when the tail fell off, humans retained a triangular-shaped bone in the lower back. Sometimes after an injury, the tailbone begins to hurt very much, and if treatment does not help, it is removed. It happens that babies are born with a small tail. This is not scary - it is cut off without any negative consequences.

The heroine of the film “Zoology” felt welcome thanks to her unexpectedly grown tail

Nipples in men

It was once assumed that at the beginning of evolution, males were also capable of feeding their young with breast milk. But this hypothesis was not confirmed. Men don't need nipples for anything at all. They appear in the womb, when any fetus has a female set of chromosomes. But as soon as the Y chromosome appears, the fetus becomes male and breast development stops at the nipple.

Dmitry DIBROV's developed pectoral muscles look somewhat rudimentary

Preparation for the operation and its implementation

No complicated preparation is required before a tonsillectomy. If the patient is taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), they are discontinued several days before surgery. However, this should only be done with the permission of a doctor. The evening before the intervention, you can take a mild sedative. The last meal should be 4-6 hours before the procedure.

The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia - the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the root of the tongue are irrigated or injected with an anesthetic solution. For young children, general sedation may be used. The duration of the procedure depends on the type of intervention, on average – from 20-30 minutes to 1 hour.

Why does a man need an Adam's apple?

The Bible calls the lump on a gentleman's neck "Adam's apple." According to legend, it appeared after Adam bit off the fruit offered by Eve. A piece stuck in my throat as a reminder of original sin.

The mass in the neck is a thyroid unpaired cartilage in the larynx. In men it is located at an acute angle and is therefore clearly visible; in women it is “attached” at an obtuse angle and is almost invisible.

The function of the Adam's apple is to protect the windpipe from food entering when swallowing. It also makes the timbre lower and rougher. When a man undergoes a gender transition, his Adam's apple is removed and his voice becomes higher. The more testosterone a gentleman has in his body, the more noticeable his Adam's apple.

Judging by the “apple” on his neck, RONALDO’s testosterone is just off the charts

Prohibited "techniques"

After such interventions, pain and inflammation of the mucous membrane are ensured. And complications may occur, including blood poisoning.

At the initial stage, white-yellow lumps on the tonsils can be eliminated on your own. There are several ways, use them at your discretion.


Folk recipes contain simple, accessible means for preparing medicinal solutions. To wash the tonsils use:

  1. Salt - 1 tsp. salts are dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water.
  2. Soda - 1 tsp. add to 200 ml of water.
  3. Furacilin - 1 tablet is crushed and dissolved in 100 ml of hot boiled water, which is then cooled.
  4. Chlorophyllipt - 1 tsp. alcohol solution (1%) is mixed with 1/2 cup of warm boiled water.
  5. Medicinal herbs - sage, chamomile. The infusion is prepared according to the instructions.

No earlier than an hour after eating, draw the prepared liquid into a sterile syringe without a needle, tilt your head back, bring the syringe to the tonsil and press the plunger. The product should irrigate the surface of the tonsil. After a few seconds, spit out the solution and repeat the procedure again - up to 3 times.


It is recommended to gargle, as well as wash the tonsils, at least 4 times a day. Ideally, this should be done more often - every 2-3 hours.

Read also: How to gargle with a sore throat in an adult.


If you doubt success, it is better to consult a doctor.

White lumps on the tonsils are squeezed out using the tongue or a cotton swab. What is the essence of each method?

The removal procedure can also be done at home. Gather all necessary equipment for treatment:

  • cotton swabs;
  • Toothbrush;
  • mirror;
  • flashlight or smartphone with the appropriate application;
  • running water.

Lighten the lower part of the throat. To do this, you must place a lit lamp directly in front of your open mouth. Do this in front of a mirror so that you can see the lumps in your throat that smell bad.

Soften your tonsils. Release your throat muscles as you withdraw your tongue. Say “aah” while contracting the muscles at the back of your throat.

Prepare a cotton swab. Run tap water and place the cotton in the stream. This will soften it to reduce the risk of it irritating your throat. Do not apply it to the surface, otherwise it may quickly become dirty. You should reduce contact with surfaces that carry germs, and this includes your hands.

Touch the lumps with a cotton swab. You can also put pressure on them to knock them out. Remove them from your mouth by holding them with the end of a cotton swab.

Rinse your mouth with water and repeat the procedure. Once you've finished flushing, move on to the next calculation. You should be careful when gargling if your saliva tends to become sticky, which can happen when you swab with a cotton swab. Drink water to make your saliva sticky and begin to become thinner.

Remove stones carefully. If you can't remove the stone with a cotton swab, it's probably too deep in your tonsil. Do not try at any cost to remove it this way to avoid too much bleeding.

Use the back of the toothbrush to gently move it until it stops. You can then remove it from your mouth with a cotton swab or toothbrush.

Navel Waltz

The navel, or umbilicus, as the formation on the abdomen is scientifically called, is present in all placental mammals. But in animals, the hole completely closes after the baby’s mother gnaws the umbilical cord. But a person’s mark remains throughout his life. True, some people live without a navel - there is such an anomaly. They say that these unique people are the descendants of aliens who abduct earthly women for impregnation.

* You might think that the navel is a completely worthless thing, but in the East it is called almost the most important organ - a channel of communication between a person and the cosmos. Among the Slavs, the navel was considered the center of the body, which divides it into “pure” - the upper and “impure” - lower halves.

* The area in the umbilicus area can easily catch a cold, endangering the internal organs. “Tearing the navel” is also harmful. If it moves after a sudden lifting of weight, a person falling from a height or a strong cry, other organs are displaced, pinched, twisted, and illnesses begin. Belly dancing helps activate the functioning of internal organs.

Based on the condition of the navel, experts make a diagnosis:

* protrusion occurs when the pressure inside the abdomen increases as a result of fluid accumulation and gas formation in the intestines;

* yellowed - a sign that bile has spilled in the stomach or bile peritonitis has developed;

* cyanotic - an indicator of congestion in the abdominal cavity and cirrhosis of the liver;

* inflamed, red, itchy, indicates skin diseases.

Pelagia's navel: something to show

Think about it!

The navel is considered the dirtiest place on the body: germs, bacteria, mold and fungi accumulate in it, as well as clothing threads, dead skin, fat and sweat. Don't forget to wash your navel with soap every day.

Recovery period

In most cases, after the operation the patient remains under observation in the hospital for no more than a day. This period can be extended with tonsillectomy using the classical surgical method.

Pain is normal during the first 24 hours. To relieve pain, you can use analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by a doctor. Adults should not eat on the first day after the intervention; children should not eat for 4-6 hours.

In the first 3-4 days after surgery, physical activity should be minimized. Within 5-6 days, scabs form on the wound surface after removal of the tonsils. They should not be removed by force; the crusts should come off on their own.

For 7-10 days you cannot visit the bathhouse, sauna, or do facial skin steaming procedures. When exposed to high temperatures, blood vessels dilate and bleeding may occur.

During the recovery period, it is important to follow a special diet. In the first week, you need to exclude solid foods, spicy, fried, and sour foods from the menu. Strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol are also prohibited. You should prefer mushy food, pureed soups, pureed dishes. Drinks allowed are water, fruit drinks, compotes, and rosehip decoction.

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