ROCS Active Magnesium Toothpaste Includes high concentrations of magnesium for dental health

When the compound described above interacts with the salts that make up saliva, its mineralization occurs—hardening. At the exit we get tartar.

Why does this happen? All paths converge to one reason - poor oral care. Skipping a daily mandatory procedure, brushing too quickly and inattentively, not having dental floss and mouthwash on hand, overusing products with coloring pigments and smoking - and plaque, and a little later, tartar is ready!

How to know if you have tartar

Look in the mirror, paying attention to the condition of your teeth from the inside. The fact that at first glance the enamel seems clean and quite light is not yet an indicator. Calculus is a cloudy white, yellowish or almost black deposit between the teeth or at the bottom of the gums.

It would be good if these unpleasant formations caused only aesthetic displeasure. Their presence threatens the formation of gum pockets, where the remnants of eaten food will accumulate, exposing the base and, as a result, diseases of soft and hard tissues.

Ways to get rid of plaque and tartar

As has already been said, there are no miraculous ways to end plaque forever. Everything depends only on careful oral hygiene with the right brush and paste.

As for the stone, simple cleaning will not help. Contrary to your ideas and the assurances of brands, not a single toothpaste can cope with a stone that has ALREADY appeared. Here, only professional teeth cleaning from a hygienist will come to the rescue. By the way, dentists recommend undergoing this procedure once every six months.

Previously, cleaning was only mechanical, which is why it was quite unpleasant. Modern dentistry is ready to offer you various options, including an ultrasound procedure with minimal discomfort.

But after brushing, it’s time to choose the right toothpaste for yourself.

Variety of products

For children under 3 years of age

Proper dental care at such a young age is very important, because it reduces the likelihood of caries not only in milk teeth, but also in molars. For the little ones, ROKS offers pastes in the following flavors:

  • Linden;
  • fragrant chamomile;
  • quince.

Any option has a soft base, which allows you not to injure fragile enamel, but at the same time brush your teeth at the proper level! Made almost entirely from natural ingredients (more than 98% of them in the paste), using ultra-modern cold cooking technology, this pasta is simply ideal for children. After all, careful care of the oral cavity should begin with the appearance of the first tooth!


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Helps strengthen teeth;
  • Destroys bacteria, the development of which can lead to caries;
  • It is an excellent prevention of dental diseases from gingivitis, caries, periodontal disease;
  • Protects gums from inflammation;
  • Restores the biobalance of the oral cavity;
  • Absolutely safe if accidentally swallowed;
  • The unique composition does not require special storage conditions.

ROKS toothpaste for babies does not contain dyes , fluorine, fragrances or parabens. That's why it can be chosen for delicate children's teeth.

For children from 3 to 7 years old

At this age, it is necessary to take special care of your teeth and teach children how to brush them. The right choice of toothpaste is also important. Among the ROKS series, specifically for this age, you can choose a scent that will suit your child’s taste:

Pastes with fluoride complex:

  • Berry fantasy (strawberry and raspberry);
  • Citrus rainbow (lemon, orange, vanilla);
  • Bubble Gum (chewing gum)

Pastes with an active remineralizing complex

  • Barberry;
  • Fruit cone (ice cream flavor);
  • Sweet princess (pink delight flavor).

Brushing your teeth can be fun! These toothpastes do not contain fluoride, making them completely safe if accidentally swallowed.


  • You can choose the paste that is more suitable - containing fluoride or without it;
  • Variety of flavors loved by children;
  • The presence of interesting bonuses for each tube - games and coloring books;
  • Absolute safety, natural composition;
  • Ideal for allergy sufferers;
  • Reliable protection against caries;
  • Saturates teeth with minerals;
  • Due to the xylitol content, it improves the tooth’s resistance to acids;
  • Reduces the risk of gum inflammation;
  • Fights oral microbes.

Pastes developed specifically for children will help provide delicate, still fragile teeth with reliable anti-caries and anti-inflammatory protection, and balance the microbial composition of the oral cavity. And their pleasant taste, aimed at the age segment, will teach the child to brush his teeth thoroughly and even enjoy this process.

For teenagers (from 8 to 18 years old)

It is teenagers who are characterized by the greatest prevalence of oral diseases, due to the fact that parents no longer seriously control whether their teeth are brushed at night, and the children themselves are sometimes unaware that failure to comply with the simplest rules of hygiene leads to irreparable consequences.
To avoid caries, periodontal disease and other diseases, you should thoroughly brush your teeth with a good toothpaste. ROKS products contain organic fluorine salts (aminofluorides), which, according to recent research, are the most effective in the fight against dental diseases. The concentration of active fluorine in them is reduced, which is why these pastes are completely safe for teenagers.

There are often cases when, due to diseases of the thyroid gland or endemic fluorosis, additional use of fluoride is contraindicated for a child. In this situation, in the ROKS line, you can choose pastes that do not contain this mineral.

for teenagers :

  • Cola and lemon;
  • Strawberries;
  • Mint.


  • Protecting gums from inflammation;
  • The soft formula prevents any harm to still fragile teeth;
  • Strengthens teeth;
  • Effectively fights caries;
  • Normalizes the balance of oral microflora;
  • Due to the content of minerals, it saturates the teeth, leading to the formation and strengthening of enamel;
  • Fashionable youth packaging design;
  • Flavors designed for users of a certain age motivate them to brush their teeth.

Pastes for teenagers are aimed at children’s teeth that are not yet strong and are an excellent preventative against many oral diseases.

For adults

ROKS pastes are unique because they allow you to simultaneously perform three functions that promote oral hygiene:

  1. Strengthening hard dental tissues;
  2. Removing dental plaque;
  3. Its prevention.

In addition, ROKS for adults allows you to whiten enamel without damaging it, and effectively fights caries and gum inflammation.

Various flavors are available for adults:

  • mint;
  • tangerine;
  • with green tea aroma;
  • grapefruit and mint;
  • lemon and mint;
  • chocolate and mint;
  • mango and banana;
  • raspberries.

In addition, toothpastes are also offered for smokers, for people with weakened tooth enamel, for problem gums, for whitening and shine, and polishing enamel. Among such a wide variety, everyone can choose a product based on their needs.


  • Can be used daily;
  • Low abrasiveness prevents damage to the enamel;
  • Provides cleaning of enamel, gives it shine;
  • Excellent prevention of caries;
  • Guarantees fresh breath;
  • Fights gum diseases: bleeding, inflammation;
  • Strengthens tooth enamel.

And ROX toothpastes, developed for fans of coffee and cigarettes, provide enhanced cleaning of teeth and protect them from staining.

ROKS for sensitive teeth

Owners of sensitive teeth find themselves in a very difficult situation: on the one hand, they want to have a snow-white and healthy smile, but on the other hand, they do not have the opportunity to use regular whitening, so as not to cause serious damage to the enamel.
However, the new product from the ROKS series allows you to reduce the sensitivity of your teeth while simultaneously whitening them. contained in the calcium is the laboratory’s own development; it contributes to the mineral saturation of the enamel. Hydroxyapatite, similar in composition to dental tissue, penetrates microcracks in the enamel, blocking them, which reduces tooth sensitivity. Thus, a protective mineral cover is formed on the surface of the tooth. This paste does not cause damage to enamel and dentin, freshens breath, and helps prevent caries.

Toothpaste against plaque and tartar: what to look for

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of anti-plaque products. In most cases, such toothpaste may contain:

  • pyrophosphates;
  • fluorides;
  • zinc compounds;
  • citric acid salts;
  • triclosan (as an antibacterial component).

Studies show that with the use of anti-tartar agents, the risk of plaque formation is reduced by approximately 50%. However, it is worth remembering that they will not solve existing problems and it is pointless to use such toothpastes to soften existing stone, especially if it is under the gum.

Reasons for education

Dental calculus is also dangerous because it is not immediately detected. Depending on the location of deposition, the stone can be supragingival or subgingival. The first option is more common and is easier to identify during the initial examination at the dentist. The location of the hardened plaque in this case is above the gum, around the crown of the tooth. In the second option, the plaque is located inside the gum and adheres tightly to the tooth. Until it begins to cause discomfort and health problems, it is quite difficult to identify it.

You can suspect a problem based on the following signs:

  • The appearance of persistent bad breath.
  • Increased sensitivity of some teeth.
  • Swelling, pain, discomfort of the gums, especially between the teeth.
  • Changing the shade of tooth enamel, the appearance of stains on it.
  • Bleeding gums.

There are several reasons for the formation of stone on teeth.

Among them:

  • Insufficient oral hygiene.
  • Lack of preventive measures.
  • Incorrectly selected toothbrush (too soft or, conversely, hard).
  • Malocclusions and other orthodontic problems.
  • Smoking.
  • Abuse of sweet foods and sugary carbonated drinks.
  • Too little or no solid food in the diet.
  • Drinking too little water per day.
  • Endocrine disorders and metabolic disorders.

The most pressing cause of stone formation is insufficient dental hygiene. Hygiene is often neglected by children and teenagers, so it is important for parents to remind them of the need for brushing and to visit the dentist regularly.

Some tips for choosing the right paste

  1. Products with several active ingredients work well.
  2. You can give preference to a paste that both removes film and prevents the formation of solid deposits to be on the safe side.
  3. It’s not bad when natural ingredients are included in the product. The substances will promote healing and maintain overall oral health.
  4. The components of an ideal toothpaste may include vitamin complexes, panthenol, alloin, and minerals. For the same reason as in the previous paragraph.

TOP toothpastes for removing plaque and tartar

In the rating of toothpastes that will help get rid of plaque on enamel and prevent the formation of tartar, we have collected products of various compositions, actions and costs. Here you can choose a product for gentle whitening, mineralization, you will find a paste with a completely natural composition and an offer for the little ones. Our goal was to talk about the variety of products and components that will help make teeth not just lighter, but also improve both their health and the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Main advantages of the product

Use with natural ingredients

Due to the high concentration of elements of plant origin, ROKS pastes do not harm teeth and normalize the microflora of the oral cavity.
Many of the natural ingredients are natural antioxidants. Thus, the extract of leaves of the Chinese tea bush or cherry blossom included in some ROKS products gives the paste an antimicrobial effect. Laminaria and clove leaves included in some pastes have healing properties that have a beneficial effect on the gums. And minerals allow you to achieve an additional effect: potassium nitrate and calcium glycerophosphate saturate the enamel, reducing tooth sensitivity. Products with taurine stimulate metabolic processes in the gums .

Xylitol in the composition

Xylitol reduces tooth sensitivity, preventing the occurrence of caries, has an antimicrobial effect, and actively restores microcracks in tooth enamel.

Product safety

ROKS pastes are completely safe for children of all ages and adults. If you accidentally swallow them, you don’t have to worry, there won’t be any consequences. The ROKS product is also safe for people prone to allergies, because they do not contain fragrances or parabens. The low abrasiveness of the pastes means that they do not harm the outer tissues of the tooth and are recommended for those with very sensitive enamel.

High efficiency

Due to the presence of bromelain, ROKS toothpaste perfectly removes plaque, making the surface smooth, smooth, and shiny. Many products have additional effects: they help cope with bleeding gums , reduce the level of enamel sensitivity, and effectively whiten the teeth of even a heavy smoker and coffee lover.

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