Which toothpaste is better? 10 questions for the dentist

“Tooth gels are better than toothpastes”, “You need to brush your teeth five times a day”, “The more paste on your toothbrush, the better your teeth will be cleaned” - such statements that we come across on the Internet and hear from friends often confuse us. sense and force them to follow their lead.

When visiting the dentist, patients often ask questions about toothpaste and brushes. Which toothpaste is better? What brushes should you use? How often should you brush your teeth? It is not surprising, because brushing your teeth is one of the simplest and at the same time most effective ways to care for the oral cavity and prevent various diseases of the teeth and gums. Your dentist can tell you how to brush your teeth properly and which toothpaste to choose in each case. And also dispel common myths and stereotypes about the technique of brushing teeth, about the choice of toothpaste and brush.

What do patients ask most often? And what do dentists say? We present the 10 most popular questions during an appointment with a specialist.

Question No. 1. Is it true that whitening toothpastes are harmful to teeth?

True, if you use cheap, highly abrasive pastes. The abrasive particles they contain scratch tooth enamel like scouring powder scratching a kitchen stove. There are five levels of paste abrasiveness in total. On the packaging it is marked with the index RDA (Radioactive Dentin Abrasion) and indicates the particle size.

When choosing a whitening paste for adults, you should know that its optimal level of abrasiveness is RDA 70-120. Among such pastes, LACALUT White (abrasiveness index - RDA 120), SPLAT whitening Plus, SILCA Arctic White (abrasivity index - RDA 85), PRESIDENT White have proven themselves well. Pastes with a high level of abrasiveness (120-160) should be used to clean pigmented enamel no more than twice a week. Dentists use a range of pastes, for example, PRESIDENT White Plus.”

Question No. 2. Are toothpastes that contain antiseptics safe?

Not if you use such pastes constantly. As a rule, pastes containing antiseptics (triclosan, chlorhexidine, hexitidine) are prescribed for inflammatory gum diseases. You should brush your teeth with such pastes for no more than two weeks in a row. With their frequent use, antiseptics, designed to destroy only harmful bacteria, can smoothly switch to useful ones: a certain balance between microorganisms is disturbed, resulting in painful processes.

Toothpastes containing antiseptics as the main components, for example, Lacalut Aktiv, PresiDENT Active, SPLAT Professional ACTIVE, Elmex Aronal, Blend-a-med Pro-Expert Gum Protection, are considered harmless, but for their correct use, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Features and Benefits

The Lakalut brand provides consumers with a wide selection of oral care products.
Among the effective remedies are a large assortment of toothpastes with therapeutic and preventive properties. Any of the Lakalut brand products has documentary evidence of quality and fully complies with the standards of international standardization of medicinal products. You can view the document on the main website of the corporate enterprise.

The Lakalut series gets its name due to the presence of a special component in the composition. Aluminum salt of lactic acid is considered an anti-inflammatory substance that reduces the reaction of teeth to irritants and eliminates bleeding gums.

They differ from analogues in a number of advantages:

  • the choice of products from this brand is quite extensive , which allows the consumer to choose a product based on individual characteristics;
  • the effect is softened due to the presence of extracts from medicinal herbs in the composition;
  • The line includes products for children , the composition of which complies with safety standards;
  • regular use eliminates the possibility of the formation of carious cavities and other diseases associated with the oral cavity;
  • All oral products and pastes from the Lakalut brand are approved by the Dental Association , have certificates and have been recognized by the Institute of Dentistry under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Question No. 3 What is better: toothpastes or gels?

According to experts, both clean teeth equally well. And besides the taste and structure (gel pastes are more transparent than regular ones due to the absence of calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide in them, which give the paste a white color), there are no significant differences between them. So whether to use toothpaste or gel is a matter of everyone’s taste! Among the most popular among patients are such dental gels as Colgate Total 12 Pro-Clean Gel, Splat Liquium-gel, Weleda paste-gel, LACALUT fluor Gel.”

Question No. 4. Is it true that toothpastes with healthy additives clean your teeth better?

Yes, if we are talking about extracts of medicinal plants such as sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, which have beneficial properties. For example, Forest Balsam paste with the addition of sage or St. John's wort does an excellent job.

However, those pastes that contain additives, such as sea salt (Dentalys paste), can cause an allergic reaction and even increased tooth sensitivity. Such pastes must be used according to the doctor’s recommendations, as a rule, no more than 1-2 times a week.”


There are several varieties of Lakalut Active. Each toothpaste in this series is highly effective and has a long-lasting therapeutic effect.

Lacalut Active Herbal

Lakalut Herbal is distinguished by the greatest naturalness of its components, compared to other products in the product group line. It contains extracts of the following herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • myrrh.

The paste restores the microflora of the oral cavity and restores freshness to breath. Lacalut Aktiv Herbal fights well against periodontal diseases, stomatitis and bleeding gums. Thanks to its natural composition, this toothpaste can be used for a long time and even a little longer than the permissible 60 days.

Lacalut Aktiv "Intensive cleansing"

Lacalut Aktiv “Intensive Cleansing” paste is a strong dental treatment and prophylactic agent. It strengthens gums and copes with periodontal diseases. The components contained in it form a protective film over each tooth, ensuring their immunity to the action of various acids. This variety of Lacalut is indicated during an exacerbation of dangerous chronic dental diseases.

Lacalut Aktiv “Intense cleansing” reduces the sensitivity of enamel and gums to cold and hot. This product is indicated after the use of whitening preparations, since due to the components contained in the composition, it restores the protective dental layer, thereby ensuring easy mineralization.

Lakalut Activ “Intensive Cleansing” contains a large number of whitening granules and an increased amount of fluorides, which suggests its high effectiveness for various dental problems.

Question No. 5. Does fresh breath always mean clean teeth?

Feeling fresh in your mouth is not an indicator of excellent oral hygiene. But the absence of plaque on the teeth is just convincing proof that the teeth are really clean. And if after brushing your teeth become smooth (you can check this by running your tongue over them), then you can say that the toothpaste has coped with the task.

It is especially important for smokers and coffee or strong tea drinkers to combat pigmented plaque, for example, using REMBRANDT Anti-Tobacco and Coffee toothpaste, which effectively breaks down plaque on the surface of the teeth.”

Question No. 6. Is it possible to whiten teeth with toothpaste in a few days?

No. No toothpaste will make your teeth perfectly white. Unscrupulous manufacturers attract the attention of consumers with sophisticated advertising campaigns, and for greater “effect” they add coarse abrasives or peroxides to their products, which not only remove plaque from teeth, but also harm the enamel.

If the desire to have a snow-white smile is very great, you can get closer to your cherished goal! Professional teeth cleaning and whitening in a dental setting will help achieve the desired result.”


All Lakalut pastes have a creamy structure, which allows for gentle cleansing of all areas of the oral cavity.

These products will help get rid of a number of problems associated with teeth and gums due to the active ingredients:

  • Aluminum lactate . The main component. The substance significantly strengthens the gum tissue and makes it denser, eliminates bleeding, and has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel, reducing its sensitivity.
  • Aluminum fluoride . This compound allows you to mineralize weakened tooth enamel and prevent the development of caries.
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate . Antiseptic medicinal product. Successfully breaks down plaque of any consistency and prevents its formation.
  • Allantoin . Colorless crystals that are considered non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Ideally heals damaged tissues in the oral cavity, eliminates inflammation of any complexity.
  • Fluoride compounds . The fluoride-based system allows you to improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the gums and oral cavity, strengthen the enamel of the teeth and provide reliable protection against the harmful effects of various acids.

Pros and cons of the Waterpik WP 450 irrigator and its technical characteristics. Read reviews about Sensodyne toothpaste here.

At this address https://dr-zubov.ru/krasota-i-uxod/sredstva/zubnye-shhetki/plyusy-i-minusy-razlichnyx-modelej-ionnyx.html we will tell you about the principle of operation of an ionic toothbrush.

Question No. 7. Can children use adult toothpaste?

No, because the fluoride contained in the toothpaste is good for teeth, but swallowing it is harmful. And small children, sometimes unknowingly, swallow up to 35% of toothpaste while brushing.

Therefore, special children's toothpaste is produced for children with a low fluoride content (up to 500 ppm), and to make brushing teeth seem more pleasant to the baby, special flavoring additives are added (the taste of berries, chewing gum, etc.).

Parents should remember that children under 6 years of age should brush their teeth under their supervision to prevent the child from swallowing the toothpaste. To get acquainted with children’s toothpaste, you can choose products from brands such as ROCS kids, Splat junior, Colgate, LACALUT or Silca.”

Composition of Lakalut toothpaste

The name Lakalut paste comes from the main active ingredient - aluminum lactate. Aluminum lactate is a lactic acid salt. The substance stops bleeding gums, fights inflammation and is guaranteed to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Why is aluminum lactate dangerous in dentistry?

Aluminum lactate is not as harmless as it seems. This substance:

  • well absorbed into tissue;
  • accumulates in the body;
  • promotes calcium excretion;
  • with prolonged use, it affects brain cells;
  • negatively affects hemoglobin synthesis;
  • penetrates the placenta and affects the fetus.

Lakalut Active toothpaste should not be used for too long, as this can lead to serious health problems. But periodic or course use of the product is quite acceptable. Children's toothpastes that contain aluminum lactate should be used with caution. They are completely contraindicated for children under 8 years of age.

What else does Lacalut Aktive toothpaste contain?

In addition to the aluminum salt of lactic acid described above, Lakalut toothpaste includes:

  • Fluoride compounds, including those with aluminum, which help mineralize tooth enamel, improve the condition of the gum mucosa, and protect teeth from exposure to acids.
  • Bisabolol is a natural substance synthesized in the laboratory from pharmaceutical chamomile and cotton or corn. Bisabolol has the following properties: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating and protecting enamel.
  • Allantoin is a natural compound not produced by human cells. It has wound-healing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and softening properties.
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate is an effective antiseptic.

All components of Lakalut Active toothpaste are effective in the fight against caries and other dental diseases.

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