Sensodyne With fluoride, toothpaste for sensitive teeth 50ml

From this article you will learn:
  • causes of hypersensitivity of human teeth,
  • best toothpaste for sensitive teeth,
  • analysis of paste compositions, rating 2022.

Toothpaste can act not only as a means for cleaning teeth, but also, thanks to the inclusion of a number of active ingredients, help reduce tooth hypersensitivity, relieve inflammation in the gums, and also help strengthen tooth enamel. With increased tooth sensitivity, pain usually occurs in response to thermal and mechanical stimuli - cold, hot, when touching the teeth with a toothbrush, and sometimes even from sweets.

In most cases, this problem can be solved at home, using special toothpastes for sensitive teeth, as well as by applying gels containing one of the fluoride compounds to the necks of teeth. Pastes and gels from different manufacturers, due to their different compositions, differ in their effectiveness, and in this article we will analyze the composition of the most popular products for relieving hypersensitivity of tooth enamel.

Causes of hypersensitivity development –

First of all, this problem is associated with the thinning of the enamel layer in the area of ​​​​the necks of the teeth, or with the exposure of the roots of the teeth and the thinning of the “cement” layer located on their surface.
As a result, a deeper layer of tooth tissue is exposed - dentin, which is located immediately under the enamel and cement. Dentin microscopically consists of dentinal tubes in which fluid circulates. If the dentin is not covered with enamel and cement on top, then thermal and other irritants can sharply increase the speed of fluid flow through the dentinal tubules, which ultimately leads to irritation of the nerve endings in the dental pulp and the occurrence of pain. The trigger for the development of pain (in the presence of dentin exposure) can be the consumption of acidic foods and drinks, the use of whitening toothpastes, etc.

3 Sensodyne With fluoride

One of the toothpastes known for quite a long time. Over the years of its existence, it has repeatedly confirmed its quality and reliability. The paste, like others in the rating, is intended for sensitive teeth. But it is especially recommended in the presence of crowns, as it promotes the remineralization of teeth. The effect of this paste is based on deep penetration into the dentin layers. It affects the channels inside. Thanks to this, the susceptibility of the nerve fibers decreases, and the pain becomes less and eventually disappears completely.

The composition includes potassium nitrate and fluoride. They make teeth stronger and remove inflammation. This paste is used both for treatment and to prevent excess sensitivity. In the second case, you can use it in the morning and use regular paste in the evening. It is also important to use it with soft bristles on the brush. Since medium or high hardness bristles can damage the tooth and cause unnecessary problems. Dentists recommend using this toothpaste only after reaching 12 years of age. It can do more harm to the child than good. In general, user reviews praise the paste - some were advised by a doctor, others found it themselves. In any case, the effect was not long in coming.

How to choose a toothpaste for sensitive teeth -

Toothpastes for relieving tooth sensitivity (hypersthesia) have specific characteristics. Firstly, toothpaste for sensitive teeth usually has a fairly low abrasiveness within the RDA range of 25 to 35 (RDA - abrasiveness index). For example, for ordinary therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes the RDA index is 75, and for whitening pastes it is usually 100-120.

The second important point to pay attention to is the active components. Different manufacturers use ingredients that are different from each other, which have different mechanisms for reducing tooth sensitivity, and as a result, have different effectiveness and different speed of onset of effect. Based on the mechanism of action, the following groups of components can be distinguished...

Active components in toothpastes for sensitive teeth -

  • Potassium nitrate, potassium chloride - these components block the transmission of nerve impulses.
    The transmission of nerve impulses is based on the exchange of potassium ions (located inside nerve cells) with sodium ions located outside the nerve. By increasing the concentration of potassium ions around the nerve endings, we disrupt this exchange, which leads to the absence of pain in the teeth - in response to thermal and mechanical stimuli. The advantage of these components is that the effect of their use develops very quickly. However, the result will last as long as you use them. Thus, potassium nitrate and chloride can quickly relieve pain, but they do not eliminate the very cause of hyperesthesia.
  • Fluorides, strontium chloride, zinc citrate, hydroxyapatite - these components affect precisely the cause of the development of dental hypersensitivity - the accelerated movement of fluid in the dentinal tubules, which leads to irritation of the nerve endings.
    Fluoride compounds (sodium fluoride, aminofluoride, monofluorophosphate), strontium chloride, zinc citrate, hydroxyapatite - all of them clog the dentinal tubules, preventing the movement of fluid in them. In addition, strontium chloride also promotes the deposition of replacement dentin and the compaction of its structure, which also helps reduce hypersensitivity. However, the downside of all these components is that the effect from their use develops more slowly than from the use of potassium nitrate or potassium chloride.
  • Arginine and calcium carbonate combination - a combination of Arginine (an amino acid) and calcium carbonate in toothpaste - is also very effective in treating dental hypersensitivity.
    Arginine facilitates the deposition of a layer of calcium carbonate on the surface of the teeth, which in turn stimulates the deposition of phosphates on the surface of exposed dentin and in the dentinal tubules, contributing to their clogging and reducing the movement of fluid in them. However, although it reduces sensitivity well, it does not solve the problem of demineralization of enamel and dentin. It should be noted here that the layer of calcium carbonate with arginine will be inactive, and calcium from this layer will not penetrate into the hard tissues of the teeth. This distinguishes arginine carbonate pastes from pastes with fluorides, after the use of which an active layer of calcium fluoride (CaF2) is created on the tooth surface. In addition to the fact that CaF2 also clogs the dentinal tubules on the surface of exposed dentin, calcium and fluoride from this layer are able to penetrate into the hard tissues of the teeth, strengthening them.

Conclusions -

Precisely because some components are capable of providing an immediate effect, while others (although their effect develops slowly, they eliminate precisely the cause of pain) - most toothpastes for sensitivity are made with a combined composition. Where potassium nitrate quickly relieves pain, and fluorides, hydroxyapatite, strontium chloride, or a combination of arginine and calcium carbonate clog exposed dentinal tubules.

However, there are also effective monocomponent products for use at home. Such products contain a very high concentration, usually of only one component, for example, potassium nitrate or sodium fluoride. In this way, they resemble professional means for reducing sensitivity that dentists use in their work. Examples of such gels are PRESIDENT Sensitive Plus and Colgate® Duraphat. How they can help you - read below.

6 Mexidol Sensitive

An interesting and effective paste for hyperesthesia. The first thing to remember is that you can use this paste for no more than a month. To determine whether a lift is suitable or not, you need to consult a dentist. It is based on the component Mexidol, which reduces pain more actively than other substances. It also has a long lasting effect. Mexidol increases the resistance of teeth to infections, improves blood circulation and relieves inflammation. The composition also contains xylitol, which stabilizes the acid-base balance of the oral cavity.

The main effect of the paste is to restore weakened or damaged enamel. The second feature is the lowest abrasiveness. There will be minimal damage to your teeth during brushing and little to no wear will be caused to your teeth. The main effect of the drug occurs due to the analgesic effect of components that affect nerve fibers. Therefore, the effect can be noticed almost immediately. The paste can be used not only for cleaning, but also for application to dental tissues with which problems arise. It is worth remembering that the product is not recommended for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women.

Toothbrushes for sensitive teeth –

In cases where the touch of the toothbrush bristles to the necks of the teeth causes pain and discomfort, it is recommended to use special toothbrushes with soft bristles when brushing your teeth. These brushes are marked “Soft”. They also differ from ordinary toothbrushes in that each bristle has a rounded or very thin atraumatic tip.

Price for toothbrushes for sensitive teeth –

  • SENSODYNE Sensitive toothbrush – from 160 rubles,
  • LACALUT Sensitive toothbrush – from 190 rubles.

Important: use this brush only in cases where pain occurs when touching your teeth with a regular toothbrush. They cannot be used on an ongoing basis, because... Brushes with soft bristles remove microbial plaque from teeth much worse than brushes with medium hardness, and therefore, with prolonged use, plaque and tartar may accumulate on the teeth.

BlanX MED Teeth

This product tops the rating. Its creators are a proven, popular Italian company. This remedy can correct the problematic situation. If the lesions are significant, the doctor may prescribe fluoridation of the teeth. After the procedure, he will help you choose the right paste aimed at vulnerable crowns. Features of this product:

  • When used, oxygen atoms are released.
  • They gently clean plaque from units without damaging the enamel.
  • The use of this product is harmless and effective.
  • Optimal combination of lightening and care for sensitive chewing organs.

The product formula consists of natural ingredients. Its basis is Icelandic moss, which has healing properties. The extract is able to affect the surface of crowns and the inner layers of incisors, fangs, molars, prevent the inflammatory process, and successfully fight pathogenic bacteria. Monofluorophosphate and sodium fluoride strengthen dentin well.

Patient reviews

Margarita, 41. My review will be about Sensodyne paste for hypersensitive teeth with fluoride. I got it after the doctor removed tartar from the enamel and an acute reaction to irritants, especially food, appeared. After using the drug, the unpleasant symptoms quickly disappeared. The cost of the gel in the pharmacy is about 188 rubles, but the effect is worth the investment. In addition to reducing sensitivity, the product also freshens breath for a long time and cleanses the oral cavity of plaque.

Victor, 30 years old. When the enamel sensitivity increases, I always use Elmex. The cost of the product does not exceed 250 rubles, and it is spent quite economically. The consistency of the gel resembles something between a paste and a gel. Among the disadvantages, I can note the poor foaming of the gel and its low cleaning ability. However, it helps to cope with the problem of sensitivity in 2-3 days. The paste cannot be used constantly, as the manufacturer writes. The optimal time of use is in courses of 60 days with breaks.

Advantages and disadvantages of drugs

The advantages of enamel strengthening products include several nuances:

  • High level of fluorine-containing components. The substance has an antiseptic effect and prevents the formation of tartar in the cervical part of the teeth. Fluoride also resists caries well and stimulates the salivary glands.
  • Content of strontium, potassium chloride, calcium citrate. The components have the ability to reduce the intensity of hyperesthesia by sealing the dentinal tubules and replenish the lack of essential microelements in the body.
  • Low degree of abrasiveness. This factor is very important when caring for sensitive enamel, since coarse abrasive components can cause additional injury. With regular use of abrasives, gradual tooth destruction occurs.
  • Presence of hydroxyapatite. The substance is responsible for the regeneration of damaged bone tissue and helps strengthen the natural protective forces of the enamel.

This type of product also has a number of disadvantages:

  • High price. Typically, pastes for sensitive enamel are produced by well-known companies that inflate the price for the brand.
  • Manufacturers do not always indicate the level of abrasiveness of the paste on the packaging. A product with a high content of abrasives can negatively affect the condition of teeth.

It is important to ensure that the paste does not contain calcium carbonate or aggressive bleaches. With increased fragility of the enamel, they will cause premature yellowing of the teeth, as well as the fact that they crumble.

SPLAT Professional Biocalcium

Comprehensive cleaning of the entire oral cavity is the key to good health. The procedure is carried out once every 6-12 months. After the session, dentists recommend using products that reduce the vulnerability of the chewing organs.

  1. The main element in this paste is biocalcium. It is isolated from eggshells. This element is a good building base for restoring enamel layers.
  2. Hydroxyapatite helps hard tissues form.
  3. Papain inhibits contamination of crowns.
  4. The saturation of active beneficial components strengthens dentin.
  5. Sodium bicarbonate normalizes microflora in the mouth.

The product carefully takes care of the oral cavity as a whole, healing gums, cleaning incisors, fangs, and molars. The new formula of this paste allows you to return the enamel to a healthy state.

New Pearl Calcium

This paste is universal. The whole family can use it. It is allowed for children from the age of three. The mixture has a preventive and therapeutic effect. If units react slightly to heat and cold, this product will eliminate such unpleasant sensations. The product strengthens the enamel well and reduces the vulnerability of the enamel. The mixture contains a large amount of calcium. It saturates the enamel with useful minerals. The paste contains potassium and fluorine. It is released slowly, so there will be no immediate effect. The substance acts gradually, gently.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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