Rox Kids toothpaste for children 4-7 years old Raspberry and Strawberry 1+1

Tooth decay can develop at any age, even in newborns. To prevent this, parents should clean the child's mouth themselves until he learns to do it on his own. At 1-2 years old he will be able to take care of his teeth himself. From this time they begin to use toothpastes. We will tell you which of them protect against caries.

In this article

  • Why does caries develop in baby teeth?
  • Paste for children with fluoride and calcium: how to choose
  • The best children's toothpaste: which one to buy

The eruption of baby teeth begins at approximately 5-6 months. Already at this age, a child can develop caries. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor your baby’s oral hygiene. First, his parents brush his teeth using a silicone fingertip. You can also use specialized toothpastes that do not contain synthetic and other harmful substances. But this is not necessary, the main thing is to carry out the procedure at least twice a day.

At about 2 years of age, the child can be switched to another composition that does not contain abrasive substances. From the age of 8, children are allowed to use regular toothpastes that adults buy for themselves.

Are there any children's toothpastes against caries? First, we will tell you what a carious lesion is and why it occurs, after which we will answer this question.

Why does caries develop in baby teeth?

Caries is a consequence of the proliferation of cariogenic microbes in the mouth. They enter the oral cavity along with the pacifier, through a mother's kiss or a spoon with food when she tests it for temperature. The child’s immunity is weak, and the tooth enamel of baby teeth is still developing, so they are less resistant to external factors, including cariogenic bacteria.

If you don’t take care of your baby’s oral hygiene, germs will actively multiply. They feed on carbohydrates and release harmful acids that corrode the enamel and wash away minerals from it: fluorine, calcium, magnesium, etc. Areas of demineralization are formed, indicating the first stage of carious lesions.

This process can be prevented through caries prevention, part of which is brushing your teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste. Moreover, special means help stop the progression of the pathology if you start using them at its first stage. Such toothpastes contain various minerals, primarily fluoride and calcium, and are called therapeutic and prophylactic. Many people believe that they are harmful to children. Let's find out if this is really the case.

Pastes for young children (0 - 4 years)

"President Baby" (President Baby) (from 0 to 3 years)

Italian paste, the active ingredients of which are xylitol (polyhydric alcohol) and calcium compound, was developed specifically for young children. The product has a low abrasiveness coefficient (RDA 25) and a raspberry smell, which will appeal to the child and attract his attention, causing him to take his mind off a procedure that may not be entirely pleasant for him.

Since the paste contains calcium glycerophosphate, you don’t have to worry about strengthening your baby’s teeth. The second active component is xylitol: it neutralizes harmful acids and prevents the development of caries.

The paste can be swallowed - it will not cause any harm to the child. In addition, despite imported production, the paste is inexpensive.

"Lacalut Baby" (Lakalut Baby) (0-4 years)

German paste, which contains a fluorine compound called aminofluoride, is one of the most effective fluoride components existing today. This substance strengthens the enamel (many other chemical compounds can do this) and forms a film during the cleaning process, due to the presence of which fluoride continues to penetrate into the dental tissues for a couple of hours after the end of the cleaning procedure.

This is very important, because it is rare for young children to brush their gums and teeth for more than one and a half minutes: in such a short period of time, not all substances have time to be absorbed. The fluoride content is quite low (250 ppm), so fluoride, even if the baby swallows the paste, will not harm him.

This paste is approved by German dentists.

"Elmex Children's" (from 1 year to 6 years)

German paste designed for baby teeth. It is used to prevent caries: the anti-caries effect is ensured by the presence of one of the most effective fluorine compounds. The product is recommended for children suffering from regular caries. If the baby has a single case of carious formation, it is better to pay attention to the previous sample.

"Weleda" (Weleda) with calendula (0-3 years)

This is not a paste, but a gel developed by a German company. The composition contains essential oils and algae extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect: this makes the gel indispensable during the period of active teething. In addition, it contains abrasive components that help remove plaque.

Despite the abundance of advantages, it is necessary to understand that the product does not contain either calcium or fluorine, so its constant use is highly not recommended. It is better to use this gel in combination with another paste containing either amino fluoride or calcium glycerophosphate.

“SPLAT Juicy Set” (SPLAT Juicy Set) (for people of all ages)

The domestically produced paste intensively saturates the enamel with calcium. It can be used, as the manufacturer claims, by people from birth to old age. It is notable for the fact that it contains hydroxyapatite, one of the most digestible calcium compounds, which restores and strengthens enamel.

It contains no parabens (substances used as preservatives in cosmetology) or other harmful substances, so it can be safely swallowed.

The paste contains enzymes that have the property of increasing mucosal immunity. Using the product is equally beneficial for strengthening teeth and preventing the development of gum disease.

The only drawback of the paste is its rather high cost, which, however, is explained by its ideal composition.

"SPLAT Junior" (Junior) (0-4 years)

Foam is a convenient form of familiar toothpaste, easy to use for children. There are two foam options:

  1. foam containing calcis and special enzymes without fluoride;
  2. foam with minimal fluoride content.

The foam is ideal for use when the first teeth appear. In addition, with its help it is convenient to care for the jaw in the first years of a person’s life. The product contains special enzymes that enhance immunity, which is especially important for preventing the development of gum disease.

The presence of licorice and creatine in the composition helps to significantly reduce the inflammation that is inevitable when the first teeth appear. Dentists recommend using foam without fluoride during the first year of a child’s life, and after a year - the second option.

"ROCS - PRO Baby" (ROCS - PRO Baby) (from 0 to 3 years)

Fluorine in this domestic paste is replaced by xylitol and a calcium compound.

Not a bad paste, but clearly overpriced when compared with analogues (more than 200 rubles for a 45 ml tube). For example, Italian pasta, considered the very first in this article, with an almost identical composition, costs several times cheaper than a domestic product produced in the Moscow region. What exactly explains this is unknown.

"ROCS Baby" (ROCS Baby) with chamomile (0-3 years)

A paste with abrasive components that removes soft plaque well. Contains xylitol (an inactive isomer), which neutralizes acids in the mouth and makes a small contribution to protection against caries. The paste contains alginic acid salt and chamomile extract: both components have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect.

The big disadvantage of the product is the absence of at least one ingredient that strengthens the enamel. It also lacks fluoride, which provides much stronger protection against caries than xylitol. The paste can be used during teething, as it protects and soothes the gums well, but the rest of the time it is better to refrain from using it for the reasons stated above.

"Silca Putzi" with banana flavor (from one year to 6 years of age)

German low abrasive paste. There are no dyes in it, so there is no need to worry if your baby swallows it.

The paste also does not contain fluorine and calcium, so it is not advisable to use only this one paste on an ongoing basis: it is better to alternate with the use of another paste that contains amino fluoride or Calcii glycerophosphas.

Despite the fact that the product is imported, it has an affordable price that can compete even with domestically produced goods.

Pastes for teenagers


Italian paste for the care of molar permanent teeth. It has an excellent composition: a high concentration of fluorides (more than 1300 ppm), an average level of abrasiveness. Has a pronounced mint taste. There are no harmful substances in the composition.

But the price is not particularly encouraging: 50 ml of paste costs more than 140 rubles, but everyone decides for themselves what is better: either spend money on a high-quality paste, or then waste time, nerves and money on visiting the dentist.

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