Dental treatment in Ufa
Healing of peri-implant tissues when implanted into a post-extraction socket without additional augmentation
Dental implantation is a complex procedure that requires intervention in the soft tissues of the mouth
Cystectomy, cystotomy and tooth resection - what is it?
According to, the uniqueness of the text as of October 16, 2018 is 99.9%. Key words, tags: X-ray
Doctor's tools
Dental safety regarding AIDS and hepatitis
How to properly lubricate dental handpieces 12/29/2014 15:12 Dental handpieces belong to the group of medical products.
Bone augmentation in dentistry
Bone tissue augmentation in dentistry (osteoplasty)
Implantation today is one of the most popular procedures in dentistry. However, it is far away
Dental implantation for HIV infection
Is implantation possible for immune diseases?
Is it possible to get implants for HIV? When is it possible? When is it not possible? Failures during implantation. What?
uneven front teeth.jpg
Is it possible to correct front teeth of different lengths?
Not the most common, but nevertheless occurring defect in the dentition is when the front
What medications to take after gallbladder removal, recommendations
Bile is produced in the liver, accumulates in a special physiological container (gall bladder, gallbladder) and is supplied
Colored fillings for children
Effective technology for filling baby teeth
Dr. Niklas Bartling (Dr. Niklas Bartling) doctor, private practice, Altstatten (Switzerland) Flowable Bulk-Fill-composites are intended
How many dental implants can be placed at one time?
This material contains answers to the questions that patients most often ask during installation.
Whitening ZOOM 4
Whitening Zoom 4 - an update of the famous technology
From this article you will learn: Teeth whitening technology zoom How to prepare for teeth whitening
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