Pain in the neck and occipital part of the head. Causes and their treatment

There are about 200 known causes of headaches (cephalalgia). This may be an increase or decrease in blood pressure, pathology of cerebral vessels, diseases of the spine, brain vessels, brain tumors, intoxication. At the Yusupov Hospital, neurologists find out the cause of headaches using the latest diagnostic equipment from the world's leading manufacturers.

Headaches in the forehead can bother a patient with sinusitis or frontal sinusitis. In this case, treatment is carried out by otolaryngologists. If the cause of the headache is arterial hypertension, cardiologists provide antihypertensive therapy. In the presence of intoxication, infectious disease specialists treat patients with headaches. A multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of patients suffering from headaches can quickly improve the patient's condition.

Causes of headaches in women

When developing tactics for managing a patient with headache, neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital take into account its cause. Doctors relieve headaches with analgesics and at the same time treat the disease that caused this syndrome. Most often, headaches in women occur for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Acute or chronic stress;
  • Increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Infectious diseases (meningitis, encephalitis, tuberculosis);
  • Inflammation of the neck muscles:
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Volumetric formations of the brain.

Causes of headaches in men

Men are most often bothered by cluster pain. It is localized in the temple area and the eyeball. Pain of varying intensity in men occurs during a respiratory disease, an infectious lesion of the body, after an injury, or during the development of a brain tumor. Headaches localized in the back of the head occur with arterial hypertension, stroke, and traumatic brain injury. Often men experience severe headaches accompanied by nosebleeds. The reasons for the violation may be:

  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Failure of endocrine organs;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Meningitis.
  • Stroke;
  • Tumors of the brain or nasal cavity;
  • Hypertension;
  • Overwork.

Expert opinion


Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kosova

Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, neurologist, reflexologist

90% of the population has experienced headache symptoms at least once in their life. Such data is provided by the World Health Organization. In 20% of cases, the headache is permanent. The ratio in the morbidity structure among men and women is 1:3. Neurologists identify various causes of headaches. The most common etiological factors are migraine and tension headache. Migraine is diagnosed in 20–30% of cases, and tension headaches account for 50–70%.

A headache can be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, if a pathological sign appears frequently, as well as in the presence of other symptoms, you should consult a doctor. At the Yusupov Hospital, neurologists pay close attention to the treatment of various types of headaches. Diagnosis of possible causes is carried out using x-rays, MRI, CT, EEG, angiography and laboratory tests. If necessary, additional studies are prescribed. Individually selected therapy allows you to stop an acute attack and prevent the re-development of the pathological symptom. The drugs used are verified for quality and safety. Treatment regimens comply with international recommendations for headache therapy.

Why does your jaw crunch and what to do?

What to do if your jaw cracks?

Problems of the dental area are not limited to caries or inflammation, malocclusion or deviations,

associated with short bridles.
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) is another type of disorder. This paired organ carries out its activity more often than others, participating in all mobile processes, yawning, chewing, and sound reproduction. It is not surprising that with such activity of the joint, certain manifestations of imbalance in its work are not something exceptional; in one form or another they occur in many people. Problems with the functioning of the lower jaw complicate not only the chewing process. The condition of this area is very important for a person’s overall well-being. Difficulties with nutrition lead to disruption of the functioning of other organs and systems of the body, and contribute to psychological stress. If you notice at least one of the questionable signs, contact a specialist dentist-gnathologist. Solving a medical problem at an early stage always ensures a more successful result and a speedy recovery.

During the consultation, the specialist will conduct an examination, functional tests, and prescribe further diagnostic tests. The results obtained will become the basis for drawing up an individual treatment plan.

Clinical symptoms indicating a dysfunction of the TMJ.

The very first sign that people pay attention to when there are problems with the functioning of the temporomandibular joint is noise. Patients describe it as a crunching, grinding, clicking sound in the jaw when opening the mouth. The resulting popping sound represents the displacement and return to normal position of the disc located between the fossa of the temporal bone and the head of the mandible.

Many people get used to this sound, consider it a variant of the norm, and stop

pay attention.
However, such indifference to the problem lasts until pain joins the clicking, or other pathological signs are detected. We are talking about the development of such symptoms:

  • Pain in the ear when opening the mouth;
  • Shift of the jaw to the side relative to the median position.
  • Pinching of the jaw when opening the mouth, its jamming.
  • The appearance of pain in the jaw after increased exercise, the end of a long meal or a long speech.
  • Signs of emerging changes in bite (underbite) as a result of pathological abrasion.
  • Teeth grinding, both during the day and at night (bruxism).
  • Headache, dizziness, pain and pressure in the ears.

The main causes of symptoms in the form of clicking in the joint.

Clicking in the mandibular joint is just one of the symptoms of damage to the temporomandibular joint. The specialist’s task is to clarify other nuances of the manifestation of pathological signs, identify the cause of their development, and then develop treatment tactics. If your jaw is crunching, you already know which doctor you should see. It is the dentist-gnathologist who will be able to provide effective assistance in this matter, clearly determine the nature of the existing symptoms, conduct a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The main reasons for the development of pathological signs associated with joint damage:

  • Dislocation of the TMJ, other types of traumatic lesions, bruises, cracks,

    fractures of the jaw bones.

  • Bruxism, excessive tension or spasm caused by increased nervousness and stress.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Periodontitis and tooth mobility.
  • Pathological abrasion
  • Poor quality work by the dentist, incorrect placement of the filling.
  • Incorrect prosthetics with bridges and crowns.
  • Absence of teeth for a long time, which leads to load shifting.
  • Using incorrectly made dentures.
  • Bad habits like chewing only on one side.

If your jaw crunches when chewing and you don’t know which doctor to see, use. Our specialists, relying on a whole range of modern research, will be able not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to prescribe effective treatment. Depending on the nature of the lesion and the severity of symptoms, treatment for clicking in the jaw when opening the mouth can be either conservative or surgical.

Conservative treatment.

Treatment prescribed by a gnathologist is usually comprehensive and is aimed at different parts of the pathological process. It will be especially effective in cases where it is possible to identify the causes of operational failures.

  • If joint damage is the result of poorly installed

    orthopedic design, then to improve the situation it is necessary to undergo repeated prosthetics.

  • The same should be done in the case of an incorrectly installed seal, up to and including re-sealing.
  • To improve the closure of the dentition, it is possible to grind off the hard tissues of the teeth that prevent this.
  • If the imbalance in the joint is due to orthodontic problems, orthodontic treatment will be required.
  • If there is a change in the height of the bite (decrease) due to pathological abrasion and bruxism, various types of splints (splints) are used.

If conservative methods are ineffective, in difficult situations they resort to surgical intervention.


In complex cases of bone ankylosis, only surgical intervention is indicated, which consists of restoring the functions of the joint by eliminating bone deformities.

The surgeon performs an osteotomy of the mandibular ramus and subsequent arthroplasty of the temporomandibular joint. The resulting defect is replaced with a bone autograft.

After completion of such an operation, to maintain surgical correction for an extended period of time, from several months to several years, exercises aimed at ensuring correct movements of the lower jaw will be required. The scale of the actions taken is evidenced by the fact that in the future patients are forced to resort to mentoplasty - surgery to eliminate defects in the chin and face shape.

The services of a surgeon may also be required if the head of the mandible is dislocated. The essence of the procedure is that the specialist returns it to the joint capsule and applies a fixing bandage to the lower jaw for several days. A gentle diet will also help to create rest for the organ and speedy rehabilitation. To limit yourself to such treatment tactics, the patient should see a doctor as quickly as possible after the injury. Old dislocations will be more difficult to correct. In these cases, surgery to reconstruct the joint may be required.

Cost of treatment at a gnathologist dentist.

The cost of services for a gnathologist dentist in Moscow varies widely, including

is largely determined by the financial policy of the center. However, high prices do not always reflect the professional level of the doctor or the diagnostic capabilities of the clinic, and the choice of treatment tactics and the success of all dental care often depend on the quality and reliability of the research performed.

To exclude unsatisfactory results of the prescribed procedures, contact the Dentist clinic. In this case, you can reliably count on the highly qualified services of a gnathologist dentist who has extensive experience in this area. In our center it will be possible to carry out a complete diagnosis of the temporomandibular joint using modern techniques, as well as go through all stages of treatment.

Additional motivation will be a lot of positive reviews about the activities of the clinic’s specialists and a free consultation.


Neurologists distinguish the following types of headaches:

  • Migraine – caused by a disruption of the vascular system;
  • Tension headache - mainly occurs due to excessive tension in the neck, eye muscles, as well as the muscles of the shoulder girdle and scalp aponeurosis, as well as due to chronic stress, depression;
  • Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, cluster headache - can be primary or secondary.
  • Headache not associated with damage to brain structures;
  • Ambus headache that occurs when taking medications uncontrolled.

There are also headaches after traumatic brain injury, with diseases of the vascular system, and those that occur with intracranial disorders of extravascular origin.
Tensor headaches often occur in women after stress or nervous shock. It goes away in the presence of positive emotions, after drinking soothing herbal teas.

Neurologists do not recommend taking headache pills on your own. Each drug is designed to relieve a specific type of pain and has a number of contraindications. The doctor takes all this into account when prescribing a medicine to a patient.

Make an appointment


Migraine is the most common type of headache.
It most often occurs in women from the onset of puberty (from 11-13 years) to 35 years. Migraine can be simple or with an aura. It can occur in the temple, crown, back of the head, and forehead. The cause of the disease is a hereditary disorder of vasomotor regulation of arteries located outside and inside the cranium. With migraines, headaches occur in the form of attacks. They bother you at varying frequencies - from once a week to once a year. The attack lasts from several hours to 3 days. Usually the pain is throbbing and covers half of the head. It often occurs after physical activity, stress, lack of sleep or too much sleep, or eating certain foods. A migraine attack is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, intolerance to bright light, noise, and strong odors. Sometimes the headache is very severe and lasts for several days - this condition is called status migraine. According to statistics, migraine occurs in 2% of people.

Neurologists believe that a migraine attack develops under the influence of the following provoking factors:

  • Chronic stress;
  • Overwork;
  • Intense mental work;
  • Hormonal disorders.

Often the cause of migraine is a family history.

Migraine knocked on my head...

We all know headaches. The most common type of headache is a migraine. It often appears along with toothache. More recently, scientists have proven that sometimes it is teeth, even healthy ones, that can cause severe migraines.

A headache in itself is not a disease, but it is a symptom that not everything is okay with your physical and sometimes mental state. However, in many cases, despite a thorough examination, no cause for acute headache can be found. Experts say that prolonged attacks of headaches or migraines are a sign that you need to go to the dentist, even if the teeth themselves do not bother you.

Of course, most often the cause of severe headaches, which the vast majority of people suffer from, are injuries to the temporal part of the head. But, in addition, migraine attacks can be associated with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, in particular caries. This is due to some deformation of the teeth, causing the upper jaw to be too close to the lower jaw.

The fact is that headaches often occur due to malocclusion. And a huge number of people with crooked teeth are not even aware of their problem. When teeth are positioned incorrectly, pressure is placed on the muscles, nerves and blood vessels located nearby, causing migraine attacks.

As a result of the incorrect position, the temporomandibular joint, the movable connection of the lower jaw with the base of the skull, suffers. At the same time, researchers were able to identify a trend in which people who suffer from temporomandibular joint arthritis are also more likely to have dental problems. Their surfaces are almost constantly in contact, as a result of which severe tension arises in the chewing and facial muscles, accompanied by pain when eating food.

Typically, people experiencing these symptoms are referred to an otolaryngologist or neurologist, but they may also benefit from seeing a physical therapist and dentist. In turn, regular monitoring of the condition of teeth and timely treatment of caries can be one of the most reliable methods of preventing disorders of the temporomandibular joint, as well as most cases of practically untreatable migraine.

Be wary if your head hurts in the morning, if you experience pain behind the eyeballs, in the sinuses, in the neck and shoulders. It is necessary to visit a dentist as soon as possible. Consider having your teeth and gums examined at least twice a year.

Tension headache

This type of headache occurs as a result of prolonged tension in the muscles of the head and neck.
Tension headaches can be chronic and bother you constantly, only sometimes stopping for 2-3 days. There are no other violations. There is no nausea or vomiting, bright lights and loud noise do not cause suffering. Almost all sick people lead a normal life and have normal performance. Tension headaches often affect people with increased anxiety and a tendency to become depressed. Pain often occurs against the background of severe stress. There is a feeling of pressure on the top of the head or compression of the entire head. Many people suffering from this disorder take a lot of painkillers on a regular basis. Over time, this “treatment” can itself lead to headaches. Tension headaches are treated with antidepressants - only a doctor can prescribe them. Head massage and acupuncture help improve the condition.

Development of the disease

A provoking factor appears that causes a single muscle tension. Constant hypertonicity gradually develops into spasm. Pain weakens the muscle over time as the person tends to use the muscle less. The result is a decrease in muscle tone

. Against this background, compensatory tension of the muscle located on the opposite side of the jaw develops.

With muscle pain syndrome, the patient experiences constant pain in the area of ​​the masticatory muscles, which intensifies with movement of the lower jaw. When closing and opening the jaws, a clicking sound is heard in the TMJ. Visually, zigzag deviations of the jaw to the side or forward are observed. Bruxism develops

. Sometimes pain syndrome manifests itself in the upper jaw, sinuses, superciliary arches, and ringing or noise in the ears develops.

In the eye and forehead area

Headaches in the forehead area are caused by various factors.
Cluster or beam pain occurs in the eye area. She may return after a while. Sometimes attacks continue for several hours. A headache that radiates to the eyeball can be a sign of migraine, eye diseases, brain tumors, and neurological diseases of the brain. It often occurs after severe or prolonged stress. The cause of the headache may be inflammation of the maxillary or frontal sinuses. It often radiates into the eyeballs. Sinus headache disappears after the underlying disease is cured. Pain in the forehead is a common symptom of meningitis, malaria, typhoid, and pneumonia.

Jaw pain

General information

The jaws form the basis for the teeth and are the site of their attachment in the oral cavity. The upper jaw is a paired bone, which consists of a body and four processes: frontal, zygomatic, palatine and alveolar, the lower free edge of which is an alveolar arch bearing the dental alveoli. The maxillary (maxillary) sinus is located in the body of the bone. The upper jaw is involved in the formation of the eye sockets, nasal cavity and hard palate.

Pain in the jaw due to illness

The causes of jaw pain can be very different. Most often these are jaw fractures or other, rarer causes. As a result of a strong blow to the face or an accident, a fracture of the upper or lower jaw can occur. A severe head injury can result in a fracture of the upper and lower jaws at the same time.

A jaw fracture is a violation of the integrity of the jaw bone under the influence of mechanical force. Fractures can be:

  • direct and reflected;
  • single and multiple;
  • with and without displacement of bone fragments;
  • open and closed.

All types of jaw fractures are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • jaw pain;
  • hemorrhage,;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the face;
  • chewing dysfunction.

Osteomyelitis of the jaws is an infectious inflammatory process that affects all elements of the jaw bone. There are osteomyelitis:

  • hematogenous;
  • traumatic;
  • odontogenic (most common).

The cause of odontogenic osteomyelitis is the microflora of the root canals of teeth and periodontal pockets (streptococci, staphylococcus, anaerobes). In acute osteomyelitis, spontaneous throbbing pain in the jaw , headache, chills, and temperature up to 40 ° C are observed. Puffy asymmetrical face. The transitional fold is hyperemic and smoothed. Lymph nodes are enlarged and painful. Osteomyelitis is often complicated by an abscess and phlegmon. General condition of varying severity.

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint causes pain not only in the joint area, but also in the forehead, temple, and lower jaw. It is accompanied by clicking or limited movement in the joint. Examination reveals local pain, crepitus when opening the mouth, incorrect position of the articular surfaces and limitation of movements of the lower jaw.


Cranial neuralgia is the result of sharp and very strong impulses from the affected cranial nerves. Most often you have to deal with trigeminal neuralgia. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Unilateral, sudden attacks of acute, jerking, burning, cutting pain in the area of ​​innervation of one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve.
  • The pain rarely occurs at night and is never felt behind the ear or in the lower jaw.

Neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerve is characterized by paroxysmal unilateral or bilateral pain in the larynx (usually at the level of the upper part of the thyroid cartilage or hyoid bone) and the angle of the mandible, radiating to the eye, ear, chest and shoulder girdle and accompanied by:

  • hiccups;
  • hypersalivation;
  • cough.

Pain is provoked by swallowing, yawning, coughing, blowing the nose, and head movements . Carbamazepine (Finlepsin) and local anesthesia in the area of ​​the hyothyroid membrane are effective. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve is rare. It manifests itself as paroxysmal pain that spreads to the pharynx, ear, corner of the jaw, and sometimes radiates to the eyeball. Painful attacks occur suddenly when moving the tongue or pharynx, during conversation or eating, and last up to 3 minutes. During an attack it is often noted:

  • dry mouth;
  • dry cough;
  • increased salivation;
  • The characteristic posture of patients is with the head tilted towards the pain;
  • pain when palpating a point behind the angle of the lower jaw.

Neuralgia of the ear node is manifested by burning paroxysmal pain (attack duration up to 1 hour) in the temporal region in front of the external auditory canal, often radiating to the lower jaw, chin, and sometimes teeth. A painful attack is accompanied by hypersalivation and clicking sounds in the ear on the side of the pathological process. Pain can be provoked by eating hot or cold food, or hypothermia of the face. Pain is common when pressing on the point between the external auditory canal .

When the facial artery is damaged, the pain is burning in nature and begins in the area of ​​the lower (from the chin to the angle of the lower jaw) or upper (in the area of ​​the upper lip, wings of the nose or nasolabial fold) jaw. A typical symptom is the presence of pain at the site of the bend of the facial artery through the base of the lower jaws.

Carotidynia is characterized by attacks of pain that last several hours and are localized in the upper neck, face, ear, lower jaw, and teeth. This pain can be provoked by palpation of the common carotid artery near the bifurcation. In most cases, carotidynia is a variant of migraine. Sometimes similar symptoms occur with temporal arteritis, dissection of the carotid artery, or its displacement by a tumor. Odontogenic pain in the upper and lower jaw often occurs due to:

  • irritation of nerves during caries;
  • diseases of the dental pulp;
  • periodontal abscesses.

It intensifies at night, has a pulsating character and is often accompanied by local pain in the area of ​​the tooth root. Sometimes chronic facial pain is caused by limited osteomyelitis of the jaw with the formation of microabscesses. After tooth extraction or dental surgery, trigeminal neuropathy may occur, manifested by decreased sensitivity in the lower lip and weakness of the masticatory muscles.

Osteogenic sarcoma accounts for 22% of malignant nonepithelial tumors of the jaws. May manifest as deformation of the affected bone, facial pain, and moderate tenderness on palpation. numbness occur in the area where the infraorbital or mental nerves exit.

Erythrootalgia or red ear syndrome is characterized by intense burning pain in the ear, sometimes radiating to the forehead, back of the head, lower jaw, accompanied by redness and increased temperature of the auricle (due to dilation of the skin vessels). The cause of the syndrome may be:

  • cervical spondylosis;
  • temporomandibular joint dysfunction;
  • atypical neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve;
  • thalamic lesion;
  • idiopathic hypersensitivity of pain fibers to heat.


Treatment of pain in the jaws due to nerve damage depends on the nature of the pathology. Usually, medications are first prescribed, and if they are ineffective, they resort to surgical division of the nerves.

Treatment of pain in the jaws caused by nerve pathology is carried out with medication and only if it is ineffective, the nerve is surgically cut off. Let us remind you that you should never self-medicate, and if you are absolutely sure that the pain is related to the joint, then go to the doctor to identify the true causes of the pain.

Treatment of a jaw fracture is the prerogative of the doctor. The sooner it is started, the better for the patient. Basically, the activities come down to the following actions:

  • Treating the existing wound and disinfecting it.
  • If there is a displacement of the nasal septum, then its alignment.
  • Comparison of possible fragments and alignment of whole bones.
  • Reliable fixation of the jaw using a special splint.

A splint is applied for up to 1.5 months, until the jaw bones heal. Sometimes doctors surgically implant metal plates into the jaw. They are fixed with screws. When the main course is completed and the splint is removed, then it will be possible to move on to the rehabilitation stage. It should be aimed at restoring several vital functions: chewing, swallowing, speech, vision.

In the occipital region of the head

In the back of the head, cephalgia occurs when blood pressure increases, the cause of which is osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, anomalies in the development of blood vessels in the head or neck.
Severe pain in the back of the head occurs after nervous strain, as a result of spasm of the neck muscles, arteries of the head and neck, and disruption of the outflow of venous blood from the head. It worries patients suffering from occipital neuralgia, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, spinal diseases, and migraines. A sharp headache in the back of the head often occurs with the development of a hypertensive crisis. Sharp, bursting, pulsating headaches in the back of the head are accompanied by pallor of the patient’s face, generalized hyperhidrosis, dry mouth, heart pain and tachycardia.

Chronic arterial hypertension with a slight increase in blood pressure is also characterized by the development of pain mainly in the occipital part of the head. The headache bothers the patient immediately after waking up, intensifies with physical activity, and is often accompanied by swelling of the lower eyelids. Pain is caused by a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the vessels of the head.

Pain in the neck and occipital part of the head. Causes and their treatment

Meanwhile, the source of headaches or back pain can be serious illnesses. The most common today is osteochondrosis, but other diseases of the cervicothoracic back can also occur.

The neck is a very sensitive and delicate part of the human body. This rather small area contains all the clusters important for human life. These include large veins and aortas, blood vessels and nerve clusters, lymph nodes, etc. It is not surprising that problems in this part of the spine lead to deterioration of well-being, decreased ability to work, and disruption of the functioning of the entire body.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis in the cervical area of ​​the back are often similar to the symptoms of a disease such as vertebral artery syndrome. Then the sensations of aching pain in the back of the head and neck intensify, accompanied by muscle strain or increased tone, inflammatory processes, circulatory disorders, and swelling.

In the early stages of the disease, pain may appear when you are in an uncomfortable position for a long time, with prolonged tension of the neck muscles, sudden turns or tilts of the neck. Pain can also be caused by local hypothermia resulting from prolonged exposure to an air conditioner or when traveling in a vehicle with open windows, etc.

The localization of pain in the cervical spine can be either on the left side or on the right, or can be immediately felt on both sides. In this case, the intensity of pain can fluctuate from severe acute attacks to aching chronic, barely noticeable.

The root cause of pain in the cervical spine:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, pathological damage to the ligaments or muscles of the cervical corset;
  • traumatic injuries, tumors (also oncological);
  • muscle spasms that occur after sudden movements or prolonged static physical activity;
  • viral infections, arthritis (for example, rheumatoid);
  • meningitis, retropharyngeal abscess;
  • hypothermia and long-term stay in an uncomfortable position.

The root cause of pain in the back of the head:

  • diseases of the cervical vertebrae;
  • cervical spondylosis;
  • violation of the condition of the muscles of the cervical corset, as a result of incorrect posture, hypothermia, nervous strain, stress;
  • muscle spasms of physical or nervous origin;
  • overstrain of physical or mental origin;
  • neuralgia of the occipital nerve endings (in this case, pain can spread along the back, radiate to the upper limbs, as well as to the lower jaw, ears);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • muscle fatigue caused by improper physical activity;
  • migraine of the cervical region (sensation of burning pain in the temporal parts of the skull, occipital part, in the superciliary arches).

Diagnosing pain at home

It is extremely difficult to diagnose at home, especially if it is not attempted by a specialist in the relevant field. There are often cases when hypertension (high blood pressure) is considered the cause of headaches, without suspecting that pain can occur due to diseases of the spine. In this case, the prescribed treatment will not bring any results or will have the opposite effect.

In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, and accordingly the root cause of pain in the back of the head or cervical region, various research methods are used. This includes radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, etc. Based on the results of the images, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a specific treatment. Accordingly, it is simply impossible to carry out this diagnosis at home, and do not even try to self-medicate.


The first step in treating pain in the neck and back of the head is pain relief. For these purposes, painkillers are used, sometimes in combination with anti-inflammatory or anti-edema agents. After the patient feels a little better, the process of diagnosing diseases that cause pain begins.

Having established an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment. Moreover, for each patient it will be individual, taking into account all the structural features of the body, state of health and symptoms and stages of the disease. For different detected diseases, different therapeutic treatments will be prescribed, but the principles and methods of treatment in most cases will be similar.

After drug treatment or in parallel with it, physiotherapy, a course of special physical therapy, all types of general massages, manual therapy and osteopathy are usually prescribed. For almost all diseases, it is recommended to start swimming.

treatment of the spine, including the cervical spine, is a very long and complex process, even more complicated due to the structural features of the neck. After all, for the cervical area it is almost impossible to organize complete rest, which is necessary for treatment.

If pain syndromes accompany the patient for a long time and seriously limit his motor activity, or the disease begins to affect the functioning of internal organs and other body systems, surgical intervention is permissible.
But remember, surgery is used only in extreme cases or in severe complications. For the most part, it is possible to cure ailments that cause pain in the back of the head or neck using the conservative methods listed above. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Combined with nausea

Severe headache and nausea are signs of migraine, meningitis, and hypertensive crisis.
Often the cause of these symptoms is sinusitis, sinusitis, or intoxication of the body. Nausea, headache, and dizziness are also symptoms of traumatic brain injury and infectious diseases. Patients complain of headache, nausea, weakness at the initial stage of influenza and acute respiratory infection. In this case, the body temperature rises to high numbers. The development of a migraine can be signaled by ripples in the eyes, nausea and headache. With a migraine, the patient's appetite disappears, an aversion to strong odors appears, nausea, irritability, photophobia, and numbness in certain parts of the body occur.

Headache and dizziness also occur when wearing incorrectly selected glasses or lenses or disruption of the vascular system. Headaches and spots in the eyes appear due to fatigue and nervous exhaustion, during weather changes, after stress. These symptoms occur in people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, spinal injury or disease.

Headache and flashing spots before the eyes appear during a hypertensive crisis. Its variety - hyperkinetic crisis - begins abruptly with headache, nausea, flickering of spots before the eyes and vomiting. The patient feels hot. His sweating and heart rate increase. Trembling is felt throughout the whole body. High blood pressure can cause hypertensive encephalopathy. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Very severe headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • The flickering of flies in the eyes.

The patient may lose consciousness and die if medical care is not provided in a timely manner.
Headaches that occur in the morning after sleep can be a manifestation of a brain tumor, abusive cephalalgia, tension pain, or migraine. Overuse headache occurs with long-term use of analgesics. It gets worse in the morning. The intensity of the pain constantly changes throughout the day. Overuse headaches are aggravated by stress, mental tension, excessive physical activity, and also by stopping a drug that relieves pain. Abuse cephalgia becomes permanent if the patient suffers from depressive syndrome, is often irritated, and is very tired. Due to constant headaches, a person’s concentration and performance decrease. He sleeps poorly and constantly feels tired.

Why does pain occur in the upper jaw?


Damage occurs as a result of household, street, sports, automobile, and industrial injuries.
The bruise is characterized by moderate pain that goes away after a few days. Fractures of the upper jaw are accompanied by extremely intense acute pain, rapidly increasing swelling, facial asymmetry, and stepped dentition. In case of fractures of the alveolar process, lacerations are visible on the mucosa, and sometimes the end of the displaced bone fragment is determined. The occlusal contact is sharply impaired, the teeth are mobile. With an isolated fracture of the walls of the maxillary sinus, severe aching pain in the upper jaw, infraorbital area, significant swelling, and hemorrhages is observed. Nasal breathing is difficult. With combined damage to the bone walls of the sinuses, a clinical picture of a concussion and profuse nosebleeds are revealed. Perforation of the maxillary sinus occurs during dental procedures. If the damage was not detected, swelling of the cheeks, a nasal tone of speech, pressing or bursting pain in the jaw, and projections of the sinuses subsequently appear.

In some cases, radiating pain in the jaws is detected in victims with subluxation of the cervical vertebra. Irradiation to the back and shoulders is also possible. The clinical picture includes a forced position of the head, neck pain, muscle tension, and sometimes dizziness, weakness, convulsions, and paresthesia in the arms.

Dental reasons

Discomfort and mild pain may be associated with the use of removable dentures and orthodontic structures. Pulling, pressing, aching pains occur in children due to malocclusion, including those caused by deformation of the upper jaw with a cleft lip and cleft palate. Some soreness is normal after tooth extraction, especially molars and wisdom teeth.

With the development of alveolitis, the pain disappears, and then reappears 3-5 days after tooth extraction. Intense pulsating sensations are noted in the projection of the socket, intensify as inflammation progresses, and sometimes cover the upper jaw and half of the face. Attacks of severe pain spreading along the trigeminal nerve are characteristic of acute diffuse pulpitis. More local pain is observed in acute periodontitis.

Upper jaw pain

Purulent processes

Intense tugging, tearing, bursting pain occurs with purulent inflammation of the upper jaw and nearby soft tissues. Combined with hyperthermia, deterioration of general condition, intoxication syndrome. The most striking clinical picture occurs in acute osteomyelitis. The disease begins suddenly, the symptom progresses quickly, and the temperature rises to high levels. A foul odor emanates from the mouth, and pus accumulates in the gum pockets.

Periostitis has less severe symptoms. With a high intensity of pain, the general condition is slightly disturbed, the temperature is subfebrile. In patients with a perimandibular abscess, the abscess is limited, located in the soft tissues, the condition is moderate or closer to satisfactory. With perimaxillary phlegmon, the infection spreads quickly, twitching, shooting pains intensify with the slightest movements of the jaw, the condition is serious.

With abscesses of the salivary glands, the first symptoms are dry mucous membranes and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Hyperthermia up to 40°C is noted. Maximum pain is determined in the projection of the affected salivary gland, complemented by pronounced swelling. Irradiation is noted in the upper jaw, neck, and ear.


With ganglionitis of the pterygopalatine ganglion, a clinical picture of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve is observed in the zone of innervation of its 2nd branch – n.maxillaris. An attack of intense shooting pain develops spontaneously, often occurring at night. Pain sensations predominate in the upper jaw, eye, hard palate, and at the base of the nose, spreading to nearby anatomical zones. The episode lasts from several minutes to several hours, complemented by autonomic disorders: lacrimation, profuse salivation, hyperemia of half the face.

Atypical facial neuralgia, which is more often detected in middle-aged women, is considered as another possible cause of the symptom. Pathology is provoked by dental procedures. The pain is dull, sometimes burning. They do not reach the intensity typical of other neuralgia. They quickly transform from paroxysmal to permanent.

Diseases of the ENT organs

In otolaryngology, the manifestation is more often provoked by odontogenic sinusitis against the background of injuries, dental diseases, and endodontic treatment. The acute form is characterized by heaviness, bursting unilateral pain in the upper jaw, intensifying when lowering the head, and throbbing headache. There is a sharp pain when chewing food, a subjective feeling of lengthening of the teeth. For chronic sinusitis, the clinic unfolds gradually. The symptom is also combined with a headache, radiating to the forehead, temple, and orbit.

Radiating pain in the upper jaw, orbit, and temporal region can be observed in acute purulent otitis and is caused by irritation of the trigeminal nerve during infiltration of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity. Supplemented by severe pain in the ear, intoxication syndrome. A similar irradiation is found in mastoiditis, which develops simultaneously with otitis media or a few days later, manifested by profuse suppuration from the ear, throbbing pain behind the ear.

Tumors of the upper jaw

Against the background of benign neoplasia of the upper jaw (fibromas, cementums, osteomas, osteoblastoclasts), the pain is usually mild, dull, and aching. They do not occur in all patients. They grow slowly over a long time in parallel with the growth of the tumor. Sometimes they are complemented by progressive facial asymmetry. An exception is osteoid osteoma, which is characterized by intense pain that worsens when eating and at night.

With malignant tumors of the upper jaw (cancer, sarcomas), pain appears in the early stages. At first periodic, dull, aching or pressing. They quickly intensify, become permanent, acute, painful, unbearable. They radiate to adjacent anatomical zones. They are supplemented by tooth loss, infiltration of nearby tissues, decay with the formation of ulcers, and enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Other reasons

Aching, initially paroxysmal, then constant pain in the upper and lower jaw is observed with bruxism and myofascial syndrome. In both cases, the cause is constant excessive load on the masticatory muscles. In patients with Horton's disease, the symptom is caused by irradiation and is combined with a dull headache that gradually increases over several weeks, more pronounced in the temporal region.

Temporal headache

Severe headaches in the temples bother patients with otitis media and migraines.
It occurs when intracranial and blood pressure increases. One of the causes of pain in the temple area is inflammation or injury to the temporomandibular joint. In this case, pain occurs in the temple area and radiates to the ear and eye. Sometimes painful sensations occur in the shoulder, neck, and shoulder blade. If the temporomandibular joint is not positioned correctly, muscle spasm develops, which causes increased headaches. After treatment of the underlying disease, the pain goes away. One of the causes of headaches in the temple area is arteritis. This is a disease in which the inflammatory process affects the vessels of the head and temporal region. Due to autoimmune inflammation of the walls of arteries and large vessels in the temporal region, immune complexes are deposited on their walls, which are produced in response to infection. The immune system perceives these cells as foreign. The walls of the blood vessels thicken and blood clots form on them. This pathology is manifested by severe headache in the temple area, general weakness, and impaired visual function. As the disease progresses, arterial damage leads to organ failure.

A common cause of pain in the temple, in the eye area and severe pressing pain in the skull is stress. With deterioration of memory, hearing, vision and constant throbbing severe pain in the temple area, a neurologist may suspect the development of a brain tumor.

Sharp pain in the temple area is a common symptom of a stroke. It is accompanied by numbness on one side of the face, body, and loss of speech. Hemorrhagic stroke can occur due to a rupture of a cerebral artery aneurysm. Acute vascular accident develops as a result of stress. Its harbinger can be a severe headache.

Head and jaw hurt

According to doctors, pain in the head and jaw can occur simultaneously. Similar symptoms are caused by dental pathologies. Sometimes the problem can be caused by pathologies of the visual organs, blood vessels and ENT organs. The article will describe the reasons for this phenomenon.

  • Malocclusion

Pain in the jaw and head can be caused by impaired jaw closure and the functioning of the masticatory muscles. Bite pathologies can lead to scoliosis.

  • Caries in an advanced stage

Pain caused by inflammatory dental diseases (caries, pulpitis, granuloma) is felt in the jaw and the area of ​​the affected unit. Initially, discomfort occurs due to temperature or mechanical influence. At an advanced stage, sharp pain occurs independently and radiates to adjacent areas.

  • Edentia or damaged elements

With partial edentia, neighboring teeth and nearby muscles are subject to intense stress. The patient has to adapt and chew food on the healthy part of the jaw.

  • Availability of orthodontic and orthopedic products

Pain may occur after placement of bite correction devices. This is a normal condition when the dentition gets used to a new position. Unpleasant sensations arise due to the pressure of the structure on the teeth. The discomfort goes away within a few weeks.

There should be no pain or discomfort during prosthetics. This indicates the low quality of treatment.

  • Strong galvanic currents

The occurrence of galvanosis is due to the movement of galvanic currents in the mouth and their intense influence. The anomaly is typical for patients with metal prostheses in the mouth. The reaction occurs due to an allergy to metal alloys and non-compliance with production technology.

  • Bruxism

An involuntary phenomenon at night. Manifested by excessive clenching of the jaw. People learn about pathology from their relatives. Patients experience fatigue and tension headaches in the morning. Teeth are brittle and have worn out enamel.

  • Dental treatment

Patients note such negative phenomena immediately after treatment. Discomfort occurs after therapeutic manipulations and surgical interventions. This is due to stress, prolonged stay in a position with an open mouth, and the traumatic nature of the doctor’s actions.

  • Erupting wisdom tooth

The third molar, as it passes through the jawbone, exerts pressure and irritates the nerve endings. The pain is blurred and spreads to the entire jaw, radiating to the temples and head.

It is worth going to the dentist and getting an x-ray. Third molars may be impacted or dystopic. Such elements provoke crowding of the jaw row, malocclusion, pericoronitis, accompanied by pain and discomfort.

  • Complications after surgery

Surgical procedures are accompanied by pain, swelling and other manifestations. Gradually the unpleasant sensations subside. If acute pain remains 3-4 days after treatment, this indicates complications. Alveolitis develops - inflammation in the diseased socket. In the absence of timely treatment, there is a risk of developing flux, abscess and osteomyelitis.

Doctors are sure that pain in the head or jaw is sometimes mistaken for toothache.

  • Subluxations and dislocations

Develop due to arthritis or joint disease. The problem can be caused by excessive opening of the mouth and displacement of the articular head of the lower jaw. Soreness is felt in the head, temples and cheeks.

  • Trigeminal neuralgia

When the trigeminal nerve is damaged or inflamed, acute pain is felt like a migraine. The patient experiences discomfort in the jaw.

  • Diseases of the ENT organs

Sinusitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases are disguised as dental problems. Otitis media provokes intense pain in the head and jaw. Identical symptoms are characterized by sinusitis and sinusitis. This is due to the close location of organs and the spread of pathogens through the bloodstream.

  • Cluster headache

Characterized by pain in the upper jaw area. Acute pain is mistakenly mistaken for manifestations of pulp inflammation or periodontitis.

  • Viral, infectious diseases, hypothermia

Hypothermia or ARVI can provoke a migraine. Associated symptoms characteristic of infectious diseases occur: hyperthermia, rhinitis, cough.

  • Angina pectoris

Discomfort in the heart can shoot into the arm or shoulder on the left side of the body. Occasionally, pain is felt in the head or lower jaw.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of a headache and choose the right treatment. If symptoms occur, you should contact your dentist.

Headache and tinnitus

Headache and tinnitus are signs of otitis media and sinusitis. In this case, patients' body temperature rises. The pain radiates to the eye, teeth, jaw. Headache in the crown area often occurs for the following reasons:

  • After severe stress;
  • During a migraine attack;
  • As a result of overstrain of the neck muscles;
  • After abusing alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • Due to traumatic brain injury.

Cervicogenic headache, the symptoms of which indicate problems with the spine, is a secondary phenomenon. Such pain appears with protrusion of the intervertebral discs and the development of spina bifida in the cervical spine, severe tension in the neck muscles, wear of the vertebrae, and compression of the nerve root. A tumor of the cervical spine also causes severe headaches and tinnitus.

What to do if your jaw and neck hurt

The surest and most correct step is consultation with a specialist. You can start with a therapist who will examine you, collect anamnesis, make a preliminary diagnosis and give a referral to a specialist. For diagnosis, you may need to do an x-ray, ECG

, blood test, MRI, CT scan, etc., depending on what is the possible cause of your illness. When cancer is suspected, diagnosis and treatment are more difficult.

Massage treatments

Massage makes it possible to relax the muscles in the neck area, but it should only be prescribed and performed by specialists. Also, massage is often prescribed as a restorative procedure after an already completed course of treatment. Certain types of therapeutic and simple massage can strengthen the muscle corset and relieve tightness in different parts of the spine. Self-massage can also be prescribed to work out the neck muscles. But before this, a specialist must teach you how to correctly perform all massage exercises (stroking, kneading, rubbing, etc.), and also monitor the results.

Drug treatment

If the cause of pain is an inflammatory process, such as otitis or tonsillitis, then a whole range of medications is prescribed, the action of which is aimed at relieving the symptoms of a cold and getting rid of the virus, bacteria or infection that led to the onset of the disease. It is not safe to prescribe medication on your own. Depending on your condition and problem, taking medications may make the situation worse. For example, a number of medications under certain conditions cause enlargement of the lymph nodes, and this, in turn, is likely to lead to increased pain in the neck and jaw. Medication and other treatment methods are selected based on the problem. To treat the same sore throat, antiviral and antipyretic drugs are prescribed. If a patient is diagnosed with a temporomandibular joint disorder, surgery and physical therapy are considered.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are far from the best option for getting rid of neck and jaw pain, especially when these folk methods are prescribed independently. Tea with honey and plenty of warm drinks for colds and sore throats help to quickly overcome the disease, but do not cure. Only the methods of official medicine can cure a sore throat or other disease. If the problem is inflammation of the lymph nodes, then it is highly not recommended to use such a folk remedy as heating. This can lead to increased inflammation and serious spread. If you experience neck pain, do not try to solve the problem yourself; only a doctor, after a comprehensive diagnosis, will draw up a treatment plan and adjust it as your recovery progresses.

Cluster headache

Cluster headaches occur in attacks, in series (clusters).
Neurologists believe that cluster headaches are associated with a person’s “biological clock” - mechanisms that regulate the functioning of the endocrine glands, organs and blood vessels. Pain occurs when the lumen of the cerebral vessels expands. Cluster headaches can be so severe that some patients experience suicidal thoughts or actions during an attack. The duration of the attack varies from 15 minutes to several hours. The attacks are repeated several times during the day. This can last for several months, and then there is a “break” for six months.

The pain usually occurs on one side of the head, in the temple or orbit of the eyes. It is combined with the following characteristics:

  • Redness of the eyes;
  • Tearing;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Swelling (edema) in the area of ​​the eyebrows and forehead.

Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital use effective methods to treat cluster headaches and prevent further attacks.
Make an appointment

Pain with increased intracranial pressure

Intracranial pressure may increase for the following reasons:

  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Space-occupying formation in the skull;
  • Hydrocephalus – dropsy of the brain;
  • Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Meningitis, encephalitis.

When intracranial pressure increases, headache occurs in the morning after a person has been in a horizontal position for a long time. It goes away by mid-day. The intensity of the pain increases when the torso is tilted forward, during overexertion, or coughing. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief.

Vascular headaches

Headache develops in patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Stroke;
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis, thrombosis;
  • Hemorrhage under the membranes of the brain;
  • Vegetovascular dysfunction.

With a strong increase in blood pressure, pain nerve endings in the walls of blood vessels are excited: when the brain begins to receive less oxygen, it reacts with pain. Typically, vascular headaches occur in the temples. It is often combined with the following symptoms:

  • Noise, feeling of congestion in the ears;
  • Flashing “flies before the eyes”;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Transient visual impairment.

Sometimes headache becomes the first symptom of vascular pathology.

Causes of jaw pain

The face has a complex anatomical structure. In this area:

  • complex articulation of the jawbone with the skull ( temporomandibular joint );
  • rich innervation - the trigeminal nerve runs on both sides of the face;
  • oral cavity lined with mucous membrane;
  • teeth, gums, richly innervated tongue;
  • proximity of reflexogenic zones (areas where many receptors are located).

Disorders and pathologies in any part can cause pain in the jaw, which often spreads (radiates) to the entire facial area.

And yet, the most common cause of discomfort is pathologies or disorders of the dental system. That is why, if a patient has jaw pain, it is recommended that he contact the dentist first.

Damage to teeth

Damage to dental tissue is one of the most common reasons why the lower or upper jaw hurts. Moreover, such sensations are often radiating, that is, they can manifest themselves as pain in the jaw, temple and even ear. Probable reasons:

  • caries at various stages, pulpitis;
  • abscess;
  • damage to the crown or implant.

Another reason for discomfort in the facial area associated with dental problems is increased tooth sensitivity. In this case, acute short-term pain occurs when touching the teeth, inhaling cold air, taking hot, cold, spicy, salty, sweet or sour drinks and food [1]. Sharp pain in the teeth while eating or drinking, when brushing your teeth, or even some time later can spread to the jaw area.

Other symptoms of dental damage:

  • increased constant discomfort when pressing on the surface of the teeth;
  • throbbing pain radiating to the cheeks, temple, ear.

Recent dental procedures

This group includes cases where discomfort is associated with previous dental procedures. These include:

  • ultrasonic or mechanical teeth cleaning;
  • teeth whitening;
  • treatment of deep carious cavities, pulpitis;
  • removal of a tooth;
  • implantation, etc.

Gum diseases

Inflammatory diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis cause serious damage to the gums. Gingivitis is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, swelling and bleeding of the gums, and periodontitis can lead to loosening and even loss of teeth. Inflammation of periodontal tissue is accompanied by severe pain in the affected area, including the jaw [3].


Sharp, severe, sometimes throbbing pain in the jaw can be a sign of inflammation of the periosteum, or periostitis.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

This disorder is one of the most common causes of facial pain (5–12%) [1] not related to dental problems. The fact is that the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) has a very complex structure. It is formed by the head of the lower jaw and the articular surface of the temporal bone. In this case, the left and right joints perform their functions synchronously.

The joint is strengthened by the articular capsule, ligaments and muscles. Any disruption in the mobility of the system of muscles, ligaments, cartilage and bones leads to dysfunction of the TMJ (disruption of normal functioning) and possible pain in the jaw on both one and both sides [1]. A characteristic sign of TMJ dysfunction is that when you open your mouth, you hear a click and your jaw hurts.

Main symptoms [4]:

  • pain in the jaw joint;
  • discomfort in the ears, face;
  • constant headaches;
  • tinnitus;
  • dizziness;
  • vision problems.


Bruxism is an unconscious or involuntary contraction of the jaw muscles, causing severe clenching and friction of the teeth to the characteristic grinding sound.

This phenomenon is not a disease in the literal sense. Bruxism is a symptom of a fairly large group of disorders, from partial absence of teeth or malocclusion to stress and psychological tension.

This phenomenon occurs at any age, but in approximately 50% of cases it occurs in children. According to various estimates, about 5-20% of people suffer from it. There are nocturnal and daytime bruxism [4].

“During physiological chewing, the teeth of the upper and lower jaw are in contact for 25-30 minutes in 12 hours.
With night bruxism, the teeth can be in contact for 40 minutes per hour" "Formation mechanisms and pathogenetic principles of treatment of bruxism", Doctor of Medical Sciences. Gaidarova T.A.

Main symptoms:

  • discomfort in the facial muscles in the morning;
  • pain in the lower jaw due to overexertion or damage to muscles and ligaments;
  • during sleep - sounds of grinding, rubbing of teeth;
  • cracks and chips of enamel [5].

Trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia refers to cases where the jaw hurts due to reasons not related to dental disorders or bone tissue pathologies. This is a chronic disease that affects the trigeminal nerve and can cause discomfort of varying degrees of intensity in the area of ​​innervation (face, teeth, eyes, tongue, upper and lower jaw, etc.) [2].

The main symptoms are attacks of sharp, cutting, burning pain in certain areas of the face [2]:

  • in the forehead, brow ridges, temple - with damage to the first branch of the nerve;
  • in the area of ​​the upper lip, nose, cheekbones, upper jaw - with damage to the second branch of the nerve;
  • in the area of ​​the lower lip, chin, lower teeth, tongue, lower jaw - with damage to the third branch of the nerve.

Discomfort can be significantly aggravated by talking, touching the face or teeth, chewing food, or contact of teeth with food or a toothbrush [2].


Bruises of the soft tissues of the face, damage to the bones of the facial skull or the temporomandibular joint (dislocations, fractures) cause unpleasant sensations, including pain in the lower and upper jaws, as well as discomfort of varying degrees of intensity [6]. Such injuries are accompanied by redness, bruising, and swelling [2].

Systemic diseases

With a number of general somatic disorders and diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, mumps, heart attack and others, patients complain that their jaw hurts on the right or left.

For example, one of the symptoms of a heart attack [7] and other acute conditions of the cardiovascular system may be referred pain in the jaw on the left side. With swelling of the salivary glands that accompanies mumps (the so-called “mumps”), the jaw often ache in the area of ​​inflammation [6]. With rheumatoid arthritis, joints, including the temporomandibular joint, may swell, which causes pain in the jaw and discomfort when opening and closing the mouth [6].

Venous headaches

Headache bothers patients who have impaired outflow of venous blood from the cranial cavity. The following diseases lead to dysfunction of intracranial veins:

  • Neoplasms;
  • Hematomas;
  • Previous stroke;
  • Congenital defects in the development of venous vessels.

Venous pain is dull in nature. It occurs on both sides of the head, in the morning. The patient is bothered by a feeling of fullness, pressure, heaviness in the head. Then there is dizziness, buzzing, noise in the head. The earlobes, tip of the nose, and lips may become bluish. The pain intensifies during stress, weather changes, and after drinking alcohol. Due to stiffness throughout the body, it is difficult for a person to get out of bed in the morning. During the day he feels lethargic, as if he had not slept at all at night.

Headache with cervical osteochondrosis

With the development of cervical osteochondrosis, the nerve roots extending from the spinal cord are compressed.
Patients are bothered by neck pain that radiates to the head. The vertebral arteries run along the spine in the neck area. They carry oxygen through the blood to the brain. With cervical osteochondrosis, the blood flow in them is gradually disrupted. This occurs due to compression of the vessel by a displaced spinal disc, a strained muscle, or a bony growth on the vertebra. Without adequate therapy, disorders increase, and vertebral artery syndrome gradually develops. It is manifested by headaches, dizziness, frequent loss of consciousness (especially with sudden turns of the head), severe fatigue and decreased performance.

Causes of pain under the jaw

There are many reasons for pain in the neck and/or jaw, and they can indicate various health problems. There are many structures in the neck area, the pathologies of which cause pain and serious discomfort.

Pathological changes in lymph nodes

There are many lymph nodes behind our ears, on our neck, and in the lower part of our jaw. And one of the diseases that leads to painful discomfort is called lymphadenitis. This is inflammation of the lymph nodes due to bacterial or other infections. It is accompanied by severe sharp pain in the neck, which will radiate to the jaw, and will also cause an increase in body temperature. Without treatment, lymphadenitis becomes chronic, and then constant fatigue, weight loss and general malaise are added to the elevated temperature. Another pathology may be tumors that appear on the lymph nodes. These are, as a rule, metastases that have penetrated from any organs affected by cancer. The nature of the pain varies, but weakness and weight loss also accompany this condition.


Another disease that is associated with an inflammatory process, but does not affect the lymph nodes, but the tongue. Signs of glossitis are a bright red color of the tongue, severe swelling of the tongue and lower jaw. There may also be purulent discharge from the glands in the mouth, pain radiating to the ear, jaw and neck.

Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat

These diseases can also cause pain. But at the same time, if your neck hurts, then the pain radiates not under the jaw, but into the throat. With a sore throat, the pain intensifies at the time of swallowing, and the person also develops all the signs of an acute respiratory infection or flu (ear pain, fever, weakness, lack of appetite, etc.). For acute pharyngitis

Possible inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Jaw fractures

A fracture in the lower part of the jaw occurs due to a strong blow, head injury or accident. Fractures can be direct or reflected, multiple, fragmented, displaced, open or closed, but in any case the person experiences severe pain, which is accompanied by swelling, hemorrhage and impaired chewing function. In case of a fracture, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital conduct a comprehensive examination of patients. It allows you to determine the exact cause of the headache. Patients are prescribed the following studies:

  • Computer and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • Ultrasound Doppler examination of the vessels of the head and neck;
  • Electroencephalography;
  • Echoencephalography;
  • REO-encephalography.

The doctor recommends that the patient keep a headache diary in which he needs to record the following information:

  • When did the pain occur?
  • What is its intensity;
  • How long did the attack last?
  • Has your blood pressure risen?

The patient brings the diary to an appointment with a neurologist. The doctor analyzes the information provided by the patient, the results of the studies performed and develops tactics for managing the patient.

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