Braces under compulsory medical insurance – is it possible to correct a bite under an insurance policy?

There is an opinion that treatment at the dentist is always paid for by the citizen. In fact, there are clear obligations of the state to citizens in the field of health care, including the provision of dental care. It is worth noting that free medical dental care is available to absolutely every insured person and it makes no difference which insurance company issued the policy.

Each region of the Russian Federation has its own Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Program, formed in accordance with the requirements of the unified program of state guarantees.

According to the compulsory medical insurance policy, only emergency medical care is provided throughout the country. The provision of planned medical care is possible only in the insurance territory - in the region of residence.

This means that if a citizen develops a disease of the oral cavity, salivary glands and jaw, he (she) has the right to receive the necessary dental care (in a clinic, hospital) from a medical organization at the district, regional, and, if there are medical indications, at the federal level. free of charge.

How to sign up?

To have your teeth treated for free, you need to go to a dental clinic or the dental department of a hospital, health center...

If a child needs help, then you should contact a children’s dental clinic; often the adult and children’s departments operate within the same clinic.

If inpatient treatment is necessary, it can be completed in the appropriate hospital. Free services under the compulsory medical insurance policy can also be obtained in some private clinics operating in the compulsory medical insurance system.

Just like a regular clinic, you need to be attached to a dentistry. To do this, contact the registry office of the clinic of your choice with your compulsory medical insurance policy and passport. In the future, when applying for dental medical care, it is possible to pre-register for an appointment with a doctor in all available ways: by telephone, in the pre-registration register at a medical organization and, if technically possible, electronic recording using the information and telecommunications network Internet.

Medicines and materials

The compulsory medical insurance policy provides for the free use of certain consumables and medicines, including:

  • used for installation of seals;
  • special compositions (phosphate cementing, composite, silicate, glass ionomer);
  • used for the production of fillings on the roots of the tooth;
  • consumables (for suturing, injections);
  • drugs from domestic manufacturers, for example Lidocaine.

Terms of assistance

It should be remembered that in accordance with the Territorial Program, when applying for dental care, emergency medical care must be provided immediately; provision of emergency primary health care is no more than 2 hours from the moment of application.

The waiting period for an appointment with local doctors should not exceed 24 hours from the moment the patient contacts the medical organization.

The time frame for consultations with medical specialists when providing primary specialized health care in a planned manner is no more than 14 working days (in Moscow 10 calendar days) from the date the patient contacts the medical organization.

The timing of diagnostic instrumental (radiographic studies, ultrasound studies) and laboratory tests in the provision of primary health care should not exceed 14 working days (in Moscow 10 calendar days) from the date of appointment.

The timing of computed tomography (including single photon emission computed tomography), magnetic resonance imaging and angiography in primary health care should not exceed 14 working days from the date of appointment.

Nuances of saving

If a person was unable to take advantage of any of the described points for free bite correction, then there are options for making it cheaper . They allow you to significantly save on this procedure when installing braces.

First, you should pay attention to the newly opened dental centers . There is a high probability that in the initial period of their work they pursue a more loyal financial policy.

Installation of braces is a very popular service. It is possible that the price here will be significantly lower than that of competitors.

There are other ways to save money. Let's list them:

  • Inexpensive but reliable systems. These are metal braces (provided that there is no allergy to the material used). In addition to the lower price, their short rehabilitation period compared to other types of structures also speaks in their favor.
  • Self-ligating systems. Their maintenance does not require frequent visits to the dentist to check functionality. Considering that each visit is paid, the use of such systems will be more economical.
  • Elimination of computer modeling. The installation of braces was carried out when computer models were not yet common. Dentists have already gained significant experience in this area. Therefore, in certain situations (in agreement with the doctor), such a service can be neglected.
  • Promotions on certain models of braces. They are periodically carried out in clinics, often at the initiative of the manufacturers of these systems. In these cases, there is no point in counting on a completely free service. However, it is quite possible to get a significant discount.
  • Tax deduction. You should take advantage of this benefit (it applies to all medical procedures associated with the installation of braces) when paying taxes.

Important! If a clinic refuses to provide documents for filing a tax deduction, it is better not to use its services. Most likely, illegal schemes are used here.

  • Bank loan. Sometimes it makes sense to use credit funds for these purposes. Of course, the total costs will be higher, but they will allow you to choose the best option. In addition, they will be spread out over time, and this will not have a painful impact on the monthly budget.

The listed methods of saving also require some effort from the patient. In addition to searching for the necessary information in the press and on the Internet, you should conduct thorough consultations with specialists. They will help eliminate an option that turns out to be completely unsuitable for a given case.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.

What dental care is not included in the Territorial Program?

Dental prosthetics is excluded from the program; this type of dental care is paid for from the personal funds of citizens, except for the privileged category of the population, which is financed from the corresponding budget. Unfortunately, there are cases of illegal denial of free dental care under the Territorial Program or you are offered to pay for the specified care.

The insurance company often receives a question: is it possible to install a photopolymer filling under a compulsory medical insurance policy? The fact is that each region has its own Territorial State Guarantee Program, which includes a different range of medical services. In most regions, this type of filling is not included in the list. If there is such a possibility, then the choice of filling material is carried out exclusively by the dentist, with the obligatory informing of the patient about the treatment method.

In Moscow, photopolymer material is not included in the list of services under the compulsory medical insurance policy. Types of filling material: cement, metal-containing filling, filling made of chemically cured composite material.

For more detailed information, you can check with your insurance representative at the contact center number 8-800-200-92-04.

Free dental treatment for children

The compulsory medical insurance program provides for the provision of any type of medical care, without exception, to all persons under 18 years of age. The list is represented by the following services:

  1. Removal of teeth that cause discomfort (baby, molar or wisdom teeth).
  2. Treatment of caries and other oral diseases.
  3. Restoration of dental coating (applying a layer of mineral mixture to restore the enamel layer).
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures that are carried out for the purpose of further treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.
  5. In order to correct the bite, the orthodontist may perform a procedure to remove the septum of the front teeth.
  6. In rare cases, a plate is installed to correct the bite of a minor child.
  7. The full range of services provided for the adult population.

In cases where a child needs urgent treatment, dental services are provided without presenting documents and without following the general queuing order. In other cases:

  • the presence of the child’s legal representative (parent or guardian) is required;
  • the accompanying parent must have an identification document;
  • it is necessary to present the child’s birth certificate;
  • you will need a compulsory medical insurance policy.

What to do?

First, contact the administrator of the medical organization (chief physician, deputy chief physician, head of department) with a request to explain the reason for the refusal or request for payment. In most cases, the problem is resolved on the spot. If the administrator refuses to help, contact your medical insurance company (name, phone number, address, email address is on your compulsory medical insurance policy). Insurance company employees will provide you with the necessary advice and, if necessary, take measures to solve the problem.

Types of dental care

Mandatory expenses

Despite the fact that the above were ways to save money and even get braces for free, a patient who wants to correct his bite still faces mandatory expenses prior to the installation procedure.

First of all, this is payment for the initial consultation of the orthodontist. At the initial consultation, the oral cavity is examined and a treatment strategy is drawn up - the type of bite and problematic dental units whose position needs to be changed are determined.

During the initial consultation, the orthodontist invites the patient to choose a specific type of braces system, taking into account his wishes and financial capabilities, and, if possible, offers alternative treatment methods.

After the doctor has established the need for treatment, the diagnostic stage . An x-ray is taken to better understand the position of the teeth and the structure of the jaws. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a number of other tests (in particular, if the patient has inflammatory processes or other diseases of the oral cavity).

It should be kept in mind that braces can only be installed on healthy teeth.

Therefore, if the patient has carious cavities, inflammation of soft or bone tissue, then all these diseases must first be cured.

Also, based on preliminary diagnosis, the doctor may decide to remove some dental units (for example, if the patient has a small jaw, but large teeth - when correcting the bite in such a situation, some dental units simply will not be able to “fall into place”).

To properly install the system, an impression is taken from the patient’s jaw and a plaster model is made to understand the required angle and force of impact. Immediately before installation, the patient needs to undergo hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity .

During treatment, the patient will also need to visit the doctor several times to adjust the teeth alignment process and prevent possible complications.

When using self-ligating braces, such visits occur a little less often, and with ligature braces - a little more often.

Objective reviews about braces and the consequences of wearing them.

In this publication we will talk about the indications for the installation of orthoimplants.

Follow the link if you are interested in what the period of getting used to braces depends on.


  1. Specialized (dental) medical care is provided to children in the treatment of dental pathology using removable equipment (orthodontic plates) using domestic materials, with the exception of the brace system
  2. The waiting period in an outpatient setting is no more than 14 working days (in Moscow 10 calendar days)
  3. Indications: correction of congenital dental pathologies (bite correction) in children

Dental treatment according to compulsory medical insurance

Sergey K., an employee of the Voronezh representative office of one of the large tobacco companies, felt pain in the right hypochondrium. He has in his hands a voluntary health insurance policy (VHI), which he received as part of his social package when he got a job.

Sergei called the 24-hour dispatcher console of his insurance company, and he was offered the choice of hospitalization in OKB No. 1 or in the non-governmental healthcare institution “Road Clinical Hospital”. Sergei chose the Road Hospital. Here he underwent a detailed and expensive examination, his gallbladder was removed using laparoscopy, and then he received restorative treatment for two weeks using the best foreign drugs. Sergei was in no hurry to go home. In the hospital he had his own room with a TV and Wi-Fi, and a separate menu. His sick leave was fully paid.

Why in Voronezh the VHI policy is the lot of the elite and how citizens distribute their finances in caring for health, Gorkom36 looked into it.

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