Which glue is best for making slime?

What were you looking for and why?

As part of the “Slimes” special project, we conducted surveys on social networks, received many letters - and understood what consumers care about.
Top 7 questions for concerned parents:

1. Do slimes contain potentially dangerous and toxic substances?

2. Is slime a dangerous chemical?

3. Slime can cause allergies and burns. This is true?

4. Is a strong smell a sign of danger?

5. What does the marking say?

6. Is slime
a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria?
7. Who is responsible for the distribution of potentially unsafe homemade slime?

In order to answer these and other questions, both industrially produced and homemade slimes were purchased, distributed on the Internet and through specialized retail chains. It was important for us to show the results in comparison. The toys tested were produced in Russia, Ukraine and China.

The price range ranged from 55 rubles (Fix Price) to 903 rubles (Poopsie), with an average price of 292 rubles. At the same time, four violations were found for the most expensive product.

To develop the research program, the standards for children's toys TR CU 008/2011 “On the safety of toys” and similar products were taken into account in order to cover the entire range of indicators.

Briefly about the research results

Let's say right away that there are no serious violations. There is no excess content of hazardous substances, no violations of irritating effects on the skin and eyes.

The main comments were related to labeling, pungent odor, and microbiology. Four brands of slime are not recommended for purchase due to their strong odor: Slime Vime, Attivio, Ninja and Slime by Lenetta. Poopsie slime is not recommended due to its flammability. Three slimes were found to have packaging inconsistencies. In five cases out of 14, labeling violations were detected.

One of the serious conclusions made by Roskachestvo experts is that the market for these toys is outside of legislative regulation. There are no Russian standards for this type of product. Not all slimes that are on sale are certified for compliance with the requirements of TR CU 008/2011. However, there are manufacturers who certify their products as “toys for children”, and then such slimes are subject to appropriate regulation and compliance with TR CU 008/2011. Nine of the slimes we tested were declared with full markings and with an EAC mark, which indicates compliance with TR CU 008/2011. But only the following brands stood out among them: Mr. Boo, Monster's Slime, Mega Mix. And part of the market is slime, which children-slimers mix at home and sell them - either at school, or online, or through specialized retail outlets. Such goods can be sold, for example, as souvenirs.

What is slime and what is it made of?

Today, slime is not just a mysterious “slime” or a sticky mass of polymer components. This is a whole mini-industry of goods for children and teenagers. In this system, manufacturers of ready-made slimes, as well as raw materials and components for sliming, the slimer-influencers themselves, and specialized retail chains coexist. Hundreds of thousands of children and teenagers buy or create new designs themselves, and parents become hostage to their passion. And they are quite rightly concerned about how safe this “toy” is.

Main components of slime

  • Polymer base

PVA glue

- the basis of a home toy. Its main component is polyvinyl acetate, a low-toxic compound. Manufacturers use polyvinyl alcohol or polyvinyl acetate as a polymer base. There are several types of glue that slimers use:

PVA stationery

(“Red Ray”, Elmer’s, Dr. Fan, Erich Krause, “Moment” PVA). These adhesives consist of polyvinyl acetate, vinyl acetate and a plasticizer. The last two components have a 3rd degree of danger (1st degree is a very dangerous substance), but their proportion in the glue is very small to pose a danger. Therefore, PVA glue is classified as a low-hazard substance (in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76 “System of occupational safety standards. Harmful substances”). And although manufacturers indicate “Non-toxic” and “Safe for children” in the labeling, the safety data sheet for these products indicates that when working with such glue it is necessary to wear gloves and safety glasses, and the room must be ventilated. Do not allow glue to get into your eyes. Ingestion may cause poisoning.


(“Moment Stolyar” PVA, Goodmark PVA-M, Stick Up, “Contact”). Consists of polyvinyl acetate dispersion, aqueous dispersion, plasticizers and water. Refers to low-hazard substances. In case of contact with eyes and skin, it causes mild irritation. Avoid ingestion. When working with this glue, it is advisable to use gloves and goggles.

  • Activators

Boric acid.

In 1987, it was banned in the USSR as an antiseptic. Now sold in pharmacies. Found in some recipes on the Internet as an activator. And although the body has resistance to boric acid, if ingested, a small amount of it may have time to break down, which will lead to poisoning. Children cope worst with the effects of acid. In acute poisoning of people, it affects the brain, mucous membranes and skin. Not recommended for use in children.

Sodium tetraborate (borax or borax powder)

– causes acute irritation to the skin and eyes; with prolonged or repeated exposure to mucous membranes, it can cause damage to organs. Wear safety glasses and gloves when using. It must be used in ventilated areas. You can get poisoned even by inhaling dust when working with powder.

A solution containing 20 g of sodium tetraborate in 80 g of glycerin

– Irritating to eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Use only with gloves and in a ventilated room: the solution evaporates at 20 degrees, and in a short time such a concentration of the substance in the air can be created in the room that will lead to poisoning. If the solution gets inside, it is life-threatening.

Liquid for lenses

– also contains sodium tetraborate, but in a much smaller amount (however, if there is very little of it, the liquid will not be able to activate the slime).
Usually added along with baking soda. Attention
It must be remembered that all of these are drugs that can be safe in small doses, but pose a threat when used non-medically. The greatest risk of ingesting sodium tetraborate is through inhalation. Use these substances only in the presence of adults, in a well-ventilated area and when using gloves, glasses and a mask.

In addition, slimes may contain:


– purified or distilled. Not used in all slimes.

Food coloring, flavorings, fillers

– are needed to give the mixture a certain color or design. In addition to these components, shaving foam, spices, guar gum and other substances can be used to make the toy unique.

First aid

  • In case of contact with skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing. If skin lesions or extensive or prolonged contamination are present or appear, medical supervision (clinical and biological) is required.
  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately and copiously with water.
  • If swallowed, attempt to induce vomiting if the subject is conscious.
  • If unconscious, place the victim in a safe position on his side.
  • Call an ambulance!

Why slime attracts children: the opinion of psychologists

Svetlana Klyuvaeva

child psychologist, head of the child psychology club “Heart”

– Slimes can relieve stress and work as analogues of anti-stress toys. They, of course, also develop fine motor skills in a child, but children develop them in general from many things - everything that falls into their hands - so there is no need to talk about any special benefits of slimes specifically. They attract the child with their shape, pleasant sensations for the hands, and unusual tactile qualities.

Part of their popularity is due to trendiness. Nowadays the trend is to show what you have done yourself. Therefore, the process of making a product causes cravings in children. Designer slime is both an original toy and an easy way to make money. Let's remember how in American films children sold homemade lemonade on the lawn of their house. Only the form changes: today it’s slime, tomorrow it’s something else.

Children simply follow adults. Since adults went to YouTube to show their lives, creating a trend, children followed them. You did something and instantly received feedback, feedback in the form of likes and comments. This is a phenomenon that we need to put up with, it is already part of our life, it will not go away anywhere.

Read how a psychological examination of slimes is carried out HERE.

Can slimes develop psychological dependence? Read HERE.


You can avoid mistakes when making slime if you follow all the instructions from the video. The main thing is to observe the ratio of ingredients and mix them in the specified order.

You can learn more about how to make slime by watching the video below:

Any slime requires proper handling . They should be stored in a special container. It is left in the refrigerator. Slime easily loses its elasticity when exposed to heat. If a toy becomes dirty, wash it with water. This will allow you to keep the gum for your hands for a longer time.

Is slime a dangerous chemical?

Products from 14 brands were tested to contain excess levels of 29 potentially hazardous chemicals, including alcohols, toluene, formaldehyde, mercury and arsenic. Let us say right away that no violations were found.

The greatest concern among consumers was the boron content in slimes. Foreign studies

showed that the boron content in the products of some manufacturers was four times higher. Boron can cause rashes on the skin of your hands. However, boron in its pure form is not included in slimes. Boron is found in the form of various compounds, depending on the composition of the slime. One such compound is sodium tetraborate, a salt of boric acid. Tetraborate or another boron component is added to the polymer medium. Then a reaction occurs with the polymer - due to this, slime is formed. When mixing occurs, the tetraborate binds to the polymer and goes into an inactive form, becoming a neutral organic boron. Unreacted tetraborate may react on the skin. Therefore, Roskachestvo experts determined the content of sodium tetraborate in the toy, focusing on the content of this substance in water (according to GOST 31949-2012). According to the test results, no content exceeding 3% of the mass fraction was found in any product.

– Slime is based on a polymer, and often manufacturers do not even indicate on the label what this base consists of. But we do not find elemental boron, as we find it in the periodic table, outside of any compounds in slime at any stage. Boron in slime is already in a bound state - we do not detect it in the form of a gas unsafe for health. Even when borax is heated, boron will not be released. It would be incorrect to determine the presence of elemental boron in slime,” comments Dmitry Kruzhkov, laboratory assistant at the conformity assessment department of the Federal Budgetary Institution “URALTEST”.

Substance names

This sneaky food additive goes by many names.
Here's the full list:

  • Borax,
  • Borax,
  • sodium teraborate,
  • Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate,
  • Sodium tetraborate 10-water,
  • Sodium borate pyro 10-water,
  • Methylpropionic acid E-285,
  • E285,
  • Sodium Tetraborate
  • Borax.

Does slime cause allergies and irritation?

Experts have conducted a range of tests to determine whether slime is truly toxic. All toys studied are in accordance with TR CU 008/2011 and the Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Goods Subject to Sanitary-Epidemiological Surveillance (Control). This means that they do not have allergenic properties and do not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin.

In addition, the tests revealed the potential for acute poisoning. No products were considered dangerous. The substances from which slimes are made do not accumulate in the body: if a child plays with slime for a long time on an ongoing basis, the components of this slime do not have the necessary cumulative effect to cause poisoning.

Recipes for safe slimes to prepare at home

You can make slimes at home from different ingredients, keeping the amount of dangerous reagents to a minimum.

Toothpaste slime

To prepare it, you will need a tube of gel toothpaste and food coloring or paints.

Combine both ingredients in a metal bowl and stir. Place over low heat and heat for 15 minutes to evaporate the liquid, stirring constantly. Remove from stove and cool. Grease your hands with vegetable oil and knead the cooled mass well.

Parents should decide whether or not to play with such a toy.

Plasticine slime

For production you will need:

  • gelatin,
  • water,
  • plasticine.

Pour cold water into a metal cup and add gelatin. Stir until smooth and leave for an hour.

Knead 100 g of plasticine well. Pour 50 ml of boiling water into a cup and put plasticine in it. Stir with a spoon to form a homogeneous mass. Add swollen gelatin to it. After mixing, put in a cool place for half an hour. After that you can play.

Edible slime

Slime - brightness, plasticity, fun

You can even taste this toy. But after the game it’s better to throw it away rather than eat it. Just 2 ingredients:

  • Candies that tend to stretch - toffee or chewy.
  • Powdered sugar or starch.

Place the candies in a small bowl and place in a water bath to melt. Sprinkle the table with powdered sugar and place the “toffee dough” on it. Mix in. After cooling down, the child can start playing.

Note! It is better to put such slimes in the refrigerator, because they spoil very quickly. The best option is a disposable toy, play with it and throw it away

This way the baby will definitely be safe.

Slime games are very fun and exciting

Knowing the precautions and strictly following the instructions, you can safely give your child any toys after three years.

Is slime a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria?

Not a single slime out of 14 brands contained staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or enterobacteria. But immediately in two brands of slime, excesses in the number of microorganisms were recorded. The manufacturers of these products have not indicated at what age their toy can be given to children. And although it is unlikely that parents will allow a child under one year old to play with slime, experts took into account the lack of warning labels about age. They proceeded from the premise that slime could fall into the hands of a one-year-old baby, so the standards were taken for children under one year of age.

According to TR CU 008/2011, the total number of KMAFAnM microorganisms (mesophiles, aerobes and facultative anaerobes) should not exceed 102 CFU/g. This standard was exceeded six times in the Dobr Bobr slime, and 2.2 times in the Thelarek.ru slime. A significant content of viable bacterial cells indicates either insufficient heat treatment of raw materials by the manufacturer, or violations of sanitary standards, or unsatisfactory storage conditions.

But what kind of sanitary standards can we talk about if a significant share of the slime market consists of designer toys? The detected excesses in the number of microorganisms are food for thought for parents. If a child purchases slime of unknown origin or makes it himself, there is no guarantee that such a toy is safe from a microbiological point of view.

Yeast and mold were found in products from the same brands. In Dobr Bobr, 1.6 × 103 CFU were found in one gram, and in Thelarek.ru - 1.5 × 105 CFU.

Even a small amount of mold and microorganisms can cause allergies or skin irritation, and the toy itself will simply deteriorate quickly. Slime can be infected with fungal spores during production, and it itself is a good moist environment for the further development of the fungus.

Attention! If you find fungus on your slime, immediately throw it away along with the packaging.

There is no need to try to cut off the infected part. It is advisable to dispose of all dishes where the toy was stored to prevent the spread of mold.

Is it possible to find them for sale?

Slime is easy to find both in regular retail outlets and online. They are distributed in children's stores, as well as on online platforms. Moreover, there are so many variations that slimes are purchased in whole sets.

Where to buy slime

So, what licks or slimes are has already become clear. Where can they be purchased:

  • In shops;
  • At online distribution points - online toy stores;
  • On trading platforms - from YULA to Aliexpress.

Their prices vary depending on the specific type of product. Typically, the starting figures are 60 rubles for a finished product, as well as 300 rubles for a kit for its manufacture. There is no store where such slime would not be lying around on the shelves.

Slime is a great way to spend time with your child experimenting with ingredients. The result is an interesting toy that is crushed, thrown, torn

But it is important to follow safety precautions when manufacturing the product so as not to harm your health.

What does the pungent smell of slime mean?

If during manufacturing the proportions were violated or unnecessary, low-quality components were added, such slime will have a pungent odor. The intense smell in slimes is caused by the high content of flavorings.

According to TR CU 008, toys for children over three years old (it was assumed that no parents would give slime as a toy to a child under this age) should not have an odor intensity of more than 2 points (where 0 is no odor, and 5 is a suffocating pungent odor) . Slime from 4 brands had a pungent odor of 3 points: Slime Vime, Attivio, Ninja and Slime by Lenetta.

When choosing slimes with a strong smell, it is best to avoid them. They may be potentially unsafe.

Water is not slime's friend

Roskachestvo experts conducted two tests on how slimes behave in a humid environment. Dye migration was detected in slimes: Mr. Boo, Fix Price, Attivio, Slime by Lenetta. High-quality slime should not stain your hands.

Slime can dissolve partially or completely in water. If during play the slime gets into the water and remains there, then you risk being left without a toy: some slimes completely dissolve - especially in hot water. And, for example, slimes “Good Beaver”, Slime Vime, Slimedesign, Mr. Boo, Thelarek.ru will dissolve even in cold weather.


: It is important that the child plays with the slime with clean, dry hands. Low-quality slimes can stain hands and surfaces, and a number of artificial dyes can cause skin irritation.

In addition, the packaging of the toys was tested for strength and tightness. Poopsie's slime had the flimsiest packaging. It is not airtight and will not withstand falling or strong compression. Be careful: check your copy carefully.

We asked a dermatologist what rules should be followed when playing with slimes.

Larisa Alekseeva

therapist, dermatologist

– Slime as toys has more benefits than harm. But they should be given to children only at an age when they fully understand that such toys should not be put in their mouths or in their eyes. The optimal age in this case is from 5 years.

The main danger to hands in slime can be unnatural dyes. PVA glue is, in principle, harmless, like borax, but under no circumstances should it come into contact with the mucous membranes; it is necessary to prevent the slime from getting into the mouth. Dyes, especially unnatural ones, can cause allergic reactions, bronchitis and skin rashes. If a child plays with slime with clean, dry hands and on a special napkin or other clean surface, then the toy can be used for a long time without harm.

  • If a child rolls slime on the floor or carpet, it is better to immediately throw away such a toy, without even trying to wash it.
  • If a child has wounds or cuts on his hands, it is advisable not to play with slime. Getting borax into wounds can corrode them, lead to rashes, or cause a minor infection.
  • Attention! Such toys are contraindicated for children with allergies, asthma and skin diseases.

Overall, this is a good anti-stress toy for a child.

Tatiana Butskaya

Chairman of the Council of Mothers, pediatrician, expert of the ONF

– This is a toy, and you don’t have to put it in your mouth. Here is one of the most important recommendations for parents. Slimes smell delicious, they are an attractive color, and you want to taste them. And it’s better to further scare the child by telling him that if the slime gets in his hair, he’ll have to cut his hair, and if it gets into the wallpaper, then dad will get angry. The child needs to be shown and explained what can and cannot be done with this toy. Using such examples, the child will understand why slime should not be put in the mouth or placed on the head.

Safety precautions when playing with slime

If toys made industrially are tested by the relevant authorities, then recipes for homemade slimes are not controlled by anyone. By finding them on the Internet and trying to make slime yourself, your baby can get poisoned.

To prevent this from happening, have a conversation with your children and explain why slime is dangerous for the child’s health. You don't have to ban the toy, but follow safety rules.

What is important to pay attention to:

  • Keep track of what ingredients your child uses to make his own toy. The health harm of slimes lies in the toxicity of individual components.
  • You need to make slime in a ventilated area wearing rubber gloves.
  • Knowing how slime is harmful to humans, do not allow your baby to come into contact with pure tetraborate or its pharmaceutical solutions.
  • Do not use utensils for eating. Set aside a separate container for “fun” with slimes.
  • Make your child wash their hands before and after playing.
  • The duration of playing with slime is once a day, no longer than half an hour. The health hazards of slime often lie in prolonged contact with a child's skin.
  • Monitor the “suitability” of the toy. If the slime is dirty or has been left without refrigeration for a long time, throw it in the trash.
  • Do not give the toy to children under 3 years old, especially when the child puts everything in his mouth.
  • Understanding the dangers of slimes and slimes, make disposable toys yourself from hypoallergenic materials for children with allergies.
  • If there are skin lesions on your hands, scratches, or abrasions, do not let your baby play with the slime.

It is difficult to determine whether slimes are harmful to a child’s health when purchasing factory-made products. Manufacturers often do not indicate the composition of the toy, what ingredients are used and in what quantities. Is slime harmful for children? Parents have to decide for themselves whether kids should be allowed to play with slime.

However, parents can control the home production of toys, which many children are passionate about. Understanding how slime is harmful to a child, allow them to work only with non-toxic materials. If chemical additives are required, children may use them in small quantities and only under adult supervision.

What to make slime from, and whether such a hobby is harmful for children, each parent decides for himself. Remember: cheap slimes in stores rarely undergo quality control, so their composition remains unknown. Homemade slimes are only good as disposable toys if they are made from natural and hypoallergenic materials.

What does the marking say?

The marking is a good indicator of whether you are holding an industrial slime in your hands or a so-called original one, made at home. Toys from bona fide manufacturers must indicate:

  • Date of manufacture.
  • Manufacturer's name and location.
  • Information for contacting the manufacturer/importer.
  • Minimum age of the child for whom the toy is intended.
  • EAC mark confirming product compliance with the standards of the countries of the Customs Union.

Five home-made toys did not have this information in the labeling: Slime Vime, Slimedesign, Thelarek.ru, slimeo.ok. Roskachestvo sent letters of claim to these distributors, and all companies have already responded, promising to make changes to the label. “Slime Superpower” does not have a warning label about handling the toy with caution.

So are homemade slimes really more dangerous than industrial ones?

Our research did not find any serious security violations in them. And although only three of these homemade slimes were found to have other violations, you need to remember that purchasing designer slimes carries certain risks. Their production process is not controlled in any way, and the products themselves are not certified.

Tatiana Butskaya

Chairman of the Council of Mothers, pediatrician, expert of the ONF

– It’s better not to buy homemade slimes. Parents should only buy slime that is certified or made from certified ingredients to ensure that the toy does not contain any hazardous substances. And even if a child wants to make his own slime from a kit, this kit must also have a certificate.

Each generation has its own toys. We collected candy wrappers and sold these collections. And our children now have the opportunity to make slime with their own hands - perhaps even a whole collection. Therefore, this hobby is not surprising. Especially if the child knows how to do something better than others. But I would still limit the sale of slimes between children, because it is not known where other children get the money to buy them. This needs to be looked at seriously.

The currently popular slimes, or slimes, can be hazardous to health, especially if you make them yourself

Slime, also called slime or slime, is very popular among children today. Some people buy them, others make them themselves from a variety of substances. Parents are concerned about the ingredients used in these toys that their children are constantly holding in their hands. After all, there have already been poisonings in the world due to playing with slimes. MK-Estonia found out whether slime is really dangerous for children and whether there are alternative ways to make safe toys.

Slime, also known as slime (from English slime - mucus - editor's note), consists of a viscous jelly-like material that has the properties of a non-Newtonian fluid, and is a soft mass similar in consistency to large chewing gum. The slimes stretch, spread, take any shape and do not stick to your hands. Children crush them, throw them and compete to see who can make the best slime.

Who is responsible for the distribution of potentially unsafe homemade slime?

Andrey Belousov

Lawyer, Candidate of Legal Sciences

– According to paragraph 4 of Art. 7 tbsp. 492 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is not allowed to sell a product without information about mandatory confirmation of its compliance with mandatory requirements ensuring its safety for the life, health of the consumer, the environment and the prevention of harm to the consumer’s property.

When selling goods, the seller brings to the buyer’s attention information about confirmation of the goods’ compliance with the established requirements by marking the goods in the prescribed manner with a conformity mark and familiarizing themselves with documents confirming certification. If at the time of sale of a product there is no certificate of conformity at the place where it is sold, certifying the safety of such a product, the guilty person may be held administratively liable.

If slimes are declared by the manufacturer for sale not as a children's toy, but as souvenirs or as glue products, they do not require certification and confirmation of conformity.

Therefore, it should be recognized that there is a gap in regulatory regulation regarding slimes, associated with the emergence of a new category of goods, a new “old” method of production (not industrial, but artisanal), in which we are not talking about mass production.

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