Which toothpaste is better to brush your teeth: rating of products for different purposes

  • Types of toothpastes
  • Properties of toothpastes
  • Composition of toothpastes
  • Choosing toothpaste according to problem

How many of us buy toothpaste? They make a shopping list and go to the hypermarket. If this sounds like you, then most likely you underestimate the role of toothpaste in your health. A good toothpaste protects against caries, ensures that teeth do not lose minerals, and most importantly, does not harm the enamel. In this article, we will analyze in detail the compositions of modern pastes and tell you how to choose the one that really suits you.

The best whitening products

Their action is based on the use of powerful abrasive and non-abrasive components. Abrasives have a coarse structure and are capable of removing even tartar. You need to be careful when choosing. Strong drugs may damage the surface. Non-abrasive compounds are gentle on hard tissues. But they cannot boast of whitening several shades.

  • Lacalut White
  • President White plus
  • Splat "Whitening plus"
  • Silca arctic white
  • Rocs PRO “Delicate whitening”

Products for smokers should perfectly whiten specific pigment stains.

  • Rembrandt “Antitobacco and coffee”
  • Dentavit “For smokers”
  • ROCS "Antitobacco"
  • Zact "For smokers"
  • White Glo

Which toothpaste to brush your teeth to restore enamel

There are many reasons that lead to tooth damage: pathogenic bacteria, poor oral hygiene, excessive consumption of sweets, intensive whitening, etc. To restore them, products containing calcium, fluorine, hydroxyapatite and components similar in action are usually used.

  • Silca Herbal Complete
  • ROCS "Active calcium"
  • Biorepair Oral Care
  • President Classics
  • Pomorin Maximum Protection

There is a subgroup of drugs whose action is aimed at preventing the development of caries. They not only restore the enamel, but also protect it from repeated damage.

  • Splat "Liquum-gel"
  • Colgate "Elmex"
  • ROCS "Caribbean Summer"
  • Blend-a-med “Anti-caries”
  • Glister

Why do we need dental floss?

Even the most advanced and multifunctional toothbrush is not able to clean out all the plaque and food debris from the area between the teeth. The bristles can enter the interdental space, but cannot fully clean it. As a result, caries forms in this inaccessible area, which is not easy to notice and therefore difficult to cure. Hidden caries is a serious problem and often leads to pulpitis.

However, there is a hygiene product that solves the problem of hidden caries - dental floss .

When used daily, floss reduces the risk of developing caries on interdental surfaces to zero. Dentists recommend flossing after every brushing, but this can be difficult in today's fast-paced lifestyle. Therefore, flossing every night after brushing your teeth is a great option.

A huge number of different flosses have been created: thin and voluminous, waxed (coated with special wax) and unwaxed. There are superflosses - threads with a voluminous middle part and thin tips. They are designed for cleaning teeth with braces, around implants and crowns, but are also convenient for cleaning teeth without any structures.

Our doctors recommend the following dental floss: fine Oral-B Satin floss, bulky Splat Dentalfloss with bergamot and lime, or Lacalut Dentalfloss .

Dental floss

The best hygiene products for gum restoration

Periodontal damage can be of different types: mechanical, bacterial, hereditary, etc. They are accompanied by bleeding, inflammation of the mucous membrane, and increased sensitivity.

Hygienic products must have wound-healing, antibacterial and nutritional properties, relieve itching and prevent the formation of tartar. In some cases, antibacterial components are included in the active formula to suppress pathogenic microflora.

  • Forest balm
  • Parodontol Active
  • ROCS Bionica
  • Splat "Lavandasept"
  • PresiDENT Exclusive

Rating of the best antibacterial toothpastes

A small amount of components that suppress pathogenic bacterial environments is contained in most hygiene products. They help regulate colonies of microorganisms present in daily plaque and reduce the risk of disease.

Products with a pronounced antibacterial effect are used as prescribed by dentists. Most often it is prescribed during the recovery period after dental surgery.

  • PresiDENT Antibacterial
  • Lacalut Fitoformula
  • LACALUT teens 8+

Which Organic Toothpaste is Best for Cleaning Teeth?

Products in this category differ favorably from others by the presence of exclusively natural ingredients in the recipe. They are often able to cope with problems of teeth and gums just as effectively as synthetic ones. At the same time, the products remain safe for health.

The formulation usually includes complexes based on plant extracts. They have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and hemostatic properties.

  • Organic People
  • ROCS Bionica
  • Veda Vedica
  • Gum Gold
  • Lavera Basis Sensitive

Organic products may contain a small amount of synthetic substances.

Sensodyne Comprehensive Protection

Brushing your teeth with this product means restoring enamel and healing your mouth.

  • A good paste should contain, like this one, potassium nitrate, which significantly reduces the degree of vulnerability of crowns and inflammatory processes in the mucous layers of the gums.
  • The absence of harmful sodium in it allows you to fight aggressive food components that destroy dentin.
  • Fluoride perfectly restores damaged enamel and makes it smoother.

Users note that cleansing is gentle, there is no feeling of discomfort, or a feeling of excessive freshness.

Rating of the best hypoallergenic hygiene products

The formulations of modern products are powerful. It is ensured due to the presence of potent components in the composition. Many of them fall into the category of allergens: strontium citrates and nitrates, parabens, triclosan, potassium pyrophosphate, etc.

To avoid irritation and other negative reactions, you need to eliminate potentially harmful substances as much as possible. Using natural ones instead: pectin, menthol, aminofluoride, silicon dioxide, etc.

  • Weleda “With calendula”
  • ROCS baby
  • Splat Zero Balance
  • Faberlic “Astronautik”
  • Vilsen DENTALUX

Pastes that do not cause allergic reactions

Modern manufacturers who produce hygiene products use advanced technologies, which makes it possible to develop products that have a powerful effect. Such pastes contain active, potent ingredients and are allergens. To avoid allergic reactions, special products are produced that do not contain aggressive substances. Instead, manufacturers add exclusively natural substances. In the ranking of the best funds of this kind:

  • Weleda "With calendula".
  • ROKS for children.
  • Splat Zero Balance.

Which toothpaste is best for diabetics to brush their teeth?

In diabetes mellitus, the microflora in the oral cavity is disrupted, and some types of pathogenic fungi and bacteria actively multiply. This causes increased sensitivity of teeth and gums; they can bleed, and in severe cases, become loose and fall out.

Increased sensitivity makes oral hygiene difficult, which leads to worsening problems. To avoid this, you need to use specialized hygiene products. They quickly relieve symptoms and have a therapeutic effect.

  • President Unique
  • Elmex Mentholfrei
  • Ecolux
  • DentYucral
  • DiaDent

Splat Biocalcium

To choose the right hygiene products, you should consult a dentist. Dentists often recommend complex mixtures. The most effective toothpaste with bioactive calcium, which is obtained from egg shells, is Splat. It contains hydroxyapatite, that is, a building substance for dental tissue. This allows you to make the enamel stronger and reduce the high vulnerability of crowns. The combination of ingredients prevents the formation of soft and hard deposits.

Sodium bicarbonate normalizes the pH balance of the oral cavity and improves gum health. With the help of this paste, enamel is safely whitened and polished, damaged areas are saturated with natural components, which is important at the initial stage of caries.

List of the best hygiene products for cleaning braces

After installing braces, oral hygiene becomes too difficult. Metal elements interfere with high-quality surface treatment. Plaque accumulates in areas directly adjacent to the braces and tartar forms.

For cleaning you have to use special brushes and brushes. At the same time, increased demands are placed on cleaning compositions. They must carefully remove dirt, but not damage the enamel and elements of the bracket system.

  • Dentaid Vitis Orthodontic
  • Pierrot Natural Freshness
  • ROCS Pro Brackets & Ortho
  • Professor Persin
  • Biorepair Junior

Lacalut Fitoformula

Fluoridation of teeth is an effective preventive procedure. It is useful if there is a lack of fluoride in the body, which is responsible for the strength of the chewing organs. In addition, fluoride provides protection to the units from the formation of cavities. Such replenishment with useful elements is needed by patients whose caries is in the white spot stage, with weakened enamel, after bleaching.

This product is recommended by dentists for any oral problems. Its composition allows you to feel a positive effect after the first days of use.

  1. A complex of extracts from plant raw materials relieves gum inflammation and increases the resistance of enamel to acids.
  2. Optimal abrasiveness helps remove plaque.
  3. Extracts of myrrh, sage, ratania, and St. John's wort remove bleeding.

The crowns cease to acutely sense hot and cold, sour and sweet due to aluminum lactate. Sodium fluoride prevents the appearance of caries and kills pathogenic bacteria.

Which paste is best for cleaning dentures?

Removable orthodontic structures require almost the same care as teeth. Bacterial plaque forms on them, and if left untreated, tartar develops. This can cause gum problems.

Denture care products contain cleaning and antibacterial components. They remove daily plaque and suppress potentially harmful microflora. At the same time, the active ingredients treat the materials with care.

  • Dentipur
  • LACALUT dent
  • Dontodent Prothesen
  • Protefix
  • President Garant

Rinse aids

Another common question for dentists is rinses. The mouthwash can be used after morning and evening brushing, but should never replace it. Alternatively, you can use the mouthwash throughout the day after meals, in which case it will work great.

When choosing a rinse, you need to take into account the recommendations of your dentist - your doctor may recommend a rinse specifically for your dental situation. If you choose it yourself, then remember that solutions with chlorhexidine, triclosan or alcohol are not suitable for constant use , you need to be very careful with them. Such rinses are medicinal products and must be prescribed by a dentist.

Rinse aids

If you find it difficult to choose products for home dental care, you can ask your dentist - the doctor will be happy to select for you a suitable toothbrush, toothpaste and all the necessary additional products.

Which toothpaste is best for pregnant women?

Oral hygiene during pregnancy is complicated by hormonal changes in a woman’s body. The slightest discomfort provokes symptoms of toxicosis. Some aggressive substances can have a negative effect on weakened periodontal tissues.

Compositions based on the most natural recipes can minimize negative manifestations. It is better if they are odorless and without allergy-causing components.

  • ROCS Bionica “Green Country”
  • 9 months Pregnadent
  • Splat Organic
  • LACALUT sensitive
  • Weleda Sole-Zahncreme

President Unique

The rating of toothpastes is headed by this product with such a loud name. The rating was created according to the opinions of dentists and user reviews. This is a good paste for restoring the chewing organs of patients who have calcium deficiency in the body. It tastes pleasant and has a greenish gel consistency. The inclusions are blue for better cleaning. Natural ingredients and a minimum of harmful substances delight many consumers. Its advantages:

  • Careful care of gum tissues, preventing their bleeding.
  • Soft and pleasant mint taste.
  • Lots of calcium, which strengthens the enamel.
  • The best toothpastes have a low level of abrasiveness. This remedy is suitable even for vulnerable units.

Those who have chosen this product are always satisfied. If a product has a pronounced therapeutic effect, it should be prescribed by a doctor for a certain time. This paste has a hygienic purpose and can be used daily for a long time.

Rating of hygiene products for children

Young parents pay increased attention to the choice of this type of product. It should be safe for the child, clean enamel and care for the oral cavity. At the same time, it does not cause negative effects even if swallowed.

It is important to consider the child's age. The active formula of products for the first erupted teeth, for milk and permanent teeth is different.

A special requirement is a pleasant taste and smell. If the baby doesn’t like it, it will be very difficult to teach the child personal hygiene.

  • SPLAT Baby
  • ROCS Kids
  • LACALUT Kids 4+
  • Colgate Elmex "Junior"

Children - separately

JSC Family Doctor - How to choose toothpaste for a child

Children should brush their teeth with special children's toothpastes. Firstly, the child is just mastering the cleaning procedure and may swallow foam or even intentionally swallow the paste. Manufacturers take this possibility into account and make baby toothpastes as harmless as possible. But still check the ingredients when buying pasta for your children. It should not contain fluorine, triclosan, chlorhexidine, sodium lauryl sulfate, or artificial colors.

The second reason why special pastes are used for children is the sensitivity of the enamel of baby teeth. In order not to damage the enamel, the paste that the child uses should have low abrasiveness, and there should be no whitening components, which are necessarily aggressive, in it at all.

Another tip: choose the flavor of your pasta carefully. It should be pleasant, and yet the paste is not candy; there is no need to provoke the child: he should spit it out, not swallow it.

The best compositions for professional oral care

Products in this category are distinguished by the presence of special medicinal components or an increased concentration of active substances. Thanks to this, you can quickly and effectively cope with diseases or lighten your teeth.

Due to the nature of the formulation, the products are not always suitable for daily use. Some types can only be used once a week. You definitely need to pay attention to this. The best solution is to consult a dentist.

  • Dental Clinic 2080 “Professional protection”
  • Biorepair Desensitizing Repairer Treatment
  • President White
  • Parodontax "Gentle Whitening"
  • Colgate Total 12 “Professional Cleaning”

Answers to two frequently asked questions

I hope we have convinced you that a child needs to have his own pasta. But children grow up, and sooner or later you have to part with childhood. At what age should I switch to adult (general) toothpaste? Here it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the child’s skills and consciousness: if he carefully rinses his mouth every time, spits everything out and does not swallow anything, it means that he is already mentally ready. Another factor is the change of teeth. If most of the teeth are already molars, then the time to change the toothpaste has obviously come. In other words, the transition from children's toothpaste to adult toothpaste should occur no earlier than 6, but no later than 10 years. However, for older children it is best to use “junior” paste rather than real adult paste - such pastes are produced by a number of manufacturers.

The second question that is often asked is whether adults can brush their teeth with children's toothpastes? Of course, it is possible - after all, such toothpastes are harmless, but the benefits for teeth from such cleaning will not be very great. After all, the content of nutrients in children's pastes is lower. So it is better if at each age we use the most suitable paste for us. Don’t forget to contact your dentist once every six months for a preventive examination and immediately if you discover any problem in your mouth.

Make an appointment Do not self-medicate. Contact our specialists who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

The best toothpaste according to experts “Test purchase”

It is impossible for a person to determine truly high-quality products. Opinion always becomes subjective. Therefore, as part of the TV show “Test Purchase”, an independent laboratory study of teeth whitening compositions was conducted. Five brands were studied:

  • "Ftorodent"
  • Aquafresh
  • "New Pearl"
  • Blend-a-med
  • Colgate

The winner of the program was the products of the Aquafresh brand.

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