We sewed up a hole after tooth extraction: why is this done and when to remove the sutures

Suturing the gums after tooth extraction: when required

On the eve of a surgical operation, patients are often interested in whether it is necessary to apply sutures after removing a tooth - wisdom, canine, incisor. There are certain indications for gum suturing:

  • Dental implantation. When choosing a one-stage tooth restoration protocol, the patient must undergo two surgical interventions at once. This is tooth extraction and immediate implantation. In order for the dental implant to take root in the bone tissue without any problems, the doctor will apply sutures and leave the implant in the tooth socket.

  • Removing eights. Wisdom teeth are characterized by enlarged roots, an uncomfortable position in the jaw row, and difficulty in extraction. When third molars are removed, soft and bone tissues are severely damaged, heavy bleeding begins, and severe pain is possible. To reduce unpleasant consequences, the doctor places a hemostatic sponge in the hole and sutures the gums after tooth extraction.

Sutures are also indicated when there is a threat of severe bleeding, extraction of dystopic and impacted teeth. The manipulation is also performed at the patient’s personal request.

Techniques used in bone grafting

  1. Alveolar process resorption is used for horizontal bone splitting when it is necessary to increase the density of the alveolar process. It is performed on both jaws, and today is the most popular method for increasing the volume of the alveolar process, while having a low cost compared to more expensive procedures. Again, there are variations of this technique, but it’s worth paying attention to “Split Control”. The technique makes it possible to simultaneously expand the space and install an implant.
  2. To increase the volume and length of the alveolar process, a bone block transplantation technique is used. Autogenous material is more often used here. The principle is to screw a bone block taken, for example, from the maxillary region of the zygomatic-alveolar ridge to the bone, using medical mini-screws made of titanium alloy. Then it’s all covered with bone shavings and covered with a connective tissue membrane, which is secured. Subsequently, the surgical wound is tightly sutured with synthetic thread. The disadvantages of autogenous material were discussed above, which should be taken into account when choosing therapy.
  3. Guided tissue regeneration is a method in which it is possible to both increase the height and expand the volume of the alveolar processes. This technique also involves the simultaneous installation of an implant.

The guided bone regeneration technique includes two components:

  • implanted bone material;
  • a special barrier membrane that protects against the effects of various infectious agents and other unpleasant factors.

It is important to understand and take into account that the technique of directed bone regeneration does not always provide a sufficient effect. When using this method, bone material is “planted” on the outside of the cortical plate of the upper or lower jaw. The bone structure is very different from its own and is prone to incomplete splitting. Therefore, such an operation should be performed by an experienced doctor who knows all the nuances of the technique and can adequately assess further treatment tactics.

Why did you sew up the hole after tooth extraction?

If stitches were applied after wisdom tooth removal, this will only be beneficial. Repeated studies have proven that a sutured socket is:

  • reducing the risk of infection and complications - by 90%;
  • rapid stop of bleeding;
  • preservation of the blood clot and natural healing of the wound;
  • minimal pain after surgery;
  • rapid fusion of tissues thanks to sutures.

Sutures are placed on the socket immediately after the removal operation. After which the doctor gives recommendations for accelerated healing and rapid normalization of the general condition.

Types of seams and suture materials

The patient’s further actions depend on what materials and suturing technique the surgeon used in dentistry. There are seams:

  • Intermittent - stitches are applied separately, each secured with its own knot. Damage to one stitch does not affect the integrity of the others, allowing you to keep the hole closed.
  • Continuous - all stitches are made with one suture thread and have a common knot. If one stitch is damaged, the entire seam comes apart.

Features of suture material:

  • Absorbable threads are a sterile material of natural or synthetic composition, which after some time disintegrates into independent elements. During the healing process of the hole, the sutures securely fix the wound and then completely dissolve.
  • Non-absorbable compounds are common synthetic threads used by dental surgeons in their work. These are polyester, nylon, silk, monofilament.

The material and features of suturing influence how the sutures are removed after the removal of a wisdom tooth or another unit.

We sewed up the gum after tooth extraction: when to remove the sutures

Removal of sutures from the gums after tooth extraction is carried out 7-10 days after surgery. The doctor invites you to a follow-up appointment. When examining the patient’s oral cavity, the dentist notes the quality of wound healing and the general condition of the tissues in the area of ​​the extracted tooth.

If healing goes well, the stitches will be removed on the same day.

How long does it take for sutures to dissolve after tooth extraction?

We sewed up the gum after tooth extraction - when the stitches dissolve depends on the material. There are many factors that determine the rate of natural destruction:

  • composition - synthetic and natural;
  • method of production of threads - what affects the breakdown of the composition;
  • individual characteristics of the patient’s body - in particular the state of the immune system;
  • the composition of saliva - destruction occurs under its influence.

There are approximate guidelines for when sutures dissolve after wisdom tooth removal, depending on the composition:

  • 20-30 days - synthetic self-absorbing sutures after tooth extraction;
  • 10-100 days - absorbable materials based on enzymes.

Features of the procedure

After the wound at the implant site has completely healed, the surgeon can begin to remove the threads. For the peace of mind of the doctor and the patient, it is recommended to do this with pain relief. Lidocaine-based drugs are most often used for this. Just surface treatment of the gums without injections is enough; gel formulas are ideal for this.

Even a doctor’s assistant can remove the stitches; there is nothing complicated in this procedure, and it takes no more than 5-10 minutes. First, the oral cavity is treated with an antimicrobial agent, and then an anesthetic is applied. The sutures are removed using small tweezers. At this time, the specialist can evaluate the result of the work he has done, and also make sure that there are no complications.

At the end of the procedure, a sterile bandage is applied to the surface of the gum, and the oral cavity is disinfected again. But even after the threads are removed, certain rules should be followed: do not eat too hot or cold food, alcohol, do not smoke and do not get involved in active sports. This is the only way the implant can take root as quickly as possible.

How to remove suture threads from a tooth socket

Many people associate the removal of sutures with unpleasant pain. Pain occurs only in people with a low pain threshold, increased sensitivity, or when there is inflammation in the tooth socket. Usually the patient experiences only discomfort.

Stages of removing suture material:

  1. treating the patient's oral cavity with an antiseptic;
  2. examination of the mucous membranes for hyperthermia, swelling, suppuration;
  3. the use of topical anesthesia to prevent even minimal pain;
  4. cutting the threads with a special dental instrument - the stitches are divided in half, especially in the case of an intermittent suture line;
  5. removing pieces of thread with tweezers;
  6. checking the density of the scar and the quality of wound healing.

Next, the patient will be asked to rinse his mouth with an antiseptic composition.

The first three days after the stitches are removed, stiffness of movements and discomfort when opening the mouth are possible.

Why do the sutures hurt after tooth extraction?

Unpleasant sensations accompany patients during the first hours after tooth extraction. Traumatic surgery requires some time for the body to recover. When the hole is sutured, the rehabilitation process goes faster, but complications also occur.

Alarming symptoms that require consultation with a doctor are as follows:

  • bleeding - unexpectedly resumed or continues for more than a day;
  • increasing pain - throbbing, radiating to the ear or neck, interfering with sleep and leading a normal lifestyle;
  • growing swelling - of soft tissues in the oral cavity or even on the face from the side of the extracted tooth;
  • redness and hyperthermia in the surgical area;
  • saliva with blood - even several hours after removal;
  • high temperature, weakness, general malaise.

Only the attending physician can understand what exactly is happening and what is the reason for feeling unwell. Therefore, at the first sign of discomfort, you need to call the clinic and make an appointment with a doctor.

Useful tips for oral care

  • hold the cotton swab applied by the doctor for 20-30 minutes;
  • within 2-3 hours after surgery, be sure to apply cold compresses to reduce tissue swelling;
  • carry out oral baths (not to be confused with rinsing) with antiseptic drugs for 3-5 days: “Miramistin”, “Chlorhexidine 0.5%” or other drugs prescribed by a doctor can be used as medicinal solutions;
  • after 3-5 days, start using a toothbrush - only a soft one for the operated area, as well as a new one, without bacteria on it. The teeth of the opposite jaw can be brushed immediately, the main thing is to avoid the area of ​​the extracted tooth;
  • chew food on the side opposite the injured area;
  • You can drink water immediately, preferably warm;
  • You can eat only after the anesthesia wears off, that is, after 2-3 hours;
  • Lead a quiet lifestyle, try to avoid physical activity and heavy lifting for 5-7 days.
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