How soon can I eat after having a light filling installed?

How many days should you follow the diet? What can you not eat and drink? What can you do? Example of a daily diet Other recommendations In case of home whitening
Who among us does not dream of a snow-white smile? Dentists have made such a dream accessible to almost everyone. It's easy to get a sparkling white smile, but how to maintain it?

One of the conditions is the diet after teeth whitening.

Why are restrictions needed?

After the procedure, tooth enamel:

  • Becomes more sensitive
    Over time, the increased sensitivity goes away, but in the first 48 hours
    , the reaction to substances contained in food can be severe.
  • Even gentle manipulation increases its permeability
    . Acids contained in some products may increase the risk of deterioration of the surface layer.
  • Becomes more porous
    . The top layer of dentin is temporarily exposed. Pigments can easily penetrate it and stain it, ruining the entire procedure.

It happens inside of us

The body does not recover immediately after suffering intoxication, because toxic substances already had a detrimental effect on almost all organs. Often after poisoning, the stomach hurts - this is explained by the fact that the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed - acute gastritis develops. The stomach stops doing its usual job - digesting food. Nausea, belching and pain appear after poisoning. Poorly digested food enters the intestines. And he, of course, is “dissatisfied” with the poor functioning of the stomach, and his “indignation” is manifested by bloating, gurgling and diarrhea after poisoning.

First of all, the liver suffers from intoxication: it works around the clock, seven days a week, neutralizing toxic substances that enter the body. “Fatigue” of the liver may be indicated by heaviness in the right side, yellowness of the skin, bitterness in the mouth, and elevated temperature after poisoning. During the period while recovery from poisoning is underway, general weakness, pain in muscles and joints, poor appetite, insomnia and other symptoms may bother you.

During the recovery period, medications are prescribed that improve digestion processes (enzymes) and the intestinal sorbent Enterosgel, which neutralizes and removes toxic molecules.

To restore beneficial intestinal bacteria, doctors prescribe effective tablets after poisoning - probiotics.

How many days should you follow the “white diet” after teeth whitening?

The whitening process is not completed the moment the patient gets out of the chair. The effect needs to be consolidated. For this, certain restrictions are introduced. Very strict - for 48 hours, but dentists recommend not to take risks and stick to a “transparent” diet for 2 weeks

. So you will definitely amaze others with whiteness for many months. During this time, the tooth enamel will be restored and restrictions can be removed. Although it should be remembered that uncontrolled use of products with coloring pigments will cause the shine and sparkle of the enamel to fade quite quickly. But reasonable use, on the contrary, will prolong the effect.

You will need to refrain from eating and drinking if you are going to:

  • General anesthesia. This type of anesthesia turns off the patient's consciousness. You see nothing, hear nothing, feel no pain, your muscles completely relax, and after the operation there are no memories of it. Some types of general anesthesia are given intravenously, sometimes it is a gas that you are given to inhale.
  • Regional anesthesia. This type of anesthesia numbs any part of the patient's body, for example, a leg, arm, or lower half of the body. Typically, the numbing agent is given through a catheter or injection.
  • Sedation. These are sedatives, after which a person relaxes and can fall asleep. Sedatives are injected into a vein using an injection or catheter.

What not to eat after teeth whitening

Darkening, pigmentation, and the appearance of spots are promoted by 3 factors: chromogens (substances that acquire color during oxidation), acids and tannins (tannins). They are found in many foods and can stain teeth, cause an unpleasant reaction, and even destroy enamel.

Products containing acids

  • Citrus fruits e
    . Even sweet tangerines contain a large amount of acid, which corrodes the protective layer.
  • Tomatoes
    . They are not only red, but also sour.
  • Carbonated drinks
    . They are carbonated with carbon monoxide, so even colorless carbonation is the enemy of enamel.
  • Fruit juices
    . In terms of the amount of acids, they are comparable to carbonated drinks.
  • Pickles and marinades
    . Vinegar is a strong acid that aggressively destroys surface layers.

Products containing acids

Products containing pigments

  • Tea
    (green and black),
    . The tannins contained in these drinks have a cumulative effect. One cup may not stain your teeth, but there are no guarantees about the fifth.
  • Wine
    . And white wine too. Red wine has a lot of coloring pigments, but any wine has acids.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks
    are also included in this group. Most of them contain acids that destroy enamel, as well as pigments that leave stains on it.
  • Dark fruits and berries
    . The combination of acids and pigments can ruin the whitening result. All red, blue, purple berries and fruits should go into oblivion for 2 weeks.
  • Chocolate
    and colored candies. Sugar and pigments are a bad combination for tooth enamel.
  • Sauces
    . Avoid soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, ketchup. Or better yet, any sauce at all. Most contain acids, tannins, pigments, or all three.

Products containing coloring pigments

It is better to heat-treat products that raise doubts.

An empty stomach is not ready for bed!

Recently, nutritionists are increasingly arguing that fasting sleep is illiterate. In such a situation, metabolic processes do not occur fully, and the peace of sleep is disturbed. True, they also argue that you shouldn’t overeat in the evenings.

Where is the reasonable balance that will benefit both metabolism and sleep?

First, you need to learn to adhere to measures. Analyze the volume of your evening plate. It should not exceed the scale of a regular glass or your handful. This amount of food eaten will not put pressure on the internal organs and prevent the lungs from working fully.

Secondly, it wouldn’t hurt to count calories. The most healthy portion is 200, sometimes 250 calories.

Thirdly, it is harmful to eat food immediately before bed. The best option is 2 or even 3 hours before going to bed. Light food will be almost digested during this time. There are no threats to a slim figure, which means that excess weight will not appear, which is often the cause of snoring and apnea.

What is possible

Fortunately, the list of products allowed after whitening is quite extensive. It includes:

  • White meat
    (turkey, chicken),
    . They contain no acids or dyes. They provide us with protein without harm to health.
  • Tofu
    . An excellent source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Dairy products
    without dyes. Classic yogurt, milk without additives, cottage cheese, sour cream will provide you with the calcium you need after the intervention.
  • Cheeses. It is better to avoid exotic ones due to increased sensitivity.
  • Cereals, pasta
    . Most cereals and pasta are allowed on the “white diet”. Problems can only arise with colored pasta or dumplings made from red flour.
  • Light fruits and berries
    . They provide our body with vitamins.
  • Light vegetables
    . Provide fiber without damaging teeth.
  • Water
    . It definitely won’t leave dark spots or destroy the enamel. It's the best choice for hydration, oral health and a bright smile.

In what situations should you consult a doctor?

During rehabilitation after tooth extraction, the patient may experience a number of postoperative symptoms: swelling of the cheeks and gums, increased body temperature, pain in the area of ​​the operation, discomfort when opening the mouth. During this period, it is especially important to monitor symptoms that are not the body’s natural reaction to surgery and can lead to serious complications: alveolitis, prolonged bleeding, limited osteomyelitis of the tooth socket, and others.

“According to the specialized literature, in 2–34% of cases after tooth extraction, a complication occurs - alveolitis.”

Malanchuk V. A., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honorary Professor of Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Ya. Gorbachevsky [3]

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • The pain persists for longer than 3 days, intensifies, and radiates to the ear and neck. Painkillers prescribed by a specialist do not help. Normally, the pain should gradually recede and completely disappear after 1-3 days.
  • Heavy bleeding does not subside within an hour, but continues several hours after surgery.
  • The tampons stopped the bleeding, but after a while the bleeding resumed.
  • Swelling and hematomas do not subside, but persist and intensify for 4 days or longer. Or they slept and then appeared again.
  • The socket visually looks empty and dry, a blood clot has not formed or its integrity has been compromised - “dry socket” syndrome .
  • Instead of a natural white coating, a dark gray, yellowish or greenish coating has formed on the wound.
  • Instead of transparent ichor, which can ooze from the wound during the first day, cloudy pus with an unpleasant odor appears.
  • Temperatures above 38°C last more than two days in a row. Or she slept, and then got up again.
  • Lost appetite, weakness and nausea appeared.
  • Painful sensations appeared when breathing and blowing your nose.
  • The anesthesia should have worn off 2-3 hours after the operation, but the upper or lower jaw, part of the gums, cheeks or lips were numb for more than a day.
  • Pain when opening the mouth and swallowing does not go away even 3–4 days after extraction [1, 2].

In order for tissue restoration to proceed without complications, it is important to carefully monitor the appearance of any symptoms and follow the doctor’s recommendations on when and what to eat after tooth extraction.

List of sources:

  1. Surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. National leadership / Ed. A. A. Kulakova, T. G. Robustova, A. I. Nerobeeva. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 928 p. — (Series “National Guidelines”) // URL: (date of access: 07/17/2020)
  2. Memo of recommendations for patients after extraction (removal) of teeth // Website of the central city dental clinic in Grodno. URL: (date of access: 07/17/2020)
  3. Rehabilitation in maxillofacial surgery and dentistry: collection. tr. Rep. scientific-practical conf. with international participation in “Parin Readings 2012” (May 3-4, 2012) / under the general. ed. prof. I. O. Pokhodenko-Chudakova; redol. I. M. Bayrikov [and others]. – Minsk: Publishing house. center of BSU, 2012. – 486 p. URL: (access date: 07/17/2020)

Approximate daily diet

Individual preferences influence what people eat after teeth whitening. A general recommendation would be to not drink alcohol. Wine contains tannins, and beer contains acids. Strong alcohol penetrates through the enamel pores, damaging the integrity of dentin. Therefore, it is better to exclude alcohol from the list of products for a white diet.



  • porridge (with milk, with water);
  • omelette;
  • banana smoothie;
  • buttered toast;
  • classic yogurt;
  • cottage cheese.


  • mushroom soup;
  • baked fish;
  • potato;
  • vegetable soup (avoid dark vegetables);
  • poached chicken;
  • chicken broth with dumplings.


  • sandwich with chicken or cream cheese;
  • pasta with white sauce;
  • rice with chicken, fish, mushrooms;
  • turkey salad;
  • white beans;
  • cauliflower.


  • yogurt;
  • baked apple;
  • banana;
  • cucumber;
  • pear;
  • white grapes.

By combining products and coming up with something of your own, you can easily survive for 2 weeks without noticing any restrictions.

It is important to ensure that the diet is complete, with a variety of recipes. For the body, the supply of vitamins and nutrients is important. Monotonous food and strict restrictions can lead to intestinal upset, vitamin deficiency, and demineralization of teeth.

On the other hand, you should not panic if you accidentally ate something that is not recommended to eat after whitening. Brush your teeth or rinse your mouth right away, the main thing is not to repeat the mistakes.

Nutrition principles:

  • avoid “colored” foods;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • to drink a lot of water;
  • subject “doubtful products” to heat treatment.

The white diet is not limited to the list of foods that can be eaten after teeth whitening. The dentist will also give other care tips that will strengthen your teeth and prolong the duration of the procedure.

Features of light seals

The composition of the light filling, as well as the technique of its installation, differs from other composite materials. The photopolymer contains a mixture of resins, fillers and silanes. This material hardens only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which affects the filling technique. To restore the integrity of the crown, the dentist applies the composition in layers, using a special blue lamp after each layer.

Photopolymer fillings have advantages over other types of composites:

  • plasticity of the composition and controlled hardening - the specialist has the opportunity to apply the material without haste, which will avoid the formation of gaps or the creation of an unaesthetic surface of the dental crown;
  • minimal content of toxic substances in the composition - due to the low level of toxins, there are practically no contraindications for the use of the material regarding the health status and age of the patient;
  • simplified final processing - the composite can be easily polished, which makes it possible to create a smooth surface that prevents damage to the enamel of the opposite tooth, tongue and soft tissues;
  • the ability to select an individual shade - the material can be almost identical in color to other teeth;
  • natural shape - the plasticity of the composite allows the specialist to create the shape of a natural crown;
  • service life - if the recommendations are followed, the seal will last at least 5 years.

The light filling has one significant drawback - the composite is not used when lesions are too large, or in hard-to-reach places.

What else

Recommendations after teeth whitening:

  • Refrain from eating
    2 hours
    , give your body a chance to recover
  • Avoid cold and hot
    . After dental procedures, sensitivity increases. Warm food will help avoid discomfort.
  • For some time after the procedure, you should brush your teeth after every meal.
  • Dental floss
    helps remove food debris that, when decomposed, can cause tooth decay and damage enamel.
  • Do not use whitening
    toothpaste until sensitivity returns to normal. Then it can be used to maintain the effect 1-2 times a week.
  • If you don't have the strength to give up caffeine, use a straw.

But it is better not to drink it after bleaching for at least 48 hours.

The result of whitening in ROOTT dentistry

How nutrition shapes our body

What we eat determines how we look. Most of the population is unhappy with what the mirror reflects, and there are two categories of people:

  • those who want to lose excess weight;
  • looking to gain muscle mass.

How fat loss and gain occurs

In the battle between the scale dial and delicious buns, calories are decisive. These are units of energy. Our body needs a charge to set all parts of the body in motion, to continue the non-stop work of all internal organs, we take it from food. Previously, during the period of difficult food production, a person needed more strength for daily work - for cultivating the land, for long walks. At the same time, the products were often low in calories - vegetables and fruits, vegetable oil.

Modern life simultaneously improved conditions in two directions:

  • Daily energy consumption decreased - transport appeared, an elevator and an escalator were designed. To avoid unnecessary movements, they even created a remote control. Working in an office at a computer practically does not disturb a person’s state of rest.
  • The calorie content in purchased provisions has increased - candy, cakes, fast food, carbonated sweet drinks - these are just time bombs in packaging. One bar of chocolate contains one fourth of the daily food requirement, despite the fact that we usually eat it with tea for dessert. And few people are interested in fruits in their pure form anymore - it’s more economical and convenient to buy juice, which contains a lot of sugar.

These two trends have led to an oversupply of unspent calories.
They are perceived by the body as reserves and are converted into fat reserves. To get rid of this safety net of fat, you need to create an energy deficit, that is, spend more than you take in. Then you will have to use up your reserves. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Train a lot, while choosing aerobic exercise, that is, cardio exercises of moderate difficulty. This allows glucose to be taken out of cells using oxygen. You can achieve a more effective anaerobic threshold, but then the exercises will be too intense for the cardiovascular system and an unprepared person in general.
  • Reduce your diet - don’t eat after 6, monitor the amount of calories, create deficit conditions for the body.

But the most effective way is to combine these two methods, that is, increase consumption and reduce energy supply.
However, this must be done gradually so that the shaking is not perceived as stress, otherwise the reverse process may occur. Instead of giving away fat reserves, the body will fight for every deposit. In winter, watch out for sportswear, choose ski suits from the Stayer brand. Due to the cost of heating the body, the energy balance may be disrupted, not to mention the fact that you may simply get sick. Dress warmly and comfortably during the winter season.

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