1. Synonyms with string. 2. . 3. “Doctor” sentences. 4. Meaning of the word. 5. Antonyms for “doctor”.
[organizational and legal form, name of organization, enterprise] I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other
When removal is indicated Modern dentistry strives to preserve teeth and their roots whenever possible, but
Impairment or difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia) - a feeling of painful and unpleasant sensation behind the sternum, “lump”
Typically, the replacement of a child’s milk teeth with permanent ones occurs in two stages. Aged
Fissure sealing is an extremely effective method of caries prevention and the main etiotropic method of fissure prevention
Types of toothpastes Properties of toothpastes Composition of toothpastes Selection of toothpaste according to the problem
Sometimes patients ask dentists: which is better, a pin or an inlay, and what is better to restore
Formally, from the point of view of classification, wisdom teeth (“eights”) are the same molars
Veneers – what are they? There are two types of veneers: Therapeutic. Veneers are made immediately directly on