Pain after wisdom tooth removal
How is Lincomycin used in dentistry?
What is Lincomycin? Lincomycin in ampoules Quite often when gums are damaged in the oral cavity
Why do you dream that a tooth is crumbled?
Dream Interpretation. Spitting out teeth in a dream without blood: why do you dream?
Quick transition to interpretations Who dreamed that their teeth were crumbling? For a woman For a man Which teeth crumble?
Diagnostic search algorithm for diseases of the oral mucosa
Anatomy of the oral cavity The oral cavity is the beginning of the digestive apparatus. The oral cavity is divided into two
Properties of glass ionomer cement for dental fillings
Features of using glass ionomer cement for filling teeth
3879 In dentistry, there are several types of filling materials, differing in composition, characteristics and release form.
Biomechanics of the lower jaw and its importance in prosthetics
The biomechanics of the lower jaw is considered from the point of view of the functional purpose of the dental system (speech, chewing, swallowing).
Plaque on a child's tongue
Oral candidiasis in children: main causes, course features, consequences and therapy
How is plaque formed? Epithelial cells on the surface of the tongue are constantly exposed to fairly aggressive factors:
Dilyar face mask - indications and contraindications
Features of orthodontic treatment using Dilara face mask
10234 In orthodontic practice, special devices are quite successfully used to correct severe bite defects.
Impression of teeth
Removable butterfly denture for 1, 2, 3 teeth, what is it, indications for installation, price
People lose teeth for various reasons - due to injuries, advanced dental diseases. And of course
What to do if your wisdom tooth and nearby gums are sick?
A wisdom tooth is the third molar that appears later than the others, and sometimes not at all.
Nylon dentures: lightness and comfort guaranteed
09/06/2017 To fill the missing crowns of the dentition, dentists, along with implants, widely use various
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