Features of steel crowns on teeth
What types of metal crowns are there for teeth and how to place them
Steel crowns are placed on chewing teeth as they are very durable and can withstand
what is a T4A trainer, where can you buy or order it, photo of the design
Trainer T4A: description, pros and cons of use
Bite defects, both in adults and children, develop gradually, with varying degrees
The appearance of acne on the chin: reasons why subcutaneous and minor inflammations appear in girls, women and men
Acne around the mouth is a very common problem that brings a lot of discomfort, mostly psychological.
Why do Damon braces come off faster than regular braces?
Aesthetic braces Dimon Clear, patient reviews
Damon braces are famous for the fact that their wearing period is on average 20% less than
How many years do dental implants cost and how long do they last?
What is implantation Indications/contraindications Types of implants Factors affecting service life Why there is a risk
Stomatitis on the tonsils: how to treat?
Have questions? Stomatitis is a disease in which the oral mucosa becomes inflamed. Stomatitis
Catalog of Nobel Biocare system abutments for dental implantation
The success of dental implantation consists of two main components - quality materials and professional work
Peritonsillar abscess: causes of the disease, symptoms, medical care
Most often, a sore throat is associated with viral inflammation, which is accompanied by fever, cough, and runny nose.
Distal bite
A large distance between the teeth of the upper and lower jaws is a risk factor for incisor injury
Let's look at one of the most common dental anomalies. Distal dental occlusion is a problem that
Classification of dentition defects according to Kennedy. Orthopedics
Defects of the dentition. Kennedy classification, Gavrilov classification
Gavrilov’s classification is a clear system of dentition defects with an accessible structure.
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