Teeth whitening Aliexpress Teeth whitening kit WHITE LIGHT with a blue lamp - activator. - reviews

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best systems from AliExpress with whitening gel
1Pasa TB-MYY-16LEDConvenient lamp included, best quality teeth whitening
2Poseida 12Most concentrated
3Iwiyi Professional Teeth Whitening KitFull set
The best strips from AliExpress for teeth whitening
1LEKGAVD Q37Q131Quick effect
2Crest 3D White LUXE ProfessionalMost convenient use
3EGOGUYS Teeth D Whitening StripsBest price
The best whiteners from AliExpress in the form of powders, pastes and serums
1MOONBIFFY Bamboo Teeth WhiteningBest Bamboo Powder
2BREYLEE BY1066Powder for removing stains and plaque
3She'Vaen TW075Whitening powder with pearls
4LANBENA SC003Fast acting serum

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Teeth whitening is a procedure that causes heated discussion, both among patients and among dentists. Moreover, opinions about its harm and benefits are polar. But if there is demand, then there will be supply. The Chinese could not miss such a niche for earning money. On AliExpress there is a whole section dedicated to teeth whiteners. Mostly inexpensive whitening systems are presented there, consisting of gels, a lamp and caps. Chinese sellers also have express means. These are whitening strips, bamboo sticks, pastes, gels, powders and pencils. On the page of each product they write about unique technologies and innovative developments. But how do they work?

The color of teeth is affected by the pigmentation of enamel and dentin. If by nature the dentition is far from white, then even the most active polishing will not give the teeth pearly whiteness. But they can be lightened a couple of tones. It’s also really possible to remove darkening from tea and coffee.

The rating presents the best teeth whiteners. However, if used incorrectly, they can do more harm than good. Before using the product, consult your dentist.

The best systems from AliExpress with whitening gel

A teeth whitening system is a kit that consists of a gel or strips containing at least 10% carbamide or hydrogen peroxide, an LED or infrared lamp and a custom tray. Whitening occurs due to the release of active oxygen under the influence of light radiation from a lamp.

The bleach is applied using a tray, then the lamp is turned on. The enamel pores open, active oxygen penetrates inside and removes darkening. After the procedure, the dentinal tubules remain open, so some manufacturers complete kits with products containing minerals that strengthen the enamel (hydroxyapatite, calcium, potassium, magnesium).

Teeth whitening: a brief educational program

Teeth whitening methods

Whitening methods can be divided into two types:

  1. Professional whitening - you need to go to the dental clinic for it. This includes photo bleaching, chemical bleaching, ultrasound, and laser. These methods require medical knowledge, skills and special equipment. These are usually quite expensive procedures, but at the same time the safest and most effective. We would recommend them.
  2. Home whitening. This includes both traditional methods and special modern means. We won’t talk about grandma’s methods like lemon peels and activated carbon, but we will dwell on various types of special equipment in more detail. These include:
  • whitening toothpastes and powders . The very first and most common, but not the most effective option. Typically, these toothpastes and tooth powders act as abrasives, removing a thin layer of enamel along with plaque. In addition, there are very effective enzymatic and chemical whitening toothpastes. This method really helps to lighten your teeth, but it can seriously harm your health, so buy only good toothpastes and use them for no longer than a month;
  • Mouth rinses are a good addition to toothpaste and generally a good thing for oral hygiene. The effectiveness of whitening, of course, is unlikely to amaze you, but mouth rinses act gently, fight germs, freshen breath, and maintain normal acid-base balance and humidity in the mouth;
  • erasers for teeth are ordinary polyester erasers, only they need to be used to erase not pencil marks from paper, but stains from teeth. Quite a strange invention of a Chinese genius. Of course, an eraser will not help whiten your teeth for a long time, but it will remove the effects of drinking coffee or red wine;
  • whitening varnishes - they do not so much change the tone of tooth enamel as simply paint over it. This is a quick, short-term method used when there is no time for thorough whitening. The varnish is erased, for example, by food, but it will still last one evening, so it can be used before an interview, a reunion or other important event;
  • gels are not as effective as chemical whitening in the dentist’s office due to the lower concentration of the active substance, but they are cheaper, are not as dangerous if used incorrectly, and can be used at home. The gel is applied to the teeth using a brush: this must be done carefully, because if it gets on the mucous membrane it can cause serious irritation. Typically the course takes about two weeks. The most convenient format for producing gels is pencils. They are small, convenient, you can take them with you on a trip and use them on the road;
  • Mouth guards are not so much an independent product as a way to enhance the effectiveness of the whitening gel. The trays are placed on the teeth before bed for an hour or two or even throughout the night. They can be either standard sizes - the main thing here is not to miss - or thermoplastic, that is, capable of taking the shape of your teeth after heating;
  • strips - they are glued to the teeth using fixing compounds, and the agent with which the strips are impregnated is responsible for whitening. Just like mouth guards, the strips are usually applied before bedtime. Their advantage is that you can do household chores and not be distracted by the whitening procedure, which happens as if by itself. Quite effective, safe and inexpensive method.

Contraindications to teeth whitening

Since bleaching somehow affects the enamel, before using any product, pay attention to contraindications. General contraindications to teeth whitening include:

  • children's age (up to 16 years);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • any diseases of teeth and gums;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • enamel damage: chips, cracks, caries;
  • allergy to the active substances of whitening products: hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide;
  • anomalies in the eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • taking antibiotics and other medications that can affect the color of tooth enamel;
  • oncological diseases.

In any case, before using bleaching products, read the instructions, and if you have any doubts, consult a specialist for advice.

How to maintain the result after teeth whitening with drugs from the pharmacy

Home whitening cannot provide as long-lasting results as professional procedures. Therefore, in order to keep your teeth white for as long as possible, after and during whitening, follow three simple rules:

  • exclude coloring foods and drinks from your diet: coffee and tea, red wine, soy sauce, beets, carrots, berries;
  • pay due attention to oral hygiene: brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day, use dental floss and mouthwash;
  • stop smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.


How to whiten teeth at home? There are different options. You can use folk remedies like lemon peels, baking soda or hydrogen peroxide, but no one guarantees effectiveness and safety for teeth. It is better to use special products: whitening toothpastes (the main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise you will erase the enamel), gels, mouth guards, strips, varnishes. In our selection above, we just talked about the best special products for teeth whitening at home.

How often can you whiten your teeth? It all depends on what product you use. For example, it is better to brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste no more than a couple of times a week for a month - no longer. After the course, you need to let your teeth rest and recover so as not to damage the enamel. The frequency of use of each specific product is indicated in the instructions for it - be sure to read it before use, and if in doubt, consult your dentist.

In-office bleaching

This term in dentistry means teeth whitening under the supervision of a doctor using gels based on hydrogen peroxide or urea, as well as catalysts in the form of ultraviolet light or a laser beam. The chemical composition affects only 20% of the organic substances contained in hard dental tissue (dentine) and does not cause any harm to the teeth. The final result of the procedure depends on the initial shade of the teeth, determined according to the VITA scale. In most cases, it is possible to achieve a lightening of 5 to 10 tones. Let's look at the features of each type of teeth whitening in the clinic.


During photo-whitening, the whitening gel is applied to the tooth surface from the front. The action of the product is accelerated by a lamp with ultraviolet radiation. One session lasts 15 – 30 minutes. The maximum change in tooth shade is possible by 8 – 10 tones. The cost of the service is about 10,000 rubles.

Laser whitening

The reagent on the teeth is catalyzed by a laser beam rather than an ultraviolet lamp. Each tooth is processed separately. In one laser whitening procedure, you can improve your color by 12 shades. The price of an effective technique is proportionally high - from 20,000 rubles per session.

Chemical bleaching

In chemical whitening, a whitening gel is applied to the surface of the teeth, and no ultraviolet light or laser is used. The method is gentle, so teeth become whiter by only 5 to 7 tones. The cost of the procedure is about 12,000 rubles.

In-canal whitening

It is used when the tooth has darkened due to filling the canals with coloring materials. The dentist drills a hole in the tooth cavity, applies a brightening agent and places a temporary filling. After achieving the desired result, the final restoration of the tooth is carried out. Endo-whitening costs approximately 1,000 rubles per tooth.

Contrary to what many patients believe, the popular Air Flow procedure involves mechanical cleaning and not teeth whitening. A powerful stream of air, water, soda and other components removes bacterial and hard plaque, polishing and leveling the tooth surface. After the session, the teeth visually become whiter because they have been cleaned of impurities and returned to their natural color. The same can be said about ultrasonic whitening.

Operating principle

The basic principle of whitening is achieved through exposure to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide (or urea), the concentration of which ranges from 5 to 12%. At the same time, when choosing a pencil, you must definitely pay attention to the percentage of this component, because in large quantities peroxide can completely dissolve the enamel.

When the gel hits the teeth, the hydrogen peroxide breaks down and oxygen penetrates first into the enamel and then into the deeper structures, accordingly causing the tooth to lighten.

How to use teeth whitener?

How to use whitening products to make them work as effectively as possible:

  • Before applying the product, brush your teeth thoroughly to remove any dirt from the interdental spaces;
  • use dental floss to better prepare your teeth for the whitening process;
  • Apply directly to teeth using the optional applicator.

Manufacturers recommend using teeth whitening products for 7 to 14 days for 10 minutes every day (the duration of whitening depends on the degree of discoloration). This is the time required for the active components to cover the surface of the enamel and simultaneously penetrate deep into the tooth. Even the most persistent discoloration is then gradually eliminated.

Price issue

The price of whitening pencils from different manufacturers can vary significantly depending on the suppliers, and today in the largest Russian retail chains you can buy a teeth whitening pencil:

  1. “Bliq” - from 1699 to 2000 rubles;
  2. “Bright White” - from 400 to 700 rubles;
  3. “Teeth whitening pen” - from 800 to 1000 rubles.

But if you order the product from the manufacturer itself (this applies to foreign brands), you can save a lot and get a non-counterfeit product.

What could be the consequences?

Along with its tempting advantages, this pencil, like many modern inventions, has a number of shortcomings. If you do not adhere to the basic rules of its use, you may encounter unpleasant consequences:

  1. Increased sensitivity. This consequence is inevitable, even if you obediently follow the instructions for use. The more often the pencil is used, the faster the sensitivity to temperature changes will increase. Therefore, you should not use this gel every day. Use it only in the most extreme situations.
  2. Temporary effect. Despite what the manufacturer promises, you should understand that advertising is just advertising. In fact, such a pencil whitens only for a short time. In order for the whitening effect to last for years, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking coffee, and also regularly brush your teeth.
  3. Destruction of enamel. This occurs if there was no consultation with a doctor before use. There may be large cracks in the enamel, and the use of gel with hydrogen peroxide only worsens their situation.

There are also a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account. The pencil is strictly prohibited from being used:

  • pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers;
  • those who have piercings in the tooth, tongue or cheeks;
  • those who have naturally very sensitive teeth (using a pencil will cause unbearable pain in the future);
  • small children (since children's enamel is still fragile and more vulnerable to chemical influences);
  • people suffering from dental diseases.

Review of products from various manufacturers


The “Bliq” whitening pencil from the Korean manufacturer From Vanessa is made in the form of a small silver container with a brush-shaped applicator. It is very simple to use - just twist the cap and small droplets of gel appear.

Has a rather specific smell

mainly due to the fact that the composition is dominated not by natural herbs and oils, but by chemical ingredients (which is absolutely normal for such a product):

  • carbamide peroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • peppermint oil;
  • carbomer;
  • triethanolamine.

When using, you may feel a slight chill due to the mint contained in the composition, but in general it dries out quite quickly and does not bring any pronounced unpleasant sensations.

Exposure time – 30 seconds. The manufacturer promises to achieve several shades of whitening after a two- or three-week course.


Bright White

Another option for an at-home procedure is the Bright White whitening pencil. In its blue and white color palette, it resembles a compact ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen with a protective cap. Features of its use are as follows:

  • It is as easy to use as similar pencils from other manufacturers, but takes a little longer to use. During the procedure, the gel should remain on the teeth for about 10 minutes
  • The first lightening of two tones is achieved after four to seven days of use, and the maximum after ten.
  • Possible increased sensitivity of teeth.
  • The result of use lasts up to 12 months, but subject to the exclusion of exposure to aggressive dyes (cigarettes, red wine, coffee, etc.).
  • It is mainly recommended for maintaining the effect after any whitening procedures: both professional and at home.

Teeth whitening pen

The American company Amazing White has developed a Teeth whitening pen for teeth whitening. The tube is shaped like a pencil and contains a thick gel that is easy to apply and does not smudge.

This tool has a number of features:

  • It is used only to support the whitening effect that has been achieved through other procedures
    . That is, by itself it will not be able to lighten teeth by several tones (only after constant and long-term use). Essentially, its operating principle is that the gel creates an invisible film on the teeth, which prevents the effects of substances that stain the enamel.
  • Makes your breath fresh.
  • The gel contained inside the tube is completely harmless, so it does not require rinsing after drying.
  • In addition to the main effect, it has an additional effect - it remineralizes the enamel.
  • There are no restrictions on the time of use: it can be used every day as a complement to basic hygiene procedures (brushing and rinsing), even for several years. Thus, you can maintain the effect after the whitening procedure for as long as possible – up to two years.

How else can you whiten your teeth at home? Let’s look at several effective methods.

In this article you will find approximate prices for sapphire braces and look at their photos.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/lazernoe/zubov-otzyivyi-tsenyi-i-opisanie-protseduryi.html - reviews about laser teeth whitening have been collected for you.

The best bleaches in powder and paste form

Whitening powders help remove plaque. But it is one of the reasons for the darkening of the enamel. And no matter how diligently we brush our teeth, plaque still accumulates on their surface. Sometimes the powder is mixed with caring ingredients, then it takes the form of a paste.

The composition of bleaching powders and pastes includes soda, chalk, and activated carbon. But the Chinese approached this issue creatively. AliExpress has bleaches with the most unexpected compositions. Check out the best options.

How to choose the best dental whiteners?

All teeth whiteners are effective when used correctly. Certain types have many additional features. In general, the choice depends on the expected results. Some of them remove plaque from the surface of teeth quickly, others more slowly, but more effectively. Some products further strengthen the enamel (its hardness) or reduce susceptibility to tooth decay. They also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. When choosing a product you should:

  • Read the instructions in detail to ensure that the purchased product meets your expectations and individual care needs.
  • Mouthguards should be predominantly silicone. This flexible material fits perfectly over your teeth and fits comfortably in your mouth.
  • The water resistance of the pads ensures their correct and safe cleaning, as well as repeated use.
  • An additional advantage is the whitening scale indicator, which allows you to independently measure the quality of teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening products are based on dental research that indicates the expected results from their use. It is worth choosing a product that satisfies several basic criteria:

  • easy way to apply to teeth;
  • fast action (one-time whitening 10-15 minutes);
  • visible effects after the first use;
  • equipping the activator with a timer signaling the end of treatment;
  • the shape of the onlays, ensuring the application of the same amount of gel to the upper and lower parts of the jaw.

It is worth remembering that finishing the whitening procedure does not mean you can stop taking care of your teeth. First of all, you should remember about proper oral hygiene and brushing your teeth at least twice a day. After completing your whitening cycle, be sure to also follow the “white diet.” Because enamel may weaken after bleaching, it is more susceptible to discoloration caused by eating colored foods.

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