Reviews of a teeth whitening pencil - a tribute to fashion or a necessary hygiene product?

The desire to have snow-white teeth is inherent in every person, but many people cannot afford the professional whitening procedure.

Therefore, manufacturers of dental products, together with dentists, have created an effective product that helps lighten enamel at home - a whitening pencil.

The low cost of the product and high efficiency brought the invention high popularity in the European and domestic markets.

Key Features of Whitening Pencils

  • a teeth whitening pencil is a transparent substance, usually of a gel-like consistency, the main active role of which is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide,
  • the whitening composition is placed in a special container that looks like a small bottle for mascara, lipstick, or a marker or felt-tip pen,
  • The product from the bottle is applied to the enamel using the included brush or dispensing sponge. The liquid is evenly distributed over the front surface of the teeth; in most cases it is not necessary to wash it off,
  • You can purchase a gel pencil for teeth whitening at a pharmacy or through an online store.

Instructions for use

The effectiveness of whitening largely depends on the regularity of the procedures. The better you take care of your mouth, the less you need to use pencils and other whitening products.

The composition should be evenly distributed over the surface of the enamel.

Depending on the manufacturer chosen, whitening procedures need to be carried out daily, several times a week or month.

The procedure begins with the following manipulations:

  1. Use a sterile cloth to wipe the enamel surface dry.
  2. Use toothpicks to remove all remaining food. It is not necessary to brush your teeth before starting the procedure.
  3. Take a pencil and open it. Start turning the dispenser until you see a drop of gel, start applying it to the enamel.
  4. Smile as widely as possible, distribute the composition in an equal layer over the entire surface of the upper and lower teeth, respectively.
  5. It is not recommended to close your mouth for five minutes.
  6. Remove any remaining gel with a napkin; it is not recommended to eat or drink anything in the next half hour. The instructions should be studied in advance; it may also say that the oral cavity should be rinsed with water.

An example of how teeth whitening occurs

Interesting! After applying the gel, foam may form; this phenomenon is considered normal. Strictly follow all recommendations indicated on the packaging and in the instructions.

In order to get results quickly and achieve a snow-white smile, it is recommended to avoid drinking coffee, carbonated drinks and any coloring drinks.

Precautionary measures

It is forbidden to keep the composition on the teeth longer than indicated in the instructions. Most manufacturers recommend waiting from one minute to twelve, maybe a little more.

It is strictly forbidden to close your mouth during the procedure

If the rules stated above are not followed, irritation may appear on the gums, in addition, the protective layer of tooth enamel may be destroyed.

In addition, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. During the procedure, do not close your mouth or relax your lips under any circumstances. Just smile as widely as possible until the composition takes effect.
  2. Do not swallow the gel under any circumstances; its purpose is solely to eliminate aesthetic defects.
  3. Make sure that the product does not get into your eyes; if this happens, rinse them with water as soon as possible.

These are simple, but at the same time important recommendations that should be followed without fail.

Possible consequences

The desire of many people to quickly get the desired result causes many problems. The most dangerous thing that can happen is the destruction of tooth enamel. But sometimes even strict adherence to all instructions can cause the conditions listed below.

Increased enamel sensitivity.

Excessive enamel sensitivity. The instructions mention this feature. Sensitivity worsens especially often with repeated use of the product. In order to cope with the problem, it is recommended to use toothpastes for sensitive teeth.

Destruction of enamel.

Exacerbation of enamel destruction processes. If a person has previously had cracks or chips in the enamel, then a pencil will make the situation several times worse.

Conditional lighting.

Conditional nature of lightening. This is expressed in the fact that there is no effect from the procedure or it is completely insignificant. In this case, you cannot do without professional whitening; in addition, you will have to give up bad habits, in particular smoking and drinking coffee.

We must not forget that a tooth whitener pencil is a medical product, and not just a cosmetic product. Following instructions is extremely important.

Components that are included in the composition

Regardless of brand or brand, all whitening sticks contain either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Only other components and additives can differ in the compositions from different manufacturers: enamel-strengthening minerals and elements (calcium, fluorine, phosphorus), flavorings for fresh breath with the smell and taste of mint and fruit.

The peroxide content usually ranges from 5 to 15%. This concentration is considered to be as safe as possible for enamel, but, of course, only if you have no contraindications to the use of such products.

On a note! Doctors recommend choosing pencils that contain carbamide peroxide. It acts a little slower than hydrogen peroxide, but its effect on gums and hard tissues is softer and more gentle.

Which one is better to choose?

The choice of whitening products is very wide. To choose the best option, use these tips:

  • Check reviews online before you buy anything.
  • Give preference to the most popular brands.
  • For home use, you should not choose pencils that contain too high a concentration of the active substance.
  • Don't focus only on price. More expensive is not always better.

We can conclude that it is not recommended to use whitening pencils too often. It is better to pay the same money to specialists and get a guaranteed result without harm to the enamel.

Information about important contraindications

Can everyone use a teeth whitening pencil? The product is unsafe for people who have recently undergone surgery in the oral cavity (for example, tooth extraction), have acute inflammatory processes, wounds on the mucous membranes and gums, as well as untreated diseased teeth. It should not be used by those who have thin and sensitive enamel. In all of these cases, the discomfort will increase even more, dental problems will worsen, and tissues will begin to deteriorate.

Procedures should not be performed on pregnant and lactating women, as well as those under 18 years of age. People who are allergic to peroxide or other components included in the composition should not use the product. If you plan to undergo pencil whitening, you will need to remove the piercing from your mouth.

The product cannot be used if you have braces, as well as many crowns and fillings in the smile area. In this case, the effect will not live up to expectations, and the result will be disappointing, since the enamel will be colored unevenly. Artificial structures, fillings and crowns cannot be lightened using such means.

What about people with fluorosis, hypoplasia and tetracycline teeth? Will a pencil help change the color of the enamel in this case? No, the concentration of the active substance in it is too low to cope with such defects. Not even all office methods are capable of this. In addition, with these pathologies, hard tissues are very sensitive, and using a pencil without prior professional preparation for whitening can lead to dire consequences: pain, cracking and crumbling of the enamel.

For whom the pencil is not suitable

The following factors are contraindications to using a whitening pencil:

  • caries, periodontitis,
  • weakened enamel, increased tooth sensitivity,
  • wounds and damage to the oral mucosa,
  • period of lactation and pregnancy,
  • allergy to any components of the gel,
  • presence of piercings on the lips and tongue.

Caries is a contraindication to pencil whitening

Rules for using whitening pencils

If you purchased a teeth whitening pencil, it will usually come with instructions on how to use it. Most products have a similar operating principle, so the rules of use are almost always the same:

  • Brush or rinse your teeth to ensure no food particles remain in your mouth. Blot saliva from the enamel with a dry cloth.
  • open the bottle and squeeze out the liquid so that it reaches the brush or dispenser in sufficient quantity,
  • Distribute the product evenly over the front of your front teeth. Avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes,
  • soak the composition exactly as long as indicated in the instructions: on average 5-10 minutes. At this time, you should keep your mouth open in a smile,
  • leave the remaining gel or rinse your mouth depending on what the instructions say,
  • Avoid eating and drinking for 30-60 minutes.

The procedure must be repeated 1 to 2-3 times a day. Apply the composition in front of a mirror.

Features of use

The main advantage of using whitening pencils is ease of use.

. The application procedure may differ slightly for different manufacturers, but it can be roughly divided into several stages:

  1. First, rinse your mouth to remove any remaining food and wipe your teeth with a dry cloth.
  2. After this, squeeze out a few drops of the gel using the built-in dispenser and apply it to your teeth, while smiling broadly.
  3. Then the composition remains for some time, which depends on each specific manufacturer: from a few seconds to ten minutes. During this period, you cannot close your mouth and relax your muscles so that oxygen reaches your teeth, which interacts with the main substances of the gel and acts only under such conditions.
  4. After finishing, wipe everything with a dry cloth.

Thus, the entire procedure takes only 10-15 minutes in total.

. But when using such a pencil, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • It is recommended to use it after a meal, or even better – half an hour after it;
  • For more effective use, manufacturers recommend a two-week course (no more than 2 times a day), followed by a mandatory break.
  • To obtain 100% effect, cigarettes, coffee and tea, brightly colored drinks (cola, Fanta, concentrated juices, etc.) are excluded. Otherwise, the use will be reduced to zero, especially considering the fact that teeth become more sensitive to such influences during use.

In any case, this remedy is not a panacea, and will not be able to permanently get rid of yellow teeth, if only for the simple reason that for some people the natural shade of tooth enamel is far from boiling white. And if you regularly “pamper” yourself with cigarettes and coffee and do not observe basic oral hygiene, no means will give a special, let alone lasting, result.

But if you decide to try out the effects of such a home whitening procedure, then all that remains is to choose a manufacturer. The three most popular products are Bliq, Bright White and Teeth whitening pen.

Helpful Tips and Precautions

  1. To minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences, consult your dentist before using the gel pencil. Perhaps, before the course of procedures, it will be necessary to cure diseased teeth and relieve inflammation on the gums and mucous membranes. Or maybe after a detailed examination it turns out that you have hypoplasia or fluorosis, in which this method will not work and will be dangerous. Then the doctor will offer alternative options for transforming your smile, for example, prosthetics with veneers and crowns, microabrasion, and composite extensions.
  2. To get the best lightening effect, first undergo professional hygiene at the dentist. The doctor will remove bacterial plaque, level and prepare the enamel surface for further exposure to peroxide. Without this procedure, the result of 2-4 tones, which manufacturers of whitening pencils promise, is simply unattainable.
  3. After the procedure, avoid drinking drinks and foods that contain bright dyes. Eat foods that are neutral in color: fermented milk, pasta, mashed potatoes, chicken, eggs. It is recommended to follow a “white” diet from the moment you first use the pencil and for 7-10 after the last procedure. You should also stop smoking.
  4. Do not swallow bleach as it may cause gastrointestinal upset.
  5. During use of the product and for two weeks after this, use a remineralizing calcium-containing or fluoride-containing enamel paste. This will strengthen hard tissues and make them less sensitive to external influences.
  6. Strictly follow the instructions for using the teeth whitening pencil. Do not use the product more often or for longer than recommended.
  7. Buy special mouthguards that will allow you not to strain your facial muscles and will ensure comfort while you wear the product on your teeth. Plus, some manufacturers indicate that the use of mouth guards will help improve the result, since they will allow you to keep the gel on the enamel in the right amount and for as long as required.

How to use?

Usually the gel is applied to dry teeth and left to dry for a while. After using the whitening composition, you will be able to brush your teeth only after a few hours. The entire set of procedures includes at least 7-14 doses (that is, it is quite acceptable to apply the gel in the morning and evening).

The break between courses is at least two months.

Of course, in order for the entire procedure to be safe and not harm the gums and enamel, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • You should always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer and not resort to the procedure more often than prescribed;
  • Today, many companies produce such teeth whitening pencils, but not all of them prove their effectiveness in practice; you should give preference only to well-known brands that have passed expert testing;
  • If you have carious damage to your teeth, as well as damage to your gums or enamel, you should abandon this method.

Complications that may occur

If you use the product without taking into account contraindications and if the instructions are not followed, unpleasant complications may arise:

  • allergic reaction: usually manifests itself in the form of rashes on the mucous membrane, itching, redness, and swelling of the tissues. But with an acute reaction and individual intolerance, it can lead to angioedema and anaphylactic shock,
  • pain and discomfort, “ache” in the teeth, damage and irritation of the gums,
  • cracks and chips of enamel,
  • discoloration: if the whitening composition was used despite fillings and crowns in the smile area, braces.

Possible side effects

Using a teeth whitening pencil can cause side effects:

  • Enamel sensitivity appears . This sensitivity increases as you use the product, and can only be eliminated by using special toothpastes.
  • The enamel is not lightened enough . Using a pencil should be part of a comprehensive approach to teeth whitening: professional cleaning, avoidance of coloring products, coffee and smoking.
  • Cracks are getting bigger . If your tooth enamel initially has invisible cracks, the problem will become significantly worse after using this whitening method.

Obvious advantages and disadvantages of pencils

Advantages of useDisadvantages of use
  • compact: easily fits in a handbag,
  • ease of use: you can carry out the procedure in any place convenient for you and at any time,
  • contains a minimal concentration of peroxide and is relatively safe for enamel,
  • a large selection of products from different manufacturers,
  • gives a better and more lasting result than whitening abrasive pastes and traditional recipes,
  • if the composition contains calcium and fluoride, it additionally strengthens the teeth,
  • low cost.
  • whitens by a maximum of 2-4 tones,
  • not suitable for people with dark enamel color, hypoplasia, fluorosis, tetracycline teeth,
  • increases the sensitivity of enamel during use,
  • does not give an immediate effect: to get results, you have to use it for 7-10-14 days,
  • you have to keep your mouth open while the gel is on your teeth, otherwise there will be no effect,
  • the likelihood of allergies, as well as complications if used incorrectly.

“It touches me when pencil manufacturers promise an effect of 5-6 tones. No matter how many different brands I have bought, they all lighten the color by a maximum of 1-3 tones for me personally. Therefore, do not even hope that after using it you will get a Hollywood smile, as in the photo on the Internet. And the result will not last long, even if you give up coffee, tea, beets, berries and red wine altogether. It lasts for 1-1.5 months, then the course must be repeated. But you can’t do it too often, otherwise your teeth will become like foil, just as thin!”

Buttercup, review from

“Before this, I once tried to whiten my teeth with toothpastes from different price categories, but it always didn’t work out very well. Then I bought a pencil on an online sale for 700 rubles, and, you know, compared to paste, the effect is much better!!! I think that this is a completely worthy alternative when there is no money for whitening at the dentist. The only drawback: the composition is quite caustic, if it gets on the gums, it will hurt later and may even bleed.”

K.Lukina, review from


Whitening procedures can cause completely opposite emotions in each individual person and give different effects. Therefore, if you have personally experienced the effects of a whitening pencil, you can share your feedback with other readers in the comments to this article.

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Review of the most popular brands of pencils

Luxury White PRO (China)

This gel is very popular, despite the fact that it contains a completely unsafe concentration of carbamide peroxide - 35%. Promises an enamel lightening effect of 4-6 tones. To avoid complications, it is recommended to use this drug only after consultation with a dentist and thorough professional training.

Important! Dentists recommend that you pay attention to products that are manufactured in China, since often the information about products from this country indicated on the packaging is not true.

ROCS (Russia-Switzerland)

The product promises to easily deal with stains from coffee, wine, and cigarettes that have become ingrained into hard tissues. It must be used precisely, directly on the spots. The principle of operation of this pencil is slightly different from the previous and subsequent ones. ROCS operates using patented TSR-1010 technology. The pencil itself has two tips of different thicknesses and is coated with polishing microcrystals. The tips resemble a nail file in appearance. It is necessary to bring the end of the pencil to the enamel with the stain and clean it. The manufacturer warns that if the defect is not removed easily and without strong pressure, then it is better not to continue the experiment, but to consult a dentist.

Bright White (China)

Some sources indicate that the product is produced in the USA, but in fact these are just tricks of advertisers, thus increasing the degree of trust in the product. The composition has a mint aroma that freshens breath. The main active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 12%. The pencil comes with a color scale, thanks to which you can evaluate the initial, intermediate and final results.

GLOBAL WHITE (Russia-Italy)

The product should not be used for longer than 14 days. The promised effect is up to 3 tones. The composition contains potassium nitrate and xylitol[1], which reduce the sensitivity of enamel and also increase its resistance to caries. There is a variety of gel on sale with the aroma and taste of “Fruit Mix”.

Amazing White Teeth Whitening Pen (USA)

This product is trusted by many because its manufacturer is the Amazing White company, which developed the professional whitening technology of the same name (today the procedure can be done in many dentists). The product freshens breath, not only whitens, but also remineralizes the enamel.

My Brilliant Smile (USA)

Contains glycerin, carbopol, peroxide, menthol. The brightening gel comes in a stylish pencil pen. Many consumers note that there is very little information about the manufacturer on the packaging, and not entirely complete instructions are provided. To have an effect, the product must be kept in the mouth for up to 30 minutes. When it gets on the tongue, mucous membranes and gums, the gel begins to sting and cause irritation. But, as buyers assure, it still has an effect, because the teeth become 2-3 shades lighter.

ICEBERG Professional Whitening (China)

Contains hydrogen peroxide, glycerin, menthol, carbopol. After application, the product must be kept in the mouth for 7-10 minutes, then it must be washed off with water. The manufacturer recommends using ICEBERG Professional Whitening once every two days, and promises maximum effect from use after 10 procedures.

MiBrite Luminite (USA)

This is a whitening pen. The main active ingredient in this product is carbamide peroxide at a concentration of 9%. The composition also contains potassium nitrate, silicon dioxide, peppermint oil and menthol. Thanks to the patented NanoBright Science formula, the pen not only whitens, but also strengthens hard tissues and prevents damage. One such pen is designed for 30 procedures (full course of use). The effect promised by the manufacturer is 2-5 tones on the Vita scale. For better and faster results, it is allowed to apply the composition up to 2-4 times a day.

SupremeDent (Russia)

Tested in the USA. The manufacturer promises that if you use SupremeDent for 14 days, your teeth will become crystal white, as they will change their shade by 4-5 tones. The product is suitable for sensitive enamel, and the results from its use will last up to 12 months, but, of course, only with proper oral care.

Operating principle

Tooth enamel has a porous structure and microcracks into which food coloring substances - chromogens - penetrate. Penetrating into the dentin, these microparticles form pigmented areas on it that differ in color from the rest of the surface of the crown. The effect on darkened areas of dentin occurs due to the active components of the gel.

The gel used in the bleaching agent may consist of the following components:

  • Hydrogen peroxide, concentration 5 - 12%. When applied to enamel, it splits into oxygen, which penetrates the pores and brightens pigmented particles, and water, which removes them.
  • Urea peroxide . It has a more gentle effect on teeth than peroxide due to the lower content of the active substance. Once on the enamel, this substance breaks down into urea and hydrogen peroxide, whitening the darkened areas.

In addition to the main active ingredient, the gel contains auxiliary ingredients - calcium, fluorine. They help reduce the aggressive effects of hydrogen peroxide, while simultaneously enhancing the effectiveness of whitening.

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Follow the link to learn more about the process of tooth extension with a pin.

Negative consequences

For some people, use may not produce the results they intended.

  1. Increased tooth sensitivity. Every company immediately warns about this. You can really fight this with special pastes.
  2. Minor enamel cleaning. Experts immediately warn that this method of lightening is especially effective after professional teeth cleaning. The pencil acts as a fixative.
  3. Destruction of enamel. It happens in people who have carious manifestations or other enamel defects.

Disadvantages of the technique

Like most products, bleach in the form of a felt-tip pen has its drawbacks.
Frequent use of a pencil can affect the sensitivity of the teeth and lead them to react sharply to cold and hot , this is not a particularly pleasant sensation.

In addition, while applying the gel, you should not close your mouth for a certain amount of time to allow it to be absorbed and the unnecessary evaporation.

Benefits of pencil whitening

This product does not have mass restrictions at places of purchase ; it can be purchased both in pharmacy stores and ordered online. Incredibly compact , you can always carry it with you, putting it in your wallet, handbag or purse.

Note! A huge advantage is that it can be used in any place and situation when you want to surprise with a white smile and be confident in your own irresistibility.

The most important advantage is that there is no need to rinse off . During the application procedure, the gel paste simply evaporates from the surface of the teeth, leaving behind bright teeth and without causing harm, thanks to the strictest dosage of components.

People often use a pencil when they don't have a toothbrush at hand.

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