Blendamed - convenient whitening strips for teeth whitening

In the photo: “Perfection” toothpaste and Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe teeth whitening booster

Innovation in teeth whitening from a famous brand. The new product consists of two products: Perfection toothpaste and Teeth Whitening Booster.

Blend-a-med has released an innovative teeth whitening system consisting of 2 new products: Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” toothpaste, which removes up to 100% of surface enamel darkening in 3 days, and Blend-a-med Whitening Booster a-med 3D White Luxe, which increases the whitening effect and provides protection against re-darkening of the enamel for up to 24 hours.

Research shows that 62% of all people care about the impression they make on others. So it's no surprise that we want to look our best - neat hair, flawless makeup and a dazzling smile. However, sometimes it is difficult to combine the whiteness of a smile with the pleasure we get from our favorite drinks and food.

Blend-a-med offers a simple way to truly eliminate imperfections and protect white teeth in any situation: at a party, on the beach or at a cafe with friends - and it is the Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” system with an innovative whitening formula .

Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” toothpaste and Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe Whitening Booster, part of the Blend-a-med collection of beauty products, form a two-step system that is created specifically for a snow-white smile.

Teeth whitening strips for a snow-white smile

You can whiten your teeth at home without going to the dentist. Whitening strips will help you with this. This is a very effective remedy, which is also confirmed by numerous reviews. Let’s figure out what the strips are and how to use them together.

Externally, the strips look like a thin plate, which is covered with a gel-like medicinal consistency. Thanks to whitening strips, you can get a noticeable whitening effect without leaving home.

These strips will help you whiten your teeth by 1-4 shades. They can be used by people with teeth darkened by tea, coffee or smoking, as well as people who naturally have a yellowish or grayish tint. The whitening substances contained in the strips also help those people who have pigment spots after orthodontic braces, as well as those who were forced to take a number of medications harmful to their teeth.

Effect of whitening strips

These strips use gels that contain hydrogen peroxide and urea. As soon as you remove the protective film from the strip, the gel is immediately activated. Peroxide begins to actively produce oxygen ions, which have pronounced oxidizing properties. After application to the teeth, the ions penetrate deep into the dental tissue, breaking down organic pigments into water and carbon dioxide. As a result of this splitting, tooth enamel becomes lighter.

More concentrated similar gels are also used in dental clinics. They are only activated by laser or light radiation. By the way, if you read reviews about the strips, many say that even the sensations are somewhat similar to a procedure at the dentist.


  1. Whitening should be done once or twice a day. In this case, it is necessary to observe a certain interval - 12 or 24 hours, respectively.
  2. The product can only be used once.
  3. It is necessary to distinguish between strips for the upper and lower teeth. For the top row they are longer than for the bottom.
  4. The time of one procedure can be from 5 to 30 minutes. The exact time is indicated in the instructions.
  5. After the procedure, brush your teeth with toothpaste and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  6. You can talk while using the strips, but if you believe the reviews, this is not very convenient. It is strictly forbidden to eat, smoke, drink.
  7. The total duration of the procedure is on average 2–4 weeks. At this time, it is advisable not to consume colored foods and drinks (beets, tomato juice, strong tea, coffee, red wine, etc.).


  1. Carrying out the procedure at home;
  2. Short time to achieve effect. In just a few days you will see that your teeth have become a shade lighter;
  3. Possibility of lightening up to 4 tones;
  4. Possibility of whitening without interrupting your household chores;
  5. Do not destroy enamel;
  6. The result is noticeable within six months;
  7. Availability;
  8. Safety and painlessness of the procedure.

Disadvantages of whitening strips:

  1. Increased tooth sensitivity may occur for some time;
  2. The strips do not always adhere tightly to the teeth, and this can lead to uneven whitening;
  3. You should not use the strips if you have dental problems;
  4. It is not always possible to whiten teeth to the desired result (this depends on the type and darkening of the enamel);
  5. Possible allergies.

Contraindications for use:

  1. Not permitted for use by people under 18 years of age;
  2. Forbidden for lactating and pregnant women;
  3. If you have damage to the enamel, gums and periodontal disease, you should also not use them;
  4. Crowns, dentures and filled teeth are not whitened;
  5. If you are allergic to at least one of the substances contained in the strips;
  6. It is strictly contraindicated for people with bronchial asthma, epilepsy, arterial hypertension and other serious diseases.

Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” toothpaste

In the photo: packaging of Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” toothpaste
The innovative formula of Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” toothpaste includes special microparticles that carefully remove darkening of the enamel embedded in the surface of the teeth, emphasizing beauty of your smile and helping to protect it from the appearance of new pigmented plaque.

The invigorating aroma of winter coolness will give you a feeling of freshness for a long time.

Removes up to 100% of surface darkening of enamel in 3 days.

Innovative microparticles break down surface darkening of the enamel and protect against its formation in the future.

The formula is safe for enamel.

An icy mint aroma for an incredibly long-lasting feeling of freshness.

A brief overview of the strips on the market

Crest 3D

American stripes are popular in our country.
For each individual case, you can choose your own whitening system, since the product has a wide range and many reviews on the product market. White whatestrips professional effects. The effect of such strips does not differ from the level of whitening in dental clinics. The procedure takes 30 minutes over 20 calendar days. The result is noticeable within a few days. They are suitable for people who have healthy teeth.

White whatestrips gentle routine . Such strips will whiten gradually. The procedure should be carried out for 5 minutes for 28 days. Suitable for people with hypersensitive enamel, because the gel concentration is minimal. Reviews confirm that the gel works very gently.

White whatestrips advanced vivid . This is an enhanced whitening procedure. It is carried out for 30 minutes for 14 days. Prohibited for people who decide to whiten their teeth for the first time. Also do not use if you have dental problems.

White whatestrips vivid . Traditional whitening, which takes 10 days. The result is noticeable within six months. Possibility to lighten your teeth by 3 shades. Ideal for people whitening their teeth for the first time.

White 2-hour express whatestrips .
Very strong whitening. That is why the strips only need to be used once within 2 hours. The whitening procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 3 months. The effect is noticeable within about a year. It should not be used by people with enamel defects or hypersensitivity. White intensive professional effects whatestrips .
The company's latest development for intensive fast whitening. The result can reach 5 tones. Whitening course 7 days. Suitable only for people with absolutely healthy teeth. Crest whatestrips 3D stain shield . This is a unique product that serves to maintain the results achieved by other bleaches. The procedure takes 5 minutes every day for a period of 28 days. Using these strips, you will not feel discomfort. Can also be used for hypersensitive teeth.


Such products are designed for intensive, but at the same time, gentle whitening. All products are certified.

DR. WHITE PREMIUM . Designed for hypersensitive tooth enamel. It is allowed to use for 14 days, 2 times a day. The result is noticeable throughout the year.

DR. WHITE INTENSIVE . They have a fairly low concentration of peroxide, so there are no problems due to hypersensitivity of tooth enamel. The enamel is whitened by 3–4 tones. The effect lasts 1-1.5 years. The procedure lasts 14 days.

Features of application

Using 3D White Lux whitening plates is very simple and you do not need to have any special skills.

First you need to separate a wider strip from the protective layer. Then its gel base must be applied to the outer surface of the lower teeth along the gum line. After that, you need to carefully press the strip and fix its edges behind your teeth.

Similarly, all actions are performed with a narrow strip and with the upper teeth. The whole process lasts one hour, after which the strips are simply removed. Sometimes there may be increased sensitivity of the enamel, which then disappears after four hours. Each individual plate is intended for single use.


This manufacturer produces both strips for gentle and intensive effects.
The strips are securely attached and allow you to achieve uniform whitening over the entire surface of the enamel. Bright white . Used for 14 days and allows you to gently whiten your tooth enamel. Can be used all night. The minimum exposure time for strips is 1 hour. Can be used by people with hypersensitivity.

Extreme white . The residence time of the strip on the enamel is 5 minutes. The procedure is carried out over 7 days. Lightens by 4 tones. Cannot be used on sensitive or damaged enamel, because it contains a large amount of peroxide.

Who should use the strips?

The whitening agent Blendamed 3D White is recommended for use in the following cases:

  • having a bad habit such as smoking;
  • abuse of coffee and tea;
  • long-term use of special medications that negatively affect the color of enamel;
  • naturally gray or yellow tint of tooth enamel;
  • enamel pigmentation due to various factors;
  • Regular consumption of red wine, which also changes the color of teeth.

When using this whitening method, you need to know that it helps restore the whiteness of only living real teeth. Therefore, Blendamed whitening strips cannot help lighten crowns, fillings, removable dentures and implants.

Let's sum it up

Toothpastes with a whitening effect are a simple and affordable way to improve the color of your enamel by several shades and make your smile more attractive. They are not able to turn yellow teeth into perfectly snow-white ones, but they can significantly improve their shade and effectively clean them of unaesthetic plaque and pigments.

When choosing products, pay attention to the type of paste (abrasive, chemical or combined), its components, warnings indicated by the manufacturer on the box. It’s easy to make a mistake when choosing a product on your own, so we recommend consulting a dentist who will recommend the most effective whitening toothpaste in your case.

Watch a video in which a dentist debunks popular myths about teeth whitening:

Consumer opinion

Blendamed whitening strips are incredibly popular, as can be judged by the reviews.

I can't imagine my life without coffee. But because of this drink, the enamel of my teeth began to darken. I was thinking about getting professional whitening, but the cost of such a procedure is still too high for me.

I decided to use 3d white whitening strips and didn’t regret it at all. My teeth really became whiter and more beautiful. I recommend this method to everyone to help them have a snow-white smile.

Irina, 34 years old, Moscow

Hello! I used to suffer from a bad habit – smoking. When he decided to quit, he noticed that his teeth had turned yellow. This didn't suit me.

I even became embarrassed to smile full-throatedly, especially when talking to girls. I accidentally saw a website that sold home whitening plates from Blendamed. I used them for two weeks, after which I can note a really good and noticeable result.

Ruslan, 27 years old, Irkutsk

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