Zelenka: indications and contraindications for use

array ( 'ID' => '8594', '~ID' => '8594', 'NAME' => 'Fukortsin for chickenpox', '~NAME' => 'Fukortsin for chickenpox', 'IBLOCK_ID' => ' 43', '~IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1186', '~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1186', 'DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults.

The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. To avoid this, the chickenpox rash is lubricated with antiseptic drugs, which help reduce itching and speed up the healing of damaged skin. Such drugs include Fukortsin.


Fukortsin is
a raspberry-colored solution (contains fuchsin dye).
It contains: ethyl alcohol, boric acid, acetone, resorcinol, phenol and distilled water. Available in 10 and 25 ml bottles.
acts as an antiseptic for chickenpox in children
adults It serves as protection against penetration of bacteria and fungi into damaged skin. For chickenpox, Fukortsin disinfects the skin and accelerates the drying of the rash.

Octenidine (octenidine dihydrochloride)

A cationic surfactant with antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, viruses, as well as against yeast-like fungi and dermatophytes (fungi that feed on keratin and cause dermatomycosis). Similar in action to quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC). The damaged surface is completely processed. Can be used on mucous membranes. The antiseptic has no age restrictions and is used for children. Currently, it is the drug of choice in Europe as an antiseptic due to its wide spectrum of action and maximum speed of achieving effect.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of the main antiseptic agents

AntisepticFor leather processingFor treating woundsFor mucous membranesApplicability for children
Hydrogen peroxide++++
Iodine+_— / +— / +
Potassium permanganate+__+
Diamond green+__+


Instructions for use of Fukortsin for chickenpox
give recommendations on
how to
apply Fukortsin for chickenpox.
It is convenient to use a cotton swab to apply Fukortsin.
It is recommended to apply the medicine twice a day only to the blisters, being careful not to touch the skin. In order for the effect of Fukortsin to be more complete, an ointment or gel specially selected by the doctor is applied to the bubbles on top. You can apply Fukortsin to a chickenpox rash,
but you should remember that it does not neutralize the virus that caused the rash, but only helps to get rid of discomfort and avoid infection.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate

Belongs to the group of halogens. Typically used in concentrations of 0.5–4.0%. At lower concentrations, the bactericidal activity of chlorhexidine decreases, therefore, as an antiseptic in this case, it is used only in an alcohol solution. Chlorhexidine has bacteriostatic, fungicidal, antiviral properties. However, 1% chlorhexidine against fungi and mycobacteria tuberculosis has a weaker effect compared to povidone-iodine. The drug can be used for the initial treatment of injured skin areas, as well as to accelerate the healing of purulent wounds and for the treatment of damaged mucous membranes. In most cases it is well tolerated. There are no age restrictions for use - a good antiseptic option for children. It is not recommended to use together with iodine preparations (often skin irritation).

What is better - brilliant green or fucorcin?

Zelenka or fucorcin for chickenpox?
Let's try to figure out which is better. The basis of both brilliant green and Fukortsina is aniline dye. The action of both drugs is similar. However, there are also differences:

  • brilliant green can be applied to rashes in children from birth, and Fukortsin - only after a year;
  • Fukortsin contains more ingredients, which means there is a greater risk of allergic reactions;
  • despite the more persistent coloring, Fukortsin washes off more easily and stains clothes and linen less than brilliant green;
  • Fukorrcin can be washed off with baby cream, calendula alcohol solution, vegetable oil, etc.


Reviews about the use of Fukortsin for chickenpox,

mostly positive.
It does not dry out the skin and speeds up the healing process. When using Fukortsin, linen and clothes get dirty less than when using brilliant green. Also, many consider its very affordable price (about 50 rubles per bottle) to be a plus. ', '~DETAIL_TEXT' => '
Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults .

The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. To avoid this, the chickenpox rash is lubricated with antiseptic drugs, which help reduce itching and speed up the healing of damaged skin. Such drugs include Fukortsin.

Hydrogen peroxide

Only a 3% solution is used to treat wounds (a higher concentration can cause a chemical burn). It is also used as a hemostatic agent. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent remedy for primary wound treatment (washing), as it has great cleaning ability - dirt particles and damaged cells are mechanically removed with the resulting foam. You can treat wounds both on the surface of the skin and on the mucous membranes. Hydrogen peroxide is generally not used on healing wounds, as it prolongs the period of complete healing. It is also not used for deep wounds and is not injected into body cavities. When stored in light, it loses its active properties. Open packaging is stored for about a month, closed - 2 years.


Fukortsin –

raspberry-colored solution (contains fuchsin dye). It contains: ethyl alcohol, boric acid, acetone, resorcinol, phenol and distilled water. Available in 10 and 25 ml bottles.

Fukortsin for chickenpox in children

acts as an antiseptic. It serves as protection against penetration of bacteria and fungi into damaged skin. For chickenpox, Fukortsin disinfects the skin and accelerates the drying of the rash.

Other analogues

You can choose the following products as a replacement for brilliant green.

  1. Preparations based on povidone-iodine.
  2. Levomekol/Vishnevsky ointment/Ichthyol ointment.
  3. Salicylic acid.
  4. Alcohol/vodka.
  5. Essential oils, such as tea tree, lavender, geranium, pine, juniper.

There are a huge number of analogues of brilliant green that have similar characteristics. Some will be even more effective because they eliminate inflammation and speed up the restoration of damaged tissue. Before using any substitute, be sure to consult with your doctor.


Instructions for use of Fukortsin for chickenpox

gives recommendations on
to properly
apply Fukortsin for chickenpox.
It is convenient to use a cotton swab to apply Fukortsin. It is recommended to apply the medicine twice a day only to the blisters, being careful not to touch the skin. In order for the effect of Fukortsin to be more complete, an ointment or gel specially selected by the doctor is applied to the bubbles on top.

You can apply Fukortsin to a chickenpox rash,

but it should be remembered that it does not neutralize the virus that caused the rash, but only helps to get rid of discomfort and avoid infection.

In every first aid kit

So, what products can a pharmacy worker recommend to a buyer for a home first aid kit? First of all, these are benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium and octenidine, as the most universal and safe agents. These drugs are the drugs of choice and should be recommended first. Chlorhexidine is also quite versatile, which is used on intact tissues and for treating wounds, including mucous membranes. As for solutions of brilliant green and iodine, it is necessary to inform the buyer that these antiseptics are only suitable for treating wound edges and should not be used on mucous membranes. Thus, among the entire list of antiseptics presented on the pharmaceutical market, a fairly small number of drugs have universal application possibilities.


  1. Kharkevich D. A. Pharmacology. M. Geotar Medicine. 2010.
  2. Blatun L. A. Miramistin in a comprehensive program to combat hospital infections in a surgical hospital // Miramistin: application in surgery, traumatology and combustiology: collection of works / ed. Yu. S. Krivosheina. M., 2006.
  3. Carolin Fromm-Dornieden, Gorovtsov A. V., Nadine Schӓfer, Ewa K. Stuermer. Comparison of the rate of growth suppression of E. COLI, STAPHYLOCOCCUSAUREUS and PSEUDOMONASAERUGINOSA by modern antiseptics for the purpose of their use for infected wounds // Fundamental Research. — 2013. — No. 10–2.

What is better - brilliant green or fucorcin?

Zelenka or fucorcin for chickenpox?

Let's try to figure out which is better.

The basis of both brilliant green and Fukortsina is aniline dye. The action of both drugs is similar. However, there are also differences:

  • brilliant green can be applied to rashes in children from birth, and Fukortsin - only after a year;
  • Fukortsin contains more ingredients, which means there is a greater risk of allergic reactions;
  • despite the more persistent coloring, Fukortsin washes off more easily and stains clothes and linen less than brilliant green;
  • Fukorrcin can be washed off with baby cream, calendula alcohol solution, vegetable oil, etc.

Treatment approaches

The choice of remedies for chickenpox depends on the severity of the disease in the patient, as well as the available indications and contraindications for the use of various medications. There is no need to take any medications for chickenpox in cases where the disease proceeds without complications and without serious symptoms.

However, doctors believe that the number of adverse effects can be reduced by treating the elements of the rash with sprays, ointments, fucorcin, potassium permanganate, brilliant green and other external agents.

In addition, attending physicians may prescribe other medications aimed at combating the symptoms of an infectious disease:

  • medications with a sedative effect: Calamine, Tsindol, etc.;
  • antiviral drugs for chickenpox that have a pronounced antiherpetic effect, for example, Acyclovir, Miramistin;
  • antihistamines: Loratadine, Erius;
  • immunomodulatory medications: interferon preparations, Cycloferon, etc.

It should be noted that in each specific case of illness, only the attending physician determines the necessary medications for chickenpox, based on data from questioning and examination of the patient.


Reviews about the use of Fukortsin for chickenpox,

mostly positive.
It does not dry out the skin and speeds up the healing process. When using Fukortsin, linen and clothes get dirty less than when using brilliant green. Also, many consider its very affordable price (about 50 rubles per bottle) to be a plus. ', 'DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', '~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', 'PREVIEW_TEXT' => ' Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults.
The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. ', '~PREVIEW_TEXT' => ' Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults. The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. 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'IPROPERTY_VALUES ' => array ( ), ), ), 'SECTION_URL' => '/forpatients/school/info/vetryanaya-ospa/', 'META_TAGS' => array ( 'TITLE' => 'Fukortsin for chickenpox', 'ELEMENT_CHAIN' => 'Fukortsin for chickenpox', 'BROWSER_TITLE' => 'Fukortsin for chickenpox or brilliant green? Reviews, instructions for use', 'KEYWORDS' => ', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Fukorcin acts as an antiseptic for chickenpox in children and adults. It serves as protection against penetration of bacteria and fungi into damaged skin. For chickenpox, Fukortsin disinfects the skin and speeds up the drying of the rash.', ), ) Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults .

The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. To avoid this, the chickenpox rash is lubricated with antiseptic drugs, which help reduce itching and speed up the healing of damaged skin. Such drugs include Fukortsin.


Fukortsin –

raspberry-colored solution (contains fuchsin dye). It contains: ethyl alcohol, boric acid, acetone, resorcinol, phenol and distilled water. Available in 10 and 25 ml bottles.

Fukortsin for chickenpox in children

acts as an antiseptic. It serves as protection against penetration of bacteria and fungi into damaged skin. For chickenpox, Fukortsin disinfects the skin and accelerates the drying of the rash.

Causes and consequences of the first symptoms of chickenpox

Chickenpox symptoms appear quite unexpectedly, especially if the parents of the infected child are not prepared to face the infection. Most often, a child is exposed to the virus in the community of a preschool institution. There it spreads very quickly, through airborne droplets.

Moreover, adults can also catch chickenpox. After all, in crowded places and enclosed spaces there are often many unprotected people who have not previously had type 3 herpes.


Instructions for use of Fukortsin for chickenpox

gives recommendations on
to properly
apply Fukortsin for chickenpox.
It is convenient to use a cotton swab to apply Fukortsin. It is recommended to apply the medicine twice a day only to the blisters, being careful not to touch the skin. In order for the effect of Fukortsin to be more complete, an ointment or gel specially selected by the doctor is applied to the bubbles on top.

You can apply Fukortsin to a chickenpox rash,

but it should be remembered that it does not neutralize the virus that caused the rash, but only helps to get rid of discomfort and avoid infection.

What is better - brilliant green or fucorcin?

Zelenka or fucorcin for chickenpox?

Let's try to figure out which is better.

The basis of both brilliant green and Fukortsina is aniline dye. The action of both drugs is similar. However, there are also differences:

  • brilliant green can be applied to rashes in children from birth, and Fukortsin - only after a year;
  • Fukortsin contains more ingredients, which means there is a greater risk of allergic reactions;
  • despite the more persistent coloring, Fukortsin washes off more easily and stains clothes and linen less than brilliant green;
  • Fukorrcin can be washed off with baby cream, calendula alcohol solution, vegetable oil, etc.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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