Redness around the child's mouth. Photos, causes and treatment, diet

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A rash around the mouth is usually caused by perioral dermatitis, although there can actually be several causes. With perioral dermatitis, papular rashes are usually observed, and this can only happen in females. These rashes usually begin near the mouth, but subsequently spread to other areas of the face. Diagnosis of this disease is not particularly difficult for a dermatologist, but treatment requires a long time, taking topical steroids, and so on.

At the same time, a rash around the mouth can be caused by many other factors - for example, the same allergic processes that develop due to external irritants, inflammation, and serious illnesses. If such a problem occurs on the face, there is no point in ignoring it and delaying the visit to the dermatologist. The exact cause of the disease should be identified as soon as possible and eliminated. This way you can avoid complications.

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Answers to frequently asked questions about skin rashes:

  • Which doctor should you contact for a skin rash?
  • Is the skin rash contagious?
  • What diet is necessary for skin rashes?
  • What diagnosis is needed for a skin rash?
  • Why is a skin rash dangerous?
  • Why is it necessary to get tested for a skin rash?
  • What diseases does a skin rash indicate?
  • What examination is necessary for a skin rash?
  • Which skin rash is dangerous?
  • How to distinguish an allergic rash from an infectious one
  • How to get rid of skin rashes?
  • How to get rid of itching skin rash?
  • What organs are affected by a skin rash?
  • How to prepare for an appointment with a dermatologist?
  • How to get checked for skin diseases?
  • What diseases does a dermatologist treat?
  • What tests should be taken by a dermatologist?
  • What diagnostics can a dermatologist perform in the clinic?
  • Where to go with a skin disease?

Causes of irritation of the skin around the mouth in a child

Conventionally, the causes of irritation can be divided into 2 groups.

External irritants:

  • profuse drooling;
  • chapping, when the skin becomes dry;
  • insect bites;
  • violation of hygiene standards (introduction of dirt, corroding the corners of the mouth with food debris);
  • improper selection and use of baby skin care products,

Redness around a child’s mouth is most often caused by diathesis due to poor nutrition of the baby
. Internal irritants:

  • helminthic infestation;
  • enteroviral infections;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system;
  • infectious diseases.

Dry skin in the corners of the mouth: should you worry?


An uncomfortable feeling on the face caused by dryness in the corners of the mouth - this is called “jamming”. They appear at any time of the year, both in adults and children. They bring discomfort, burning, pain when opening the mouth . Sometimes dry small cracks appear that can bleed. Where do they come from and how to deal with them?

Causes of dry corners of the mouth.

factors contributing to the formation of “jams” , but the main ones are the following:

  • staphylococcal infection
  • herpes infection caused by the herpes virus
  • candidiasis of the oral
  • bacterial stomatitis
  • adverse weather conditions
  • vitamin deficiency, that is, lack of vitamins A, C, B2
  • syphilis
  • diabetes
  • eating spicy, very sour foods, also with regular consumption of sweets
  • irritation to toothpaste
  • excessive drooling (in children)

It is worth noting that “binges” more often appear in people prone to excessive consumption of sweets. Those who suffer from diabetes periodically experience dryness in the corners of the mouth , as they have high blood sugar levels . In addition, “jams” can appear after a course of treatment with antibiotics or hormonal drugs that can provoke the appearance of fungal and yeast infections in the mucous membrane.

Also, dryness and micro cracks can form after visiting the dentist due to medical procedures or contact of the patient’s skin with gloves. If a white coating appears on the tongue during “seizures,” this indicates that the person is infected with candidiasis and treatment is necessary.

Ways to care for lips with mild forms of “jamming”.

First you need to saturate your body with vitamins A, E, B. To do this, your diet changes. You should eat more nuts, chicken, dairy products, oatmeal, lettuce, and pomegranate. a doctor's prescription, you can take one tablet of the vitamin complex. However, fast carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet (sweet, sour, smoked foods are removed first). These products can provoke the proliferation of bacterial flora on the lips. For the time being, cosmetic procedures in salons are being abandoned. To relieve dryness, lubricate lips with regular Vaseline. You are required to use your own personal hygiene items. It is important to change your toothbrush to a new one.


If bleeding cracks appear, or there are wounds under the formed crust, you need to lubricate them with salicylic acid or treat your lips with hydrogen peroxide. Then apply a solution of iodine or brilliant green to the wounds. You can also use antiviral ointments (Acyclovir, Zyrtec) from a doctor You can also lubricate dry areas with Bepanten. There is no need to take any pills without the advice of a specialist. The first aid for children will be tetracycline ointment, Miramistin solution.

Folk remedies.

At home, you can prepare the following types of remedies to treat “jam”. To make an ointment, you will need to mix a spoonful of honey and a few drops of fish oil. Apply this mixture to the corners of your mouth until it heals. The resulting ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. A mixture of honey, olive oil and aloe juice will also help overcome seizures. The product is prepared in a 1:1 ratio. Gauze is smeared with the solution and applied to the infected area. After lubrication, discard. It is important to use disposable lotions.

Propolis is an undoubted helper for such a disease. It is rich in its healing properties against infectious diseases. Has an anti-inflammatory agent. You need to mix silent propolis with butter. Heat in a water bath. Then strain. You need to lubricate the wounds with this oil for several days. Cracks in the corners of the mouth will begin to disappear. But you should not rely on any folk remedies. It is very important to seek treatment from a doctor . Ointments prepared at home are often suitable as additional care during therapy .

So, an illness in the form of a “jam”, on the one hand, is a common sign of a lack of vitamins. But, at the first symptoms, you need to consult a therapist or dermatologist . Get tested for microflora and find out the reason for their formation. diet, treatment for “jam” will end in 2 weeks.

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Redness around the mouth in a child requires differential diagnosis. To begin with, it is necessary to analyze the possibility of exposure to external stimuli, and then pay attention to additional symptoms that are uncharacteristic for the child’s body.

Such symptoms may be present when:

  • allergies to a number of medications;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • reactions to allergy triggers (plant pollen, animal dander);
  • various fungal and viral diseases.

All this will help to choose a direction for further research.

The doctor may prescribe:

  • biochemical analysis of saliva;
  • allergen detection test;
  • biochemical and general blood test;
  • scraping of the epithelium in the affected areas;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, urine analysis (if necessary).

Folk remedies that help relieve irritation around the mouth: recipes, rules of use

If a child has redness of the skin around the mouth, traditional medicine recipes can be used as an addition to therapy:

NamePropertiesCooking method

St. John's wort

in the fight against pustular lesionsA strong decoction (2 tablespoons of any herb is infused for 2 hours in 200 ml of boiling water). The liquid is used for lotions 2-3 times a day.
anti-inflammatoryDecoctions (1 tablespoon of one of the herbs is simmered over fire in 120 ml of water). Used as short-term applications 3 times a day or as an additive to bathing water.
Periwinkleagainst itching1 tbsp. l. raw materials are brewed with 1 glass of water and simmered for 10-15 minutes. on fire. The liquid is added to the bathing water.
Tar soaprestorativeIn its pure form it is used as applications or compresses. Not recommended for weeping eczema.
Tea tree oilantifungal, antimicrobial, antiviralApply 2-3 drops to the affected area and rub in lightly.

To successfully use folk remedies, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • local manipulations are performed only on clean skin;
  • when using folk recipes, it is necessary to take into account the individual reaction of the body;
  • to determine the skin's reaction to the product, it is recommended to test it on an area with healthy skin on the bend of the elbow or wrist;
  • if symptoms worsen, the drug must be discontinued;
  • the resulting funds are stored in glass jars with well-closing lids;
  • Decoctions and infusions cannot be stored for long periods of time and may lose their properties when exposed to light.

Appearance of perioral acne

Typically, the affected area of ​​skin has a light pink or red tint.
Inflammations can be called small nodules that contain fluid. They can be grouped or located separately from each other. Together, groups of pimples become inflamed and resemble acne. How to distinguish acne that appears due to dermatitis around the mouth? They are rough, a little itchy, and there is a constant feeling of tightness on the skin. However, there are no skin rashes directly around the lips, approximately 3-5 mm. These signs distinguish pimples with perioral dermatitis from rosacea and rosacea. If the disease is started and treatment is not started in time, it will affect new areas of the skin. To prevent this, you need to immediately contact a dermatologist, otherwise his help alone will not be enough.

How to properly treat the area around the mouth, hygiene

The rules for treating affected skin are somewhat different in the case of manifestations of infectious and non-infectious dermatitis. For infected rashes, local therapy should be limited to the boundaries of the affected area - wiping is carried out with rounded movements, it is necessary to ensure that the medicines do not flow onto healthy areas.

This prevents the expansion of the affected areas.

General rules:

  • morning washing is carried out using warm water and baby soap;
  • it is necessary to ensure constant cleanliness of hands, especially when a child tries to scratch the skin of the face;
  • masks, applications, spot treatments are performed only on clean skin;
  • after the procedure of cauterization of acne, it is necessary to use softening and soothing ointments and creams;
  • When eating, you must periodically use a simple or damp napkin to remove food debris from the corners of your lips;
  • in order to prevent and reduce symptoms, it is recommended to wipe problem areas with aloe extract, alcohol tinctures of calendula, and cucumber;
  • with complex local therapy, medications are used with a certain time interval (an anti-itch remedy, for example, is used no earlier than 20-30 minutes after treatment with an antiseptic).

When to see a doctor?

If pimples appear, this is not only a cosmetic problem.
Most likely they indicate some internal disorders. The woman is in a hurry to start treatment, as the rash spoils her appearance and her mood. However, as mentioned above, self-medication only makes the situation worse. This is manifested by ulcers, the spread of the disease to new areas, perhaps the disease will affect the eyelids, which can provoke ophthalmological problems. Therapy involves the use of medications. They are not prescribed only to children and pregnant women. For them, treatment includes herbal infusions. For all patients, a diet is required, according to which any foods that can cause stomach irritation are excluded from the diet. These include pickles, spices, sour and spicy foods and dishes, alcohol and strong tea. These products cause a strong rush of blood to the skin of the face.

This makes it easier to determine the root cause of the rash. During the treatment period, you need to stop using cosmetics and synthetic detergents, and also stop taking hormonal medications. Antibiotics are prescribed exclusively from the tetracycline group. They can be in the form of creams or tablets. They may also prescribe drugs with imidazole. It is this that effectively affects harmful microorganisms that provoke the appearance of the disorder.

The treatment is quite long, improvements begin to appear after at least a month of therapy. At its beginning, a serious aggravation is possible. You can completely get rid of the problem in 3-4 months. If a person has allergies, he is also prescribed antihistamines. Immunity-boosting drugs are also a mandatory part of treatment. These include nicotine, riboflavin, Ascorutin and B6. All medications are prescribed by the attending physician, as he prescribes treatment based on the results of a detailed examination.

Nutrition for redness around the mouth in children

If redness is the result of external influences (reaction to sunlight, cold air) or infection, then it is recommended to temporarily exclude from the diet:

  • spices;
  • spicy and salty foods;
  • fruits whose juice increases skin irritation (pineapple, kiwi, citrus fruits);
  • tomatoes.

If inflammation is caused by a malfunction of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract, then a diet is necessary that excludes foods that cause allergic reactions, and consumption of oat and rice porridges, vegetable soups, and low-fat broths is also recommended. The child has developed redness of the skin around the mouth - this is not a reason to panic, but such manifestations should not be left to chance.

Timely identification of the causes and measures taken will help the child recover faster and get rid of discomfort.

Article design: E. Chaikina

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