Jowls on the face - what are they: how to remove, get rid of and tighten the oval

Congenital pit under the lip
SpecialityMaxillofacial Surgery
Normal startAt birth

Congenital lip pit
labial sinus
is a congenital disorder characterized by the presence of indentations and possibly associated fistulas in the lips. They are often hereditary and can occur alone or in combination with cleft lip and palate, called van der Woude syndrome. [1]


A decrease in turgor leads to the fact that the skin begins to sag in the lower part of the cheeks, forming an unnatural, irregular oval of the face. It does not look aesthetically pleasing at all, indicating not only age-related changes, but also many bad habits, as well as a lack of timely and effective care.


  1. ^ a b c
    Rajendran A;
    Sundaram S. (February 10, 2014). Schafer's Textbook of Oral Pathology
    (7th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences APAC. pp. 16–17. ISBN 978-81-312-3800-4.
  2. ^ a b c
    Rapini, Ronald P.;
    Bologna, Jean L.; Iorizzo, Joseph L. (2007). Dermatology: 2-volume set
    . St. Louis: Mosby. ISBN 1-4160-2999-0.
  3. McKusik, Victor Alexandrovich (May 27, 2009). "Commissural pits of the lips". Internet-Mendelian Inheritance in Man
    . Retrieved May 22, 2022.

What causes jowls

There are many reasons for the occurrence of such defects, among them: Genetics. If relatives had a similar problem, preventive measures should be started as early as possible.

  1. Lack of sufficient rest. Lack of sleep affects the condition of the skin. Also, cosmetologists do not recommend sleeping on your stomach.
  2. Bad habits do not adversely affect the entire human body.
  3. Dramatic weight loss. Reducing the subcutaneous fat layer contributes to sagging skin - the stretched dermis does not have time to recover due to a strong jump in weight.
  4. Stress. Try to maintain a calm state, use sedatives and contact specialists in moments of particular psycho-emotional stress.
  5. Age factor. Some people may experience symptoms as early as 25-30 years of age, while others may experience symptoms by 50-60 years of age.
  6. Overweight.
  7. UV radiation. Photoaging is the main cause of skin defects. The process reduces elasticity and leads to dehydration.
  8. Clenching of the jaws. When a person clenches his teeth too hard, the muscle becomes overstrained, which stretches over time and cannot support the weight of the skin.
  9. Incorrect posture. It leads to the disruption of the natural geometry of the torso, which affects the entire body.
  10. Lack of collagen and elastin. It can be a consequence of hormonal diseases, as well as age-related, genetic and other reasons.
  11. Anatomical features. A small chin itself is the root cause of the formation of jowls at a young age. Therefore, for people concerned about this problem, surgical intervention with the installation of special supporting implants is recommended.

These are only the main factors, not counting the negative impact of the environment, allergic reactions to cosmetics and chemicals and other processes that can disrupt the natural mechanisms of the biological functioning of skin cells, leading to loss of turgor.

Stages of lip cancer

Lip cancer is classified as a visual localization, because it is very easy to notice even with the naked eye. However, almost a third of patients have no complaints about the condition of their lip, and do not believe that a chronically existing crack on it could be cancer. As a rule, such patients consult a doctor for another reason, and the doctor, noticing this pathology, refers the patient for a consultation with an oncologist. This process is called “active discovery.”

In 2014, stages I–II of lip cancer were detected in 85.2% of patients, while a tumor measuring up to 2 cm is considered stage 1 cancer, stage 2 is a tumor measuring more than 2 cm and less than 4 cm. At these stages, tumors are detected without metastases to the lymph nodes and anywhere else. A lip tumor relatively rarely metastasizes to regional lymph nodes - no more than a dozen out of a hundred patients. As a rule, metastases go to the mental and submandibular lymph nodes. For infrequent tumors of the upper lip or commissure - the corner of the mouth, on the contrary, damage to the lymph nodes is rather the norm.

Stage III includes lip tumors larger than 4 cm or smaller cancer, but with metastases to the lymph node. The size of the lymph node should not exceed 3 cm. In 2014, stage III was diagnosed in 9.7% of patients. A lip tumor of any size, but with metastases to one or more lymph nodes larger than 3 cm, is already considered stage IV. Systemic metastasis to other organs in lip cancer is very rare, occurring only in every seventh patient diagnosed with stage IV cancer. The last stage was detected in 4%. Within a year after the diagnosis of a malignant neoplasm, 4.5% die, which is 120 people.

More information about treatment at Euroonco:
ENT oncologistsfrom 5100 rub.
Chemotherapy appointment6900 rub.
Emergency oncology carefrom 12100 rub.
Palliative care in Moscowfrom 44,300 rubles per day
Radiologist consultation11500 rub.

Correcting the situation with the help of cosmetologists

The most effective conservative methods for eliminating this defect is a visit to a cosmetology salon. The doctor will be able to determine the root cause, the degree of neglect of the problem, and also choose a set of procedures that will help in the fight for the beauty and youth of the skin. Among the existing tools:

  • hardware cosmetology;
  • injections;
  • non-injection drugs;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • massage and physiotherapy.

With the combination of all these approaches, it is possible to achieve not only a visual reduction of the defect, but also completely remove it or significantly slow down the sagging. All methods should be aimed at improving turgor, stimulating one’s own synthesis of collagen and elastin in tissues, reducing the number of damaged, dysfunctional cells, and their renewal.


You can determine why a lump appears on your lip using diagnostic procedures:

  1. Inspection and palpation of the growth on the lip, detailed questioning of the patient, study of the anamnesis.
  2. Taking general and biochemical blood and urine tests.
  3. Hardware studies: ultrasound, x-ray, probing of gland ducts, sialography.

Instrumental diagnostics are used for neoplasms on the lip: cysts, tumors.

How to remove jowls on your face at home

It is quite difficult to cope with such a problem at home. All methods can be classified as preventative rather than producing tangible results.

The most effective method can only be if a person is overweight. With proper weight loss, fat will disappear from the cheeks, and with additional care, the skin will quickly tighten and create a harmonious oval of the face. However, you should not allow sudden weight loss, which will only worsen the problem. The best option is to lose 4-5 kg ​​per month under the strict supervision of a nutritionist and endocrinologist.

If the problem has not yet gone far and is just beginning to appear, use massages, masks, and exercises as a correction or prevention.

Treatment options for tumors

  1. Surgical technique (excision of the tumor, suturing it, ligation of the afferent and efferent vessels, ligation of the vessels with excision of the hemangioma, embolization of the vessels).
  2. Electrocoagulation by introducing electrodes into the formation or along its perimeter).
  3. Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen is carried out for small tumor sizes and when it is superficial.
  4. Laser removal that minimizes damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The procedure is carried out quickly, there are no stitches, scars or blood loss, almost complete painlessness, low risk of relapse.
  5. Conservative methods are used for small lesions. They consist of sclerosing the tumor with alcohol.
  6. According to indications, a combination of surgical and conservative methods is used (preliminary ligation of the vessels and sclerosis in the center).

Is it possible to fight jowls using conservative methods?

The only effective way is plastic surgery, threads and other interventions that will completely eliminate the unwanted defect. All other options will help in cases where deficiencies have just begun to form. They will help tighten the oval a little and prevent the rapid progression of sagging skin.

If the changes are critical, then only surgical methods will help restore turgor. In the future, you can use conservative ones to prolong the effect. With insufficient care, even after plastic surgery, the problem may return again, which will require more expensive and drastic interventions to restore beauty and youth.

Jowl massage

Quite an effective remedy. After applying cosmetics, you should move with special massage rollers or hands in the direction from the chin, to the sides and up to the ears. Massaging can also be done with a soft towel soaked in saline solution. After finishing, the salt must be washed off, and a moisturizer or anti-aging cream is applied to the skin.

Removing jowls on the face with lifting masks

Both pharmacy and home recipes are suitable. In the case of folk remedies, aloe, honey, essential oils of orange, cedar, tea tree, and argan will help. Among store-bought products, you should choose those that have the following on the label: panthenol, allantoin, marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, snail mucin and others.

Exercises for jowls

Beautiful and tightened skin on any part of the body is unthinkable without strong muscles. The face is no exception to the rule. Let's consider a special set of exercises that allows you to keep muscle fibers in good shape:

  1. It is necessary to puff out your cheeks strongly. Then roll the air from one side to the other for 30 seconds.
  2. Imagine a candle in front of you, purse your lips and sharply blow out the imaginary fire at least 50-60 times.
  3. Press your index fingers to your cheeks and then try to smile. Hold your hands firmly enough so that the effort you put into this process is noticeable.
  4. Alternately move your lips to one side and the other. Wrinkles and other irregularities on the tense part of the face should be smoothed out.
  5. Relax your lips. They should remain in this position until the end of the exercise. Stick your tongue out as far as possible and lift the tip up. Repeat the movement for a minute.

Face fitness will help prolong youth and tighten the unclear contours of the face. It is enough to devote 15-30 minutes a day to the procedures. It is good to combine them with massage, lifting masks and other care products that improve turgor.


The symbiosis of cosmetic preparations and nutraceuticals has proven itself in the fight against cosmetic defects. Such compositions have both a caring effect and a healing effect on the skin. Rare plant extracts and patented effective vitamin and protein complexes help stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin in tissues and restore water-fat balance.

Cosmetics from the RHANA corporation contain the necessary proteins, vitamins, micro- and macrocomponents, growth factors necessary for cell renewal and healing:

  • GHC Placental Cosmetic is a biocorrector cream for intensive rejuvenation. Makes the skin denser, more elastic and firmer.
  • Modeling 3-D mask with placenta hydrolyzate and coenzyme Q10. Evens out tone, promotes cellular renewal, eliminates wrinkles and tightens the oval.
  • GHC Placental Cosmetic is a concentrated lotion for intensive rejuvenation. Serves to prevent the development of inflammation, protects skin cells from free radicals, and also restores the natural uniform color.

What to do if a hemangioma hurts

Typically, the formation of such a formation does not cause physical discomfort. It appears when its surface begins to ooze. This phenomenon poses a threat to human life: any ulcer on the mucous membrane or skin is an open gate for infection. It can cause blood poisoning and death. Therefore, if any pain occurs, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

  • Some aspects of the diagnosis of renal cell and transitional cell carcinoma of the kidney

A hemangioma growing on the lower lip may be accompanied by swelling. It causes nagging pain. Discomfort also occurs when the formation grows deep and begins to compress the nerve endings. It intensifies during physical activity, under the influence of high and low temperatures, often becomes unbearable and forces a person to take drastic measures.

How to tighten facial jowls surgically

The most effective, but also radical, method of correcting the situation is surgery. It is worth remembering that any intervention in the human body is accompanied by risks. Therefore, before contacting a surgeon, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination by the attending physician.

Today, there are small, gentle techniques that allow you to restore turgor with minimal intervention and tissue damage. These tasks should be a priority in solving the problems of aesthetic medicine.

Doctors also recommend contacting a medical facility before surgery to find the root cause of the prolapse. Unless, of course, they are obvious (overweight, genetics, age over 50). In this case, you can guarantee a long-term effect after applying the procedures.

Contour plastic surgery of jowls

One of the simplest methods that has proven itself well in combating sagging skin. The technique is based on injections of a special gel or filler into the deep layers of the dermis. The punctures are made at a sufficient depth so as not to form visible tubercles. The basis of such preparations is hyaluronic acid. It is quickly absorbed by cells, but at the same time stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in tissues, moisturizes, and prevents dehydration. This method is minimally invasive and low-traumatic, so it can be used even without prior consultation with a therapist. The compositions differ depending on the brand, but mainly contain:

  • hyaluronic acid as a base;
  • vitamin-protein complexes for nutrition;
  • lidocaine to make the process as painless as possible;
  • buffers to prevent the risk of inflammation.

As you can see, there is nothing dangerous in the compositions; on the contrary, all these substances are necessary for the normal functioning of dermal cells, but they are often lacking. The invasive method allows you to immediately deliver substances in large quantities to the deep layers of the dermis, triggering the synthesis of collagen, elastin and cell structure renewal.

Jowl lift with threads

Thread lifting is often used and is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. It is based on the fact that thin threads are introduced under the skin, which may differ in texture:

  • gold;
  • mesothreads;
  • Aptos and so on.

There are enough species to list them all. They can be without thorns or with them, additional notches. They are inserted into the deep layers of the skin to create a so-called frame. It provides additional support, allowing you to improve the oval and geometry, and prevent further sagging. The result lasts from a year to five, depending on the anatomical features, care and initial choice of materials.

Installation of implants

Maxillofacial surgical inserts made of porous polyethylene help solve these problems by giving the face the desired features and geometry.

Contrary to popular belief, such an intervention is safe, although it is considered traumatic. Cases of material rejection are rare, since components of high biocompatibility are used for the manufacture of implants. Complications occur less frequently than with Botox and other minimally invasive methods. In addition, if necessary, the inserts can be easily removed, and thin cosmetic seams remain invisible to others. They are tightly fixed, do not move even with impacts, and the procedure itself is performed once and for life.

We recommend

GHC Placental Cosmetic - 3-D modeling mask with placenta hydrolyzate

Bb Laboratories – Regenerating placental-hyaluronic mask

GHC Placental Cosmetic – Biocorrector cream for intensive rejuvenation

GHC Placental Cosmetic - Concentrated lotion for intensive rejuvenation

Jowl prevention

Any problem is easier to prevent. Therefore, in order not to look for methods to get rid of it in the future, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • perform small gymnastics for the face every day for 10-15 minutes;
  • do not forget about the use of skincare moisturizing and lifting cosmetics;
  • try to follow a daily routine, get more rest;
  • avoid the negative impact of stressful situations, if they occur - take sedatives that reduce the destructive effects of stress factors;
  • move more and eat right to avoid the accumulation of fat deposits;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • drink enough fluids, make sure that there is no tissue dehydration;
  • do not eat too salty foods, minimize salt intake in the diet;
  • try to maintain correct posture, especially when working at a computer or when viewing content on mobile gadgets;
  • select cosmetics that suit your skin type;
  • When going outside, even in the cold season, use creams with UV protection.

These are fairly simple tips that are easy to implement to prolong your beauty and youth.


There are a number of factors that increase the likelihood of developing this disease:

  • Mechanical – constant injury from the edges of teeth or poor-quality dentures.
  • Temperature - addiction to too hot drinks and food, smoking.
  • Chemical - smoking, contact with certain carcinogens, chewing certain mixtures.
  • Meteorological - the influence of wind, frost, humidity, excessive ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, some viruses can be provoking factors, in particular the herpes . Among these factors are also called malocclusions.

A malignant tumor of the lip always develops as a consequence of the transformation of other pathologies. Precancerous conditions are:

  • limited precancerous hyperkeratosis ;
  • warty precancer;
  • cheilitis Manganotti.

In addition, the following diseases can develop into a malignant tumor:

  • keratoacanthoma;
  • leukoplakia;
  • chronic cheilitis ;
  • post-radiation stomatitis ;
  • ulcerative and hyperkeratotic forms of lichen planus ;
  • papilloma.

According to observations, this disease often develops in rural residents of the southern regions. The risk of its development is increased by poor oral hygiene, deficiency of vitamins A, E, C and beta-carotene, and gastrointestinal diseases.

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