What are Lumineers and when should they be installed?

The difference between lumineers and veneers

Lumineers are one of the types of veneers. They are thin plates that are placed on the front teeth to create a beautiful smile. The main difference between lumineers and veneers is the thickness of the plates. Veneers are 0.7 mm thick, while lumineers are only 0.2 mm thick. Due to the difference in thickness, there is also a difference in installation.

Veneers and Lumineers

When installing veneers, the teeth are ground down quite strongly, which makes this process irreversible. Lumineers are installed with minimal grinding of teeth, so after a long time they can be removed in the dentist’s office and the enamel can be restored.

Also, lumineers and veneers have a significant difference in the way they are attached to the teeth. Veneers are installed using dental cement; the installation process takes a long time and will require several visits to the dentist's office. Lumineers are attached to the teeth using a special glue, and they can be completely installed in 1-3 visits.

It's worth noting that veneers have a lifespan of 15 years, while lumineers can last you up to 20 years.

Therefore, if you do not have severe dental defects and want to acquire a “Hollywood smile” for a long time, then you should give preference to lumineers.

All about veneers in Kirov

Surely, each of us has heard at least once about the existence of so-called veneers. However, only a few know the essence of these products, their purpose and other features. It's time to dot all the i's and talk about veneers in Kirov in as much detail as possible! We will devote this article entirely to this type of dental technology, we will talk about the indications, advantages and types of veneers.

What are veneers in Kirov?

Speaking of veneers, it should be noted that we are talking about thin (but at the same time extremely durable) plates that are installed on the front part of the tooth to restore the aesthetic qualities of your smile.

At the same time, veneers in Kirov can be installed either on one tooth or on the entire dentition - the choice depends on the wishes of the patient, as well as medical indications.

A veneer is a kind of decorative overlay that allows you to forget about existing dental defects. In recent years, the popularity of this dental technology has been steadily growing, since the price-to-result ratio of veneers is truly impressive!

Indications for the use of veneers

In what cases can a dentist recommend using veneers? Let's name the main indications:

  • Curvature of teeth;
  • Unpleasant tint (yellowish);
  • Chips, defects and other visual irregularities;
  • Defects in tooth enamel as a result of past infections and diseases;
  • Large and small gaps between the front teeth.

All this is a reason to think about ordering veneers in Kirov. Indeed, a quick and inexpensive way to achieve the desired result is to get a beautiful Hollywood smile!

However, there are contraindications to installing veneers:

  • Absence of a large number of chewing teeth (5 or more);

  • Bruxism (uncontrollable teeth grinding);
  • The presence of large fillings on the inside;
  • Tendency to intense tooth wear;
  • Having bad habits, for example, a tendency to bite nails;
  • Risk of dental injury due to lifestyle factors (for example, martial arts).

In addition, the presence of veneers reduces the need to forget about your favorite habits, for example, chewing nuts! However, this is not at all a reason to refuse to use modern and effective technology called veneers in Kirov.

Dental veneers in Kirov: types and installation methods

Today, there are six main types of veneers, which we invite you to consider:

  • Composite veneers are exactly the type that appeared first. We are talking about a composition whose structure resembles dental fillings. This is precisely the reason for the two most significant disadvantages of composite-type veneers - short duration of use, as well as rapid loss of the original color. But in terms of cost, such veneers are the most affordable - this is an important advantage of composite materials;
  • Ceramic veneers in Kirov are the optimal and most popular way to implement the technology today. Special dental ceramics are used for production, which has a number of advantages: extreme strength, small thickness (about 0.5 mm), excellent appearance, and the ability to select absolutely any shade, which allows you to achieve extreme camouflage;
  • Lumineers are one of the types of ceramic veneers in Kirov. With a thickness of only 0.2 mm, lumineers are installed without preliminary grinding of teeth, which is the most gentle option for implementing the technology;
  • Porcelain veneers are a more advanced type of ceramics, which is characterized by increased strength, durability and, accordingly, cost;
  • Componers are a kind of enamel layer that is visually indistinguishable from a natural tooth. Such overlays can be direct or indirect. In the first case, a layer of a special composition is applied to the surface of the tooth directly in the dentist’s office. If you choose the indirect method, the dentist will select the most suitable option in shape and color among the available samples;
  • Zirconium veneers are a framework of a zirconium dioxide plate, which is created using automated equipment. A layer of porcelain is applied on top, which turns the structure into a durable and reliable monolith, distinguished by its natural appearance and extreme reliability. Today, this is one of the most expensive options for implementing veneer technology in Kirov.

Which option should I choose? One should proceed from their financial capabilities and indications, however, Dr. Efremov’s dentistry recommends paying attention to ceramic veneers in Kirov, since today this type has an optimal price-quality ratio.

As for the method of installing veneers in Kirov, it all depends on the type of plates you choose.

For example, in most cases, grinding of existing teeth is required for the subsequent installation of plates, however, there are alternative methods that allow you to do without this stage (we discussed these options above, for example, lumineers). You can get more detailed information about veneers at Doctor Efresov’s dentistry: make an appointment by phone. 8 (8332) 255-717 . Be healthy and take care of the beauty of your smile!

When is it necessary to install lumineers?


There are indications for dentition correction with lumineers. You can get lumineers if you have:

  • There are cracks and chips in your teeth;
  • The color of the enamel has changed and cannot be bleached;
  • There are gaps between the teeth;
  • Malocclusions that do not affect health and do not need to be corrected with braces;
  • If your teeth are prone to wear;
  • Weak enamel, susceptible to damage;
  • Uneven teeth that you want to correct;
  • Various spots and spots that cannot be removed by other methods.

The color of lumineers is selected individually according to a special scale, so your teeth will look natural. Installation is carried out on the front teeth of at least 8 units. It is impossible to install a lumineer on one tooth, as it will be very different from the rest of the dentition.

Description: Any shades, made individually taking into account the shape of natural teeth, complying with dozens of criteria for smile aesthetics. The base is computerized, microscoped and finished by hand for long-lasting quality. The ceramics consists of 10 layers, but made exactly according to the individual design of the master craftsmen. Price level: from 350 €. Option 7. Expert level class.

Description: Any shades, made individually taking into account the shape of natural teeth. Ceramics consists of up to 10 layers, made according to an individual scheme; masters use high-tech equipment, taking into account the individualization of the bite and the entire dental system. Not just aesthetics, but the correct function of each curve and tooth structure (morphology).

Option 8. Extra Brut level class.

Description: Any shades, made individually taking into account the shape of natural teeth. The ceramics are made according to the personal design of exclusive “branded” craftsmen with a natural aesthetic and artistic bent. True price level: from 1,500 €.

Option 9. Composite veneers.

This type of restoration is most often made for temporary use. True price level: Depends on time spent, number of shades and composite material effects. From 50 €.

Option 0. Zirconium veneers.

There are no zirconium veneers. Zirconium is not intended for production using veneer technology. Zirconium veneers are a marketing name. In general, zirconium veneers are absurd.

Option 0. Ultraneers, minirs, juviners.

I might as well name it after myself, Levinira. Any names other than “veneers” are marketing, just like Lumineers. Lumineers are a coined American name for the same ceramic overlays (veneers). What are the differences, read at the beginning of the article.

Quality Try to distinguish quality not by name, but by craftsmanship and the final result, which can be seen on your teeth before treatment begins, without treating the teeth. Also, the price may vary from the required goal achieved in aesthetic rehabilitation and the subtleties in the correct function of the entire system, which is influenced by the prognosis that I give up to 40 years.

Note! Prices are presented as a guide to the types of quality and type of aesthetics. This is a global order of prices not related to treatment prices. In order for you to have the correct perception of price and not have a substituted concept of cost and differences. You need to understand the price, like everything else.

The more aesthetically pleasing veneers are, the closer they are to natural teeth - they repeat the contours of the tooth and are close to the natural structure of the tooth, truly indistinguishable and in harmony with external factors, giving the correct perception and emotions.

Let us not force ourselves to be deceived by substituting understanding. After all, we always want better and higher quality for ourselves and so that it suits us. If you compare two things, for example, the companies Zara and Versace, then the majority, looking in the mirror, will say, yes, I want exactly this, it fits me better and is apparently made according to other “standards” of cut and quality. Of course, sometimes it is clear that we overpay only for the brand. Likewise, in dentistry there are exclusive specialist technicians, who have a high cost due to their presence, although no better than non-branded, but expert ones.

When I am asked to make my teeth whiter, I always ask, Do you need a smile for quality perception by others and for harmony with your appearance, or do you just need something white on your teeth? The answer is clear, but the choice more often falls on something simply white on the teeth due to inexperience in perception. The shade can be made from white tones, but without special effects and dozens of aesthetic criteria, just white veneers look inseparable and do not merge with the character’s appearance.

Dispelling myths. Is treatment abroad more profitable and reliable? A natural question arises: where to find good dentistry and an experienced specialist? Many people go abroad for a beautiful smile, but is it worth it? Maybe there are good clinics in Russia too?

I tell everyone one thing: everything is the same everywhere in the world, and Russia is no exception. There are both good dental clinics and very bad ones. It happens that my colleagues from Germany show such cases that it seems that nothing could be worse, and at the same time they have a level of treatment that would be the envy of many countries. All countries have both good and low-level dentistry. Of course, we are talking about civilized countries.

In the world of dentistry: everything is relative. Having studied at three of the best individual schools of dentistry in the world, having acquaintances and working contacts with colleagues around the world, including the most famous world-famous specialists, I began to understand the boundlessness and diversity of dentistry.

If we talk about non-substitutable concepts of cost, then despite the fact that we work with high-quality foreign colleagues with the traditions and technologies of high dentistry, the cost of treatment in our studio is at least 30% less than abroad. And if we are talking about large complex treatment plans, the difference is significant, to put it mildly.

Welcome to your consultation on the aesthetics of natural veneers! This is not aesthetics. This is something white on the teeth. Photos from the Internet:

Installation process

The installation process for lumineers differs depending on their type. Today there are two types of lumineers: Cerinate and DUO-PCH.

Cerinate are made from individual impressions, which are taken in the dentist's office and sent to the manufacturing company's laboratory. The company will then manufacture the lumineers and send them to the clinic, after which the installation process will begin. This way you can achieve the most natural effect. The only disadvantage of this type: the wait for the manufacture and receipt of lumineers.

DUO-PCH is a new type of lumineers. These are template options, which most often are already available in the clinic, so all that remains is to select the appropriate template and begin installation.

Installation of Cerinate lumineers

Lumineers Cerinate

Let's take a closer look at the process of installing Cerinate lumineers.

  1. First, an examination of the oral cavity and professional cleaning are carried out. In the presence of caries and inflammatory diseases, treatment is carried out.
  2. Sometimes it is possible to make electronic or wax models so that the patient can evaluate what result of the work awaits him.
  3. Teeth are being polished. At this stage, the doctor roughens the surface of the teeth to ensure better adhesion of the lumineers to the surface. The procedure does not require anesthesia, since the sensitive parts of the teeth will not be affected during grinding.
  4. Impressions of the teeth are taken and sent to the manufacturer's laboratory. After this, you should wait for the lumineers to be manufactured and arrive at the clinic. This process usually takes up to 3 weeks.
  5. After the structure arrives, the lumineers are installed using a special adhesive containing fluoride to better protect the enamel.

Installation of DUO-PCH lumineers

You can install such lumineers in 1-2 visits to the clinic, since you do not have to wait for a long time for the design to be manufactured and sent.

Before installing DUO-PCH lumineers, the oral cavity is also thoroughly cleaned and inflammatory diseases and caries are treated. After which the color of the plates is selected according to a special scale. Next, the doctor will make silicone impressions of the jaws, on which the overlays will be tried on. At the next stage, the teeth are prepared for installation: they are polished and thoroughly dried, and then the selected onlays are tried on. If the result suits the patient, the lumineers are fixed with a special glue and dried.

Modern ceramic veneers

Orthopedic dentistry in Kirov has made a huge step in its development in recent years: this is precisely the area that is most exposed to innovation and modern solutions. And ceramic veneers are an excellent example of how Kirov dentistry is actively using the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Let’s learn more about this technology, because ceramic veneers today are one of the promising areas for the development of all orthopedic dentistry.

Dentistry in Kirov: what are ceramic veneers

First of all, it is necessary to find out the essence of such technology as ceramic veneers - what exactly do dentists offer in this regard? We are talking about microprostheses that are applied to the front surface of the tooth to hide defects in the smile area. Simply put, these are specialized onlays, so-called partial veneers, which are actively offered by Kirov dentistry as a simple and affordable means of solving a number of problems.

Full veneers are also available. They create an irresistible appearance and protect the tooth from incipient decay. They are a cap that is placed on the tooth.

Modern orthopedic dentistry makes it possible to achieve absolute invisibility of dentures, which is confirmed by the use of ceramic onlays called veneers.

As a result, your smile looks unsurpassed, as modern ceramics and innovative prosthetic dentistry techniques allow you to achieve excellent results. And the main advantage is that when grinding the base for veneers, the nerve is not removed, that is, the tooth remains alive - this is an important point that distinguishes the entire technology.

Advantages of orthopedic dentistry: the use of veneers

For what reason should ceramic veneers be preferred when solving the problem of dental defects? We can name at least six advantages why modern dentistry in Kirov offers the use of veneers as the optimal technology:

  • Ceramics is an environmentally friendly and absolutely safe material that allows dentists to use veneers with virtually no contraindications;
  • Long service life. Restoration is necessary only in emergency cases, while the total service life of veneers is calculated in years and even decades;
  • Modern orthopedic dentistry in Kirov allows for the most accurate selection of the shade of the prosthesis to fully match the rest of the teeth;
  • The design of the veneer is completely invisible - it is an ideal technique from a technical point of view, devoid of design flaws;
  • Modern dentistry uses first-class raw materials, as a result of which ceramic veneers do not change their color and shade over time;
  • There is no need to remove the nerve to install the veneer. Dentists in Kirov today approach the solution of any problems with the highest quality possible, trying to preserve healthy teeth;

All this is modern orthopedic dentistry and ceramic veneers, the popularity of which is rapidly increasing every year.

Dental offers to personally verify the effectiveness of the technology, which is distinguished not only by excellent visual parameters, but also by accessibility.

How are porcelain veneers made?

The process of making ceramic veneers is regulated by a clear algorithm, which is followed by all professional dentistry in Kirov. It looks like this:

  1. Impressions are taken from the patient's jaw;
  2. A plaster model is made;
  3. The restoration is modeled using wax;
  4. The crown is pressed from a ceramic blank in a special oven;
  5. The crown is painted, covered with ceramic mass, and then fired;
  6. Dyes and specialized effect compounds are applied to give the final color.

If the prosthesis causes discomfort or does not suit the patient, Kirov dentists send the veneer for revision.

Final fixation of the prosthesis occurs only if there are no complaints from the patient. You will be using a ceramic veneer on a regular basis, so it needs to be adjusted as accurately as possible to the size of your tooth.

When do dentists use ceramic veneers?

Modern dentistry has found a fairly wide range of applications for such types of orthopedic prostheses as ceramic veneers. The list of indications looks impressive:

  • Yellowness and unflattering shades of teeth (including the consequences of the pulp removal process);
  • Erosion of tooth enamel;
  • Damage to hard dental tissues (chips, gouges);
  • Incorrect position of teeth. Kirov dentistry will help restore a healthy smile in case of twisted incisors or rotation of the tooth around its axis;
  • Various anomalies regarding the shape of the tooth;
  • The presence of old fillings that differ in color;
  • Large interdental spaces.

Thus, modern dentistry in Kirov using ceramic teeth is an opportunity to create a real Hollywood smile!

Without seriously affecting the tooth structure, you can achieve an excellent aesthetic effect. That is why dentists today actively use ceramic veneer technology to solve a variety of problems.

Ceramic veneers: contraindications

However, the use of this method of orthopedic dentistry is not always possible, since the technology has a number of contraindications:

  • Abrasion of teeth of pathological origin;
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism);
  • Having bad habits, such as biting nails;
  • Malocclusion;
  • Complete or partial destruction of the tooth from the inside (for incomplete veneers);
  • The presence of large fillings;

However, most of these problems can be solved by professional dentistry in Kirov. And then you can start using ceramic veneers.

Medical is your healthy smile using the most modern and effective means of professional orthopedic dentistry in Kirov!
Dental prosthetics in the city of Kirov: installation of dentures
←Computer tomography of teeth in Kirov: what should you know?

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Restorative dentistry in Kirov using pressed ceramics→

Lumineers care

Caring for lumineers is almost no different from caring for your own teeth. It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day, discard dental floss and replace it with an irrigator, which will carefully clean the spaces between the teeth from food debris. In addition, you should not put strong physical stress on your teeth: do not crack nuts or open bottle caps with your teeth.

As for coloring products, they can be consumed as before, since lumineers are not stained by such products.

Thus, lumineers are an excellent way to create a “Hollywood smile” in a short time and without severe damage to your own teeth.

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