Rules for registering sick leave from January 1, 2022

From January 1, 2022, the employee is not required to submit his sick leave to the company’s accounting department. The accounting department receives information about the opening of an electronic sick leave (ELN) and its status from the Social Insurance Fund.


The new procedure for calculating sick leave was approved by Government Decree No. 1540 dated September 11, 2021.

The rules for obtaining by the Social Insurance Fund the information and documents necessary for the assignment and payment of benefits for temporary disability and in connection with maternity were approved by Government Decree No. 2010 of November 21, 2021

The procedure for generating electronic sick leave and the procedure for interaction between the employer and the Social Insurance Fund were approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia in order No. 1089n dated November 23, 2021.

The previous procedure, when an accountant must receive an application from an employee and submit documents to the fund, is retained only for processing child care benefits.

Paper sick leave issued in 2021 will be accepted for payment in 2022 according to the general rules.

Do not miss:

Controversial situations with paid sick leave until 2022

Despite the complete digitalization and calculation of FSS benefits, the accounting department needs to be “on alert” - if a request is received from the fund, it is necessary to provide the necessary information about the employee within 3 days.

New procedure for issuing electronic certificates of incapacity for work

Since 2022, a non-declaration procedure for paying sick leave by the social insurance fund has been introduced.

Read in the berator “Practical Encyclopedia of an Accountant”

Direct payments: changes from January 1, 2022

The Fund independently determines the payment of four types of benefits:

  • temporary disability benefits,
  • maternity benefits;
  • lump sum benefit for the birth of a child;
  • monthly child care allowance.

Please note that child care benefits are not on this list.

Features of wisdom teeth removal

Almost every person experiences toothache from time to time and the need to receive urgent dental care.

Toothache negatively affects a person’s performance. An employee who has a severe toothache cannot perform even the simplest tasks normally.

Toothache can lead to even basic errors at work

The more severe the pain, the more difficult it is for a person to concentrate on anything. Therefore, there is a need to go on sick leave.

The cause of toothache is caries, pulpitis and other diseases. Wisdom teeth cause special trouble. Many dentists do not undertake the treatment and filling of “eights”, but prefer to remove them immediately. The fact is that due to their inconvenient location, it is extremely difficult to treat these units, and often even impractical.

Therefore, if problems arise with wisdom teeth, they are simply removed. However, the procedure for deleting them is different from deleting other units. “Eights” for many people grow incorrectly and have curved roots. Because of this, they are difficult to remove from the gums. The surgeon often has to cut the gum or saw the tooth and pull it out piece by piece. Naturally, after such an operation, a large wound forms on the patient’s gum.

After wisdom tooth removal, it is necessary to follow a certain postoperative regimen. The doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics to help the wound heal as quickly as possible. During rehabilitation, heavy physical activity is contraindicated for a person. Therefore, some people may need sick leave. This is especially true for manual workers.

As for issuing sick leave, Russian labor legislation does not have a clear provision on whether it is necessary to issue sick leave after the removal of wisdom teeth or in case of severe toothache. In some cases it may be issued, but in others it may not.

How electronic interaction with the Social Insurance Fund is structured

Information about the opening, extension, closure, and cancellation of electronic sick leave is collected and stored in the Social Insurance system.

The FSS will send information about the opening, extension, closure, and cancellation of an electronic sick leave to the organization via the EDI system.

Most of the information about employees in the fund is already available. In addition, the FSS can receive data through the interdepartmental information exchange system from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, the Civil Registry Office and other government agencies.

In turn, the employer must place in the Social Insurance system the information necessary to calculate benefits for each sick leave and sign them with an enhanced qualified electronic signature (UKES):.

  • insurance experience;
  • the amounts of payments and rewards that were included in the base for calculating insurance premiums; if during the billing period the employee worked in another organization, then broken down by year of the billing period;
  • regional coefficient;
  • the amount of wages retained during the period of inactivity;
  • the period of absence of the employee from work due to temporary disability;
  • the number of days of sick leave, maternity or child care leave, periods of release from work with retention of salary, if contributions were not accrued for it.

The employer has only three days to provide information! If the accounting department does not have any documents, they must be obtained from the employee.

Most of the information about employees in the fund is already available. In addition, the FSS can receive data through the interdepartmental information exchange system from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, the Civil Registry Office and other government agencies.

Next, the FSS itself will calculate the amount of benefits and pay the employee to his bank card.

Information on the assignment and payment of benefits will be posted in the Unified State Information System for Social Security (USISSO) and sent to citizens in their personal account on the government services portal.

More details on the topic:

Maximum sick leave in 2022

Lists of information that the employer provides to the Social Insurance Fund

Grounds for extension and possible deadlines

Based on Order of the Ministry of Health N 624n, the extension of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out after examining the patient by a doctor and recording data on the state of health in the patient’s card. Patient complaints that are not confirmed by examination are not sufficient grounds for extending the treatment period. A dentist may issue a bulletin for a maximum period not exceeding 10 days .

During one patient visit, the extension of sick leave, if necessary, is carried out for a period of no more than 3 days. If the patient has not recovered during this period, a visit to a therapist will be required to further extend the treatment period.

All nuances of obtaining and extending temporary certificates of incapacity for work are regulated by law. Each employee, when officially opening a ballot, is protected by law from unlawful actions of management. The duration of recovery depends on individual factors, the speed of healing and the complexity of the intervention.

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Rules for issuing sick leave for child care

Sick leave for caring for a sick child is issued for the entire period of treatment of the child on an outpatient or inpatient basis if:

  • The child is under 15 years old.
  • Disabled child.
  • A child under 18 years of age is HIV positive.
  • A child under 18 years of age has post-vaccination complications and malignant neoplasms.

In other cases of caring for a sick family member during outpatient treatment, hospital leave will be issued for no more than 7 calendar days for each case of illness.

What affects the duration of a certificate of incapacity for work?

The period for which sick leave is opened directly depends on the current condition of the sick person . Poor health and the presence of symptoms of complications are grounds for the doctor to extend the treatment period.

Since a dentist is a mid-level doctor, he is responsible for issuing sick leave for a maximum period of 10 days. Therapists can issue sick leave for up to 30 days.

Important ! Some employers claim that only a doctor from a public hospital can issue sick leave. It is not true. Based on clause 2 of Order No. 624n, every practicing doctor in a clinic licensed to provide this type of service has the right to issue certificates of temporary disability.

The period of disability directly depends on the severity of the healing and recovery process and takes on average 5-7 days. During this period, it is recommended to reduce speech load.

Maximum duration of sick leave for various diseases

If after 15 days the patient has not recovered, then the attending physician sends him to undergo a medical examination, which determines the need to extend the BL. If the patient was treated in a private licensed clinic, then after 15 days the doctor will also refer him to the medical institution at the place of registration (residence) so that the issue of extending the BC can be decided by a commission of doctors (Article 21 of Order No. 925n). If the prognosis for recovery is favorable, the maximum period of time spent on sick leave cannot exceed 10 months. Sometimes this period can be extended to a year for diagnoses:

  • tuberculosis;
  • condition after surgery;
  • long-healing injury.

In this case, the patient must be seen by a doctor to assess the condition and prolong the BL every 15 days.

If the treatment prognosis is unfavorable, no later than 4 months from the date of establishment of temporary disability, the patient is sent to undergo a medical and social examination (MSE). And if the patient refuses to undergo it, the ballot is closed (clause 4 of article 59 of the law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation” dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ).

ConsultantPlus experts spoke about how a certificate of incapacity for work should be filled out during long-term sick leave. Get a free trial and proceed to the HR Guide.

Read about the specifics of paying for long-term sick leave in the material “What are the nuances of paying for long-term sick leave?”

How to get a newsletter

To obtain the document you need to see a doctor. You need to have your passport with you. The forms are made on special paper with special watermarks. This precaution allows you to protect against document forgery. The document form was approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development (Order No. 347n).

Only a clinic that has a license for medical activities has the right to issue a newsletter. Blood transfusion stations and emergency doctors do not have the right to issue documents of incapacity for work.

If a person sees a doctor on a working day, it is better to ask for a newsletter to be issued from the next day so that there are no problems with payment.

For how long is sick leave issued in case of quarantine and epidemic?

The period of the certificate of incapacity for work depends on the medical history, diagnosis and condition of the patient - from 3 to 15 days. To extend for a longer period, you will need the approval of the head physician or medical council. This rule applies to all diseases with complications. What should an employee do in the event of an epidemic or forced quarantine due to coronavirus?

Rospotrebnadzor determined how many days the minimum sick leave for coronavirus is 14 days until complete recovery (Decree No. 15 of May 22, 2020). Citizens infected with coronavirus are discharged with permission to begin work duties after receiving one negative test for COVID-19. If a positive test is obtained during the control, the patient will be discharged only after receiving a second negative result. A repeat test will be done no earlier than after 3 days (RPN Decree No. 35 of November 13, 2020).

Citizens who have been in contact with a coronavirus patient are required to remain in isolation or observation for 14 days. If during this period they do not show COVID symptoms, their sick leave will be closed and they will be allowed to start work. If the contact person falls ill, he will be given a certificate of incapacity for work at the moment of complete recovery, after receiving a negative test.


The algorithm for issuing BC is strictly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The minimum period of sick leave is determined by the attending physician. And the question of how long sick leave is given as long as possible is decided by a commission of doctors individually in each specific case.


  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated September 1, 2020 No. 925n
  • Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”
  • Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”

You can find more complete information on the topic in ConsultantPlus. Free trial access to the system for 2 days.

What else has changed in sick leave?

It was clarified that a duplicate sick leave can be obtained if benefits have not yet been paid for it. Moreover, if you have lost or damaged a paper form, you can duplicate it electronically. By agreement with the patient or his legal representative, medical institutions that specialize in oncology, psychiatry-narcology, dermatovenereology, HIV infection, tuberculosis, and mental disorders may indicate other positions of doctors, for example, “attending physician,” “paramedic.”

If the employer made a mistake when filling out his section of the electronic sick leave, he must enter the correct information and indicate the reasons for the corrections. When sending again, the signatures of the chief accountant and the manager are also affixed.

Sick leave from the Dentist for how many days

In severe cases, surgery is necessary. If the patient feels unwell due to flux, he is at risk of developing sepsis, then the dentist writes him a certificate of temporary incapacity for work. After opening the abscess, a person may develop a fever. Therefore, the doctor must monitor the patient for at least three days. This will help prevent the spread of infection in time.

The question of whether a dentist can issue a temporary disability certificate is quite relevant. There is a group of medical workers who are not authorized to issue sick leave.

Tooth extraction (read more...)

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