Every person experiences tooth extraction sooner or later. First experience - dairy
Why are sutures required after wisdom tooth extraction? Extraction of the third molar requires sutures.
Removing temporary teeth in a child has its own characteristics. They are related to the nature of their structure
Features of the procedure Tooth extraction is not performed without indications. We perform treatment either planned or emergency. IN
External hygiene product Malavit has a wide spectrum of action. The solution is made exclusively on the basis of natural
Treatment during sleep What is the advantage of Sevoran? How is treatment performed under Sevoran sedation?
Home / Articles / Impacted canine It has long been known that teeth can fall out too early
A high-quality and rapid wound healing process after tooth extraction depends not only on professionalism
Author: Trofimov Andrey Yurievich What to do after tooth extraction? Every person in his life
Carrying out any surgical interventions in the area of the facial part of the skull, including dental ones