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Three-stage pain correction system Types of painkillers How to relieve pain: description of the stages of a three-stage system
Problem: parents contacted a 12-year-old boy. The child's fang is protruding on one side.
Types of fiberglass pins Fiberglass pins in dentistry are classified depending on their shape and are:
Dear friends, today’s topic of conversation, in fact, should be a prologue to all our
The choice of the type of anesthesia for a child is made after a thorough history taking. Dentists should identify possible
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The procedure for removing the upper teeth can be carried out planned or emergency. In the first case, the indications are:
11/28/2019 Not every person can boast of a completely white shade of their teeth. To solve this
Halitosis (halitosis; from Latin halitus - breathing and Greek -osis - disease) or bad