Suction drainage from the pleural cavity
Home → Articles → Recommendations after gum surgery Team of dentists at the Stomatolog 11 clinic
pain relief for cancer
Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs
Three-stage pain correction system Types of painkillers How to relieve pain: description of the stages of a three-stage system
protruding fang, malocclusion
Protruding fang in a teenager - treatment with Damon braces
Problem: parents contacted a 12-year-old boy. The child's fang is protruding on one side.
Features of the clinical use of fiberglass pins
Types of fiberglass pins Fiberglass pins in dentistry are classified depending on their shape and are:
Restoration of destruction of jaw bone tissue caused by iatrogenic factors
Dear friends, today’s topic of conversation, in fact, should be a prologue to all our
Removing baby teeth does not cause severe pain
Non-injection anesthesia in pediatric dentistry
The choice of the type of anesthesia for a child is made after a thorough history taking. Dentists should identify possible
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Photo of antique teeth extraction forceps from the 19th century
Implantation of the upper anterior teeth simultaneously with their removal
The procedure for removing the upper teeth can be carried out planned or emergency. In the first case, the indications are:
Teeth whitening using amazing white or klox technology
Teeth whitening using amazing white or klox technology
11/28/2019 Not every person can boast of a completely white shade of their teeth. To solve this
Probiotics for restoring oral microflora and treating tissue inflammation
Simple tips to help get rid of bad breath
Halitosis (halitosis; from Latin halitus - breathing and Greek -osis - disease) or bad
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