Soda and hydrogen peroxide: a healing tandem from Professor Neumyvakin
Treat not a disease, but a person. Hippocrates spoke about this most important principle of healing. Our
Photo of the root canal treatment process
Features of the structure of the root canals of children's teeth
Features of dental canal treatment Differences in the structure and functions of the “representatives” of the dentition to a large extent
Is hair lamination worth it: facts for and against
Dear visitors, please note that Stomident does not install laminates. Article to be worn exclusively
Osteomyelitis of teeth
Pus after tooth extraction and swollen cheek: what to do
Alveolitis is an inflammation of the socket (alveoli) left after tooth extraction. This pathology does not develop far
Anesthesia in pediatric dentistry
Available painkillers: esters and amides
Pharmacological properties of the drug Mepivacaine Local anesthetic of medium duration of action of the amide group. Causes a reversible blockade
Manufacturing time for a clasp prosthesis
Manufacturing of clasp dentures from modern materials
The stages of making a clasp denture is a procedure that involves a professional and careful approach in dentistry.
Removal of a tooth
Instructions for use of Chlorhexidine solution for mouth rinse
Tooth extraction is a complex and traumatic dental operation, after which the patient must comply with certain
What types of dental veneers are there: what are they made of and what materials to choose
Many dental clinics offer fillings using several different filling materials. Price lists
Methods of dental implantation - tips, patient reviews about dental implants. Part 3
The most modern type of prosthetics is now considered to be dental implantation. If due to not treated in time
Alcohol and teeth
Basic recommendations after dental treatment
Alcohol after dental treatment The effect of alcohol on a treated tooth How long after treatment
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