Characteristics of elevators for tooth extraction
In what cases is an elevator used to remove teeth?
811 Removing diseased teeth has always been considered a simple and effective way to get rid of the damage they cause.
Causes of development and correction of a small lower jaw
Modern methods for correcting a small lower jaw
16788 Malocclusion is a fairly common phenomenon that can be confidently interpreted as a diagnosis.
Ear pain - causes
What causes ear pain and what to do about it
Ear pain is a phenomenon that many people have experienced in different
Grinding teeth for crowns
Tooth preparation: features of the procedure and modern techniques
Tooth preparation is a dental procedure that involves removing (grinding) surface dental tissues and giving
What is the safest and most effective teeth whitening?
What is the safest and most effective teeth whitening?
Causes of darkening of enamel Eating foods and drinks containing dyes; Having bad habits
“Schiplet”, “schipet” or “pinches”: how do you spell the word?
For many, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the body is a reason to start worrying. Many of us,
Description, types and purpose of temporary dentures
Description, types and purpose of temporary dentures
Restoring damaged or lost teeth often takes quite a long time, and it is understandable that
assessment of the harm and benefits of tooth powder, can it be used by children
Tooth powder – choice of whitening, medicinal, black powder. How to use and tips for choosing
In recent years, a huge variety of new toothpastes have appeared on the shelves of pharmacies and stores.
Sea buckthorn oil medicinal properties for the oral cavity
Sea buckthorn oil contains a huge amount of various vitamins: A, C, E, as well as tanning
Odontoparodontogram to assess the condition of the dentofacial apparatus
An odontoparodontogram is a diagram - a drawing containing information about each dental unit. The drawing is intended
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