707 Straightening teeth by wearing a brace system evokes pleasant memories for few people.
A dental crown is a permanent prosthesis, which is a single element in the form of a “cap”,
Problem: For about five years, a man suffered from food getting between his teeth. Food stuck
Before deciding on dental implantation, the doctor evaluates the volume of bone tissue. With him
How does Aquafresh toothpaste differ from other toothpastes? At first, the brand produced toothpastes that prevented
In modern dentistry, there are many different methods for restoring damaged teeth - filling, prosthetics,
Liquororrhea (from Latin liquor - liquid and Greek rhoia - outflow) - outflow of the spinal cord
What is the name of the gap between the teeth? The scientific name for the gap between the upper front incisors is diastema.
Exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the tooth sometimes leads to swelling of the cheek. The swelling symptom occurs due to
In what cases may the bone fail to take root? The bone may not take root in cases where