gummy smile
How to Correct a Gummy Smile If It's Causing You Discomfort
Reasons Where to start How to fix it? Surgical method Orthodontic treatment Prosthetics Cosmetic procedures Gingival
32 pearls: everything you need to know about proper care for dental health
32 pearls: everything you need to know about proper care for dental health
Regular oral hygiene plays an important role in maintaining dental health and preventing various diseases.
Wisdom tooth eruption
The teeth became crooked. Are the G8s really to blame?
05/07/2018 A large number of patients are faced with the need to have teeth removed. Injuries, untimely contact with a dentist,
Problems with wisdom teeth
The gingival hood above the tooth is inflamed and hurts: what to do?
Wisdom teeth (third molars, “eights”) are rightfully considered the most problematic teeth. Rarely lucky
What to do if white-tipped hair falls out
White ends of hair - a disease or a cosmetic defect?
This white ball is not the root of the hair, as is often thought. In fact, this is
types of sutures dentistry
Factors influencing the healing of wounds in the oral cavity
Dentistry is not only about hygiene procedures and getting rid of caries. Dental diseases and
Image 1: Herpes - Family Doctor Clinic
Why do I often get herpes? Can it develop into cancer? An infectious disease doctor answers troubling questions about herpes
Herpes is a viral disease. One of the most well-known manifestations of herpes infection are small
Treatment of caries in Moscow, prices, reviews from real patients, general concepts
Tooth enamel is one of the strongest tissues in the human body. However, the safety margin
teeth dental disease
Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity: types of dental diseases, list of common dental problems
Dental diseases of the teeth are a group of pathologies that affect the enamel, gums, oral cavity, and
composition of the filling
If the dentist asks the patient: “What kind of filling are we going to put in?” - then the patient will be in difficulty
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