Is an electric toothbrush harmful? Pros and cons of the product

Beautiful teeth are a guarantee of health Total body. One of the conditions their good condition is compliance oral hygiene.
This is facilitated by high-quality and regular teeth cleaning.

An electric toothbrush can clean them much more efficiently and quickly than a regular manual toothbrush.

Electric brush: pros and cons, pros and cons. It penetrates into the most inaccessible corners of the oral cavity, affects the enamel coating more evenly and accurately maintains the duration of the procedure .

Reference! Over more than a quarter of a century of operation of these devices, reliable information has been obtained about their beneficial effects on teeth, reducing dental diseases and reducing the risk of caries.

Characteristics of electric brushes

Electric toothbrushes, first released in the 60s of the last century, are popular among dental care methods. Electric toothbrushes provide automatic vibration with a large number of movements per second, which a person is not able to repeat. Thanks to automatic movements, caring for teeth is easy and children also find it interesting.

Modern types of electric brushes differ favorably in many respects from their first analogues. The main characteristics of various models include:

  • Soft pulsation of reciprocating movements;
  • Several cleaning speeds, for example, lower for sensitive areas of gums and teeth;
  • The great benefit of an electric toothbrush is its ergonomic shape, which makes cleaning easy for users of all ages;
  • Partially reconfigurable for maneuverability and increased stability in the mouth;
  • Provided change of nozzles;
  • Reliable battery with charging indication.

Benefits of electric toothbrushes

Dentists recommend the use of electric toothbrushes, since thanks to the active air-droplet flow, which is ensured by an increased rotation speed, the teeth of all patients, including children, can be gently cleaned, and dentures can be cleaned without damage. In addition, disabled people, as well as people who have problems with the motor system or do not have sufficient skills to use small objects, will solve the important task of maintaining oral hygiene with the help of an electric brush. As a result of the benefits of an electric toothbrush : fast and high-quality teeth cleaning.

Another advantage of a toothbrush: tooth enamel is not damaged at all . The technology of the reciprocating rotational cleaning mechanism allows you to clean the interdental space while simultaneously naturally whitening the tooth surface. Modern models are characterized by additional functions, including, for example, the ability to brush your front teeth for 30 seconds using any of the available modes. The installed timer will allow you to complete the procedure in full, which is not always possible when cleaning yourself.

One of the distinctive advantages of using an electric brush is also the prevention of gingivitis due to the vibration effect on the gums. With constant use, frequent bleeding of the gums is eliminated.

Ultrasonic electric toothbrushes not only effectively clean plaque, but also destroy tartar and deep deposits. In combination with the use of dental floss, this allows you to maintain the health and beauty of your teeth and oral cavity, and as a result, the procedure for professional oral hygiene becomes optional.

To briefly describe the benefits of an electric toothbrush , it consists of the following advantages:

  • High-quality teeth cleaning;
  • Removal of dental deposits and tartar removal;
  • Convenient and safe cleaning in the presence of braces or dentures;
  • Prevention of gingivitis;
  • Strengthening gums and improving their blood circulation;
  • Convenient calculation of cleaning time thanks to the timer;
  • Saving your own money on professional oral hygiene;

Among the expensive models, there are specimens that have a useful ultraviolet lamp for disinfection. Enabling this function allows you to independently disinfect the oral cavity, which provides a high level of protection against infection and the development of caries.

How the device works

The electric brush consists of :

  • a thick handle into which a battery is placed or removable batteries are inserted;
  • housings;
  • nozzle heads;
  • bristles.

The battery is charged through a specialized adapter device , sold together with the electric brush; the batteries can be replaced during operation.

The rechargeable battery generates energy for a miniature motor - an inverter in the device body that converts direct current into high-frequency oscillations.

For your information! With its help, the cleaning bristles are set in motion. They vibrate automatically up and down or perform rotational and translational movements.

Types of products

The type of electrical device is determined by the method of cleaning the oral cavity and the speed of vibration of the bristles . There are models:

  • Mechanical. They clean your teeth just like regular dental appliances. Their advantage is only in the greater intensity of movements and a certain direction. This guarantees high efficiency of the hygienic procedure.
  • Sound. They work with bristle movements in the range from twenty-four to forty-eight thousand. The bristles rotate with great force and create a sweeping effect, removing remaining food and plaque. Such brushes operate at frequencies from two hundred to four hundred hertz and are perceived by the human hearing aid. That is, the noise from the work is easily heard by the human ear.
  • Ultrasonic. The most effective and safe. Their operating frequency is not perceived by human ears. The principle of operation is the simultaneous removal of dirt and tartar with the participation of generated acoustic vibrations at a frequency of 1.6 MHz. The number of movements reaches 192 million per minute. When used for a long time, the brushes do not heat up the tissues of the oral cavity, so you can brush for a long time.

Currently, models are produced that combine sound and ultrasonic modes.

Note! When working in sound mode, food debris is removed, while in ultrasonic mode, plaque on the surface of teeth and stones are destroyed.

At the same time, the oral cavity is reliably protected from the action of bacteria.

To protect the bristles themselves from harmful microorganisms,
special docking stations are produced, where the devices are exposed to ultraviolet rays and are thereby disinfected .
This becomes most relevant when cleaning teeth without using toothpaste.

Harm from using electric toothbrushes

The danger with electric toothbrushes is that if used incorrectly, they can cause significant damage to your teeth.

The main negative aspect of using an electric brush is the thinning of tooth enamel, especially if a person has demineralization or fluorosis. In this case, it is better to choose a brush with softer bristles.

Due to the high speed of rotation of the bristles, an electric toothbrush can also cause harm in case of healing of any wounds in the oral cavity after surgery or dental intervention. In addition, it can complicate the situation with infectious periodontitis.

You should also change the head on your electric toothbrush at least once every 3-4 months, as a large number of germs and bacteria accumulate on it, and the bristles of the brush wear out, so cleaning will be less efficient.


Important: You should choose devices from trusted manufacturers, products from which dentists recommend using.
Among the popular brands of electric brushes, devices from the following manufacturers have proven themselves well:

  1. Oral-B;
  2. Philips;
  3. OMRON;
  4. Panasonic.

Each of them has a wide selection of devices in different price categories, which will allow you to choose an electric brush for any budget. More information about models, manufacturers and what

a modern
electric toothbrush
in the article

Recommendations for caring for an electric toothbrush

An electric toothbrush has very soft and delicate bristles, which easily become dirty and therefore require careful care. To ensure that the brush is always absolutely clean, dentists recommend that after use, rinse it under a strong stream of hot water and then soap it. The soap can be washed off after a while or just before cleaning.

The brush must be dry before it is placed in a special case or glass. It is strictly prohibited to store a wet brush in a closed case to avoid the development and proliferation of bacteria and, consequently, the subsequent use of an electric toothbrush .

Some models provide for replacing the head with bristles, but in any case, if the question arises: how often should you change a toothbrush, doctors at our medical center strongly advise replacing the brush or bristles more than once within three months. In new models, the bristles are designed to last from 1 to 12 months, but this does not mean that replacement must be made after a year. Make sure to promptly follow this recommendation for reasons of benefit and hygiene, especially since some expensive models provide a wear indicator that will indicate the need for replacement.


If there is a problem with factory non-compliance with standards, the brush is replaced with one of similar cost. Some stores will refund the amount paid.

The warranty period is usually 2 years, but some devices remain under warranty for 1.5 years.

If the device was subjected to unusual mechanical stress, was kept in improper conditions, or was used for purposes other than its intended purpose, the store will not replace spare parts free of charge.

If the service center, during diagnostics, determined that the breakdown occurred due to premature wear of the device parts, then free repairs within the framework of the provided warranty occur within one week.

If the replacement of a part takes longer than the specified period, contact the central service center to resolve the situation.

Self service

If the product is no longer under warranty, but a breakdown has occurred, then contact the service center. If they cannot help there, then use the services of the repair center of the store where the purchase was made.

In this case, troubleshooting work costs money, but it turns out to be much cheaper than buying a new unit.

When the breakdown is not serious, repair work is carried out independently.

Failures that at first glance seem simple can pose an additional threat (poorly executed insulation, direct electrical connection of the battery and charger wires).

Sometimes you just need to replace a worn-out part. It will not be possible to find the necessary component in a regular store, since this is a specific product. But some spare parts are ordered online.

It is better to trust service centers in this matter, since the device requires special equipment and skills to fix the breakdown.

The benefits and harms of electric toothbrushes: summary

After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of using an electric toothbrush, we can conclude that the benefits of using an electric toothbrush are much greater than the harm and any negative consequences. Despite the high cost, the benefits of an electric toothbrush are obvious - better teeth cleaning, ease of use and prevention of oral diseases.

The number of electric toothbrushes is impressive in terms of shape, useful functions, various levels of performance and protection of tooth enamel. In this regard, before purchasing an electric toothbrush, do not be lazy to consult with experienced dentists to find the most appropriate model for a particular user.

What you need to know about the pen

The handle of the electric brush should be comfortable, preferably equipped with anti-slip pads. Its location is also an important selection criterion. It is best to give preference to products whose handles are inclined in relation to the head of the product, so that you can easily clean the distant teeth. The optimal tilt angle is from 30 to 45 degrees.

Another advantage will be the presence on the handle of a timer and other additional functions, for example, a speed regulator.

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