TOP 9 best teeth whitening strips according to user reviews

Everyone dreams of a Hollywood smile. Owners of slender, dazzling white teeth attract attention and instantly invite communication. But what does this concept actually include? What steps are necessary to form a beautiful smile line?

The very first thing is to correct the bite: even the slightest deviation of any tooth from an even position spoils the overall impression. In more complex cases associated with an unsightly shape, advanced caries, mechanical damage, restorations, implantations, prostheses, as well as veneers, lumineers and ultraneers, which are very popular today, come to the rescue. And the most important stage is bleaching. Unlike the first two situations, which require a visit to a professional dental office, the latter is quite feasible at home.

When choosing a product of this type for the first time, you should understand how the products differ from each other and whether they are effective at all. Conventionally, whitening strips can be divided into 2 categories:

  • With hydrogen peroxide. The most effective, but unsuitable for sensitive teeth, because... may cause pain.
  • No hydrogen peroxide. More gentle formulas that include natural brighteners (for example, activated carbon, oils and vitamins). But the effectiveness of such products is noticeably lower than that of previous ones.

You should not expect instant results from the strips after the first use. They all differ in speed and duration of action. You need to leave them on your teeth from 10 minutes to 6-8 hours, so before use you should definitely read the instructions, because... It is also undesirable to overexpose the strips. The course can last from 5 to 20 days. And to consolidate the result, manufacturers often advise using toothpastes and mouthwashes from the same line.

How to use the strips:

  • Rinse your mouth and blot your teeth with a paper towel.
  • Separate the strip from the protective membrane.
  • Apply an adhesive layer to the teeth and smooth it, pressing it to the surface as much as possible. It is important not to get the whitening gel on your gums, otherwise you may risk getting a chemical burn.
  • Wait the time specified by the manufacturer and remove the strips, or wait until they are completely dissolved, depending on the type of product. Drinking water, swallowing saliva or talking at this moment is not recommended.
  • Rinse your mouth to remove any remaining gel and use a brush if necessary.

The procedure must be repeated daily throughout the course. If all the rules are fully followed, within a few days you will notice a lightening of the enamel by 1-2 tones. It is advisable to consult your dentist before use.

Introducing the ranking of 2022 teeth whitening strips. 11 best products that were selected by our experts based on consumer reviews and ratings.

There are contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!

Rating (2021)Prices, ₽A country
1. Crest Supreme Professional Whiteningfrom 3300₽USA
2. Blend-a-med 3D White Luxefrom 3000₽USA
3. My Brilliant Smile based on activated carbonfrom 2400₽USA
4. Crest 3D White Glamorous Whitefrom 3300₽USA
5. BlanX O₃X Flash White Stripes The Power of Oxygenfrom 2000₽Italy
6. Megami White Xtreme 3D PRO for sensitive teethfrom 1900₽Japan
7. On White Stripes Kitfrom 1400₽Russia
8. Bright Light 3D Bright Night Effectsfrom 1500₽China
9. Global White Charcoalfrom 700₽China
10. Shomi Time White Expressfrom 1000₽China
11. White Glo Bright Lightfrom 800₽ Australia

What are teeth whitening strips and how do they work?

Strips are one of the most convenient and safe means for teeth whitening at home. Their effect can last from six months to a year.

Whitening strips are thin strips of perforated polyethylene with a special gel applied on one side. The concentration of active elements does not disrupt the structure of the gums and teeth, and does not cause increased sensitivity. The substances that have been proven over the years are responsible for the whitening process: hydrogen peroxide and urea. One of the main advantages of strips over other products is the established dosage of active elements. This eliminates the possibility of harming your health by overestimating the concentration of the substance.

While on the teeth, the whitening gel actively affects age spots, turning them into organic bonds of water molecules and carbon dioxide. In this case, whitening occurs not only on the outer, but also on the inner layers of the tooth structure.

Today, the market for various care products for a snow-white smile is saturated with high-quality products and famous manufacturers. But two companies occupy the leading positions: Crest and Blend-a-med. Therefore, we will review reviews of Crest Whitestrips and Blend-a-med 3D White teeth whitening strips in order to identify all the advantages and disadvantages.

Reviews of Crest teeth whitening strips

“I had never whitened my teeth before, so I approached the choice of the first product with special attention and scrupulousness. On several thematic sites I came across information that Crest 3D Whitestrips are considered the best. I decided to start with them. The variety of whitening strips from Crest is amazing: I chose Glamorous White, which was supposed to whiten my teeth by 3-4 shades.

The kit included detailed instructions for use and 14 bags of strips (2 in each).

During the first 3 days, apart from an increase in the level of sensitivity of the teeth and gums after the procedure, there was no effect. I was already upset, but decided to continue the course. Visible results appeared on day 6 and only improved thereafter.

Let me sum it up: I’m very pleased with the result, there are no shortcomings, if you don’t expect an immediate effect. The whitening is really noticeable, as evidenced by the constant comments from friends who did not know that I was undergoing a similar procedure. It’s been 3 months since the end of the course and my teeth are still white.” Svetlana, 29 years old.

“I wanted to whiten my teeth and turned to my dentist for advice. He recommended Cross strips for teeth whitening. He also said that it is best to cut the strips and glue them only on the outside so that the teeth do not become very sensitive.

My course lasted 2 weeks: every day I glued the strips for 30 minutes. The manufacturer claims that my teeth will become 3-4 shades whiter; mine are 2 shades whiter. But it’s worth noting that my teeth are naturally quite white. A year and a half has passed since the end of the procedure - the effect lasts.

Of the minuses, I can highlight one: increased sensitivity of the teeth. No matter how hard I tried to avoid it, it still overtook me.

I can recommend the product, but be prepared to experience some discomfort associated with increased sensitivity of the teeth and gums.” Anna, 23 years old.

“Initially, I was skeptical about such procedures, but, by coincidence, I got a set of strips for free. So I decided to try it.

After 2 weeks I couldn't believe my own eyes. Crest 3D White Teeth Whitening Strips Really Work! The teeth began to become noticeably whiter after the fifth procedure. The strips were applied according to the specified recommendations. Among the disadvantages, I can note that people with hypersensitive gums, like me, will have to be patient a little. Especially in the first 2-3 hours after removing the strip. Otherwise, there are exclusively positive emotions.” Andrey, 32 years old.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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