What are impacted teeth, why do they appear and how to treat them?
In the practice of dentists, there are often cases when the patient’s teeth are fully formed, but do not erupt.
Photos and process of wisdom tooth removal
Recommendations before wisdom tooth removal. What is possible and what is not. Postoperative period.
In this material we will try to discuss how to prepare for wisdom tooth removal, basic recommendations,
Nimesil for toothache
Nimesil - a drug for toothache and joint pain
We have all experienced pain in one way or another. It happens that it is fleeting and not
Blood after tooth extraction (Alveolar bleeding): normal, pathology, options for solving the problem
Description Tooth extraction is accompanied by bleeding, which most often stops after a few minutes with the formation of
Bleeding after wisdom tooth removal
Why doesn't the bleeding stop after tooth extraction?
From the moment they appear, wisdom teeth often behave unpredictably, slowly and crookedly
Wisdom tooth removal: features of the procedure
Wisdom teeth erupt much later than others (at 18-30 years old), which is why they got their due.
Wisdom tooth extraction
What to do if a wisdom tooth grows horizontally into another tooth
Quite often, wisdom teeth cause problems to a person. They erupt at approximately the age of 20-25 years,
These patients trusted me with their smiles. Sergey Samsakov orthopedist Moscow
What should a patient do if only the tooth root remains?
Tooth root removal is one of the most labor-intensive and complex procedures in modern dentistry.
alveolar bleeding
Bleeding from a tooth socket: causes and ways to stop the bleeding
Causes of bleeding Classification How to stop? Dental help Prevention Tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that
Types of anesthesia
Removal of all 4 wisdom teeth at once under sedation in 1 appointment
When it is necessary to remove the lower wisdom tooth Problems with tooth eruption. Advance removal of wisdom teeth Indications
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