Symptoms In patients with a violation of the continuity of the series, certain groups of masticatory organs are overloaded, chewing
Viruses are around us. Some of them suddenly appear and paralyze the normal life of the entire planet,
The Esthetic Classic Dent clinic employs only experienced surgeons who skillfully remove impacted teeth.
Features of the period. During this period, the formation and further development of the roots of baby teeth occurs: their strengthening
3225 Several decades ago, the main means of dental hygiene was not toothpaste, but tooth powder.
Traditional methods of treating periodontitis Today, dentists can offer many medicinal methods of treating periodontitis. However
What is stomatitis and what types exist? The name of the disease indicates its exact location, in
Installation of implants is a surgical operation that is performed under anesthesia. Most often used local
The appearance of the first milk teeth in an infant is a difficult period both for him and
Tartar formation and complications of this condition are one of the most common reasons for treatment.