In this article you will find answers to questions such as: why does caries appear between
Home / Food additives (E) / Stabilizers, emulsifiers (E-400 - E-599) Back Published: 01/13/2017
Teething is not an easy period for a child, just like for his parents. The process is accompanied
What are grillz? This type of decoration looks like an overlay for one or more
From this article you will learn: What is an implant Pros and cons of implants Types of implants
Dental decoration is steadily gaining popularity. Now not only pop stars can show off shiny teeth,
After drinking a lot of alcohol, most people experience the problem of bad breath.
Progress, as they say, does not stand still and every day brings to our
This article provides a detailed step-by-step description of anesthesia techniques using the STA (Single
The process of formation of baby teeth is long and tedious; at this stage, every baby needs a massager