Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is one of the safest and most gentle deep cleansing methods.
Matteo Trimarchi Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy
Indications for tooth extraction during lactation During the procedure, drugs are used that can
Compensation payments for dental treatment - regulatory framework Income tax refund of 13%
Bleeding is considered to be the loss of blood from the body. Bleeding can be both external and internal.
From this article you will learn: what gum diseases are, how they differ from each other
From this article you will learn: what gum diseases are, how they differ from each other
Lips are a very sensitive part of the human body. They sense the slightest touch, a breath of wind, react
Absolutely every person has heard that caries needs to be treated on time. But despite
Many people buy toothbrushes without thinking about their technical characteristics and based only on