Orthodontic aligners: structure and principle of operation

A good replacement for braces are teeth straightening aligners made of elastic material. From this article you will learn about the differences between the design and braces and its effectiveness.

Aligners are removable orthopedic structures used in dentistry to correct minor defects in the dentition and bite. Outwardly, they are similar to the mouthguards that boxers use to protect their teeth.

For production, elastic materials are used, which form a transparent overlay after melting.

The principle of operation is based on slight pressure from the aligner, as a result of which the alveolar tissue is slightly resorbed.

This allows the tooth to move in the right direction. The pressure force is moderate, so it will not be possible to correct complex malocclusions and uneven teeth using a silicone mouth guard.

Stages of treatment

Treatment of minor malocclusions and crooked teeth with aligners is performed in stages.

  1. At the first consultation with a doctor, an examination of the oral cavity is performed. Diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa are identified, and various methods are used to eliminate the inflammatory process and caries.
  2. Next, together with the orthodontist, the type of aligners is selected , after which a treatment plan is developed.
  3. Impressions are taken from both jaws. The working material is a special mass with a pleasant mint taste. The cast hardens in just a couple of minutes.
  4. The silicone impression is sent to the dental technician's laboratory , where he makes a plaster model of the aligner. After this, the specialist manually adjusts each tooth.
  5. The treatment process is divided into stages, for each of them a different aligner model is developed. The number of trays in the set is determined by the complexity of the defect and the anatomical features of the patient’s jaw.
  6. At a doctor’s appointment, the patient tries on the first aligner and receives recommendations for further use of the aligners, as well as for caring for the structure.

What result can you expect

Today, only some, the most severe, malocclusions cannot be corrected with aligners. Typically, these are situations where jaw surgery is required. In this case, the doctor may recommend permanent braces (before or after surgery), and sometimes an orthodontic facial mask is required.

But most disorders are classified as mild or moderate, and all of them are corrected with the help of removable mouthguards.

The doctor always develops a treatment plan so that the result is ideal: straight teeth and their correct closure. Moreover, if there are impacted teeth, they try to preserve them, that is, bring them to the correct position, and not remove them.

With aligners, you can count on the fact that your bite will be perfect: both the position of the teeth and the closure of their rows will be absolutely correct. Typically, the orthodontist does not stop treatment until this result is achieved.

Contraindications to treatment with aligners

Experts identify a number of restrictions on the use of aligners to correct dental defects. These include:

  • destruction of alveolar bone tissue;
  • acute periodontal diseases;
  • tartar;
  • skeletal abnormalities of the jaw;
  • TMJ diseases;
  • somatic disorders;
  • impacted teeth.

The decision to correct a bite with braces is difficult for patients. The main reason is the duration of such treatment and the lack of attractiveness of braces. Using clear aligners to straighten teeth has become the most acceptable option to correct the situation.

At the moment, there are various ways to correct a bite. One of the most modern and effective are aligners for teeth straightening. They are manufactured and selected taking into account the characteristics and wishes of the client.

How long should you wear aligners?

18 hours a day is the optimal minimum wearing time. The total duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the case and in each situation this issue is resolved individually. A good dentist in Moscow familiarizes the patient with all the stages and nuances before installing aligners.

What to choose

What is better, braces or aligners, is not determined by the cost item. The cost of mouth guard correction is offset by many benefits. In addition to the speed of correction, the patient receives aesthetics and wearing comfort, which is due to the design of the plates. The person will not experience embarrassment, as often happens with braces. There is no need to be ashamed of your smile and laughter, or purse your lips during a conversation.

There are no dietary restrictions when wearing mouth guards. You can eat solid foods after removing the product from your mouth. It is impossible to remove the braces temporarily, so you will have to give up some food, otherwise the structure may be damaged. After eating, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth, as food debris gets stuck in the locks. Difficulty with oral hygiene leads to the formation of caries and additional treatment, whereas such problems do not arise with aligners. Eating and brushing your teeth are no different.

If you have any doubts about the treatment method, sign up for a consultation at PROPRICUS dentistry. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, assess the condition of the oral cavity and recommend an orthodontic design model that will eliminate the identified defects. We provide comprehensive services, including examination, choice of treatment method, preparation of the impression, attachment of the device, as well as regular monitoring. We eliminate even complex deformities using aligners and provide painless treatment. Clients of the clinic can expect a cozy atmosphere, fast and professional service.

Aligners for bite alignment

Aligners are elastic transparent trays that are applied to the entire dentition. They resemble trays used to lighten enamel. The patient can put on and take off the aligners on their own; it doesn’t hurt at all. Unlike braces, they do not need to be worn constantly. The aligners can be removed before eating or brushing your teeth.

You can learn all about them from your orthodontist. The main purpose of aligners is to correct the bite. They apply imperceptible and painless pressure on the teeth, directing them in the desired direction. The main requirement is to wear them at least 18 hours a day. The wearing time may vary if the bite defect is too noticeable and severe. In case of serious disorders, mouth guards must be worn constantly.

Aligners are made from a synthetic transparent material. This makes them almost invisible, which is very important for those who are worried about their smile after installing braces. Also, mouth guards do not require wearing for years.

Typically, aligners are made as a set and given to the patient in several pieces. The doctor will schedule. After some time, one mouth guard is replaced by another.

The material is selected in such a way as not to injure teeth and gums, provoke an allergic reaction or cause discomfort. This is not a scam, this is the optimal solution!

Visible when smiling or not

An alternative to braces - aligners - are actually practically invisible on your teeth, and none of the people around you will guess that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Of course, unless they are practicing orthodontists. Preference is given to aligners, primarily for aesthetic reasons. It is more difficult for patients in adulthood to change their habits. Treatment without braces fits perfectly into their daily lives. In addition, an alternative to braces - aligners - moves teeth very delicately, which is very important not only for adult patients, but also for teenage patients.

Popular aligner manufacturers

Aligners are a relatively new invention in dentistry. They began to be actively used in the early 2000s. Initially, they were produced only by an American company, but then other countries began to produce high-quality aligners.

At the moment, the most popular manufacturers of aligners are:

  • Star Smile. The price of these mouthguards is not that high since they do not have to be shipped from the USA. The aligners are manufactured in Moscow, but using American technology. The mouthguards are also changed every 2 weeks, the course of treatment is up to 15 months.
  • Orthosnap. One of the cheapest aligners. Computer modeling is not used in their manufacture, so it is difficult to judge their effectiveness.
  • Clear Correct. These mouth guards are suitable even for those who have very sensitive gums and have a reaction to synthetic materials. They are made in the USA.
  • Invisalign. Invisalign appeared on the Russian market earlier than other aligners. Therefore, many dentists prefer to trust this brand. These aligners are usually changed every 2 weeks. They are highly effective, but the price is also quite high.

It is worth clarifying that in the clinic the doctor only takes pictures and modeling. The aligners themselves are manufactured in the country where the manufacturer is located.


In dentistry, aligners are used that are practically invisible. They can be made of plastic and silicone. There are children's and adult mouthguards. In addition, mouth guards can be selected from different manufacturers that offer aligners in different price segments:

  • Invisalign. They have a special unique fastening system, which makes wearing the structure quite comfortable for the patient.
  • 3D-smile. Transparent designs that allow you to cope even with significant malocclusions.
  • Ortosnap. The most affordable option for many due to the fact that the structure is made of plastic.

Information about the brand and its manufacturer

The manufacturer of Invisalign aligners is the international company Align Technology, established in 1997 in the USA. It produces medical products. In addition to mouth guards, it manufactures intraoral scanners and also sells digital OrthoCAD services.

The products of this manufacturer are used by the best dental clinics in the world. The high quality of the product is confirmed by the fact that, since 1999, with their help more than 5 million people have effectively solved problems associated with occlusion.

Invisalign aligners are made from a clear polymer biosilicone. It is a medical grade thermoplastic material. It does not cause allergic reactions, and therefore products made from it are suitable for all people.

Rules for wearing and care

Successful correction of occlusion is impossible without careful adherence to the orthodontist’s recommendations. Our dental center specialists advise:

  • wear mouth guards daily for 22 hours;
  • remove orthodontic products before eating or drinking hot drinks;
  • brush or rinse the aligners with running water before each use;
  • To clean the trays, use special pharmaceutical disinfectants or (if slightly dirty) a soft brush and paste. Note: Products cannot be boiled or washed with hot water;
  • Use special containers for storage.

As you can see, the rules are simple and easy to follow.

Operating principle of the devices

For one course of corrective therapy, several copies of trays are made, each of which differs in minor changes in the positioning of dental units. The number of sets (from 10 to 40) and the step of geometric parameters are calculated on a computer using special software, which calculates distances and angles of movement with perfect accuracy.

The essence of corrective therapy with aligners is to create constant soft physical pressure, which forces the dental elements to move in a given direction. The bone tissue dissolves in the direction of the impact, the teeth move a little, and where they were before, new bone tissue is formed.

As intermediate stages are completed, the patient himself changes the aligners in strict accordance with the numbering of the copies.

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