Splat toothbrush: recommendations for selection and use


The health of your teeth and gums largely depends on how well they are cared for. That is why it is very important to choose the right dental hygiene products, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

This article is devoted to an innovative product from the Splat company - toothbrushes.

Who produces?

was created back in 2000. Its basis was the production and trading company, known for its products based on spirulina algae (Spirulina Platensis).

Today's name SPLAT, which has already become a well-known brand, is formed by combining the first two letters of the name of these algae .

The company began actively developing new products that would stand out for their quality. Now Splat occupies third position in the ranking of the most popular brands of oral care products - it is a leading manufacturer and developer in this market segment.

Production and quality standards

It is imperative to mention our own scientific developments, which allow the company to constantly improve the quality and efficiency of its products.

In addition, the production is completely environmentally friendly - all components and raw materials for it are not only of high quality, but also absolutely safe for health.

Separately, in terms of production, it should be said about the Splat toothbrushes themselves. They are manufactured in Germany by INTERBROS to order and under constant supervision by Splat. This also speaks volumes about their functionality and quality.

Which ones are better?

As practice has shown, everyone has to choose the best ionic brush on their own. Some people are accustomed to using the domestic version, others will give preference to a foreign manufacturer. If we compare the parameters in general, then most of the presented models are approximately the same in action, but have different powers of influence. Soladey is considered the most powerful. They have practically no models, and therefore there is no need to talk about diversity.

Sources used:

  • Professional prevention in dental practice / Jean-François Roulet, Stefan Zimmer. - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2010.
  • Manual toothbrush / S.B. Ulitovsky. - M.: Man, 2002.
  • Review of ionic brushes on Ya.Zen

Pros and cons of the series

The entire series of Splat toothbrushes is distinguished not only by high quality, but also by functionality. That is why among the disadvantages we can only name the rather high cost of ionic brushes compared to classic manual ones.

But there advantages and disadvantages .

Among them:

  • Innovative split bristles that provide the most gentle and effective care for gums.
  • The use of hypoallergenic materials allows even the most demanding patients to use these models.
  • Environmentally friendly production , carried out in Germany at a high-tech plant.
  • Treatment with silver ions , which are an antiseptic that prevents the growth of bacteria.
  • The rounded edges of the bristles in products for sensitive teeth prevent injury to the mucous membrane and enamel.
  • The most simple and attractive design combined with ergonomics and convenience.
  • Relatively low cost of the three main series.
  • The use of durable plastic and the integrity of the handle design, which does not allow bacteria and microorganisms to gain a foothold on it.

Read our new review to learn how to choose Splat toothpaste for children.

In this article we will talk about the features of brushing teeth using the Air Flow method.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-shhetki/elektricheskaya-oral-bi-dostoinstva-vidyi-primeryi-stoimosti.html we will discuss at what age you can use a children’s electric toothbrush Oral B.

Individual features of the models

Not all brushes are the same, as it may seem to the average person. Such products have three important parameters:

  • ion flow strength;
  • lifetime;
  • actual convenience.

This product will help you get rid of plaque and significantly improve the condition of your teeth.

Don't underestimate the importance of each point. For example, how effective acidity control will be and how quickly calcium and fluoride will be absorbed depends on the ion flow. When using powerful brushes, fighting germs becomes much easier.

With service life, everything is also simple - cheap models run on a built-in and non-replaceable battery. More expensive than a similar one, but more durable. In the best case scenario, it will last for a year. Then you'll have to buy a new one. If recharged by a solar panel, you can use the brush almost forever. All that remains is to stock up on attachments in case they become more expensive/cessation of production.

Ionic toothbrush

Based on ease of use, models are divided into two types:

  • in the first there is a plate on the surface on which you need to hold a wet finger. Considering that when brushing your teeth, the grip on the brush handle changes, this solution can hardly be called practical;
  • more expensive products come with an all-metal handle.


Each type is distinguished from the others by the special properties of the bristles, which were developed taking into account the different needs of clients and their possible dental problems.

The catalog includes a separate series of innovative INEY SNOW-BRUSH toothbrushes, designed to simultaneously whiten and strengthen enamel.

The most popular models of the Frost series:

  • Iney Snow-Brush Wind (“Wind”);
  • Iney Snow-Brush Dream (“Dream”).

There is also a children's series represented by SPLAT Junior brushes, the bristles of which are treated with silver ions using a special technology.


The name of the series immediately suggests that these products are designed for high-quality whitening . Using them makes it 40% more effective to combat plaque on the enamel surface compared to conventional ones.

This is confirmed by clinical studies conducted by the company.

Their main feature is rubberized bristles , which cope with the task much better than the usual nylon.

In addition, the bristles are rounded at the ends so as not to injure the enamel and soft tissues of the oral cavity.

The brush is designed for intensive and at the same time safe teeth whitening, since a special coating allows it to work like an eraser, simply erasing dirt from the surface.

available - Hard and Medium .

Professional Sensitive

Developed for patients who have sensitive teeth and easily injured gums .

All bristles have the same length and are directed strictly vertically, but each of them is split into four parts at the end, which makes the cleaning process as delicate, gentle and neat as possible.

The rounded ends prevent the bristles from injuring the enamel and mucous membranes in any way.

An additional antibacterial effect , necessary for the most gentle cleansing, is achieved by treating the bristles with silver ions , which prevent the growth of bacteria on the bristles themselves.

There are also two options - medium (Medium) and soft (Soft) .

Due to the nature of the bristles, these products may feel much softer than expected.


Designed for maximum complete care of the entire oral cavity .

Each bristle narrows quite strongly towards the end, which gives them the opportunity (by analogy with floss) to penetrate the most inaccessible places, including the gingival areas and the spaces between the teeth.

Photo: SPLAT COMPLETE toothbrushes

The series also contains products with two hardness options - soft and medium .

An additional advantage of Splat Sensitive is that the thin bristles are painted in a specific color at the very tips, depending on the hardness. Their discoloration should serve as a signal to replace the brush with a new one.


These are new developments by Japanese researchers that can significantly increase the effectiveness of daily hygiene procedures by changing the charge of the surface of the teeth to positive.

At the same time, plaque, also positively charged, tends to push away from the enamel, thereby significantly facilitating the mechanical process of removing contaminants.

The package contains two nozzles at once - medium and hard , which makes it possible, in accordance with the recommendations of experts, to periodically change them to achieve the best result.

Choosing an ionic brush – which one is better?

If there are no obvious problems with teeth and gums, experts recommend giving preference to models with a high level of ionization - these include products made in Japan and South Korea. The best option would be a device with the ability to replace the head after its service life has expired. It is better to choose a device with a long service life, that is, a powerful battery with the ability to replace it or with a solar panel.

Experts recommend choosing models with a high level of ionization

How to choose?

First of all, you should consult with your dentist, who will tell you exactly what requirements should be placed on a toothbrush in each specific case in order to achieve not only maximum efficiency, but also safety.

At the same time, the dentist takes into account exactly those factors that you need to think about when choosing a specific model or series: the condition of the enamel, the health of the gums, the rate of plaque formation, etc.

Each type of Splat toothbrush was designed to solve specific problems , so they have some features and differences.

The company, anticipating the difficulties of choice, has identified four categories into which Splat brushes can also be divided:

  • Gentle whitening . The Whitening series brushes fall into this category, which, despite the presence of only hard and medium brushes, are gentle on tooth enamel and do not damage it.
  • Comprehensive oral and dental care .
    For daily comprehensive care of the entire oral cavity as a whole, Splat recommends the Complete series. High-quality cleansing is important not only for teeth, but also for soft tissues, which additionally require careful care - massage and cleaning.
  • For sensitive teeth and gums . For those who suffer from hypersensitivity of the gums and teeth, two series are suitable - revolutionary ionic brushes and Splat Sensitive, which can be medium and soft.
  • For gum health . If we are talking primarily about problems not with teeth, but with gums, then Ion Smart ionic brushes will be the best choice.

How the device works

Scientists have found that the surface of the enamel of our teeth has a negative charge, while pathogenic microorganisms have a positive charge. According to the laws of electrodynamics, differently charged particles attract each other. In an ionic brush, the bristles acquire a negative charge. At the moment of its contact with the enamel, a weak electric current appears, but quite significant for microbes. In the area of ​​contact, the charge changes - it becomes positive. As a result, bacterial plaque is literally magnetized to the bristles.

How to use it correctly?

Before you start using your new brush, you should wash it using warm water and soap. Between cleanings, the brush should be stored in an upright position with the head at the top .

The shelf life of this product is unlimited, however, after starting use, it is recommended to use the brush for cleaning for about 2-3 months, after which it is replaced with a new one.

These are normal precautions taken with hygiene products - even if the bristles appear to be completely unchanged from their original shape, germs may remain on them.

For detailed instructions on using the Splat ionic brush, watch the video:

Ionic brushes

To start using it - producing ions - you need to touch the titanium plate in the center of the handle with wet fingers.

During operation, the production of ions is not felt by the body, and the brush itself does not vibrate and its bristles do not move independently . That is, it is necessary to clean it, adhering to the general rules.

There is a small LED at the base of the handle. If it lights up red, it means the brush is working properly and there is enough battery power to continue using it.

We will tell you what the acceptable fluoride content is in toothpaste in a separate publication.

In this review you will find our recommendations on which Curaprox toothbrush is best to buy.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-pastyi/lacalut-vidyi-stoimost-otzyivyi.html we will tell you for what age different types of Lakalut children's toothpastes are intended.

What is an ionic brush

This brush is based on an ionizing mechanism, which is powered by a battery built into the handle. This could be a simple battery or a compact solar panel.

Visually, this brush is similar to a regular manual one, but inside it has a metal rod with a thin coating of titanium dioxide. When connected to a power source, that is, a battery, this rod begins to release negatively charged ions. Through the head and bristles they enter the salivary fluid and provide a pronounced antibacterial effect.

This brush is based on an ionizing mechanism.

Thus, the main working component of the device is located in its handle. Therefore, most models provide the ability to change the nozzle after it fails. Some manufacturers offer replacement attachments included.


The cost of Splat toothbrushes varies slightly depending on the specific type . Moreover, within each series the price remains unchanged, despite the choice of the degree of bristle stiffness.

  • Sensitive (soft/medium hardness) can be purchased for about 140 rubles.
  • Complete (soft/medium hard) at the same price - about 140 rubles.
  • Whitening (medium/hard) is a little more expensive - about 155 rubles.

The most expensive of all the brushes represented by the Splat company is ionic. Its cost is a little more than 600 rubles, which is explained by several factors. The first thing that influences the increase in cost is that these products are produced in Japan.

In addition, the innovative technological solutions used here are more complex and require additional expensive materials. The price increase was partly due to the presence of an additional attachment in the package.


All Splat products are in demand and popular, which is explained by the company’s individual and differentiated approach to customer needs.

In particular, this applies to toothbrushes. You can share your experience of using them by leaving a comment on this article.

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Tags toothbrush instructions ionic toothbrush Splat care prices teeth cleaning

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