What is better for teething: Kalgel or Cholisal?

Teething is a difficult period for babies and their parents. The process is accompanied by the baby crying, being capricious and refusing to eat. To relieve symptoms, pediatricians prescribe Kalgel for children's teeth.

The product is also used as part of complex therapy for dental diseases in children and adults (stomatitis, gingivitis). This is explained by the complex effect of the active components of the drug on the mucous membranes of the mouth. The composition of the gel and instructions for use must be studied in more detail before the first application.

How to make teething easier for children.

Wednesday, December 15



  • Symptoms of teething in children
  • Top 7 pain-relieving gels for teething
  • Kamistad Baby
  • Dentinale
  • Holisal
  • Baby Doctor First teeth
  • Kalgel
  • Pansoral
  • Dentinox

A baby’s first teeth are always a great joy for parents, but often this is accompanied by a deterioration in the child’s well-being, fever, moodiness and bad mood. Only 30% of young children do not have any negative symptoms when teething. In pharmacies you can buy various drugs to improve the condition of a child during teething: both drugs for oral administration and for external use. Today we’ll talk about gels for gums.

Many parents buy such products on the advice of friends or based on reviews from moms on forums. But it is better to consult a pediatrician before purchasing a painkiller, because only a doctor can take into account all the individual characteristics of your baby’s body and choose a truly effective and safe remedy.

Read also Top 10 best hypoallergenic formulas for children 10 best infant formulas for children with allergies.

Symptoms of teething in children

Typically, when teething, the following symptoms are observed:

  • excessive salivation, which can cause the baby to cough, possible hoarseness, a rash around the mouth and on the chin;
  • soreness and swelling of the gums;
  • itching of the gums (the child puts various objects in his mouth to “scratch” the gums);
  • deterioration of appetite or its complete absence;
  • increased body temperature;
  • sleep problems;
  • increased excitability, tearfulness;
  • runny nose;
  • stool disorder.

It is important to note that not all children have all the symptoms on this list. These may be several symptoms of teething, or even none at all. Everything is very individual.

How children cut teeth

A few final recommendations for parents:

Below we list some more tips for parents that will help you understand the behavior of a small child, for example, when he feels discomfort during teething.

1) The baby is constantly trying to chew something -

In this case, you can use a clean finger or special teething rings to massage the baby’s gums for 2 minutes (should be repeated several times a day). Finger massage calms most children, allowing them to relieve itching in the gums, but some children may protest against such a massage. Of course, it is best in this case to provide the child with special safe items for chewing (rubber teething rings). By the way, they can be additionally cooled, and then your baby will calm down even faster.

2) Refusal to eat –

Keep in mind that eating warm foods will aggravate teething symptoms, while eating cool, cool foods will provide relief for your baby.

3) If the skin around the mouth, chin is irritated -

You should regularly wipe the baby's skin around the mouth dry. If a rash or irritation occurs, you should treat the skin with a special baby cream that will contain various anti-inflammatory components.

4) If the baby rubs his cheek or ear -

In this case, the child is trying to say that he has some kind of pain or discomfort. And this does not mean at all that the child has ear inflammation, because... When teething, pain often radiates along nerve fibers to other areas. In this case, you should give the child a mild pain reliever, for example, Panadol and Nurofen. We hope that our article was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. Based on personal experience as a dentist, 3. The European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EU), 4. National Library of Medicine (USA), 5. https://www.vidal. ru/, 6. “Pediatric therapeutic dentistry. National leadership" (Leontyev V.K.).

Kamistad Baby

This German gel contains two main components: chamomile (disinfects, soothes and relieves inflammation) and polidocanol (a local anesthetic that is as safe as possible for the child’s body). “Kamistad Baby” has a sweetish-honey taste, so the baby will definitely not spit it out. The product is packaged in a convenient tube with a thin dispenser spout, so the gel is easy to apply to children's gums. Literally immediately after application, the drug begins to work, relieving pain, and the effect lasts for several hours. In addition to teething in babies, Kamistad Baby is prescribed for stomatitis and gingivitis in adults, for healing erosions in the oral cavity, after surgical procedures.

Kamistad Baby

Kamistad® Baby is recommended at the first signs of teething in children.
from 273


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Customer Reviews

Pauline. A few months ago I encountered the problem of bleeding gums. Added to this problem was a wisdom tooth, which erupted very painfully. I read reviews on the Internet and decided to try Kalgel to combat my problem. After the first application, the pain disappeared within 30 minutes, which pleasantly surprised me. I used the gel 2 times a day until the wisdom tooth erupted completely. I was pleased with the results of using Kalgel. The only drawback of the drug is its cost (about 280 rubles per 10 mg tube).

Natalia. My daughter had a very hard time getting her first baby teeth out. For several nights she could not sleep normally, and during the day she refused to eat. The pharmacy recommended that I buy Kalgel. I used it 3 times a day and noticed an improvement in my daughter’s well-being. She gained an appetite and slept better. Together with Kalgel I gave my daughter Nurofen. So we survived a difficult time for us.

Larisa. Our child's teething did not always go smoothly. Once, my husband had to run in the middle of the night to get painkillers because his son couldn’t sleep. The drug cost us 300 rubles, but we did not regret buying it.


This teething gel helps babies get through the difficult period easier. Dentinale contains only safe ingredients, no chemical painkillers. The drug contains chamomile extract, aloe vera juice and boswellia. Dentinale reduces gum sensitivity, relieves inflammation and provides excellent pain relief. After applying the gel, a protective film is formed on the gums, so the child calms down and falls asleep. The drug can be applied many times, and the effect lasts for several hours. Dentinale does not contain sugar, parabens, or lidocaine. The gel has a sweetish, pleasant taste that your baby will definitely like. Dentinale can be used even by children prone to allergies.

Contraindications for using Kalgel

The gel is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to lidocaine or cetylpyridinium chloride, as well as to other components of the drug.

Also contraindicated are:

  • low blood pressure (pressure not higher than 100/60 mm Hg);
  • serious impairment of all liver or kidney functions;
  • heart failure syndrome grade 2-3;
  • arrhythmia, which is characterized by a decrease in heart rate to 60 beats per minute and below;
  • cardiac pathology associated with slowing or blocking the passage of impulses through the ventricles.


This Polish gel has a wide range of dental indications. It is suitable for both adults and children. You can use "Cholisal" when teething in babies from 6 months of age. The active ingredient of the drug is choline salicylate. The product has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, soothing and analgesic effects. “Cholisal” instantly relieves gum irritation and also reduces their bleeding (which is important for various oral problems in adults). The drug is sold in a convenient small tube; it should be used with caution in children under one year of age. The downside is the high cost.

Pharmaceutical plant Elfa A.O., Poland

For local use on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of periodontal diseases, damage to the mucous membrane, diseases that occur with an inflammatory reaction and pain: - stomatitis of various etiologies;
- gingivitis; - periodontitis; - damage to the oral mucosa when wearing dentures; - trauma to the oral mucosa; - pain during teething in children; - cheilitis; — candidiasis of the oral mucosa; — minor surgical interventions in the oral cavity; - lichen planus when localized on the oral mucosa; — damage to the oral mucosa in Stevens-Johnson syndrome (as part of complex therapy). from 204

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Instructions for use

Typically, the eruption of the first elements is accompanied by pain and swelling of the gums in children. At the same time, the baby refuses to eat from a bottle and constantly puts foreign objects and fingers in his mouth, thus trying to reduce the discomfort.

To alleviate the symptoms of the condition, Kalgel is applied to the inflamed gum tubercle during teething. Before using the drug, parents should not pre-prepare the mucous membranes. Take a small amount of gel (the size of a pea) onto your index finger and apply it with a gentle massaging motion to the problem area of ​​the baby’s gums. Instead of a finger, you can use a sterile gauze swab or a cotton swab.

During the period of active eruption of elements on the surface of the gums, it is allowed to use the product 3 to 6 times. After the acute symptoms of the condition disappear, the number of uses of the drug is reduced to 4 times. It is important that at least 30 minutes pass between successive gum treatment procedures. This rule prevents the development of negative consequences during drug treatment.

Use for stomatitis

Stomatitis is a frequently diagnosed disease in preschool children. Pathology appears in children due to the immaturity of the immune system and bad habits of putting foreign objects into the mouth.

The main cause of stomatitis is the Candida fungus, which is present in the saliva of almost every person. It is classified as a group of opportunistic microorganisms, because it is activated only in the presence of favorable factors (stress, decreased immunity, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules)

Before using Kalgel for stomatitis in children, the mucous membranes of the mouth are cleaned of white plaque using a gauze swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic. The surface of the tongue, the inside of the cheeks and gums are treated. After the preparatory procedure, a small amount of Kalgel is applied to the affected areas using a finger or a cotton swab. The frequency of the procedure is at least 3 times a day.

Use for gingivitis

Adults are more likely to experience gingivitis than stomatitis. The disease is accompanied by severe inflammation of the gums and can provoke other, more dangerous, dental disorders (periodontitis, periodontal disease, tooth loss).

Kalgel for gingivitis allows you to quickly relieve the symptoms of inflammation and stop the proliferation of pathogenic flora. Before using the medicine, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions (Chlorophyllipt, Rotokan, Chlorhexidine). The anesthetic is gently rubbed into the areas of inflammation, trying to avoid bleeding. In case of severe inflammation, the mouth is pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Baby Doctor First teeth

This Israeli teething gel contains plantain, marshmallow root, chamomile, calendula, and echinacea. This is an ideal drug for both infants and older children. “Baby Doctor First Teeth” quickly relieves inflammation of the gums, the drug is completely natural and hypoallergenic. The gel contains no anesthetics, so it is suitable for children. The product provides long-term relief from pain, itching and inflammation. It is also important that you can use “Baby Doctor First Teeth” as much as necessary per day. Many pediatricians and parents speak only positively about the drug.

Baby Doctor First teeth

Baby Doctor gel for gums First teeth is a transparent pinkish gel, tasteless and odorless.
The gel instantly soothes the gums and eliminates inflammation. With regular use of the gel, the teething period of an infant is greatly facilitated and the occurrence of complications is eliminated. from 279

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Teething by age

What symptoms will alert a mother to the onset of an allergy?

Kalgel is a local drug. Fortunately, not much of the drug can enter the baby’s body, because in order to anoint the gums, a very small dose is needed.

Most often, mothers complain about the occurrence of hives in their child. Symptoms may include:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Skin rash.
  • Skin itching.
  • Temperature.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Weakness of the body.

The appearance of changes on the skin is the first and most important sign of the disease. This is the first thing that should alert you. Unfortunately, an infant cannot talk about how he feels, and only a rash will show his mother that not everything is so smooth with her child’s health.

You cannot delay treatment. At the first manifestation of the slightest changes on the skin, you should stop using this gel and show the child to a doctor.

An allergic reaction can be more severe - even anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema . Such reactions that are life-threatening to a child occur quite rarely, but they should not be ruled out. After all, allergies manifest themselves differently in all people; you can never know for sure exactly how the baby’s body will react to a particular drug.


You can buy "Kalgel" only with a doctor's prescription, since this drug contains a powerful anesthetic - lidocaine, and it should be used with caution in small children, an overdose is dangerous. "Kalgel" is prescribed in difficult cases of teething in children, when weaker drugs do not have an effect. The gel also contains cetylpyridinium chloride - it disinfects and relieves inflammation due to bacterial infection. Kalgel has a powerful and long-lasting effect, but it is very important to observe the frequency of use and dosage.

GlaxoSmithKline, France

- for quick relief of pain during teething and reduce the severity of gum irritation.
The drug Kalgel also has a weak antiseptic effect. from 260


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Composition and release form

The main active component in the structure of the drug is lidocaine (3.3 g). A local antiseptic affects only problem areas of the mucous membranes, without spreading to neighboring tissues. The analgesic effect is achieved by blocking sodium channels, which helps eliminate discomfort in the short term.

Another active substance in Kalgel is cetylpyridinium chloride (1 mg) - an antiseptic that prevents the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Additional substances in Kalgel:

Viburkol suppositories for teething children

  • xylitol – 140 mg;
  • sorbitol – 210 mg;
  • macrogol – 3.3 mg;
  • glycerol – 70 mg,
  • sodium saccharide – 1 mg;
  • hyaetellose – 25 mg;
  • levomenthol – 0.6 mg;
  • citric acid – 1 mg;
  • ethanol – 93.6.

In addition to the listed components, the gel structure also includes purified water and herbal flavors. The medicine is produced in aluminum tubes of 10 g.

The color of the gel is light brown, without any foreign impurities. It does not contain a strong taste or smell, so children are not capricious when using it during teething.


This is a French phytogel for children's gums, the quality and safety of which are confirmed by international certificates. "Pansoral" relieves inflammation and slightly numbs the baby's gums. Thanks to the rapid penetration of active substances into the mucous membrane, the pain subsides in just two minutes. The preparation contains chamomile and saffron flowers, an extract from marshmallow roots. These components are excellent antiseptics; they heal and disinfect well. Gel "Pansoral" can be used in children from 3 months of age, it is completely natural. The drug is also indicated for the healing of ulcers on the mucous membrane, stomatitis, and bacterial rashes in the oral cavity. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician before using the drug. Among the disadvantages of the product is that it is not available in all pharmacies, it can cause an allergic reaction.

Pierre Fabre Medicament, France

Pansoral is a natural herbal remedy that is used to ease teething in children.
The plant extracts included in the preparation have a calming and softening effect on the gum mucosa. The plant extracts included in the preparation have a calming and softening effect on the mucous membrane of the gums and help the child endure this period easier. from 280


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Cholisal is a transparent jelly-like substance without a distinct taste with a faint aroma of anise. Kalgel is a colorless mass with a gel consistency, a pleasant sweet taste and herbal odor. The drugs have advantages over antiseptic solutions and ointments:

  1. have an analgesic effect for several hours;
  2. do not require frequent use;
  3. During treatment, the baby’s diet is not disrupted.

Applying medications to your baby's gums before bed allows him to sleep peacefully all night without feeling pain or itching. Their use also becomes an excellent prevention of stomatitis by strengthening local immunity.


Medicines exhibit the same activity - analgesic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory.

They have the ability to destroy bacteria, yeast-like fungi and even some viruses. The drugs effectively relieve swelling by improving microcirculation in inflamed areas. But the mechanisms of such an effect differ somewhat between gels:

  • Holisal. Blocks cyclooxygenase, prevents the penetration of neutrophils and macrophages into inflammatory foci. Shows antimicrobial and antibacterial activity. Reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, eliminating pain;
  • Kalgel. Blocks sodium channels, which causes inhibition of nerve conduction. Prevents the active growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms due to its antiseptic effect. Cools gums, instantly reducing pain and itching.

Dental gels improve blood circulation in tissues affected by inflammation. The supply of oxygen, nutrients and biologically active substances to the cells increases. By accelerating metabolic processes, damaged tissues heal quickly.


Gels for treating gums are completely different in the composition of active and auxiliary ingredients. The active ingredients of Cholisal are choline salicylate, cetalkonium chloride, Kalgel - lidocaine hydrochloride and cetylpyridinium chloride. Dental preparations contain auxiliary components. They are necessary both to form the gel base and to ensure maximum absorption. What is the difference between Kalgel (365 rubles) and Kholisal (375 rubles) in composition:

  • Cholisal: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerin, hyethellose, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, ethyl alcohol, distilled water, anise oil;
  • Kalgel: sorbitol, ethanol, hyaetellose, macrogol, sodium saccharinate and citrate, xylitol, glycerin, levomenthol, citric acid, caramel and herbal flavors, water.

The drugs are produced in aluminum tubes, packaged in 10.0 g units. Secondary packaging is cardboard boxes with attached instructions for use.


This German gel contains chamomile flowers and lidocaine. This drug should be prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician, given the presence of a strong anesthetic in the composition. Dentinox effectively relieves inflammation and pain during teething in babies. The drug is indicated for children from 4 months of age if weaker drugs do not help reduce inflammation and pain. Among the disadvantages of Dentinox are the risks of allergic reactions, fructose in the composition and a contraindication for use in case of damage to the oral mucosa.

Dentinox, Germany

It is used to prevent and relieve pain and inflammation during the eruption of milk and permanent teeth.
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