How to learn to smile beautifully - the secret of a Hollywood smile

Correct smile - theory and practice

A beautiful smile is a relaxed face, happy eyes and the correct width of mouth opening. Remember that the bottom row of teeth should never be visible when smiling, otherwise it will be perceived as an aggressive grin. With a proper smile, teeth need to be shown only partially - in fact, only the center of the top row.

To learn how to smile beautifully, practice in front of a mirror. Relax your face, then smile to show the top six middle teeth (the bottom row is covered by your lip). If your face looks tense, relax your tongue and lightly bite (rather press) the tip between the center of your teeth. Smile a little wider, showing your side teeth as well.

How to smile in a photograph?

The secret to a beautiful smile is regular practice. Having caught the eye of a random person on the street, Americans and Europeans first smile (this is the main sign of good intentions), and only then say hello. The absence of a smile is perceived as an indicator of aloofness and even rudeness.

Maintaining such a “mini-smile” trains the facial muscles, making them more mobile. If you try to squeeze out a smile from time to time, it is not surprising that you do not like the result at all. In order to smile correctly, you need to do it constantly.

How to smile with your eyes?

A proper smile means relaxed facial muscles. Your face should not indicate that you are tense, trying to “pull” a happy emotion onto yourself. One of the ways to relax your face is to touch the back surface of your front teeth with the tip of your tongue - this is what the Hollywood smile technique is based on.

Tricks for getting fresh lips

Don't forget to keep your teeth and lips in order and wear appropriate makeup. After all, only fresh lips and white teeth will charm your chosen one. How can a girl achieve fresh and soft lips? This is not possible without constant care.

Try massage first. This manipulation promotes a rush of blood, causing the lips to become plump and beautiful:

  • First, grease them with vegetable oil.
  • Take a toothbrush and move it across your lips in different directions for 4-7 minutes several times a day.
  • Lubricate them with honey, cinnamon oil, mint oil, do not rinse for 5-10 minutes. To get a lasting effect, do the procedure every day.

To add plumpness to your lips, purchase hyaluronic acid at the pharmacy. Grind a couple of tablets, mix with Vaseline, lubricate your lips without going beyond the contour, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with water.

Cosmetics will help you quickly get a fresh mouth. First, outline your lips with a pencil, then apply gloss. Apply a darker shade to the corners and contours of your lips, and paint the rest of the space with a lighter shade. And then smile using beautiful facial expressions.

You can also watch a video on how to learn to smile beautifully:

How to learn to smile beautifully - theory and practice. All about why a proper smile is not just a wide-open mouth with bared teeth.

Dental question: show or hide

If everything is fine with your teeth, then there is absolutely no point in hiding them, holding back joyful emotions. It has been proven that a person who laughs at least 30 minutes a day improves immunity by 85% and increases resistance to various diseases. How to learn to smile beautifully with teeth?

  1. Don't expose your gums when laughing.
  2. Don't open your mouth too wide.
  3. Keep your mouth clean, regularly whiten your teeth at home or undergo special cleanings at the dentist.

Only people with perfect teeth can smile from ear to ear. You can carry out comprehensive oral hygiene and teeth whitening at Dentistry in Moscow.

Appearance rating

  1. Smile in front of the mirror;
  2. Assess the condition of your teeth;
  3. If the condition of your teeth is not satisfactory, try to limit your smile to your lips, without showing your teeth;
  4. If the number of teeth is not enough, restore them. To straighten teeth, you can use braces;
  5. Lips should not have peeling or cracks;
  6. To make your lips look good, you need to watch your diet and drink a complex of vitamins.

Exercises for a beautiful smile

Yes! And you can train your smile too! After all, muscles also work here, the same red fibers that make the cubes on your stomach, biceps, triceps, and so on.

These exercises must be done systematically to get good results:

  1. In front of the mirror, determine which facial expression gives you the most beautiful smile. Hold it for 10 seconds, then relax your face. Return to the smiling expression for another 10 seconds, then relax. Do this 7-10 times.
  2. Purse your lips tightly, then stretch them forward, as if you decided to express everything to a nasty person from the distant past. Do this up to 15 times. Here we are working on lip flexibility.
  3. Take in as much air as your lungs can, exhale gradually through tightly compressed lips. Repeat 20 times. Here we work on the flexibility and symmetry of the lips.
  4. If the bottom row of teeth is a little weak, try to hide them a little behind a happy smile. Smile “from ear to ear”, then return your lips to the ideal position and hold. Relax your face, then repeat the same thing again. Here we are working on the topic of how to make your smile wider.
  5. Close your lips tightly, stretch them forward, and try to draw the number “eight” in the air with your lips. Then relax. Repeat up to 5 times.
  6. Smile really, really hard. Then relax. Repeat this 10 times.

You will definitely succeed and in the photo your smile will shine with new colors!

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