Decamine (Decaminum): description, recipe, instructions

Interaction with other drugs

If you are taking other medications, then before using Decamevit (dragees), you should consult your doctor and ask about their compatibility.

This remedy is not recommended to be taken together with similar vitamin preparations, as overdose symptoms may occur.

Vitamins A and E enhance each other's effects. The first reduces the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids. Vitamin A should not be taken together with nitrites and cholestyramine, as these substances impair the absorption of retinol.

Vitamin A is not used together with other retinoids, since this scheme of substance use is toxic.

Products containing iron can reduce the effectiveness of vitamin E. For this reason, α-tocopherol acetate is not prescribed together with drugs containing iron and silver and characterized by an alkaline environment. You cannot combine indirect anticoagulants with vitamin E. Alpha tocopherol acetate increases the effectiveness of non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Ascorbic acid increases the effect of sulfonamides and penicillin. Helps increase iron absorption. Reduces the effect of indirect anticoagulants and heparin. The absorption of vitamin C is reduced when using oral contraceptives.

Thiamine reduces the effect of levodopa, prevents and reduces toxic reactions that occur when using isoniazid and other anti-tuberculosis medications. Vitamin B6, acting on polarization in the area of ​​neuromuscular synapses, reduces curare-like properties.

Vitamin B9 reduces the concentration of phenytoin in plasma. Folic acid in combination with antiepileptic drugs may affect the clinical effectiveness of the latter. They, in turn, reduce the effect of vitamin B9 on the body.

Riboflavin is not recommended for use with streptomycin. It reduces the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs. Tricyclic antidepressants, as well as amitriptyline and imipramine, suppress the metabolism of riboflavin, to a greater extent this manifests itself in the tissues of the heart.

Drug interactions

These vitamins should not be taken in combination with other multivitamin preparations, as this may lead to an overdose of the active ingredients.

You cannot combine vitamin A with retinoids - this combination is toxic.

Vitamins A and E are synergists (strengthen their mutual effect). Retinol reduces the effectiveness of glucocorticoids. Vitamin C enhances the effect of penicillin and sulfonamides, increases iron absorption, and reduces the effectiveness of heparin. When vitamin C is prescribed simultaneously with oral contraceptives, its absorption is reduced.

Iron supplements reduce the effectiveness of vitamin E, so it should not be prescribed together with silver, iron supplements, alkaline agents, or indirect anticoagulants.

Riboflavin should not be prescribed with Streptomycin. In addition, it reduces the effect of antibacterial drugs (Erythromycin, Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline and Doxycycline).

Best before date

Must be indicated on the original packaging.

Sorot, Gargilon, Decadin, Dequalin chloride, Dequalon, Dequadin, Dequaspon, Evazol, Policidin.

Lozenges, lozenges, Fluomizin ointment (price - from 431 to 1200 rubles).

In general, the drug is effective and easy to use, however, unfortunately, there are no exact analogues of Decamine in the Russian Federation, so patients have to look for substitutes that are similar in pharmacological action.

How to apply it correctly?

The medicine is intended for local use. Treatment of oral candidiasis in adults involves applying ointment to the mucous membrane affected by the disease. Do not worry that the medicine may enter the digestive tract in small quantities. This is not at all dangerous to health.

According to the instructions, decamin ointment can be used for compresses. In normal use, the product is applied to the oral mucosa up to three times a day. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and fungicidal effect, the unpleasant symptoms of fungal infection (pain, burning, itching) pass quickly enough. In addition to eliminating the signs of the disease themselves, the causes of its development should also be eliminated.

In complex therapy, he recommends sanitation of the oral cavity, using solutions of boric acid and sodium bicarbonate for daily rinsing.


The use of the drug with other drugs is permissible: there is no evidence of a weakening of its medicinal qualities in a complex effect.

Numerous reviews about the high efficiency, ease of use of both dosage forms of the drug, affordable cost and the minimum number of possible side effects make it possible to understand the reason for the popularity of the antifungal drug in question. Combining rapid penetration with almost complete absorption of the active substance by the skin, Decamine has a pronounced effect even on large areas of affected skin.

The minimal number of negative manifestations, even when the drug comes into contact with healthy skin, is noted by many as an important advantage of the drug.

The effect of the ointment is inactivated by anionic detergents, for example, ordinary soaps.

Terms of use

Since this antifungal agent is available in the form of an ointment, it is intended for external use. If the product gets inside the human body, there is no need to worry, because the ointment does not cause any harm. Thanks to the action of the main substance, dequalinium chloride, the ointment has a hemostatic effect, inhibits the vital activity of bacteria and treats inflammation.

If the skin is affected, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas three times a day. At certain stages of the disease, ointment compresses are used, which are applied to the affected areas of the body. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. On average, the recovery process takes from several days to three weeks.

For thrush and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and mouth, it is used in the form of caramel. During the day you need to take one or two capsules at intervals of three to five hours. They are placed under the tongue, hidden behind the cheek and held until completely absorbed.

In this case, it is necessary to limit swallowing movements in order to ensure the concentration of the treatment agent, as well as to extend the period of its effect. The parallel use of antibiotics will help enhance the effect of treatment.

Description of the product

Opportunistic microorganisms that live on mucous membranes can, under certain conditions, cause the development of a number of diseases. When acidity in the oral cavity increases, fungi of the genus Candida activate their activity and thereby provoke the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms. Special preparations with antifungal properties will help to cope with fungal diseases.

For stomatitis or oral candidiasis, a universal remedy is often used - decamin ointment. The active ingredient is dequalinium chloride, an ammonium compound. The component has a pronounced antifungal and antibacterial effect. Many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are sensitive to the substance (when applied topically).

The active component destroys the cell membranes of fungi and bacteria and stops the further spread of infection.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is intended for local use. The dose of the drug and the frequency of its application can be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

In cases where the drug is used for treatment according to the standard regimen, it is consumed one or two caramels every 3 or 5 hours. The drug must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

In severe cases of the disease, it is possible to use the drug every two hours; after the acute symptoms disappear, they switch to the standard dose of the drug.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, before dissolving the caramels, the oral cavity and pharynx must be rinsed with a weak infusion of chamomile, which will make the use of the product more effective.

If any unusual symptoms occur while using the drug, they should be reported to your doctor.

You should not continue treatment if symptoms of hypersensitivity develop, as this will negatively affect your health.

Decamine, method of application

For decamine caramel:

Decamine caramel is effective for various inflammatory processes found in the oral cavity or pharynx, as well as for thrush (candidiasis) of the oral cavity

. The dosage regimen is limited to 1-2 caramels every 2-5 hours, depending on the severity of the disease. Caramel should be kept in the mouth, for example, under the tongue or behind the cheek.

For decamin ointment:

Decamine ointment, instructions for use: used topically to treat skin areas affected by fungal infection. 0.5-1% Decamine ointment is recommended; rubbing should be repeated 1-2 times a day.

Decamine ointment

There are antibacterial drugs that are effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungi. Such remedies include Decamine ointment - one of the most universal medicines against infections of various types.

Instructions for use of Decamine ointment

The instructions for Dekamin, or Decamine ointment, suggest using this medication to treat the following diseases:

  • candidiasis of the oral mucosa;
  • skin candidiasis;
  • candidiasis of nail folds and plates;
  • candidiasis of the genital organs and urinary system;
  • mycosis of nails;
  • stomatitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • glossitis;
  • inflammatory processes of various origins.

Basically, the product is intended for external use, but even if ingested, the drug does not pose a threat to health. The main active ingredient, dequalinium chloride, has a fungicidal effect on bacteria, and has hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Decamine ointment, according to the instructions, is used 3 times a day; prolonged application to the problem area in the form of a compress is possible. The course of treatment under normal conditions is 2-3 days, but if necessary it can be extended by 10 or more days. If antibiotics are additionally used, the effect of the medicine may be stronger and more persistent.

Treatment should be accompanied by microscopic monitoring for the presence of fungi in the affected area. It is difficult to carry out such an analysis on your own, so regular visits to the doctor’s office are necessary.

There are no known cases of overdose. A contraindication for use is individual sensitivity to Decamine. It is unacceptable to combine the use of the drug with the use of soap and other anionic detergents.

Analogues of Decamine ointment

A complete analogue of the drug in composition is Fluomizin. It is available not only as an ointment but also as a vaginal suppository. Indications for use and contraindications of Fluomizin correspond to the instructions for all antiseptics, including Decamine.

The following drugs can be selected as analogues of effect:

  • Betadine;
  • Lugol;
  • Miramistin;
  • Fukortsin;
  • Hexicon;
  • Furacilin;
  • Imanin and other antibacterial drugs.

Each of them affects a certain type of microorganisms, so you should not look for a replacement for Decamine ointment on your own. This decision must be made by a doctor.

Indications for use of the drug decamin

Thanks to the ability to choose the dosage form of the drug, you can choose the most convenient type of medication to use. Caramels with a high content of active substances and ointment, which has a uniform consistency and a high degree of absorption, do an excellent job of destroying pathogenic microflora.

The pronounced antibacterial and fungicidal effect of the drug in question ensures rapid neutralization of pathogenic microflora, restoration of normal pH levels and cleansing of the epidermis. The regeneration of damaged tissues stimulated by the drug copes with even advanced manifestations of many skin diseases.

It is produced in Russia, quality control of all components is carried out and there are relevant documents confirming both the high effectiveness of the product and complete safety for human health during its use.

Dosage forms

Today there are two dosage forms of the drug on sale: caramel and ointment for external use. The concentration of the active substance in both types of the drug makes it possible to obtain a pronounced positive result from treatment even in advanced stages of the pathological process.

  • The ointment that is applied to damaged areas of the skin is called Decamine ointment. Decamine ointment has a balanced composition, due to which it is quickly absorbed and its effect begins to appear after 40-60 minutes from the moment of administration. The ointment is sold in tubes, which are in cardboard packages, which contain detailed instructions for use.
  • Caramel is used for internal use in accordance with indications and doctor's prescription.

Composition of Decamine

Depending on the type of drug, their composition differs slightly:

  • Decamine ointment contains about 0.5-1 g of active substance (decamine) (the ointment comes in 0.5% and 1%), emulsifier, purified lanolin, glycerin, purified water;
  • tablets (caramel) contain about 0.5 g of decamine.

On average, the price of the drug in the form of an ointment ranges from 116 to 225 rubles per package.

Indications for use of the drug Decamine are:

  • Oral thrush;
  • candidiasis of skin and nail ridges;
  • athlete's foot (caused by filamentous parasitic fungi);
  • inflammatory diseases in the pharynx or oral cavity.

Analogues of the drug dekamin are:

  • No analogues of drugs were found in the database

Pharmacological group

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Decamine ointment comes in 0.5% and 1% and contains: 0.5 g (1 g) decamin, 20 g T2 emulsifier, 5 g anhydrous lanolin, 0.5 g (1 g) sodium tetraborate, 0.5 g (1 d) glycerin, 0.3 g (0.5 g) emulsifier, fat solubilizer Tween-80, up to 100 g purification. water.

Each caramel contains 0.15 mg of decamin, caramel mass - at least 0.5 g.


Decamine is available in the following forms:

  1. Light yellow, odorless emulsion ointment 0.5 and 1%, depending on the percentage of the active substance, in plastic containers of 30 and 60 g. Composition of the ointment:
      Decamine powder - 1 g;
  2. emulsifier - 20 g;
  3. lanolin - 5 g;
  4. sodium tetraborate - 1 g;
  5. glycerin -1 g;
  6. purified water.
  7. Decamine caramels in packages of 60 and 100 g, which contain:
      Decamine powder – 0.00015 g;
  8. caramel mass -0.5 g.

The active ingredient decamin is a biquaternary ammonium compound with antibacterial and fungicidal action, effective against gram-positive and gram-negative forms of microorganisms.

Decamine ointment comes in 0.5% and 1% and contains: 0.5 g (1 g) decamin, 20 g T2 emulsifier, 5 g anhydrous lanolin, 0.5 g (1 g) sodium tetraborate, 0.5 g (1 d) glycerin, 0.3 g (0.5 g) emulsifier, fat solubilizer Tween-80, up to 100 g purification. water.

Each caramel contains 0.15 mg of decamin, caramel mass - at least 0.5 g.

The active ingredient decamin is a biquaternary ammonium compound with antibacterial and fungicidal action, effective against gram-positive and gram-negative forms of microorganisms.

Latin name: Decaminum

Active ingredient: Dequalinii chloridum

Manufacturer: Biological Research and Systems (Russia)

Shelf life of the drug Decamine: Must be indicated on the original packaging.

Storage conditions for the drug: Protection from sunlight is required.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Without a prescription

Instructions for use

Using Dekamin is quite simple.

  • For external use, the ointment is applied to previously cleansed areas of the skin where current pathological changes of a fungal or viral nature are noted. There is no need to rub the product in; it is enough to reapply it 2-3 times a day.
  • Tablets of the drug are taken orally before meals, the dosage and duration of use is determined by the attending physician based on the results of the diagnosis.

For adults

For the treatment of fungal and viral skin diseases in adults, the dosage is usually 2-4 applications of ointment per day to the affected skin. Duration - until the characteristic symptoms of the disease completely disappear. Typically the duration is 4-7 weeks.

Children, newborns

Due to the increased sensitivity of children's skin, the dosage of ointment is reduced, and it is applied in a thinner layer. The frequency of applying the ointment is no more than 2 times a day, depending on the effectiveness of the application and the absence of allergic reactions.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, increased caution should be exercised, and although the active component does not penetrate the placental barrier, physician supervision over the treatment is necessary. Lactation also allows the use of the drug for the treatment of viral and fungal skin lesions.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

For decamine caramel:

Decamine caramel is effective for various inflammatory processes found in the oral cavity or pharynx, as well as for oral thrush (candidiasis) . The dosage regimen is limited to 1-2 caramels every 2-5 hours, depending on the severity of the disease. Caramel should be kept in the mouth, for example, under the tongue or behind the cheek.

For decamin ointment:

Decamine ointment, instructions for use: used topically to treat skin areas affected by fungal infection. 0.5-1% Decamine ointment is recommended; rubbing should be repeated 1-2 times a day.

Indications and contraindications for use

The ointment has a wide spectrum of action and fights almost all types of microorganisms that provoke the development of skin infections. It is recommended for use in the presence of the following diseases:

  • candidiasis of the skin and nail plates;
  • candidiasis of the mucous membranes (throat or tonsils);
  • candidiasis of the genitourinary system and genital organs;
  • inflammation of the pharynx;
  • mycosis of the nail;
  • thrush;

Fungal infections often appear in people who suffer from ENT diseases. Infections are provoked by onychomycosis, as well as other microbes that live in the mucous membranes on an ongoing basis. They are called candida fungi, or molds. A certain amount of them is always present in the body and does not disrupt vital processes.

Like any drug, decamin ointment for fungus has contraindications for use. If the patient has hypersensitivity to any component of the composition, it is better not to use this remedy, or first consult a doctor. It is prohibited to use soap and other anionic detergents together with the drug.

Indications for use

The drug can be called universal, because it is allowed to be used for candidiasis of various localizations. According to the annotation, the medicine is suitable for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • fungal infection of the skin;
  • stomatitis;
  • candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush);
  • mycosis of the nail plates;
  • inflammatory processes in the oropharynx;
  • glossitis;
  • candidiasis of the genital organs.

According to reviews, it is Decamine ointment that copes with these pathological processes very effectively.

The instructions for use indicate that the medicine is produced with different concentrations of the active substance. For mild cases of the disease, you can use an ointment with 0.5% dequanium chloride, but for complications it is better to use a 1% solution.

Features of the drug

Side effects may occur when using the ointment. Often this is a local allergic reaction to one of the components. If a patient has had cases of increased sensitivity to the components of the ointment, it is prohibited to use it without a prescription from the attending physician. After stopping the application of the drug, the reaction soon disappears.

No pathologies have been recorded when using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but discuss the need for its use with your doctor. If you use soap products at the same time, the ointment will not have the expected effect.

The shelf life of Dekamin in the form of ointment is two years, caramel - one year. It is calculated from the date of release of the drug, which is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Medicines are stored in a dry place, where children do not have access, with an air temperature not exceeding thirty-five degrees Celsius.

special instructions

The use of the drug during pregnancy is allowed, since the active components do not penetrate the placenta and do not harm the fetus.

During breastfeeding, the drug can only be used externally. Treatment of the oral cavity with tablets is not recommended.

Children are allowed to use the ointment from 3 years of age. Caramel is used only from 6 years of age in a reduced dosage after prescription by a dentist.

In old age, a smaller amount of ointment should be used, since in the presence of any chronic lesions of the body, there is a high probability of an allergic skin reaction.

Pharmacological qualities of a multivitamin

Multivitamins "Dekamevit" contain active components that take part in all biochemical reactions of the human body. The effect of the drug is due to the vitamins included in its composition. The product replenishes their deficiency, has a positive effect on carbon, lipid and protein metabolism, improves immunity, helps the body recover from illnesses, increases performance, and fights fatigue and overwork.

Vitamin A in the vitamin complex ensures stable functioning of the retina. Involved in cell differentiation. Stimulates the body's defenses. Promotes faster restoration of skin integrity. Prevents the occurrence of tumors. Participates in the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant. Fights free radicals. Necessary for the immune and endocrine systems. Participates in processes occurring in muscle tissue, as well as in the nervous and reproductive systems.

Vitamin C increases the body's defenses. Helps fight diseases. Activates B vitamins. Increases the body's resistance.

Thiamine hydrochloride is found in many enzymes. Extracts energy from food entering the body. Necessary for the synthesis of fats and protein compounds. Affects the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Takes direct part in carbon metabolism.

Riboflavin is an antioxidant. Prevents the negative effects of free radicals on the body. Participates in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Improves the functioning of the visual apparatus. It is a catalyst for cellular respiration. Oxidizes endogenous elements. Helps absorb iron.

Pyridoxine is found in one hundred vital enzymes that participate in chemical reactions. Involved in the synthesis of serotonin. Restores sleep, improves appetite, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids, hemoglobin and heme. Regulates the activity of sex hormones.

Folic acid is needed for the synthesis of nucleic acids and amino acids. Plays an important role in cell division, as well as in the proliferation of bone marrow tissue. Used in the hematopoietic system.

Cyanocobalamin is involved in the metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids. Indispensable for normal tissue growth. Involved in regeneration processes. Improves the activity of the nervous system. Needed for hemoglobin synthesis.

Nicotinamide is a direct participant in redox reactions, as well as the synthesis of NADP and NAD. Normalizes the metabolism of xenobiotics.

Rutoside is involved in the formation of collagen. It is a flavonoid and water soluble. Stimulates tissue respiration. Interacts with ascorbic acid. Prevents depolymerization of hyaluronic acid.

The amino acid methionine is involved in the synthesis of biologically important components, stimulates the activity of hormones, various enzymes and vitamins. Removes toxins from the body and reduces the degree of intoxication.

Fat-soluble vitamins, such as A and E, accumulate in body tissues and are eliminated through catabolism. The water-soluble active ingredients of the drug are converted into coenzymes and become part of complex enzymes. They are excreted from the body in the form of various metabolites.

The product "Dekamevit" (the instructions for use describe in detail the composition of the drug and the effect of its active components) should be used only after consultation with a doctor.

Side effects

In most cases, the drug does not cause any unwanted reactions from the body. However, the possibility of the following side effects cannot be ruled out:

  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia.

From the NS side:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • fatigue, lethargy or increased excitability, irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of heat.

From the gastrointestinal tract:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • heartburn;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • anorexia;
  • nausea and vomiting.
  • crystalluria;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • renal failure;
  • formation of stones in the ureters.

From the lymphatic and circulatory systems:

  • thrombocytosis;
  • erythrocytopenia;
  • hypoprothrombinemia;
  • thrombosis;
  • neutrophilic leukocytosis;
  • hemolysis of erythrocytes and hemolytic anemia (in the presence of deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase of erythrocytes).
  • glucosuria;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • disruptions in glycogen synthesis.

In addition, taking Decamevit can cause:

  • increased sweating;
  • vision problems;
  • the appearance of cracks on the feet and palms;
  • hair loss;
  • irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • hyperthermia;
  • bronchospasms (with hypersensitivity to B vitamins, retinol and ascorbic acid);
  • allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock.

Indications for use

It is used for hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis, to regulate metabolic processes in the elderly, against the background of sleep disorders, insomnia, loss of appetite, moderate atherosclerosis and hypertension, and mental and physical exhaustion.

The vitamin complex is indicated in complex therapy with various medications. The use of Decamevit vitamins has a beneficial effect on the antitoxic and synthetic function of the liver, on the nitrogen excretory function of the kidneys and significantly improves the functional state of the myocardium. It has a beneficial effect on the glucocorticoid and androgenic function of the adrenal cortex and improves the immunological parameters of the body.

A course of taking a vitamin complex can reduce or completely eliminate the manifestations of cardialgia, shortness of breath, palpitations, and normalize lipid and protein metabolism. While taking the drug, general weakness and fatigue disappear, performance increases significantly, headaches decrease, dizziness disappears, sleep quality and mood improve. Vitamins are also extremely effective after treatment with antibiotics and chemotherapy.

Therapeutic effect

Vitamins “Dekamevit” have many beneficial properties for the human body, which is ensured by the rich composition of the drug:

  1. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on vision, increases the barrier functions of mucous membranes, increases phagocytosis of leukocytes, restores epithelial cells, reduces the risk of various infections, and promotes skin regeneration during injuries, including burns. It helps to recover faster from flu and colds, and helps people with AIDS survive.
  2. Vitamin B1 improves memory, intelligence, thinking and mood, slows down aging, promotes the growth of muscle and bone tissue. It also stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Vitamin B2 is needed for the formation of antibodies and red blood cells. It ensures normal functioning of the thyroid gland, has a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair, skin, stimulates reproductive function, helps cells absorb iron, and reduces the effect of harmful substances on the respiratory tract.
  4. Vitamin B6 improves skin condition, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, and takes part in the creation of antibodies and red blood cells. It helps transform the essential amino acid tryptophan into vitamin B3 (niacin). In addition, it fights aging, helps avoid nighttime muscle cramps, and helps lower blood sugar levels.
  5. Vitamin B9 is involved in the synthesis of blood cells (leukocytes, platelets and red blood cells), as well as in the formation of amino acids and RNA, promotes the regeneration of skin cells and hair growth. This substance affects the production of serotonin (“the joy hormone”). With its deficiency, depression and stress occur.
  6. Vitamin B12 takes part in hematopoiesis and the formation of nerve fibers, helps improve appetite, improves memory and concentration. This substance also reduces irritability and prevents anemia.
  7. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It protects a person from infection by viruses and bacteria, promotes rapid tissue regeneration, and participates in the synthesis of certain hormones, proteins and collagen.
  8. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of venules, arterioles and capillaries, prevents bleeding gums, inhibits the growth of tumor cells, and reduces intraocular pressure. This substance (together with ascorbic acid) takes part in the formation of collagen and improves gas exchange in cells.
  9. Vitamin PP is part of very important enzymes that ensure respiration at the cellular level, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. This substance prevents the degeneration of normal cells into cancer cells.
  10. Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants. It slows down cell aging, protects the skin from the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, improves blood circulation and tissue regeneration, helps lower blood sugar levels, and prevents the development of cancer cells in the bladder and prostate.
  11. Methionine is a hormone that regulates human daily biorhythms. It has antitumor and antioxidant properties, normalizes sleep, reduces anxiety, and improves mood.

All vitamins help strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolism.

Decamine price, where to buy

The average price of Decamine ointment is 168.50 UAH, while the price of Decamine caramel is 289 UAH.

Education: Graduated from Nikolaev National University. V. A. Sukhomlinsky, received a specialist diploma with honors in the specialty “Embryologist, cytologist, histologist”. Also, she completed a master’s degree in “Human and Animal Physiology, Biology Teacher.” Completed the course in the discipline “Pharmacology” with honors.

Work experience: Worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Nikolaev National University. V. A. Sukhomlinsky in 2010 - 2011

Antifungal and antibacterial agent Decamine - instructions for use

The cost of Dekamin in the form of an ointment in Russia varied from 250 to 350 rubles, depending on the volume of the package. Caramel could be purchased at a price of 500 rubles. At the moment, the drug's marketing authorization has expired and is not available for public sale.

In Ukraine, the drug is sold at a price of 160 hryvnia for an ointment for external use, and 290 hryvnia for tablets for the treatment of the oral cavity.

The average price of Decamine ointment is 168.50 UAH, while the price of Decamine caramel is 289 UAH.

NOTE! Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Decamine, be sure to consult with your doctor.


Vitamins for adults should not be taken by children. In addition, like any other drug, Decamevit is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its constituent components. You should not take multivitamins if you have severe disorders of the renal system, as well as gout and hyperuricemia, erythremia, thromboembolism, erythrocytosis. You should not take the drug if you have fructose intolerance, the presence of glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, or if you have hypervitaminosis A and E. Decamevit is not prescribed for thyrotoxicosis and chronic glomerulonephritis.

Contraindications include heart failure, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. The drug is not prescribed for a history of sarcoidosis.


This condition cannot be excluded, since not all patients perceive vitamins as a medicine. The sweetish taste of the dragee and the bright colorful packaging of “Dekamevit” contribute to the fact that children mistake this product for candy. If the drug is in a place accessible to children, they can eat a lot of pills at once.

Overdose is sometimes observed in adults who, when taking the drug, exceed the doses indicated in the instructions. The following symptoms may occur:

  • abdominal pain;
  • allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching, redness of the skin;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • drowsiness;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • lethargy;
  • irritability;
  • headache.

If a child accidentally eats several Decamevit tablets, you should try to induce vomiting, and then give him any sorbent to drink. If the child's condition worsens, you must call an ambulance.

Side effects

Vitamins "Dekamevit" usually do not cause negative reactions and are well tolerated by patients. When using the drug in high doses, some side effects may occur. In persons with particular sensitivity, allergies may occur in the form of anaphylactic shock, hyperthermia or angioedema. In rare cases, bronchospasm is possible.

Some patients experienced rashes, itching, redness of the skin and urticaria. Dyspeptic disorders occurred. I was worried about nausea, gag reflex and diarrhea. In rare cases, the production of gastric juice secretion increased.

Adverse reactions included headache, dizziness, drowsiness and excessive excitability.

In addition to the above negative effects, urine may turn yellow, increased sweating, and disruption of the visual system.

If vitamins are taken for a long time and in large quantities, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, increased AST activity, paresthesia and hyperuricemia may occur. In this situation, there is a possibility of developing lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase. There is a decrease in glucose tolerance, failure of the kidney organ, and hyperglycemia. Dryness of the palms and feet may appear, as well as cracks on them, hair loss and seborrheic rashes may occur.

Pharmacological properties


Decamevit is a multivitamin preparation with various additives. Its pharmacological properties are due to the complex of active substances included in the tablets. The drug affects many organs and systems of the human body, providing a diverse biological effect.

Vitamin A helps restore the epithelial layer of the skin and activates wound healing.

B vitamins influence metabolism, take part in the formation of red blood cells, regulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and nervous system.

Vitamin C increases the overall resistance of the body.

Vitamin E protects body cells from the harmful effects of free radicals; it is necessary for the proper development of the nervous, muscular and reproductive systems.

Vitamin P (rutin) takes part in the formation of collagen and activates tissue respiration.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) – is involved in the formation of NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) and NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), and is involved in oxidative processes.

Folic acid – is involved in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids, the processes of cell division and proliferation of bone marrow cells.


Vitamins A and E (fat-soluble) can accumulate in body tissues and are excreted after catabolism.

Vitamin C, vitamin PP and B vitamins (water-soluble) combine with the apoenzyme and are converted into coenzymes, being an integral part of complex enzymes. They are excreted from the body in the form of various metabolites.

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