Chief editor of the site: Snitkovsky Arkady Aleksandrovich Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, doctor -
The owner of the pediatric dentistry clinic, Inna Kravchuk, who is also a practicing doctor, denies all accusations.
Classic braces systems are quite voluminous structures that provide gradual displacement of teeth in the required direction.
January 17, 2020 If you are looking for good quality dental implants at a reasonable price, then
Unusual phenomena in a person’s life, sudden changes in well-being leave an imprint of mystery and are a little scary,
Dermatovenereologist Khasanova Alina Rashidovna Experience 9 years Make an appointment Redness of the skin at a certain
Lips are what immediately catches our eye when we look at a person. This
The term “abutment” comes from the English word “abutment” (translated as “support” or “secondary part of the implant”). Really,
Fumes are a characteristic smell from the mouth that gives away a drinker. He appears immediately after
In this article Early theories of the development of caries Modern approach to the study of theories of caries Neurotrophic