Read the article: Why does your throat hurt after drinking alcohol? How to relieve inflammation in the throat Myths
Often dental treatment is not limited to just one visit to the doctor - in this case
June 15, 2019 Many patients are interested in the question of how to remove a crown from a tooth,
From this article you will learn: how a wisdom tooth is removed - photos and videos, how much
Author: Brodsky Sergey Evgenievich Deputy Chief Physician, Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialties: dentistry and
Cleaning the tooth canals is a procedure for removing microparticles of the inflamed pulp from the roots, i.e. affected tissues.
Today, the attitude towards implantation has become simpler than it was ten years ago. However, not sufficient for
When creating metal-ceramic prostheses, it is necessary to obtain so-called double impressions, consisting of the main (preliminary)
What reaction is possible for a baby when teething? What reaction can a child have when
Dentistry is a completely self-sufficient branch of medicine. Today dentistry is able to eliminate any problem of the dental system.