pain after wisdom tooth removal
Pain after wisdom tooth removal: causes and how to get rid of it?
Types of removal Causes of complications How long does the pain last What is the pain associated with? My jaw hurts. It hurts.
Tongue with red bumps
Red bumps on the tongue: how dangerous is it and how to cure it
When red bumps appear on the tongue, at the tip or closer to the throat, you need to find out
An electric toothbrush
Is an electric toothbrush harmful? Pros and cons of the product
Beautiful teeth are a guarantee of the health of the whole body. One of the conditions for their good condition is
root canal filling
Root canal filling: best techniques and means
A. Zoryan, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Department of Hospital Therapeutic Dentistry, Moscow State Medical University A. Hovsepyan, Director of Dental
Lip tremor in adults: causes of the symptom
Lip tremor in adults: causes of the symptom
Essential tremor is a fairly common hereditary disease of the central nervous system that can occur in children, however
Flu symptoms
Prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa
Ulcerative gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, which is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers and necrotic plaque on the gums.
7 most common causes of white spots on gums
July 3, 2020 If you notice a white spot on your or your child’s gum,
Gel Cholisal® for children
Gel for gums during teething in children Cholisal®
Instructions for use Teething in a child is a natural physiological process, the beginning of which
How children's teeth are treated. Pediatric dentist: we treat teeth painlessly for children under 14 years old
Treatment of dental pathologies in children is a complex process that requires extensive practical experience and knowledge.
what types of fillings are there
Types of dental fillings, their cost, pros and cons
Many patients do not know that they can put fillings on their front teeth. Its purpose is
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