Aching teeth: causes of aching pain and how to eliminate them?

The tooth hurts badly. Each of us has had to deal with this unpleasant situation more than once or twice. Many regular patients of the dental clinic already independently differentiate pain due to caries from pain due to pulpitis.

If pain occurs spontaneously, intensely, and worsens at night, they will rush to the dentist the next morning, and if pain arises from external irritants and indicates the development of deep caries, they will allow themselves to postpone treatment for a couple of days. But what to do when all your teeth hurt at once? First, let's figure out why we feel toothache in the first place.

Why is this happening?

The most common causes are the following factors:

  • Presence of carious cavities. In this case, pain occurs when eating. Discomfort extends to the entire dentition.
  • A cyst localized on the root of a tooth. When it reaches its maximum size, the neoplasm can compress the nerve endings, which is what causes this alarming sign.
  • Inflammation of the pulp. In the presence of this dental disease, acute, unbearable radiating pain occurs. The problem is only in one tooth, but it feels like the entire dentition is bothering you.
  • Enamel hyperesthesia. We are talking about increased sensitivity of units. When eating foods that are too hot, cold, sour or sweet, a person feels severe pain.
  • Trinitarian neuralgia. The most common cause of this symptom. The pain is very piercing; there is a feeling that absolutely the entire lower part of the face, including all the teeth, is bothering.

There are also a number of pathological processes that are not dental. For example, we can talk about ear pain. Discomfort spreads to the jaw, the pain is throbbing and acute. Having eliminated the root cause (that is, inflammation in the ear), pain in the oral cavity will go away on its own; no separate treatment is required.

Prevention of aching teeth

The best way to prevent an unpleasant symptom is to follow preventive measures. Despite the fact that the enamel itself is very strong, improper lifestyle and exposure to the external environment gradually weaken and destroy it. If you have sensitive enamel, you need to carefully choose hygiene products. In particular, it is recommended to avoid hard toothbrushes and use toothpastes with calcium and fluoride. An equally important point is the right diet. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of spicy, sour and sweet foods to a minimum, and give preference to fermented milk products and foods high in vitamins A and B. Temperature changes are a big stress for sensitive enamel, so the best solution is to drink drinks at room temperature.

Publisher: Expert magazine about dentistry

Author of the material: Yaroslav Ikonnikov

Ways to eliminate pain

You need to visit a dentist as soon as possible to identify the specific cause of the discomfort. Self-medication will not be successful; such actions can only lead to the development of complications. At home, you can only reduce pain for a short time in order to wait for a trip to a specialist:

  • Painkillers. They will help reduce the manifestation of pain, regardless of what caused the symptom. You can take Nise or Ketarol according to the instructions. If there is nothing suitable, a Paracetamol tablet will do.
  • Infusion of chamomile. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry raw materials. When the liquid has cooled, rinse your mouth.
  • Soda + salt. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt + baking soda in a glass of warm water. You need to rinse your teeth every two hours.


To find out what may be causing your jaw pain, you must immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

List of sources
  1. Isaykin A.I., Smirnova D.S. Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint // RMJ. 2022. No. 24. pp. 1750-1755 (access date: 02/23/2020).
  2. Dentistry. Textbook Aleksandrov M.T., Bazhanov N.N., Medvedev Yu.A., Platonova V.V., Sergeev Yu.N. / Ed. N.N. Bazhanova. - M.: GEOTAR, 2008.
  3. Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease (Gum Disease) // WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Michael Friedman, DDS on March 17, 2019 (access date : 02/23/2020).
  4. Fedorova I.N. Bruxism. Unsolved problem. – Moscow, 2009, pp. 1-2.
  5. Bezzubikova M.V. Dental and somatic manifestations of bruxism syndrome // BMIK. 2022. No. 2. URL: (date of access: 01/31/2020).
  6. Why Your Jaw Hurts // WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Alfred D. Wyatt Jr., DMD on March 21, 2022. (date access: 01/30/2020).
  7. Gaifullina R.F., Kim Z.F. and others. Infarction-like myocarditis: difficulties and solutions in diagnosis // Bulletin of modern clinical medicine. 2022. No. 1. URL: (date of access: 02/23/2020).

Preventive actions

To reduce the risk of dental diseases, you should follow these rules:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Visit the dentist twice a year.
  • Preventative professional cleaning of units once a year.
  • Avoiding foods that are too hot or cold.
  • Carry out enamel whitening only in trusted dental centers.
  • Treat your teeth in a timely manner.
  • Be more attentive to your health and avoid complications such as otitis media.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Choose a paste without abrasive particles.
  • Additionally, use an antibacterial mouthwash, dental floss and irrigator.

What to do if your jaw and neck hurt

The surest and most correct step is consultation with a specialist. You can start with a therapist who will examine you, collect anamnesis, make a preliminary diagnosis and give a referral to a specialist. For diagnosis, you may need to do an x-ray, ECG

, blood test, MRI, CT scan, etc., depending on what is the possible cause of your illness. When cancer is suspected, diagnosis and treatment are more difficult.

Massage treatments

Massage makes it possible to relax the muscles in the neck area, but it should only be prescribed and performed by specialists. Also, massage is often prescribed as a restorative procedure after an already completed course of treatment. Certain types of therapeutic and simple massage can strengthen the muscle corset and relieve tightness in different parts of the spine. Self-massage can also be prescribed to work out the neck muscles. But before this, a specialist must teach you how to correctly perform all massage exercises (stroking, kneading, rubbing, etc.), and also monitor the results.

Drug treatment

If the cause of pain is an inflammatory process, such as otitis or tonsillitis, then a whole range of medications is prescribed, the action of which is aimed at relieving the symptoms of a cold and getting rid of the virus, bacteria or infection that led to the onset of the disease. It is not safe to prescribe medication on your own. Depending on your condition and problem, taking medications may make the situation worse. For example, a number of medications under certain conditions cause enlargement of the lymph nodes, and this, in turn, is likely to lead to increased pain in the neck and jaw. Medication and other treatment methods are selected based on the problem. To treat the same sore throat, antiviral and antipyretic drugs are prescribed. If a patient is diagnosed with a temporomandibular joint disorder, surgery and physical therapy are considered.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are far from the best option for getting rid of neck and jaw pain, especially when these folk methods are prescribed independently. Tea with honey and plenty of warm drinks for colds and sore throats help to quickly overcome the disease, but do not cure. Only the methods of official medicine can cure a sore throat or other disease. If the problem is inflammation of the lymph nodes, then it is highly not recommended to use such a folk remedy as heating. This can lead to increased inflammation and serious spread. If you experience neck pain, do not try to solve the problem yourself; only a doctor, after a comprehensive diagnosis, will draw up a treatment plan and adjust it as your recovery progresses.

How to act, which doctor to contact

If you undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner, have recently been to the dentist, had teeth treated and removed, have fillings, dentures and braces installed, then it is recommended to wait for a while and observe your condition. Usually the pain subsides a few days after medical procedures. If after 3-5 days they become stronger, then be sure to consult your doctor again.

Haven't you visited the dental clinic for a long time? Then, most likely, pain that spreads not only to damaged teeth, but also throughout the entire jaw, is associated with advanced caries, pulpitis and periodontitis, as well as other dental pathologies. Be sure to make an appointment and get tested. You may need to visit not only a general dentist, but also an orthopedist, orthodontist, and periodontist.

In what situations should you start an examination not with a dentist, but with a therapist or other doctors with a narrow focus (for example, a cardiologist, neurologist, psychologist, oncologist)? This should be done if, in addition to toothache and discomfort in the jaw, you have a stuffy nose, a sore throat, headache, ears, chest pain, a runny nose and cough, you are experiencing overload and severe stress, and you have noticed the appearance of strange growths and tumors.


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  1. Meyer G., Bernhardt O., Asselmeyer T. Occlusal disorders of teeth as a decisive factor in the occurrence of headaches // Problems of dentistry, – 2013.

Expert “Obsessive pain in any part of the jaw, gums and teeth is a symptom of pathology. Of course, you can temporarily suppress it with the help of drugs from your home medicine cabinet, reduce it with soda-salt solution and chamomile decoction, but such methods will not get rid of the disease that caused discomfort. Therefore, seeing a doctor is mandatory.” Dental hygienist Victoria Nikolaevna Kashaeva

Consulting specialist

Varlamova Tatyana Vitalievna

Specialization: Dentist-therapist Experience: 6 years

Causes of osteomyelitis

Penetration of bacteria into bone, which traditionally occurs as follows:

  • against the background of tooth damage by caries, that is, by odontogenic means. First, microorganisms penetrate the pulp, after which they enter the hard tissue through the lymph nodes or canals;
  • after fur. tooth damage: dislocations, fractures, operations, etc.
  • due to the penetration of infection during ENT diseases, skin inflammation, when microorganisms from one source of inflammation pass into the bone.

Structure and functions of the temporomandibular joint

The joint is formed by the head of the horn of the lower jaw and the articular surface (fossa) of the temporal bone. Between these bone formations there is a fibrous intra-articular disc, which is fused on all sides with the joint capsule. Ligaments and muscles help keep the joint in the correct position. They limit the range of motion in the joint. Attempting to exceed this functional limitation causes pain and prevents damage to the TMJ.

The main function of the joint is to ensure movement of the lower jaw in three directions:

  • vertical: opening and closing the mouth;
  • horizontal: lateral displacements of the lower jaw relative to the upper;
  • sagittal: movement of the lower jaw back and forth relative to the upper.

The combination of movements of one jaw relative to the other allows us to chew, speak, and express emotions through facial expressions.

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