Professional dental prosthetics in Yaroslavl at Cameo Dentistry

Dental implantation is the most predictable treatment method for replacing lost teeth and restoring their functions and appearance. There is no need to damage or grind down adjacent healthy teeth.

Dental implantation is a safe solution for patients of any age and for any situation . By choosing implants, you choose safety and quality for life. You will have a beautiful smile and will be able to enjoy food again.

In this section you will find answers to all your questions about treatment, implant care and much more.

Recently, people have begun to take greater care of their health and pay increased attention to aesthetics. Dental implantation in Vladimir has become an integral part of treatment . now widely known as a safe and effective way to restore missing teeth.

If you are seriously interested in dental implantation, then below you will find answers to most of your questions:

  • What is a dental implant?
  • How is dental implant installation performed?
  • What is the cost of implants?
  • What materials are implants made from?

A dental implant is not a prosthesis, but the return of a smile!

The history of implants in general and dental implants in particular began with the Swedish scientist Ingvar Brånemark. He found out that titanium – a metal like that, if anyone doesn’t know – fuses well with bone tissue and does not cause an allergic reaction. Since then, titanium has been actively used in medicine.

A dental implant is essentially a titanium screw. It is screwed into the jawbone, and when it takes root, a crown is placed on top.

By the way: in terms of aesthetic qualities and functionality, implanted teeth are not inferior to real ones, and sometimes even surpass them. They serve for decades; many manufacturers give a lifetime warranty on their implants.

Why get implants? You will find the answer to this question yourself when, after installation, you stop hiding gaps in your teeth from your friends, picking out leftover food from them and struggling with removable dentures.

Important! When choosing a clinic, be sure to check for a license specifically for surgical activities; it must be posted on the information stand or on the clinic’s website, otherwise you will receive medical care of dubious quality and put your health at risk.

Why is the cost of installing prostheses different in different clinics?

Patients who are indicated for the installation of orthopedic structures, as a rule, are interested not only in restoration methods, but also in how much dental prosthetics costs in various medical institutions. And they discover that edentulous treatment can cost differently even when using approximately the same techniques and materials. This is due to several factors.

In particular, the cost of prosthetics is influenced by the experience of doctors and their level of qualifications, which is confirmed by the presence of international certificates. In addition, prices for services may depend on the type of ownership and attendance of the clinic, the cost of renting premises, and the type of equipment used. Naturally, the cost of treatment will be higher in a well-attended private dental clinic, equipped with new technological equipment, and staffed by experienced, highly qualified doctors.

Installation of a dental implant: once and for life!

Implantation is a safe and painless procedure. There is no need to grind down adjacent teeth; the operation is performed under local anesthesia. Consultation with your doctor is required.

By the way : consultation at the Style Dent clinic is absolutely free . You can make an appointment by calling 8 (4922) 52-55-56 or following this link .

Dental implantation is carried out in three stages:

  • Installation of an implant, the same screw in the jaw bone. The procedure itself takes about half an hour. But after that it takes from 3 to 6 months for the implant to osseointegrate (“take root”). At the request of the patient, a temporary structure is installed in place of the missing tooth during this time. Eating as usual.
  • When the implant “takes root”, a gum former is installed on it. From the name it is clear that this is the stage of preparing soft tissues for the installation of the last part - the crown. The former remains in the gum for about two weeks.
  • Tasty for the third: the process of tooth implantation is completed with the installation of a crown. The crown can be made of different materials - solid, metal-ceramic, ceramic, made of zirconium dioxide. A removable or non-removable design is available. In this matter, everything is determined by the patient’s preferences.

Thus, the operation to install the implant and its subsequent osseointegration takes from 3 to 6 months. Therefore, if there is a need to install several implants, it is better to do everything in one visit. It's easier psychologically and saves a lot of time.

By the way: the described technique has proven itself well and is classic. Also, specialists at the Style Dent clinic successfully practice the one-step installation of an implant in place of a problematic tooth immediately after its removal.

But there are other ways. For example: implantation with a single-stage load. The main difference between this method is that the implant is installed immediately with a temporary crown. It changes to permanent after 4-5 months, when the implant osseointegrates (“takes root”).

The technique is optimal for patients who are short of time, although it is not applicable in all cases.

By placing an implant, you free yourself from many problems. After all, it is not susceptible to caries, does not darken and does not have hypersensitivity.

What determines the cost of dental prosthetics?

When replacing your own tooth with an orthopedic structure, various methods and technologies can be used, each of which has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question: “How much does it cost to insert a dental prosthesis?” The amount you will have to spend on restoration depends on the following factors:

  • Scope of upcoming work. In particular, the expenditure of time and labor of specialists depends on it. Installing a crown on the patient’s own tooth and complete jaw prosthetics require incomparable expenses.
  • Type of structures used. Prosthetic dentistry offers a variety of materials for the manufacture of crowns and dental bridges. Their prices may differ several times. The cost of prosthetics is also affected by the type of prosthetic structure (removable, fixed, clasp, plate).
  • Features of fixation. Crowns, bridges and complete dentures can be placed on abutment teeth or implants. In the second case, not only the quality of treatment increases significantly, but also its cost.
  • Cost of implants. When fixing dentures on artificial roots, the total costs fluctuate depending on the prices of implant systems.

Advantages of dental implants

Implants are very comfortable and provide an aesthetic and functional result that is as close as possible to natural teeth.

Functionality. Dental implants restore the efficiency of chewing function, provide stable support, and also look and feel like natural teeth.

Preservation of natural teeth . Installation of dental implants with crowns in those areas where, adjacent to natural healthy teeth, one or more teeth are missing (“included defects”), allows you to avoid grinding down healthy teeth and root canal treatment (depulping) for a bridge.

Aesthetics. Dental implants feel and look almost identical to healthy teeth. They enable patients to smile, laugh, chew food well, and communicate with comfort and confidence again.

We offer three main types of implantation:

Classic implantation

The implants are installed in the bone tissue, and the gums are sutured for the time necessary for the implant to heal. Subsequent prosthetics are carried out after 3-6 months. This is the most common type of implantation in dentistry.

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Express implantation “All on 4”

Total jaw prosthetics in the complete absence or significant destruction of most teeth and the impossibility of orthopedic treatment. This method of prosthetics has become a real discovery and salvation for people who have lost hope of restoring their smile.

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Express implantation

Implants are installed into healed bone or directly into the socket of an extracted tooth. It is most effective when restoring 1-2 teeth located nearby. Often used for damage to the front teeth.

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Surgical stage

  • Implant installation
  • Installation of a cover screw on the implant
  • Stitching
  • After 10-14 days, the sutures are removed

Next, the implant must be kept without load for 3-4 months. In case of code, bone grafting was performed at the same time, the healing time will be increased.

  • After 3-4 months, the plug screw on the implant is removed and a gum former is installed in its place. The former provides contouring of the soft tissues around the implant by tightly fitting the gums.
  • suturing

Budget and most expensive dentures

The cost of prosthetics in various clinics can range from 4,000–5,000 rubles. up to 250,000 – 300,000 rub. The cheapest crowns are made of plastic and base metals. Metal-ceramic prostheses are also considered more expensive, costing an average of 12,000 rubles. Designs made from solid ceramics and zirconium dioxide are even more expensive - the price range can range from 19,000 to 35,000 rubles.

The most inexpensive way to restore complete edentia is to install removable acrylic structures. The most expensive option is prosthetics on implants, with the fixation of several bridges or a one-piece complete denture.

Orthopedic stage

  • 2-3 weeks after installation of the gum former. The former is removed and an impression coping is installed in its place.
  • Next, impressions are taken and the gum former is reinstalled.
  • After a few days, a temporary composite crown is installed in place of the gum former so that the load on the implant occurs gradually and the formation of the mucous membrane for the permanent crown occurs.
  • The patient walks with a temporary crown for 2 to 6 months (it is installed for both aesthetics and functional load)
  • After this period, a transfer is installed in place of the temporary crown and an impression is taken
  • Next, the impression is sent to one of the largest dental laboratories in Russia in St. Petersburg, where an individual abutment is made, which is precisely calculated individually for each patient
  • At the end, an individual abutment is installed, which is fixed with new screws (to avoid their damage (metal fatigue, thread failure) and a permanent crown is installed on top of the abutment.

We precisely follow surgical and orthopedic protocols to ensure reliable clinical results and long-term functional prognosis.

What is included in the total cost of dental prosthetics?

When installing a denture, the patient has to bear basic and additional costs. The following require separate costs:

  • diagnostics of the dental system using radiography;
  • treatment of identified dental diseases;
  • preparing teeth for prosthetics (depulping, grinding, removal);
  • taking impressions or using a computer modeling method;
  • installation of temporary prosthetic structures;
  • making permanent crowns or bridges in the laboratory;
  • fitting, adjustment, installation of prosthesis.

If prosthetics on artificial roots is used, then the total cost of treatment also includes the cost of implantation.


In addition to therapeutic and orthopedic treatment in dentistry, surgical intervention is also necessary. Various types of operations are performed at the Medical Center for Diagnostics and Prevention. Indications for surgical intervention are:

  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity: periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis
  • traumatic injuries to teeth and oral tissues
  • delayed teething
  • supernumerary teeth
  • low frenulum attachment
  • additional strands of mucous membranes
  • simple and complex tooth extractions
  • benign neoplasms of the oral cavity, jaws, face
  • preparation for prosthetics and dental implantation (sinus lifting, bone grafting)
  • dental implantation (including immediately after tooth extraction)

Dentists work as one well-coordinated team including a dentist, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, and a nurse.

Sinus lifting is performed at the Medical Center for Diagnostics and Prevention

– elevation of the maxillary sinus, its lower wall. Sometimes this operation can be combined simultaneously with dental implantation, but if the sinus is located too close to the alveolar process and it is not possible to install even the minimum size implant, the bottom of the sinus can be raised surgically to the required level.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery can correct both minor imperfections and major problems with the oral cavity. Removal of semi-impacted and supernumerary teeth, preparation for implantation, gum reconstruction and much more.

When planning dental implantation, bone tissue insufficiency is often detected when it is not possible to place even the minimum size implant. These problems are successfully solved by performing bone grafting and sinus lifting operations (raising the sinus floor surgically).

The Medical Center for Diagnostics and Prevention is one of the few centers in the Yaroslavl region that has its own operating room, equipped with all the necessary modern equipment for operations, including maxillofacial surgery and dental implantation. All operations are carried out carefully and painlessly, with maximum comfort for the patient. Our specialists use modern anesthetics, antimicrobial and bone-forming drugs, which allows us to avoid postoperative complications as much as possible. After the operation, under the supervision of experienced specialists, the patient can rest in an individual room.

Care, price, reliability

As for care, prostheses on implants do not require additional hygienic treatments, they are comfortable and reliable, and the cost is much lower compared to fixed structures. The implant itself is relatively expensive, but you need to understand: it is installed almost for the rest of your life in order to make it full and comfortable. However, it is advisable to regularly check the implant with a specialist.

The price of an implant for a removable denture at the Dentalux clinic is from 16,200 rubles.

This, of course, is more expensive than traditional crowns, but the advantages are obvious: there is no need to grind down adjacent healthy teeth, there is no feeling of a foreign body in the mouth, they are comfortable and durable.

Implant for a removable denture – strength guaranteed!


To determine the problem and develop a treatment plan, you need to undergo an initial examination.

Dentists and dentists at our center are committed to maximizing the preservation of the patient’s teeth. At your initial appointment, you will receive a full consultation, if necessary, with the involvement of a maxillofacial surgeon and a general dentist
, who will be able to professionally draw up a complete plan for further treatment and assess the need for possible prosthetics.

High-quality materials, modern technical equipment, radiovisiography and radiography, the possibility of additional consultations - all this allows the center’s doctors to find a truly individual

approach to each patient.

Based on the results of the examination, regardless of the complexity of the procedures, an optimal treatment plan is drawn up. Only after agreement with the patient will the doctor proceed directly to treatment - therapeutic, surgical, or begin preparation for prosthetics.

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