13 best teething gels - rating for 2021

The article is for informational purposes only and is not a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a doctor is required. There are contraindications.

The appearance of a baby’s first teeth is a painful process. To reduce pain, relieve swelling and inflammation, manufacturers offer the best baby gels that make teething easier.


How to choose a gel for teething

To relieve the sharp pain that worries a child when teeth appear, drugs with anesthetics are used. Their effectiveness directly depends on the number of active components in the composition. Local anesthesia is most often represented by lidocaine or benzocaine. Such freezing is dangerous for babies, as it can cause numbness of the tongue and problems with breastfeeding. In addition, you must strictly follow the instructions for using such drugs, since an overdose of these drugs causes many adverse reactions.

Herbal gels provide a longer-lasting effect than quick freezing with anesthetics, but they do not cope with acute pain. Such preparations are suitable for long-term use for swollen gums that only slightly bother the baby.

If teeth appear early, it is better to give preference to natural remedies - they are allowed from 3 months of age.

Antiseptic gels stop the development of microorganisms in the oral cavity and eliminate gum inflammation. These products are most often based on the action of choline salicylate or cetalkonium chloride, in addition to which anise oil may be included. Such drugs are given in strictly limited quantities and are recommended for children at least 1 year old.

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Let's sum it up

The appearance of the first incisors, canines and molars is the most important stage in the life of a small person. Parents should show special care and attention during this exciting period and support the baby as much as possible. You can help a teething child with both medications and non-drug methods. The main thing is to choose an effective and safe method, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s body. If suspicious symptoms occur, it is important to promptly consult a doctor to exclude infectious and other pathological processes not related to the emergence of new dental units.

The best pain relief gels for teething

Gels with the effect of local anesthesia are designed to relieve acute pain: the pain goes away almost instantly, but the result is short-lived. After 20-30 minutes, the teeth may begin to bother the baby again.

Akrikhin Lident Baby - domestic dental anesthetic gel



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The Russian drug Akrikhin Lident Baby appeared on the market quite recently, but immediately won the love of customers. The analgesic effect is achieved by containing lidocaine in a minimum concentration of 0.33%. This allows the drug to be used from 3 months. It blocks nerve impulses, so the child calms down immediately after application.

Chamomile extract acts as an antiseptic and soothes sore gums. Cetylpyridinium gives the product bactericidal properties, preventing numerous gum diseases. The gel texture allows the product to stay on the mucous membrane longer and thereby increase the pharmacological effect.

The drug is sold in sealed metal tubes of 5 or 10 g. The sweetish taste attracts most children, so there are no problems with application.


  • effective pain relief;
  • safe for babies over 3 months;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has no side effects;
  • pleasant taste.


  • uneconomical.

Due to the low lidocaine content, Akrikhin Lident Baby can be applied every 3-4 hours.

Dentol baby - instant pain relief



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Dentol Baby is a remedy for relieving severe pain during teething. It is also used for aphthous stomatitis or toothache in children and adults. The drug is sold in convenient plastic tubes with a long spout. The narrow opening allows you to squeeze out just a little gel.

The effect occurs within one minute: the gums calm down and stop feeling pain. The effect of the drug lasts for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the acute pain usually has time to subside. After absorption, the product is well broken down and excreted from the body along with other metabolic products.


  • convenient packaging;
  • quick freezing;
  • economical consumption;
  • safe breakdown and removal from the body.


  • short analgesic effect;
  • has contraindications and side effects;
  • the price is above average (about 250 rubles per 10 g).

Dentol Baby is approved for use by children over 4 months old, but you must strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions: it is permissible to apply the product no more than 4 times a day. The course of application is no longer than 7 days.


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Features of anesthesia in children in dentistry

In pediatric practice, pain relief plays a primary role. If an adult patient is able to endure mild discomfort and spend several hours in a row in a chair, then the child’s psyche is not yet ready for this. A painful procedure can instill a lifelong fear of dentists and interfere with quality treatment. Moreover, anesthesia gives the desired psychological effect and helps the child trust the doctor.

Features of pain relief in children

  • Most drugs can only be used from the age of four, which imposes severe restrictions on the treatment of very young patients.
  • The anesthesiologist must be highly qualified and be able to correctly calculate the dosage.
  • The child may be afraid of treatment and dental instruments, especially needles.
  • Children are often allergic to anesthetics.

The best anti-inflammatory gels to make teething easier

Antiseptic gels have a prolonged effect because they penetrate deeply into soft tissues. They relieve all signs of inflammation: swelling, itching, burning, pain, thereby facilitating teething in babies.

Valeant "Cholisal" - antiseptic gel with analgesic effect



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Valeant Cholisal is designed to relieve inflammation and treat infectious diseases of the oral cavity. Due to its pronounced antiseptic properties, it is often used to facilitate teething in babies. The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription. The use of Valeant Cholisal is permitted for children over one year of age. To clarify the duration of treatment, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

The Cholisal formula is effective thanks to 2 active ingredients. Choline salicylate has an anti-inflammatory effect and acts as a local anesthetic. Cetalkonium chloride is an antiseptic that destroys bacteria, microbes and fungi, preventing the development of infectious diseases in the oral cavity.

The thick gel consistency allows the product to linger longer on the mucous membrane, prolonging the effect of the active substances. The cutting goes away within 2-3 minutes after application, the effect lasts for 2-8 hours - depending on the intensity of the pain. The manufacturer recommends using Valeant Cholisal 2-3 times a day. To apply, a pea-sized amount of the product is enough - it must be thoroughly rubbed into the affected area of ​​the gum.


  • rapid pain relief;
  • relieves gum inflammation;
  • prevention of infectious diseases;
  • long lasting effect;
  • Available in most pharmacies.


  • not recommended for use up to 1 year;
  • contains alcohol.

It is inconvenient to give Valeant Cholisal to babies because alcohol is added to the formula and it may sting when applied.

“Kamistad” – with chamomile extract



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Kamistad is a dental gel based on chamomile extract. It soothes and relieves swelling of the gums, kills bacteria and heals affected areas of the mucous membrane. For quick pain relief, lidocaine is added to the drug. This allows you to use the gel for acute pain, facilitating teething.

The gel is sold in a small tube with a convenient narrow tip through which you can squeeze out the required amount of product.


  • convenient packaging;
  • effectively relieves pain and inflammation;
  • low consumption;
  • long shelf life (5 years).


  • unpleasant taste;
  • not suitable for newborns;
  • there are contraindications.

Due to the large amount of lidocaine in the composition, the drug is extremely effective. However, for the same reason, it is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

Baby Doctor “First teeth” – plant-based antiseptic



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“First Teeth” is an anti-inflammatory drug created to facilitate teething in children. Thanks to the numerous plant extracts included in the composition, the gel quickly removes swelling and redness of the gums. The effect of the drug occurs instantly, relieving the baby from itching and burning. The antiseptic effect lasts for several hours.

The active ingredients of the product include: echinacea for healing gums, plantain, which strengthens and relieves inflammation of soft tissues, calendula as an antiseptic, chamomile with its anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, as well as marshmallow root - it relieves irritation and creates a protective film on the mucous membrane.


  • abundance of plant extracts;
  • fast action;
  • long lasting effect;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • quickly reduces inflammation and swelling of the gums.


  • methylparaben in the composition;
  • practically does not relieve pain;
  • price (about 400 rubles for 15 ml).

The manufacturer recommends taking the product from 3 months, but due to the presence of parabens in the composition, experienced mothers advise not to use Baby Doctor gel at such an early age.

Types of pain relief in children in dentistry

Local anesthesia

The most common method of pain relief in pediatric practice. Most often, it is carried out in two stages, combining a “freezing” gel or spray with an anesthetic injection.

General anesthesia

Sometimes it may be the only way to carry out treatment. They try not to use it without good reason, since the likelihood of complications after dental treatment under anesthesia is higher than after local anesthesia.


This is an inhalation of a soothing mixture that allows the child to relax, but at the same time be conscious. Formally, sedation is not anesthesia, but it provides a slight analgesic effect and is often used in conjunction with an injection of an anesthetic.

The best natural gels for teething

During the early eruption of infants' first teeth, pediatricians recommend using herbal remedies to relieve pain and inflammation. They are safe even if swallowed, do not cause allergies and are allowed from the first months of life.

Dentinale Natura – delicious herbal gel for gums



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Dentinale Natura is a herbal gel that facilitates teething in babies. It reduces inflammation, irritation, sensitivity of the gums, and heals damage to the mucous membrane. To protect delicate tissues from mechanical stress, the gel envelops them and creates a thin protective film.

The action of the product is based on natural ingredients: chamomile and boswellia extracts, aloe vera juice. Dyes, sugar, lidocaine, and parabens are excluded from the Dentinale Natura formula, so you can use the gel from a very early age.


  • available in most stores and pharmacies;
  • pleasant taste;
  • safe natural composition that has no age restrictions;
  • fast action;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • creates a protective film on the gums.


  • expensive (700 rubles for 20 ml)

Dentinale Natura is not a medicine. It is not effective for serious oral diseases or acute pain. But this remedy will significantly ease the baby’s condition when the first teeth appear.

Nature's Answer PerioBriteRub Cooling Gel



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PerioBriteRub is designed to relieve gum inflammation. It is based on a patented plant extract, phytoplenolin, supplemented with a complex of soothing herbs. The formula also includes: cinnamon, cloves, oregano and folic acid. This composition relieves swelling and discomfort in 2-3 applications. Pleasant mint-herbal taste freshens breath.

The product is sold in a soft tube with a long spout. This format allows you to accurately dose the gel.


  • natural composition;
  • calming effect;
  • long action;
  • pleasant taste;
  • low consumption;
  • freshens breath.


  • difficult to find in stock;
  • not recommended for children under 2 years of age;
  • high cost (500 rubles for 15 g).

Nature's Answer PerioBriteRub isn't just for soothing gums during teething. The gel is also used as a soft toothpaste for children with sensitive mucous membranes.

Hyland's baby Teething Gel – herbal anesthetic



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Hyland's baby Teething Gel is a homeopathic gel for gums. It works in the deep layers, and does not simply freeze the surface of the mucous membrane, due to which the analgesic effect is observed much longer than that of lidocaine agents. With regular use of the drug, a cumulative effect occurs.

Calcium phosphate stimulates teething, chamomile and belladonna extracts relieve redness, irritation and inflammation. Sorbic acid prevents the growth of microorganisms in the oral cavity.

A convenient laminate tube with a long narrow spout allows you to squeeze out the right amount of product. The gel is evenly distributed over the gums and relieves pain within 5 minutes. The drug can be used for up to 7 days.


  • long-term pain relief (about an hour);
  • safe composition;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • convenient packaging.


  • can be difficult to find on sale;
  • price (about 350 rubles for 15 g).

Hyland's baby Teething Gel is not sold in pharmacies or chain stores - it must be ordered in advance on foreign websites.

Pansoral – French phytogel for babies



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Pansoral is a children's phytogel produced by the French company Pierre Fabre. Its quality is confirmed by European certificates. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and a mild anesthetic effect. The active components quickly penetrate deep into the tissue, so pain and inflammation begin to subside within 1-2 minutes after application.

The gel contains extracts of marshmallow root, saffron and chamomile flowers. They have soothing, antiseptic and wound healing properties. The use of the gel is allowed from 3 months of age, but up to 2.5 years, its quantity should be strictly limited. Before using the drug, you should consult your pediatrician.


  • quickly relieves inflammation;
  • soothes and heals damaged gums;
  • suitable for babies from 3 months;
  • safe herbal composition.


  • may cause allergies;
  • not always on sale.

In addition to teething, indications for the use of Pansoral are ulcers on the mucous membrane, stomatitis, soreness and damage to the gums, inflammation and bacterial rashes in the oral cavity.


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The best combined action gels to ease teething

Some drugs combine the effects of several active components. They are designed to relieve pain and treat gum inflammation.

Raiser-pharma Gengigel Teething - the most effective gel for gums



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Riser-pharma Gengigel Teething is a gel with triple action. It relieves swelling and inflammation, relieves pain and heals the mucous membrane. Its unique formula is based on special high-molecular hyaluronic acid. It removes pain and swelling, restoring the gums. The mucoadhesive matrix forms the thinnest film, which allows the gel to act on the site of inflammation for as long as possible.

Dyes, parabens, preservatives, fragrances and anesthetics are excluded from the composition. The drug has undergone clinical trials, which have proven its safety and effectiveness.


  • has no age restrictions;
  • safe composition;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • long lasting effect.


  • difficult to find in pharmacies;
  • small tube.

When purchasing Gengigel Teething, you need to keep in mind that the bottle here is very small and does not last long. Parents of children are advised to buy 2-3 tubes at once, since it is quite difficult to find this Italian product in stock.

Dentinox-gel N – dental gel with plant extracts



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Dentinox-gel N combines the properties of an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. The lidocaine introduced into the composition is responsible for the analgesic effect, and chamomile extract is responsible for the antiseptic effect. Sweeteners and menthol provide a pleasant taste. The light, homogeneous texture is quickly absorbed and relieves pain.

Dentinox-gel N can be used up to 4 times a day. You can eat and drink within 10-15 minutes after application. The anti-inflammatory effect lasts for 4-8 hours after the procedure. A pea-sized amount of product is enough for application, so the gel lasts for several weeks even with frequent use.


  • does not contain preservatives;
  • relieves pain;
  • pleasant taste of sweet mint;
  • economical;
  • removes inflammation.


  • has contraindications;
  • may cause an allergic reaction;
  • price (320 rubles per 10 g).

Dentinox-gel N can be used not only for severe pain, but also for the prevention and stimulation of the appearance of the baby’s first teeth.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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