Teething gel for babies baby doctor


The period when a baby's first teeth appear is trembling and exciting for parents, and often painful for the baby himself. The task of adults is to alleviate the child’s suffering, which involves the use of special painkillers. The safest drugs are those made from medicinal plants. These include the Baby Doctor “First Teeth” gel, recognized by mothers and specialists.


The drug baby doctor is intended for infants from 3 months of age, used as an anti-inflammatory agent that neutralizes painful symptoms during the teething stage. The gel is developed on the basis of plant substances, it does not belong to the medicinal group, therefore it has practically no restrictions on its use.

Regular treatment with Baby Doctor “First Teeth” gel helps stabilize the baby’s behavior during the teething period and ensures proper oral hygiene. The active components help strengthen gum tissue and have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. This makes it possible to make the teething period more comfortable for both the baby and his parents.

Baby doctor gel for gums First teeth 15ml

Release form

Gel for gums. Tube 15 ml.


15 ml

pharmachologic effect

GEL FOR RELIEF OF GUM INFLAMMATION DURING TEETHING BABY DOCTOR “FIRST TEETH” is a transparent pinkish gel, tasteless and odorless. The gel instantly soothes the gums and eliminates inflammation. With regular use of the gel, the teething period of an infant is greatly facilitated and the occurrence of complications is eliminated.

Main active ingredients: - Calendula - disinfects and has an antiseptic wound-healing effect for inflammation in the oral cavity. Has a calming effect on the central nervous system. — Echinacea — actively stimulates the body’s defenses, promotes the healing of all kinds of wounds, and contains components that act against bacteria and infections. — Chamomile — quickly and effectively relieves inflammation caused by teething. In addition to pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, it neutralizes bacteria and has an analgesic and calming effect. — Plantain — strengthens the gums, has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. — Marshmallow root — relieves irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums. Creates a protective layer on irritated or overly sensitive areas, thereby accelerating the restoration processes of the mucous membrane and ensuring rapid healing. The formation of a film of plant mucus on the surface of the gum mucosa not only provides a pronounced healing effect, but also contributes to a longer local effect of other components of the gel.


Gel for relieving gum inflammation during teething in children from 3 months.


Individual intolerance to product components.

Active components

Calendula - disinfects and has an antiseptic wound-healing effect for inflammation in the oral cavity. Has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Echinacea - actively stimulates the body's defenses, promotes the healing of all kinds of wounds, and contains components that act against bacteria and infections.

Chamomile - quickly and effectively relieves inflammation caused by teething. In addition to pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, it neutralizes bacteria and has an analgesic and calming effect.

Plantain - strengthens gums, has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects.

Marshmallow root - relieves irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums. Creates a protective layer on irritated or overly sensitive areas, thereby accelerating the restoration processes of the mucous membrane and ensuring rapid healing. The formation of a film of plant mucus on the surface of the gum mucosa not only provides a pronounced healing effect, but also contributes to a longer local effect of other components of the gel.

Mode of application

The gel is convenient and easy to use: squeeze out onto the tip of a clean finger and apply with massaging movements to the child’s gums. You can use the gel as many times as necessary to make your baby feel good and calm.


“Baby Doctor Gel for Gums First Teeth” is a transparent pinkish gel, tasteless and odorless. The gel instantly soothes the gums and eliminates inflammation. With regular use of the gel, the teething period of an infant is greatly facilitated and the occurrence of complications is eliminated.

Directions for use and doses

The gel is convenient and easy to use: squeeze out onto the tip of a clean finger and apply with massaging movements to the child’s gums. You can use the gel as many times as necessary to make your baby feel good and calm.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, at room temperature.

Best before date

3 years.

pharmachologic effect

The period of teething of incisors in babies is accompanied by unpleasant and even painful sensations, which causes a disruption in the normal rhythm of life, sleep and behavior. To minimize the side effects of the natural process, it is necessary to use special means that neutralize the symptoms.

Transparent gel Baby Doctor “First teeth” has neither taste nor smell, the color is transparent with a pink tint. When applying the composition to the gums, pain, itching, inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues of the oral cavity are relieved. This effect is achieved thanks to the properties of medicinal plants:

  • calendula is an excellent antiseptic and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Echinacea increases the body's protective functions and accelerates wound healing;
  • chamomile relieves inflammation, has a calming effect, has an anesthetic and calming effect;
  • plantain helps strengthen gum tissue, eliminates inflammation of soft tissues;
  • marshmallow root neutralizes irritation of the oral mucosa, creates a thin protective layer, which prolongs the effect of the active components.

The effect of the “First teeth” gel occurs instantly, which allows you to relieve your baby from itching and pain, and the results last a long time. The components of the drug are absolutely safe and do not cause allergic reactions, except in rare cases of individual intolerance to one of the substances included in the composition.

The product does not affect the functioning of internal organs due to its low absorption rate. The action of the components is localized only at the site of processing.

These advantageous qualities make it possible to apply the gel to the surface of the gums when the baby is capricious and disrupts his usual rhythm of life.

Baby Doctor “First teeth” gel (15ml for relieving sore gums during teething)

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.


Tube 15ml
Water, calendula, echinacea, chamomile, plantain, marshmallow root, methylcellulose, methylparaben.

pharmachologic effect

During the teething period, children feel severe pain, which causes their sleep to be disturbed, their appetite to be lost, and they become capricious. Baby Doctor has a gentle effect on sore gums, eliminates swelling and relieves pain. As a result, the child’s mood improves and he begins to eat well. Due to the composition of herbal components, the occurrence of an allergic reaction is unlikely. The drug has a local effect on the gums and is characterized by low systemic absorption. Therefore, the medicine does not affect the functioning of the baby’s vital organs. Immediately after the first application to the gums, the drug begins to act, providing a calming effect and relieving inflammation. Pain and itching go away instantly, and the results last a long time. Thanks to marshmallow root, a protective film is formed in the sensitive area. Thanks to it, the process of healing and restoration of the mucous membrane is accelerated. The formation of a protective layer provides not only a wound-healing effect, but also ensures that the effect of the remaining components of the drug on the gums remains for some time. This is one of the few drugs that contains a minimal amount of chemicals.

Indications for use

The soothing gel was created specifically for children and is approved for use from the age of three months. The main purpose is to eliminate unpleasant symptoms when the first teeth appear. The drug consists of natural ingredients and is not considered a medicine, so there are no contraindications to its use. But it is still recommended to apply a very small amount of gel when using for the first time, in order to avoid allergic reactions and side effects.

Side effects

The instructions for the drug state that no side effects were identified when using the product, but from the reviews of parents it becomes clear that in some cases the use of Baby Doctor gel can provoke an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of a small rash on the body. After discontinuation of the drug, the symptoms go away on their own. In rare cases, bowel problems in a child have been reported.

Mode of application

Before using the drug, parents should wash their hands thoroughly. Using clean fingers, apply a small amount of product to the sensitive area of ​​the gum and rub it in with gentle, gentle movements. To carry out the procedure, you can use a cotton swab and a special silicone brush. The gel is applied as needed; there are no restrictions on the number of applications. Dr. Baby First teeth can be used to relieve painful symptoms in babies who have reached the age of three months. Baby Doctor can be used not only as a soothing agent for gums during teething. Regular use of the gel helps ensure the baby's oral hygiene, and its natural composition maintains healthy gums. True, this remedy cannot be called absolutely harmless. If methylcellulose enters a child's body for a long time, it can cause disorders of the digestive system. And Methylparaben is a powerful antiseptic substance that is obtained from strawberries and blueberries - an excessive amount of it also cannot be called beneficial for the child’s body.

Instructions for use of the drug Baby Doctor “First teeth”

Instructions for using the drug are very simple. It is enough to squeeze out a small amount of the composition from the tube and apply it to the baby’s gums with massaging movements. Before the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

When distributing the gel over the gum surface, it is important to achieve a rubbing effect. If it is not possible to perform the treatment with your finger, then you can use a silicone brush or a cotton swab as a tool.

The number of treatments is not limited to a certain dosage, so the product can be used as many times as the baby needs. The part of the jaw where the incisor breaks through is subject to processing. It is not difficult to identify it, because this area acquires a white or reddish tint, and a slight swelling is visually noticeable.

Scheme for using gels during teething -

During teething, gels are applied to the gums 3-4 times a day (plus additionally before bedtime) - using a finger or a cotton swab, after which you rub the gel into the gums with gentle massaging movements. The gel will rub in better if you first dry the moist mucous membrane at the site where the gel is applied - using a dry gauze swab or sponge (otherwise the gel will slip off and be swallowed).

An important point is that the treatment of gums with gels should be carried out not before meals, but after meals and oral hygiene. In infants (especially if the treatment is carried out before the child goes to bed), it is advisable not to use gels with the anesthetic Lidocaine - to avoid swallowing problems and choking with saliva. Also, you should not use drugs that have a strong, pronounced taste (such as Cholisal gel), which will already increase the production of saliva in the child.

Also, if necessary, you can combine the use of a gel for topical use in the oral cavity with systemic drugs. These can be – 1) homeopathic medicines in dragees such as “Dantinorm Baby” or “Dentokind”, 2) a convenient form in the form of suppositories for the drug “Viburkol”. Starting from 3 months, with severe pain and/or temperature during teething, Panadol and Nurofen can also be used. Read about the effectiveness of systemic drugs at the link below.

→ Drugs for teething in children


The only limitation to the use of Baby Doctor “First Teeth” gel is intolerance to the components associated with the individual characteristics of the body. There are no other contraindications due to the use of natural substances of plant origin in production; the drug is not harmful.

No side effects were identified during clinical studies of the gel, which indicates the safety of the drug. The exception is episodes when individual intolerance to one of the substances in the composition is discovered. In this case, a rash may appear on the skin or intestinal function may be disrupted.

Baby Doctor's "First Teeth" actually contains practically no chemical components, unlike many analogues. However, with frequent and regular treatments, the dose of methylcellulose and methylparaben increases, which causes disruption of the digestive system. The baby's health stabilizes after stopping the drug.

Do not worry if a small amount of the drug gets inside; no cases of overdose were identified during clinical trials.

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